Fallen Kingdom's Secrets Revealed

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all righty welcome to a Minecraft map it's called secret rooms - it's the second one we played the first a while ago I'll leave a link in the description if you want to check it out this feature is the fanciest map creator intro credit I've ever seen in my life Brasi is looking absolutely fly over there dude also I was thinking lately about doing like a Minecraft optical illusions build video at some point and he basically read my mind it looks like so we have some map info over here there's a whole bunch of it I was like ah let's just see what this is like before we start the video oh there's this a lot of map information the gist of it is there's five stages each of those stages has five hidden rooms that we have to find each of the hidden rooms sounds like a treasure in it that we have to get once we have all the treasures we can go to the next level so yeah just that's that's what it says in so many words also we got to go over to the shout-out section before it will allow us to start the thing so let's see what the shout am I in here that'd be pretty freaking cool big thanks to these awesome people who help test and inspire the map thanks I mean I did play the first one I don't know could be there but this is the fanciest credit thing this is something like straight out of diversity look at all this stuff hey it's me wait react or bless you too thank you I appreciate that dude I do react my weights I thank you for acknowledging that it makes me feel like I've accomplished a lot in life that I can be known as a weight rear Acker so uh this is uh it's pretty it's pretty good it's all I could ever wish for all right along with all the other people around here who have done probably bigger things than I have but I did react my way to the gym so it counts for many things a lot of them whoa do the levels and oh my god yeah okay so this this is a whole thing here isn't it Wow this is real fancy oh my god bro I don't know if I'm ready for this this is like I feel like I'm about to embark on a new diversity or something like this is some tip-top top-notch stuff right here okay well here we go I used to rule the world so we have a tip booklet oh I'm gonna end up using it don't you worry it's gonna wait oh is this supposed to dude it's supposed to be in the fallen Kingdom castle oh my god do you see do you see do you see bro we're about to adjust the lure of the hole it's fallen Kingdom universe with if only the King had known to hide in these spots everything would have been fine he could have hidden his family and everything would have turned out just fine but no he didn't real oh my goodness I should know all the answers here bro this is amazing you are the heir to a throne of nothing bro okay so there's got to be something over here right oh the table is gone though the tables gone but we should be able to get under here right you got you have some piston thing that's gonna get us under here right right come on come on ooh I don't need to go into the booklet yet okay wait can we get over here we can't get over here so and there are apparently some secret rooms to find within the fallen Kingdom castle I was not ready for this we got a button whoa wait what what the heck friggin switches the armors I didn't even do that what's totem room found oh dude how the heck do you even do that look at this look at this this is the coolest thing ever oh my god dude this is the freaking coolest thing ever but you didn't know that there were a cameo from the revenge music video inside the fallen Kingdom Castle you had no idea did you okay so we need to make sure that we keep all these and we don't accidentally D monetize ourselves with the totem because it'll be consumed and we will not be able to progress at all so that's the whole thing oh my god imagine if one of the sets is like the freakin revenge video how gnarly that wait is that gonna let's say well flush piston door fancy okay so we got one that's cool I mean we have a pressure plate over here it's not doing a great deal not doing a great deal dang I can't grab any of the stuff here bro feel like I mean we got lucky with that first button I have a feeling that a lot of the other buttons are gonna kind of be decoys I wonder if there's anything we can do with the shulker boxes in terms of like getting up on top of things I just feel like there's got to be something with the throne now some of the some of the things are glitches some are just like clever uses of Minecraft mechanics I wonder if there's anything that can get me into a crawl somewhere I feel like that's gotta be something that'll be put to use is getting into a crawl so I was looking around I was like maybe there's something I can do to get into a crawl position a lot of trapdoors but in order to get up there like I gotta open the door in jump up here and then I'm like wait a minute there's a painting hold on there we go diamond room found wait where's the diamond not there there we go sweet alright we also got an achievement for that now I guess we just walk on back out paintings always got to be looking around for paintings I don't know why I didn't do that like even before I checked out the armor stand thing but if hit a lot of other buttons and they don't seem to be doing a great deal for me I was thinking like one of the shelter's if it were facing in I could probably get myself to be crawling and then I could crawl back through something but none of the other buttons none of the other pressure plates seem to be doing things so I'm probably just oh wait wait wait wait wait wait thinking like yeah it could be like a cleverly disguised way to get in somewhere because you can use shulker boxes to like cushy places and wonder if this is tied into anything and I'm just like not figuring