All The Mods Volcano Block EP1 Too Hot to Resist

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and chosen architect and this is all the mods volcano block welcome to all the mods volcano block that's right we are jumping into a new let's play and you may be well aware of my old let's play that was volcano block but this is nothing like that Modpack this is entirely separate this is from the all the mods team and this is more like all the mods eight Skyblock it's basically that they're still an all the mod star all the similar stuff from all of the all the mods mod packs which is really cool uh but this pack is very different from any other Skyblock uh minus the volcano block and that is that we spawn on lava yes and we spawn on this little platform here that has a little bit of a story behind it now why are we here well hopefully we can find that out by entering this building and inside it we see this obsidian pillar and there's a lectern here with a note coming from warped Menace note 37. it's too late containment has been breached by the mass of stalactite falling from above as I write this the spores are overwhelming my organs and cells it won't be long now till I'm like them I feel dizzy yeah I'm pretty sure this is not a good thing this uh sounds very bad welcome to all the mods volcano block very nice and these are the instructions that we need to use to create our Island to get started have fun and lava burns by the way oh does it it burns yeah well we'll find out so to get to our Island we will simply run a command Skyblock and GUI in doing so it's going to pull up a team menu we create a team and we're presented with a couple of islands now once this menu is open we can access to four Islands as of right now and the four starting islands are a small ship which appears like this and has Uh Wood already some of the Warped wood which you can use to make a boat then you have the large ship which has some of the Crimson wood which you can also use to make a boat to get across lava then you have the life forms again unfortunately you do not get to start with a boat uh as there is none of that wood and then there's the lava bunker which you also do not get wood to be able to craft a lava boat right off the bat so in picking which island I'm going to choose probably the first boat as it's kind of small it's nice it'll be something that I can tear down collect the resources from and get started with so after getting my name set I just simply hit create and the reason I have chosen this particular island is well because it does start you off with wood that you can use otherwise it's going to be quite the Journey of obtaining the uh the Warped material in order to get yourself a boat so keep that in mind keep that in mind when choosing your Island as uh it does make a difference because well it's going to be quite the journey trying to get yourself some fungus and actually growing it and of course exploration is a big part of this mod pack that is a huge huge part of it as you can see there's structures and there's all kinds of stuff just waiting to be found and there's loot to be found within those structures now here's something I want to know what island are you going to choose let me know down in the comments below and also while you're down there checking out the comments be sure to click that subscribe button if you do enjoy videos like these as it really does help out a lot and we're getting super close to the 600 000 subscriber Mark and I can't do it without you guys so as you've seen from the start we do have vein Miner which of course is the key underneath your Escape key and we do have the twerking grow mod or the fart on the tree mod or whatever it's called nowadays where you just simply Crouch and it will grow your saplings and of course we can Harvest now getting started in this there is a quest book I like to set the keybinds or my quest book to the Z key and in doing so I can then just open up the quest book now you can also get to your quest book by clicking up here when opening your inventory just to get started you can see we're ready to go now there's a ton of information here tons of quests and multiple just a multitude of ways that you can progress ultimately leading you to the creative items and crafting the all the mod star which I was looking at and it doesn't seem like it's awfully bad to do this um and uh so hopefully our goal is going to be to craft the all the mod star in this pack much like many of the other all the mods mod packs and of course throughout that Journey there's gonna lead to tons of twists and turns now the first thing we need to look at is this part one of getting started um this right here is going to be our front line progression of how we actually get started and start to produce resources and it has some really cool like images and things like that I really like this but it says climb aboard get started you'll spawn at the volcano Hub which we've already done and then of course we're going to use our commands to get started in which we've done that and we get some food rewards which is kind of nice now it talks about getting ourselves some wood and getting started and it looks like it's going to progress us through basic X nahilo and if you're unfamiliar with X and Hilo well you're about to get real familiar with it so we just simply get ourselves some planks so that way it will complete the quests and then we have ourself a crafting table um so why did the nut go there we go there we go now I collected so we can get ourselves some more sapling things and then we get even more saplings from our saplings and then it's