Launching Cars In BeamNG Drive

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all right Hello everybody welcome back to more BeamNG Drive I don't know if the frame rate issue was happening the first time around I just didn't notice it but if it was well hopefully we're good to go this time can I do a barrel roll no oh it's my new truck gosh dang it anyway uh we're gonna start off with a little bit of free roam maybe move to some scenarios after that we'll kind of we'll see how it goes I haven't adjusted the vehicle I just let it spawn in with the default pickup truck um I feel like I need a faster car if I want to make some of these jumps oh Rick that's unfortunate it'd be really cool though to be yo we can still drive oh my God we're still operational I made my car Sleek I eliminated some of the drag it's gonna be way more aerodynamic now for the next to jump let's go dude all righty yeah yeah yeah this is gonna be sick this is now we're for sure to make the jello barrel roll well barrel roll and oh that didn't work quite as well I think we're still good though we're still good to move dude sparkly pea world's best vanity plates good thing I can get outside of the vehicle in order to drive it because I wouldn't be able to see from inside with the hood you know like that can I Loop oh let's go oh almost I think that might be the end of our pickup truck here why don't we switch to um another vehicle that's a little bit speedier that looks kind of cool too though the FPU why drug I don't know what that is this is a some kind of some kind of Ferrari savetta um should we do the cindilla or should we do something else we could we could be a Christmas tree if we wanted to just you know see how that goes you know this actually seems kind of sick SP Rock basher in bright green yeah let's see how this thing's probably pretty freaking resilient oh look at this oh room I might have damaged the front bumper a little bit but you know what it's still in good condition this is gonna be like one of those remote control cars that you could like you know have go on the the upside down right side up like it's just omnidirectional see we're basically we're basically still good it's gonna land right side up right it's gonna land right it didn't land right side up that's unfortunate I wish that it did this is okay this is okay just a little bit of a little bit of a ding to the front bumper but everything critically component wise is all good although why are we why why are we why are we drifting like this I don't think this vehicle really likes being on concrete I think it prefers to be off-road it really wants to go to the left for some reason why does it want to go to the left so badly [Music] it just wants to go left how do I make it not just go left somebody help me figure out what's wrong with my car's alignment just as I was about to hit the freaking jump dude [Music] frick it should be fun stop flipping over you were fine and lost its spare tire oh my god dude [Music] here we go oh oh it was almost absolutely sick [Music] oh my exhaust system is a little broken the engine is fine the engine is fine why are you doing this to me okay come on here we go here we go [Music] oh it was so close [Music] dang it oh frick I didn't want to do that I forget the difference between the right and left d-pad like which one uh respawns your car at the last respawn Point versus which one just replaces your car at its current position I want to make this I want to make this jump I want to make it really smooth and really gooder turn down the gravity no no no we do this this is realism mode here bro I like went inside the car you know [Music] you know I made it I made it it's good it's just Wheeling oh shoot I should hit the brakes come on no dude dang it that's so sad I gotta do it cleanly though almost made it almost made what about this what if I just like drive right into the wall here yo do a backflip oh this thing loves to end up upside down this thing is like a turtle you know you'd think that it would be really really nice and want to be stable oh it was a sick back flip bro that was a sick back flip to Fakie holy heck no damage to anything oh my god do it again do it again yo we just do car flips oh oh no stay stay ah frick you can't do that can we do it inside let's see what it looks like to go back flip inside a car inside of it yo I overshot it oh frick [Music] man when this thing starts to go upside down it is just like it is gonna stay upside down oh there goes my spare tire but we're good we're good we're good you think if I did I wonder if there's like there's got to be like a sweet spot in terms of the speed in order to do like a double backflip you know [Music] oh that was so clean oh my God that was so clean bro that was so clean that was decidedly less clean there dang but that was kind of sick that was kind that was like a backflip 180 thing dude that was crazy try the rumble strip oh you want to try going over just this thing right here see if we can handle it I bet it can [Applause] handle these absorbs the bumps all right here we go in reverse now [Music] does he know about the scenarios oh he knows he knows about scenarios my man's is familiar with scenarios here's the rumble strip to jump okay may have lost some of the stuff but oops why couldn't you landed that man if you had landed right side up the engine wouldn't be starved with oil anymore and we would have been great [Music] well that's a wall I don't want to drive directly into that front flip front flip front flip oh come on man that was almost a like perfect front flip that would have been so sick dang dude it's crazy that people do like front flips on motorcycles now I remember that was just like a that was just like a pipe dream oh oops there's just like a pipe dream back when I went to the