out exactly how to take advantage of it so one of the other side no hmm may have to use a hands honestly some of these are kind of tricky okay I'm not proud but I don't recall any of this stuff being in the fallen kingdom lore it's all new to me so it's anyway do note that clicking on a tip will increase your tip score clicking on the same tip again will not increase the score tips are sorted by treasure in the treasure room okay so we've got the totem we've got the diamonds emerald banners visually take up two blocks vertically when hung on a wall banner physically this is not a case so something to do with a banner I had a feeling there might be something to do with the banner I couldn't go through there okay so we got to look around for any banner related things but there's nothing nothing behind you alright basically just uh spot the banner that's out of place yeah but none of these seem to be hiding anything like this is just it just a big post and it's hanging on the wall though so where's the banner hanging on the wall okay I knew there had to be something with the throne there we go there we go I was like it's not none of the banners seem to have anything you walk through but what if they what if you can place a button on the bottom half because the banner only occupies the top half as far as the block placement goes so there we go emerald timeboys so we basically just have to blindly click on things and hope that there's some kind of payoff okay so we've but we've occupied the banner thing Oh what if there's a lectern hmm no a lectern wouldn't do it unless there's actually a book on the lectern and that's not the case we could have something that's like hidden in a gap underneath a chest but I'm not seeing anything like that there is a chance we'll have to do another hint but also I don't know is there any like parkour stuff that's going on I'm sure that none of the stuff needs to be forced right like wait but what if we get up here okay is is there this looks like a complicated bit of parkour to try to wait a minute man get on the offense no it seems a little bit too far if I'm being honest but maybe wait I can get on to get on to here and from here I can get on to nothing at all of use I knew there had to be something with that I knew there had to be but I just like I just had to keep trying and there we go okay my intuition paid off as the Golden Apple room suite I will save it in all my looking around I haven't the slightest clue as to where the nether star room could be because I'm not I'm not catching any other stuff that kind of sticks out freaking shulker boxes did okay all right I need you to not do that there we go okay let me out cool clever it was hard to see like you could barely even see that there was actually a room underneath it was just like let's go for it okay so I got left I've tried so much though as far as like looking at all the other components of the room I just I do not know do not see or something else could be hidden I might might have to go hint dude I might have to go hint one more time it's okay you know three out of five found normally isn't isn't terrible let's do let's do one more another start tip vines used to only slow a fall without a block behind them a vines used to only slow fall without a block behind him okay is it parkour thing where do we have oh hold on a second oh I didn't actually realize that yeah I wait when did that actually change I hey wait I didn't remember that you could climb up vines that don't have a block behind of this what wait when twin what's that changed I need to go and like look up the vines or something like that [Music] their level complete their ending is your beginning oh cool hey level number one done sweet we just conquered falling Kingdom dude and now I think cool this freakin cinematic of all time okay log cabin I don't know if I'm gonna wait what if it's what if the log cabin was like revenge wait have you pretty great that'd be nutty oh there's no way this is not okay it's not it's not there was definitely no snow inside of the revenge cabin so uh we're back to we're back to some original stuff wait oh I can't go outside it kind of looks revenge II though just a little bit but then again just kind of looks like a regular dude minecraft Foresti Plains biome so it is what it is so anyway okay what do we got here I don't have as much of a personal investment in knowing where the hidden rooms could be on this one but let's see if anything kind of stands out here this man seems to have thought he could sink a trapdoor tricked by me and he was wrong because here we have what appears to be pretty obvious little secret room uh-huh yep nether so I'm gonna start first this time we're switching it up a bit all right let's find it in reverse order over here and I guess just back out the same way that's probably gonna be like the one and only trapdoor room that we actually have in this entire map all the levels combined and it's gonna be very disappointing to me but that ends up being the case but it's okay dude I caught that immediately I was like there's got to be something here right there's anything with the UV no I didn't even realize that you can just use walk these up if you have the carpets on them it's kind of weird it's kind of weird wait there's so many trapdoors everywhere okay there's got to be something that's on the second floor right just just click all the trapdoors them all with all them let's just ruin this entire house caused them to have to reset everything the owners come back here okay do we do another painting no is that was sort of taken care of and fallen Kingdom right he's not gonna throw that back at us but now out out out something in here yep had a feeling that there had to be something behind the fireplace right not exactly like the most hidden room because you can walk