going to lead us into getting water and then also getting strings so we can make a mesh now the dirt that our tree was on well it was hiding something it says beneath uh and uh yeah it's a special kind of dirt we can sneak right click the dirt in order to get Pebbles and of course these Pebbles are going to give us a lot of resources we can just simply hit K on our keyboard to compress them down or you can just take them and manually craft the compression uh to get the things you need but we get cobblestone right off the bat and we can do this indefinitely and in doing all this I really want to explore this thing and just like I just I just want to build so all I want to do is just build and build some cool structures that fit within this lava now this is much like starting on any sort of fluid or any sort of Skyblock the realities are still the same mobs are still going to spawn the same same way water still works the same way it looks like we're in the nether but in reality we're in an Overworld um and so all of those basic mechanics of a Sky Block should still all apply to this now as soon as we have a little bit of wood and some sticks I recommend making a crook this is how we're gonna get a few things well one of them being worms the other being just a lot more saplings you just get a dramatic a dramatic amount of zaplings per uh leave Harvest uh harvested so uh it's gonna be definitely worth your while making that but it's also going to get us our first string and wool and I feel kind of weary if I was to place any wool down because it it would most definitely catch on fire and with that said well goodbye platforms lining the entire Skyblock world because well they will spontaneously combust and dwell so will you so now that we have ourselves some worms let's go ahead and place those worms on our leaves and this is the basis of extra Hilo this is how you get string so you can make a mesh so that way you can get to sieving pretty quickly now while this process is going on we wanted to get ourselves some barrels uh so it's going to require us some planks and I believe we just make them like so now barrels are going to get us dirt uh but we're also going to need crucibles uh I believe and these are going to allow us to get water uh and I like to make more than one of them two of them are going to be really nice and we can go ahead and set them aside for now yes water is kind of important and we are in the nether or in a volcano I guess it's better to think of it as a volcano not being inside of hell because that's a totally different place so here we go we get all of our string harvested up and then we just need to maintain saplings in here and keep placing them in for now uh and then when it comes to the barrel uh what we're gonna need to do is either put saplings in or you can utilize this string which is a lot better because we get a ton of it to actually make the dirt now with the stone that we gathered earlier I should be able to make myself a hammer um and this now is going to allow me to start making different materials I can start making uh from our cobblestone own gravel sand and dust which is very very common materials that we would normally find in the Overworld well but because we don't have an Overworld we have to dig it from this one measly piece of dirt that we have now oddly enough when it comes to the Cobblestone I'm pretty sure that we if we were to break this cobblestone in its compressed form we just get back the compressed form no we actually get back gravel nice so we can go ahead and compress all of this material and we should be able to as you can see right here get the compressed forms of it oh that makes it really really nice however it is a little bit harder to break the compressed form so keep in mind that when you're working with it I think right off the bat just to make the quests happy we should probably convert all of this over manually but it's good to know that we can do it in a compressed form that'll save us a lot of time and there we go now we get some compressed versions of each except for dust as I don't even I don't think the the dust has a compressed form now moving forward in our quest line after we've achieved our dirt and we grabbed our dirt out of here uh we definitely need ourself a furnace and to smelt some of our sand and that's going to give us some glass which is going to allow us to make a bottle and then we can bottle up the water that is inside these and we can use them to now hopefully fill this up it's going to take three bottles though in order to fill this thing up ooh Eerie number there especially since we're in a volcano AKA hell very very scary um and so I need to keep at this I think 333 millibockets is exactly the amount that the bottle will hold so that's how much we're going to have and we need to do this in order to get ourselves our first makeshift make shift bucket so and just like that we have enough for another one and there we go a Full Bucket worth and then we can take our dust and place the dust inside and we get clay which is just enough for us to be able to make our first make shift bucket by simply smelting it and this will allow us to create an infinite water source which is really really handy early on especially when we're using water to manipulate tons of stuff now while I'm waiting on my water to generate let's go ahead and do the next part of the quest which is going to be sieving this is more shaking necessary uh and so we're gonna be finally getting into the sieve part of things which means we need a mesh which is going to utilize that string that we have uh and then we're also going to need