X Games and Stuff dang it [Music] no nose wheelie nose bong frick dang it man by the way make sure to like the video subscribe to captainsparkers too for more BMG drive and follow us on YouTube Kevin Sparkles to catch these live front flips oh it just doesn't want to stay upright I have never seen something that desires to flip upside down more than this thing does flip it flip it and land it oh that was clean dude what do you mean the engine starved of oil we're back up right stop complaining [Music] what about this what about here we go here we go uh oh it's Fallen flat oh but it might land it'd be fine oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot dude come on come on Flip Flip Flip It flip it flip it I'm gonna do sideways Donuts everybody [Applause] we've heard of drifting but have you heard of sideways drifting now you have [Applause] [Music] all right can I off-road one oh oh wait that was actually kind of cool dude I didn't realize there was a hole in the ground but I kind of like skipped over it and stuff and just ended up side down as I always do for some reason with this thing [Music] [Music] you're good you're good upside down every time man I wonder if I can just blast through these dirt areas and be quiet [Music] foreign area absorbing all the bumps oh I didn't absorb I didn't absorb the absorption did not go particularly well but honestly we're still definitely good and intact here despite the fact that some things might be loose uh in in the car it's still going you know at the end of the day we made it just fine oh yikes out use the tortilla is the tortilla a vehicle a tortical if I can do this here we go here we go I admit some of this stuff would be pretty fun to do on the uh sin you know doing doing the old first person rock crawling or something like that easy made it all the way no problem what about this what about this oh we can do this we can do this easy easy game easy life oh yeah oh yeah they can't stop me oh they stopped me they stopped me I thought they couldn't stop me how am I gonna start my sim race career uh next week you know no big deal I got this I'm gonna be number one in the world dude you press the number buttons you get more camera options to you oh fascinating I didn't realize that you can you can do top down like some kind of isometric game or something like that easy easy now we go fast it's no fun to go slow you gotta go oh gotta go fast gotta go fast gotta go oh my God he just aced it don't fall in the bit okay can I do this can I go this foreign off-roading is like pretty fun and addicting but also you just have to be like totally okay with damaging your car I would imagine like you know what if that happens when you're off road you're just like oh frick well my car flipped over um let's get some help flip it back and keep going ah shoot I lost my spare tire laughs when am I gonna go off-roading um I don't know if I was ever oh that was smooth I was ever invited by a brand and didn't have to use my own car or pay exorbitant amounts of money and there was someone there who knew what they were doing so that I didn't just get stranded with a broken vehicle in the middle of the wilderness because that's probably how it would end up going if I tried doing it myself oh oh look at look at the suspension absorbing those bumps here we are I've just lost my headlights oh God I really thought you would handle that a lot better I really thought you would are you gonna stay on the right side up holy heck dude that never happens impressive work maybe we recalibrated the whole thing okay here we go here we go everything's actually fun everything is totally fine with the car we can do it again keep it together bro Sometimes some of the like oh God some of the cliffs that you see people go up when off-roading you're just you're just like how do you how do you do that how do you do it's like vertical they'll go they'll go up something that's like completely vertical and I just can't imagine looking at the cliff Side and being like yeah no I can totally do that and I'm not gonna flip my car backwards and die and then sometimes they do die well the car does I don't think the people do quite as often but The Gambler 500 is off-roading at a 500 car [Music] so it's like an event where you have a 500 budget buy a car and then try to go off-roading and see how many feet you can make it [Applause] all right what do we have this place is this is such a huge map with so many different areas I thought this was a ramp um it's uh it's not a ramp but we did just make our vehicle look a bit more like a like a bobcat you know one of those Construction tools somehow wait is it somehow like the engine is still totally fine the engine is not highlighted as having a problem it's just that the other parts don't really want to go with it it's just that the drive shaft doesn't really but it's crawling it's crawling is trying to go you can you can just you can just see him you can just see him crawling trying to make it work trying to make it work the reverse on the other hand appears to not it's not really beware it's not working it's not working [Music] thank you this is my windshield now folks I think I'm kind of I'm kind of committed to this direction rip I just never remember between left and right on the d-pad as to what takes you like keep spawns you at your spot or spawns you the last spawn I keep doing the wrong thing all right that was actually no I was gonna say that was smooth but then it wasn't super smooth but actually we're good [Music] [Applause] we can make this just kidding we can't make that how else was I supposed to get on there the tracks are all elevated I literally had no choice is there a way for me to get up here what the heck wow oh right there like I'm being you keep keeping me it turns out there's actually a