right into it but there we go I don't think we're finding everything in reverse order now though sorry everyone I've disappointed you greatly just kind of concealed by this amp thankfully we have regen I mean it's concealed it's just yeah you kind of walk in if you brave the hot coals then maybe maybe there's something else that's kind of the the same sort of thing and we got another painting situation I feel like there's got to be something maybe it's with the sink he says do not touch right and I feel like that's just an invitation that there's something in here that we need to touch in order to find the secret room also how do you have the Andals oh they're on top of that clever clever it doesn't look like ventilation that's very smart I don't let fridge items touch dirty ground please thug life I already had the classes on sorry about that I I'm not normally rude I normally would be really nice to another person's home sorry about that I was I don't know what got into me I'm wondering if we've got like a parkour element using the carpets on the fences because from right here I can get onto the fence and then maybe there's a way for me to get up to this area over here and I can go through the painting again umm I jump can't shift on this I wonder if I can jump today ooh there we go and then okay there's got to be something up here come on let me through and then really I made it up here and this isn't even a thing are you kidding me I bet he didn't even intend for someone to be able to get up here I just crushed it and yeah Brasi it's your surprise right now aren't you you didn't think I'd make it here didn't even think about this being a thing I thought outside the block so hard it totally didn't pay off at all perhaps it paid off what the heck I just I thought I'd click on lives that a note block or jukeboxes wait some happened where wait right here was it Oh what is he here hold up just a minute wait was this okay it is that but wait where does that let me through what the heck oh let's me down oh I just kind of messed it up by clicking it too fast I guess okay go Naville room found Suites I'll take it that's pretty cool I do not know wait so that must have been a jukebox and I guess there was like an observer block next to it oh he's close now wait let this reopen so it's a jukebox and it's got an observer block tied to it as my assumption I don't know exactly how that works never wired something out like that before but very smart very smart indeed so I guess that sort of takes care of the second floor thing I don't think there's probably much more up here but that means we two more two finally probably on the bottom floor could there be anything outside I mean we got pretty limited areas so probably not ah I want there to be something with like the scaffolding being able to go through the hundred percent 100% wait a minute this lighting looks different no dang it okay 100% dude I don't know why this wasn't the first thing I thought of maybe cuz I thought it was like carpeting or something hundred percent dude there's a place for us to get down with scaffolding on top of here even freakin how did I not think about that first thing come on where is it at can I go block by I swear to God if it's a one by one area that's gonna be real frustrating pretty please also I'm not playing with shaders because I wanted the shaders like sometimes if you're looking through glass or something kind of hide to distort things right and I wanted to ensure that I get the best vision possible but I don't know if I have the shaders on it might actually reveal where the snow looks slightly off I don't know why I didn't do this first I should have just held shift and walked around because sure enough I get caught right here I can't go forward means then it must be right here right like right in front wait come on frickin let me in where there we go alright that's more like it emerald room found what you're gonna make me search through every single chest that's not nice that's real mean oh there it is front and center echo thanks for that okay so at least we at least I knew that was a thing but god I took way longer than I wish it would have anyway okay just I bet I could react is it real quick now yep there we go once you know where it is it's pretty easy okay and that leaves one more so we got just the totem room left which is the first one I found last time we switched the first and last I might have to hint this one no I am not entirely sure what this one could be a walk around a little bit more but we might be might be using a hint here mm I think I might have to end this one okay so it's totem tip look for a mismatching floor block well yeah this one over here I mean look totally out of place but what do I do with that I don't know what to do with these I mean otherwise are there other mismatching floor blocks this is the one this was kind of standing out to me the whole time but there doesn't seem to be anything I can't right-click it I can't do anything I don't know I can throw items on it are there any other mismatched floor blocks anywhere else I mean the carve this is all pretty symmetrical over here we got some lanterns what do I do with an arbitrary piece of hardened clay sat on the ground unless there's something over on the second floor about it and that's mismanaged but no I'm pretty it's got to be that piece of clay but what does it do I don't understand wait maybe it to stand here then click on there's no redstone anything it says like there can't be anything that's detecting your position and using it to unlock a room like it's gotta be all just like simple redstone or glitches but there's no no commands detecting anything so I really don't I don't know what to do with you I knew what this what do I am I supposed to just like is this the magical line of sight when the