an oak sieve now if you're wanting to pin a crafting recipe you can simply hit a while hovering over it and you can see it's going to put it into a bookmark bar and of course you can also disable this bookmark bar by clicking it down below here if it ever gets in the way another useful tip for jei which is what we're using to search all this stuff is if anything ever is in your way you can hit Ctrl and O and that is going to remove uh it from sight so that way you won't accidentally click on things it might be it might come in handy later on when you're working with many other mods so here we go oak SIV ready to go and we can go ahead and get this placed right on down and then put our mesh inside this is going to allow us to sieve things like our dirt for example so once we get this sieved up and we just simply hold down right click as you can see it is going to process we're going to be getting a lot of different things including seeds and all kinds of other loose material here all kinds of different the crops and things like that that we can grow that's usually what comes out of dirt uh and it's nice to see that that is continuing in this pack now after completing each of these quests we do get a random reward uh but it's talking about growing grass we're gonna need to now start to expand and grow grass this is once you've saved some dirt you'll likely get grass seeds planting these on dirt will convert them into grass uh and yeah it's not the prettiest as yeah it's probably not with this theme um but yeah it's definitely going to grow some stuff like we're able to grow some flowers and mobs should be able to potentially passively spawn which is going to be super helpful now another awesome thing is the resource chickens is in here and this is a sign from keeping KFC in business chickens provide a ton of value by creating resourceful chickens um that's pretty awesome so we should be able to eventually capture chickens and turn them into resourceful chickens however the chickens do cost a bit it says it takes 250 of an item to convert the chickens in into I'm assuming their respectful version of Whatever item we had so that's something we'll have to keep in mind but the fact that it's in here means that things will be very very easy later on when we start to produce tons of them now it does appear also Hostile Mobs well they spawn the same way like you said normal mob farm getting started and then of course uh that moves us into what's next and that is sieving for our materials such as iron now I don't know if a mob farm is going to be super useful for us right away we're gonna have to see but I know getting into a higher tier mesh is definitely going to be worthwhile if you get flint well that's actually quite an easy task uh as we can just simply craft ourselves a mesh right here from the pickle tweaks and this allows us to craft gravel with it to immediately get lint however it does have some uses so keep that in mind uh but that's like the primary use for this particular mesh here uh really really handy and that's going to allow us to immediately upgrade our mesh and we're going to need several of them because I'm going to be setting up a multi-block of these um and we just put it in like so uh now I'm going to be crafting up to a five by five of these uh yes you can have a five by five that means this thing is going to go all the way out here picking up quite a bit a bit of area but it's going to be super helpful as we start to expand and start to sieve more things so I'm definitely going to want some quality of life tools as I start to expand on making this a 5x5 uh and of course a wand is one of the best ways to do that so I can now go ahead and get myself a wand and also uh if you haven't already of course manually clicking this yeah that's going to be kind of tedious and painful if you do happen to have a auto clicker or you happen to have a macro that's a part of your mouse you can just simply use that and it does work as well and it generates it quite quickly the only thing is this is just you know lowering the amount of time that you would have to spend right clicking for stone early on is having a wand to Simply place this stuff is very very nice look at that and then it's just a matter of turning this all into gravel making all the Flint that I can using that same method and I'm slowly but surely getting all of these I think I only need 13 more and we're ready to start sieving gravel which is just going to be the same process repeated now with the mesh made up watch this oh this is so satisfying all the materials getting sieved in this way oh man faster than even using a basic compressed variant and we're getting tons of little resources here hmm I wonder what all these are so I really like this these new textures I've not seen these textures before and these are really nice looking um so iron pieces out of just that little bit we ended up getting these iron pieces and these combined together make the raw iron so it does appear we're gonna be needing to do this a lot in order to get enough resources uh to to start progressing and uh after we have this uh we need to make some iron and then it's going to talk about lava and it looks like that we can make these boats whether that's a crimson or a warped and this is where which island you choose really determines whether or not you're going to be able to make these things right now because our particular boat has these things as a part of their materials such as these warped planks that would be pretty easy to just Harvest to make your first boat but if you're on any other Island well it's going to be a much longer