little gentle on-ramp right there like super super cool oh this is time trial how do I activate this time trial um yes all right here we go medium Sky curve race through the loop on this here we go everybody here we go am I Really Gonna Be able to do this I feel like this is going to be really difficult for me to do this is so Bank this is so banked oh God I made it okay okay okay okay and might be easier for yeah yeah oh my God he's rooming this Baby's basically driving her Shelf oh my god oh oh wait wait no oh freak balls ah it was going so well how do I restart uh reset dang it come on come on come on I don't know if it'd be better to do this in like the the Supercar the Savannah centilla all right here we go here we go here we go maybe we try it maybe we've tried in this perspective this time see that's not helpful first person is definitely better but it actually I was able to keep it together okay first person is better for the loop maybe third person is better here oh God it's too sharp of a turn Frick no balls no balls no balls actually we're still in it to win it though dude we're still in it to win it [Music] maybe not after this one oh yeah I think we messed that one up yeah okay so the deal is I got a break I do have to use the brakes every now and again no balls balls it's a it's a phrase I should start using this [Music] Full Throttle there phrase and then we go inside the sound is crazy is that that much like it's supposed to be like tire noise I'm assuming okay we got to use breaks after this breaks after this oh yeah okay one lap take it to the next oh whoa there kept it together oh my God kept it together [Music] I do feel like I could take it quicker I I got a little bit conservative here on this one you know I didn't I didn't want to go flying off again but we can probably oh yeah we can just Full Throttle in here and power out oh there we go how do we do how do we do okay 117. is that one star like a whoa that was a dual barrel roll eggs that was a sick exit of the course you see that dude did you see that that was sick I don't know if like one star is the best that you can get here or if you could get like a three star if you're just faster so let's just be faster [Music] [Music] okay Full Throttle until we get to the corner after this one probably can just like dab of breaks after here Gaba breaks here oh God I shifted the balance of the car oh I fricked it all up oh God balls what's something I've eaten recently that made me happy Pizza I like pizza pretty controversial opinion I know hopefully that has encouraged somebody to order pizza tonight yeah yeah yeah okay there's better there's Bill God dang it balls and how do I freak that up maybe slow and steady is the play on it [Applause] [Music] all right here we go here we go here we go this is Gotta Be the One this has Gotta Be the One except when I say the one I mean we gotta do two laps but you know careful you little loosey-goosey there little lucy Goose see how we doing how we doing here we go good to go Full Throttle in it yes sir yes sir hold it together hold it together [Music] come on that better be better than last time yeah dude what was that 116 well you know it's 1.8 seconds better than the last time it's all right that's all right are we getting a sick exit oh I just transferred to another one of the tracks oh we're losing it now uh oh uh oh oop lost a wheel that's bad okay I think um I think you can't I think it's just you get a star if you beat the thing I don't think there's much more to it so yeah better vehicle better time I don't know I mean we can uh I feel like this is pretty well suited for it I don't know if the the scintillo would be able to handle the bumps very well you know two in a three wheel car oh yeah dude good old Reliant Robin what is oh wait that's some kind of like crazy thing over here hold on okay oh God dang it on gee willikers oh we're falling oh no okay hold it keep it together wait yeah there we go dude this is kind of cool okay so there's a whole banked curve here right and then it leads into another bank wall like how [Music] dude how high can you stay on this thing we stay all the way at the top yo let's go I think it'd be so fun try one of these like crazy banked turn walls [Music] [Music] what if we did okay you know what here's it would probably be good to do the let's go fast here let's go zoom zoom race parentheses sequential which is definitely gonna come into play with me doing automatic hopefully I don't have to shift because it's sequential now we're good oh yeah this thing goes room a lot quicker thank you [Music] oh boy we're freaking 191 miles an hour oh my God this thing we're going to break 200 miles an hour whoa my God oh shoot oh god oh no oh no keep it together keep it together keep it together how fast we hit 2-0 200 205 206. we're getting some speed wobbles there oh here we go entering the oh boy the g-forces that you must be feeling right now in there oh boy oh when are we getting F1 cars here actually someone's probably modded one in [Applause] oh boy dude we're gonna make like a whole lap of this banked wall course [Applause] basically have [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right I must go my people need me oh frick I wanted to go up and over not this way not like this foreign flips nice carbon fiber right there wow brake bias adjustment oh this is a race car I guess um that that held up like pretty yeah pretty well given given the speed that we experienced there it was not actually that bad so I was thinking what I was considering was like jumping straight out right that's what I was going for it's more like this right [Music] this is normal Gravity by the way he lights he's gonna land it right I'll even land it oh it's on fire hmm good thing it's an autonomous vehicle or remote piloted