Sun is exactly at the right position at 3:00 p.m. on the right day of the year the Sun will shine through that window highlighting the exact thing that I need to figure out what to do that's not doing anything here it's that's not unlocking a cigarette I don't know what the Frick to do what did it have something to do with the fridge thing what if I am actually supposed to pull a thug life and just toss this watermelon on the ground does that do anything actually that wait is there hopper under there hold on I just did a ding aha what do you know that they'll do it right there yeah totem room found item retrieval just in case you want the watermelon I guess just in case you accidentally threw one of your treasures down which would have been bad where is it where is it give it to me come on give me that totem always gonna make me search through all these things hey there we go that's more like you're pretty cozy but time to move on sure thing dude let's check out whatever cinematic we get for level number three it's gonna be inside of a an underwater monument it's the coolest the coolest freakin cinematic for opening of the next level Atlanta yeah I can't wait I love underwater having to find Seeger rooms got if I'm gonna have to like swim through an underwater maze in order to find things I am going to be panicking I don't like that I don't like that at all why this place looks kind of sizable I am gonna assume there's probably at least one secret room per section right wouldn't wouldn't you think so maybe there's something up here no no it's I guess it's not looking like it well it was it was just you know as a thought but I guess it's more complicated than that now there's got to be like one thing per second so it's kind of like kind of that it's broken up a bit in the different sections because I guess that gives us a little bit of direction of where to look excuse me but I'm not sure if this is a reference to my egg shop from the deep end because right now we're in the underwater level and there's an egg shop and it's got a yolk and it's got a bunch of turtle eggs around it and it's could be a reference to my egg shop I mean my head was in the map earlier so also though I might be reading into it a little bit too far there's very much a chance of that okay but there's got to be some kind of secret hidden thing I don't want wait if I want oh no I'm so sorry oh god I can accidentally trample the eggs wait am I gonna have to trample the eggs if I wanna make the egg shop work oh no is the secret room here dependence upon me crushing turtle eggs that's so mean I think I don't know exactly what the turtle egg crushing would accomplish but it could be the case that's so mean dude that's so mean I have to ruin my egg shops potential in order to get to the secret and you can get up here away is there anything what if it's like what if it's Park or related also there's probably just a bunch of barrier blocks up there that prevent me from getting on top right no no wait I can get up here hold on no nothing okay this is Rick he doesn't react his weights don't be like Rick Rick McMuffins dude well you got an eyepatch there because you freakin that yeah the bar fell on you because you load it up too much weight and fell on your face and then you didn't even take it off yeah that's when you get Rick McMuffins freaking Rick dude look at look he's got little fibers on there dude I'm not making fun of anyone who puts fives on their part well as long as you prereq your weights okay it's it's totally chill if you put fives on there dude you got to start somewhere you know get the technique with lighter weights it's chill but Rick however rick has no excuse okay you there's gotta there's something here dude there's got to be a secret room somewhere in this gym this is Richard he reacts his weights you should be like him Richard McLaughlin's dude look at every rag in his way this is amazing Richard the man the myth the legend also I've never seen The Oval weights before it's very unique also thank you guys this is a water fountain in the middle of the gym that you can like put a cup up to and fill it like that's pretty sick dude I have a feeling we're not gonna see another painting that we are gonna see another painting thing it would appear how do I get through how do I get in here how do I do this okay there's something that mmm how do I think this happen there's got to be something I'm supposed to freakin do here I have never seen something like this in my life but wait what the I did not know you could climb a ladder that's behind a fence but how do I get into the freakin top part of it how do I get in here dude help this can't be the end this can't just be nothing this must lead to something but what is it can I get in if I go I'm trying to like shift and go in I don't know what how does this work how does this work I don't understand what do I do okay you know what I just I I have a thought like maybe if I break the egg I'll be sorry I've broken like three of them so far maybe fact oh there we go I was like maybe if I break the egg I can walk through the painting like otherwise when the eggs are still there it's gonna be too tall and I but nope but but there's another one will you just break the freaking eggs right just I can't give it to a jump so weighted what that did a thing wait but what about what are that what about no what is that a red herring that can't just be a red herring emerald room found oh look at all the turtle eggs and the emeralds and the scoots I'm gonna scoop my way out of this room and wonder what the heck this is over here why does this exist and is it just to mislead me okay well guess we're gonna go ahead and just check the other rooms and see what we got cool cool cool we might end up being back there it's very possible there's a chance speech okay just gonna