progression in order to get your first boat to be able to start exploring so now after acquiring some iron this is where the grind really is is going to set in because we are going to need to start upgrading our meshes and as you can see this is going to take a bit of this material now at this point I don't really have a good cobblestone generator a way to generate infinite amounts of Cobble that should hopefully help us in our production of making gravel that we're going to need to sieve so let's figure that out so for this cobblestone generator there's actually a really nice simple generator that we can actually set up which would be pretty nice um I'm kind of surprised I was able to pick up oh no it is slowly dwindling oh I've got to be quick I gotta be quick I'm Gonna Be Quick um glass uh logs oh boy let's make that real quick oh no we're gonna be making the Cobblestone tier one be careful using the ceramic buckets as it was dwindling as you can see there and I'm sure it would have uh just placed the lava right at my feet um so so now that we have that uh it's so much better because Cobblestone generators don't work normally in the Overworld here so uh yeah it's kind of awkward placing um water with uh with this stuff because like it just doesn't interact the same way it doesn't like make obsidian which is uh one of the ways that you would normally get obsidian is by placing water on here it doesn't quite work that way so keep that in mind this is really going to be the only real early game cobblestone generator that you're going to want to set up and of course this is upgradable and definitely probably want to upgrade it to the least tier two now of course I want to upgrade it but I want to generate Cobble first and so there's enough Cobble to allow me to upgrade this I love how the mod's called Cobble for days I love that um and I went ahead and made a regular bucket so that way we could just upgrade this so perfect so we have this tier of course the next one requires iron uh not super necessary yet but now that we have this cobble's just going to be generating passively which means we can then pull it out of here instead of sieving the ground or right clicking the ground over and over again which gets pretty tiring now that that's generating some Cobblestone let's just go ahead and do a little bit of exploring I don't know how much exploring I'm gonna be able to get done but I want to chop away the top of these wheels uh just for now to allow me to craft a boat um and then I also want to make these little ramps that lead down here and I want to uh get this set up I think I'm going to use some Basalt for right now but I want to make it easier to get down to this level I think that's gonna be hard we don't have the cork mod which would normally allow us to get down here probably have to do that after we get a boat set up so let's get that boat crafted it is like so and now we have a warped boat uh does it give us anything is a reward uh for crafting the boat just some experience okay very nice um so the same on both sides these are eventually going to be our platforms I think that lead down uh so that we can get animals to spawn and get ourselves other things but exploring is what I really want to do right now so let's get some exploring going so let's see what Treasures there are to be found so we take our boat oh and we're lava surfing oh this is exciting uh so we need to make our way up here I really want to explore and see what's on top of this which is one of the closest structures that we have and how do I go about doing that it looks like there's a ladder down here but that doesn't really help us out too too much maybe we can just place blocks down here and that will allow us to hop off the boat if we hold down shift whoa cool that's that's very terrifying um but there we go I got that set up and then we should be able to take this I'm so used to having cork there's actually a lot of mods that you would normally find in a Modpack that aren't in this mod pack so uh very curious sophisticated backpacks being won it's been in like every all the mods mod back recently so it's interesting to see that one not there oh there's a cactus chicken here uh what does it take to get the chicken catcher what it was in the quest right the the yoinker I keep calling it a Yonker uh but it is definitely not it's this thing so it's just some string oh we might want to to do that oh and there's oh look at that bone all kinds of goodies we got a spawner aggregator some sharpness right off the bat anything else in this it was just a single chest up here and a chicken huh and then tons of Akram or okram which is technically a gold material from create I kind of want to grab you Cactus chicken uh I might come back I'm gonna have to go I'm gonna make myself a catcher it is terrifying getting off your boat now I know you're supposed to be able to just like stand on the boat so there we go we should be fine oh wow okay so this thing it was uh yeah let's uh see what it looks like in the quest right because we haven't gotten to that point but since we're already exploring we might as well grab one of these uh and I'm assuming it only holds one chicken so let's go put the cactus one in there that's an awesome one to have now I really hope they don't despawn um okay good they they don't and there we go we have ourselves a cactus chicken hopefully it actually just normally like randomly drops materials that'd be useful especially getting Cactus I don't even know how he'd get cactus well I guess we'd probably get it from sieving wouldn't we but this is a good example I love how at this point we