use the off-road version for the jumps um we could at some point okay we're back [Music] [Applause] oh these are like like to go fully eats here I wonder you gotta get up to like 200 miles an hour and then run into something but it's got to be a gradual enough slope that it doesn't just like immediately destroy the car like cry like that see that was like it been the car in kind of like a flexi thing I want it to be like a nice breath oh the car broken half whoa dang I got ejector seated oh my God I feel like it's like engineered to do that for for stuff but dang bro try the long jump arena is that like a different uh different free roam map [Applause] [Music] uh foreign yeah I've seen a lot of uh I've seen a lot of what you would call it um photos of like Lamborghinis that have crashed that have okay right just the edge here man even just that little curb at very high speed seems to um pretty much demolish everything all right all right you want to switch over to a new map okay I didn't know that there was a whole like overview of this map and you can choose where you want to go oh okay and this is like yeah this is the whole course that we were doing here all the way around we like cover the whole thing wait there's a time trial here high speed ring oval I feel like this is we we currently have a good setup to do this yeah let's do that let's see if we can get a world record here all right get to top speeds three laps [Music] and at the end of being a top speed all we got to do is just go to the sky look I'm not even steering it just it just works until I get to the end but I need to steer a little bit there okay go over him go for him yo 204 miles an hour 90 degrees sideways that's crazy [Music] okay okay can we get a 207 miles an hour has anyone ever been 90 degrees sideways driving that quickly I don't know [Applause] oh [Applause] imagine getting squirrely going that fast [Music] [Applause] there we go see that's way better you got to be smooth on the downward if you wait till the end you get bumpy if you do it too early you're gonna hit the end because you're not gonna be able to steer and it gets bumpy so you gotta like do it at the right time like that yeah there we go I want it to grade me against the rest of the world so I can see just how oh how pathetic I am goodbye it's the slow motion destruction behind the finishing screen all right hold on we can get a good launch here and then we'll switch to the long jump I wanna I wanna jump out like sideways right [Music] like angled exit [Applause] here we go here we go right here nice sideways angled exit [Applause] [Music] laughs oh my God I think I think that just the rotational g-forces there may have killed the driver forget about like the impact just the just the I I think that yeah that may be a world record for most flips in a crash oh my god dude okay uh so uh let's let's find that long jump Arena huh all right I just re-enabled my mods and we downloaded the car jump Arena and now I see all the other we're gonna see also like dude we're gonna have all my old vehicles that I used to have in here that who knows if they even still work wait are they here oh yeah like I had the I had the F1 car and stuff like that someone probably aren't showing up if it's some aren't supported but got an airplane yeah Ford GT Carrera GT pretty cool pretty cool okay anyway all right we're in the car jump Arena what vehicle do we want to use should we do the off-road Savannah maybe give that a try yeah that'll be good for doing big big old jumps here we go am I gonna overshoot the front if I go too quickly oh God all right here we go everybody this is actually freaking crazy why am I back flipping wait actually I'm back flipping that's so cool well I mean I kind of made it work I kind of made it work this water oh you just crashed into water the engine is flooding the ending of going into the water does more damage than the ramp itself all right here we go here we go if I just go full throttle off of this am I gonna just start with oh well that's why we go off-road that's why we off-road yeah so we can recover we're not recovering are we we're not recovering from that one rip if I just go like that I was just gonna go this is the alternative way down uh uh that did go big boom I did go big boom it says a lot of things are broken I couldn't tell all right here we go here we go keep it in third person the whole time I I gotta okay so if we start going backwards I gotta hit the break and then we'll start going forwards nope oh God oh God it's still no no it's still go it's still not oh geez oh God dang it ah frick guys we arrived to the bottom with two of our Wheels still intent knife and style stylish nice and stuff what if we do what I wonder if if that F1 car will still work will it still work dead bull racing heck yeah dude I love my Deadpool racing vehicle I remember this thing basically being a skateboard with like no suspension so we'll see how this goes DRS enabled oh my God we are going very quickly oh these things have the most like unrealistic janky crash models and stuff like that uh this is the ones that like the old models that I downloaded off of uh whatever site they didn't used to have a built-in mod manager in this game and the ones that I download they'd always have like really wacky J beams and stuff okay here we go here we go I just love though how it's like it's got so much downforce that when it goes off of the ramp it just immediately smacks below oh oh we're going as long as you keep the car upside down as long as you keep the car upside down like it's gonna stay high sorry about that Max Max was doing okay until like the very last second and something went into his head um yeah the wheels have tethers dude it's for safety reasons so that when you jump off ski jumps in your F1 car everything