let me uh wait actually it does allow me to farm the whole thing wait is that the only one that works I got a lot of potatoes boys very exciting we're not gonna be hurting for food any longer the potato famine is over is that the only one that actually does the thing though does that mean that the lever is tied to something else okay I mean there's there's probably something hidden in the chest so nice riptide milk yeah that's pretty cool there's gotta be something hidden in one of these chests and I'm gonna have to find it and then that's gonna unlock something else with all the levers that do anything no don't do anything negative I do anything nope all right you know what I have a thought what if I throw some potatoes back here what if that's what I have to do what if that's what does things it is what does things thank you potatoes you're the best oh I shouldn't have thrown another potato that was a mistake one one potato at a time ladies and gentlemen one potato one potato at a time it's more like wait does that actually oh thanks for the potatoes I wait but can I get back a help pull it hold up oh I can't okay good thank you diamond nice dude there's even some gold I'll take some gold just in case I need to throw some gold into other areas and stuff like that I thought I just got stuck though in my secret room okay that was mean that was mean you could have just made it so that you know the secret room is up there and I could've just entered rather than having it well I guess I'm just gonna throw stuff everywhere now I should just go there's my egg shop I should go throw a freaking potato in my egg shop cuz why not hey anybody anybody want potatoes I'm here at the egg shop selling potatoes we changed our business model now okay there weren't really too many takers on the whole egg situation so you just have to break dude I was breaking eggs elsewhere and it seemed to be working so maybe I just need to break all the yeah I just need to get rid of all the eggs we need to change our business mom and then a room is gonna open up it just has a bunch of riches in it it's it's gonna be really cool it's gonna be awesome but wait what if it's what if it to you what if you see where where would it have a detector though if it's just kind of out in the open that's the question would it yeah there we go I see you see a turtle eggs god I'm a monster I am an absolute monster I don't like that I'm doing this we're we're gonna we're gonna just do a tip real quick is we're gonna um so we've done the emerald we've done the diamond I've been I've been doing good but we got okay so let's just do the third since we've got the first two apparently we're really finding of an order here it's a totem in one point thirteen plus items will now float in water try costing an item into a water column oh I would actually never in a million years have done that so thank you for the help okay so one of these water columns one of uh all of these what butter cups I feel like I could actually see what's up here it's probably one of the glass ones right cuz otherwise I can just I can swim up those and then I could see what's going on there this looks to be an opening this could be a thing no the others seem to have any openings hold up thank you potatoes I'm gonna need you real quick to go there that way nope okay can I get it into the wok this is way more of a pain than I would like for it to be okay please is this not this isn't like you know oh it's going in we got it you gotta love it when potatoes float okay is this gonna be hold on can I see up there oh wait there is something up there is something up there this could be a thing this might be rigged it might it did a thing ah oh god if I'd been standing forward a second I actually would have fell down that would be great actually totem room found nice nuts oh there we go look at the seat that would probably move us here in this uh very watery level can I get back nope not that way can I get the back how do I get the back he's a good question do it oh wait there's no I thought there was levered wait oh there's over here that's probably how we get back a lot of vine stuff going on do a lot of vine stuff and here we go so never mind about the whole everything's probably going to be in one of the rooms situations because we just had to in the gym and one in the hallway so that means like some of these rooms are just being totally neglected it means one of these three at least is just not gonna have anything in it so thanks for that thanks for the red herrings but we'll have to find that out next time I think we're gonna wind this video down because we're about halfway through just over halfway through so hopefully you will be able to figure out the rest next time around thanks everybody for tuning and hopefully you've enjoyed this so far pretty sweet that we started with the fallen kingdom stuff there will be a little playlist so I'll link the next parts in the description if if you're interested in checking that out if you're watching this in the future it might be out otherwise you can watch the first secret rooms map linked in the description as well if you want to catch more subscribe to the channel stay tuned for more videos and I will see you next time in the meantime make sure that you don't be like Rick McMuffins what a rude person Rick McMuffins is my god [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CaptainSparklez
Views: 426,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captainsparklez, captain, sparklez, lets, play, playthrough, minecraft, minecraft map, puzzle map, jordan maron minecraft, minecraft puzzle, minecraft puzzle map, secret rooms 2
Id: UBV6rgeLYqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 17sec (1937 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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