have now gathered enough resources that we're exploring oh there's a skull up there and yeah we're exploring the depths of this volcano this is supposed to be a massive volcano you know or is this the remnants of Earth after the entire world is covered with love I don't know let me know let me know down in the comments below what you think uh potentially happen to this world I don't know is it just the remnants because there's like floating structures as if we've industrialized around this uh this unfortunate disaster I mean it really does appear that way hmm how do we get on here by the way if we I'm guessing we just we stand on our boat and we hop up okay that is how we're gonna be doing it I was wondering because if it's not under the ground I was wondering how it was going to affect things I wonder what's in these okay there's nothing in this container anything in this one it's like a surprise in every box nothing in this container uh-huh I love these analog lovers they're really interactable oh there is a chest oh bone good stuff ooh we end up getting wild and Horn from ours and there's a schematic from Tetra which is going to be our tool mod that is in this let's see what's in this container and there's nothing in this container as well so the loot is very limited it seems like which is good it allows us to explore more let's see what's on the next level up top here oh more containers oh there's bound to be another chest in here at least come on anything good anything good nothing in that one imagine if one of these was just filled with TNT and me activating this just cause it to explode oh boy oh wow okay oh projectile linger sensitive fangs lightning amplify and extend time holy book oh my God that's a book wow I think that would kill a lot of things no problem and we got a trident what um okay so we have ourselves some boots so we're getting ourselves equipped I'm trying to be limited on what we pick uh oh nice you this you get a starbuckle Shard we're gonna really need these when we get into ours and I feel like ours is going to be very helpful very important as well I don't think any of this stuff is important right now we can always come back and grab more materials let's see if there's anything else that's super useful to us early on everything else here is kind of kind of meh right now later on it'll be way more way more useful and oh there's Mana steel some Saddles more wild than horns a lot of stuff ooh pants very nice so we we've got our bottoms equipped oh this is a nicer sword than I have and then this is a gem from apotheosis and then we have ourselves a helmet very cool and of course because I like to actually uh have my helmet off I like to go ahead and disable the helmet even though I have the gear on using our little cosmetic armor button down here love that mod yeah look we're getting uh Mob drops without even needing to kill any mobs that's perfect also we might need to note this this is Sky Stone that's down here I don't know if that's oh elevators I don't know if that's uh super useful I didn't know there was elevators here we could have just used those what now I definitely see a lot of exploring in our future and this is going to be super fun but more exploring is going to have to wait until next episode because well today we're effectively out of time I know I'm sad too but now you don't have to be sad if you click that subscribe button and ring that beautiful notification Bell because you'll be notified when I publish the next episode so be sure to get that done if you haven't already and give this video a huge Thumbs Up Guys I really appreciate it I hope you enjoyed today's episode and it is now time for me to think the amazing supporter of today's episode now if you're unfamiliar with this this is how I like to thank my supporters over on Discord those who become a premium Discord member and or a YouTube member here on YouTube of course next to that subscribe button I tend to like to thank you guys at the end of the episode uh picking at random one of my supporters to shout out in the video and of course I like to do this in multiple of multiple different ways but in this particular regular way early on in this pack we're gonna be using a sign later on hopefully we get kind of fancy with it but for right now that is going to be a huge thanks that is going out to mini thank you so much for your amazing support by the way over on the Discord becoming a Discord premium member and supporting in one of the best ways possible guys I thank you so so very much be sure to check out the Discord if you haven't already we do have supporter servers and all of that over there if you are a supporter of any tier and then we also do provide world downloads and templates and all kinds of awesome stuff over there as well for the supporters so thank you so very much I do appreciate you guys I'll see you in the next episode I hope you enjoyed and as always thanks for watching bye thank you [Music]
Channel: ChosenArchitect
Views: 35,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all the mods volcano block, atm volcano block, atmvb, volcano block, atm, all the mods, volcano block modpack, atm modpack, atm volcano block modpack, modpack, minecraft, minecraft modpack, modded minecraft, chosenarchitect, minecraft pack, minecraft skyblock, chosen, minecraft lavablock, lavablock modpack, lava block, minecraft mods, best 2023 modpacks, best modpacks, best minecraft modpacks, questing modpack, adventure modpack, Cobblestone generator, new skyblock
Id: hQimurrE1wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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