stays together oh frick I didn't mean to do that how do I record uh I always hit the wrong button on the thing how do I reset to the top you guys are Lifesavers all right here we go here we go [Applause] [Music] racing [Music] [Laughter] now that's a real Deadpool right there dude foreign dude Max Max is in a a bit of a pickle there if I had to say I'm not really sure what happened to the part below his helmet a little thumbnail action there yeah maybe okay um that's kind of funny actually okay anyway um I want to see if there's a way like is there a way that I can do this and not have it go horrifically wrong right what if I just Coast down how fast will I end up going if I just let it let gravity Take the Wheel I'm not I'm not accelerating I swear it's just doing this on its own oh it's still not great I was still going like 100 miles an hour foreign though we kind of did okay though kinda you know what with the Halo and everything like this one doesn't have the Halo but if we had the Halo here Walker would have walked it off dude the things that they walk off these days are just like absolutely crazy you know all right let's switch cars what are we gonna let's do like the off-road thing and see if we can keep it together or the three no let's do the three wheel car that's probably yeah with a wing on it oh wait that's not a three-wheel car that's a four wheel car but it still looks good here we go everybody this is gonna be great I actually kind of go it actually kind of roamed there a little bit keep it together keep it together kind of smooth kind of smooth oh not really smooth anymore oh no just got worse as it went oh no poor guy oh it's on fire now it looks so promising to begin with and then it all just went real bad oh man okay hold on what are we gonna do now vehicle what about the what about the six wheel Broski dude where is that oh this the FPU why oh my god dude what can you the mud Master wait this is crazy here goes the mud Master boys 19 miles an hour surely it's gonna get going real quick once we get over the edge here we go here goes the mud Master unless the engine braking might just like mild over rev damage put the mild over rev damage the engine's broken now it just is going with gravity oh man and uh uh away we go oh it it's not going very quick oh it's okay the wheels are actually higher than the cabin once the roof comes it didn't even go down so you see the problem there is is what happens if you just if if you were to like just let the car go while it was in its its gear and and the speed of gravity uh starts to to make it go too fast for the gearbox at those speeds and it and it it forces it through the rev limiter and then it dies because the engine gun did done exploded um rip um can we I wonder if we choose a different one here what if we choose the four wheel version or the eight wheel version excuse me maybe that will be better it still only goes to 4K revs I think if this might be a problem too but maybe the mass of this thing will allow the rev limiter to keep it in check despite the Steep Hill nope we're over revving I think the engine's over rev risk mild overrev damage engine dead don't worry this is just freed us you know and we're we're going faster though uh oh wait that was really unexpected that thing just took the hit the thing just tanked the hit bro it just like bonked the front and then bounced the other way like no Pro this thing is a machine still relatively Intel all the wheels are still good to go and it's gonna land it no it bounced oh it was almost there dang that thing like I don't know the thing is strong things real strong you have to get really lucky on a bounce though I don't know if we have it in US I don't know if we have it in US hold on what else what else we got here what else would be good to do what about our uh what about this this man's what about can we drive a cannon what what happens when you do this what happens when you do this nothing nothing it doesn't go guys it doesn't go okay fair enough fair enough uh how about you you know what this seems this seems good I think this will do this will do good is recommended to jump off at more than 200 kilometers per hour well I make no promises the bus oh it didn't bottom out that's impressive impressive I do think it's gonna over rev possibly and die yes it is engine's gonna go bye-bye but here we go smooth actually really smooth come on keep it together boss no way the bus is the best of them all dude that was so sick [Music] all messed up by the Lifeguard Tower there but that was like that was a perfect flying log oh my God one more one more one more I gotta do one more see if that was just a fluke or not this everybody is an advertisement for using the bus as you can tell the bus is actually way cooler do you want to be cool then take the bus don't drive your own personal vehicle all right it's because all the people inside the bus here they're able to like shift their weight around and ensure like an absolutely perfect it's perfect it's just a perfect Expedition mine is the part where things get real fricked up um but I'm sure all the people without seat belts there in the bus they were totally fine don't know exactly what this first person view is pointing to but um it is a thing well all right everybody um that about concludes it for our time here on BeamNG drive for the day we gotta move over to all the mods make sure to like the video subscribe to Kevin sparkles2 cabin Sparkles and we'll do more later farewell
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 16,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, beamng, beamng drive,
Id: KWDh0IliYxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 38sec (2978 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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