Minecraft: Diversity 3 Part 1

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Morangatang ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I've kept up with qmagnet since 2010, it's nice to see the two here actually play one of the maps.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Shopnil4 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
oh boy ladies and gentlemen hoppin on that hype band wagon with diversity three the ultimate last hurrah in Minecraft Java Maps some of you might have watched this on other people's channels a lot of people are uploading this on YouTube right now maybe it's getting some people back into the Minecraft but for anyone who's not aware basically third installment series have you played either of the other two I have not have you I have not but we'll see how this goes maybe one the Ionians reverse order or something like that I've heard that I've heard that you don't need to have played them there are some references and things that make it you know that yeah it's a standalone but but it is standalone and then I guess there was a diversity three that was put out by someone who didn't make the first two was kind of a bootleg add-on but this is from the original creator queue magnet and and a lot is three years and yeah ton of different other developers and stuff so shout out to them for doing what they do and making making these awesome Maps you say assume it's awesome maybe it'll be terrible in which case I take it all back but apparently it's it's just like three years with like 15 to 20 people working on it and it's just gonna be the nuttiest accumulation of all all things ever gone into a map so to complete the monument but unlike from ashes it's got a bunch of different types of L it's not just PvP like there's gonna be puzzles they're gonna be yeah our core there's a dropper section what yeah droppers kind of parkour yeah well should we should we get things Romy that was maybe Oh food Oh Superman died t-shirt I'm all about that faded blue jeans a few sneakers and oh I didn't I didn't look in there where was this chest is lodged yeah I was looking around I wanted to make sure that we were in fact in the right place and I was looking around seeing if there was like an agent row book or anything and there wasn't so I can't even I can't even use a steel can't snag the ax well we shouldn't try it I guess we should walk somewhere yeah yeah which way left or right I mean this place has an arch arch is usually in the definitely cool nemesis so we want to go down this way so we're gonna have to find the monument and then we're gonna need to find well the puzzles are and food also I'm kind of nervous about the whole sprint jumping thing because what if we run out of food yeah no there's very little food in this map so far important oh okay all right thank you for the heads-up in case did you install Optifine they said install Optifine I install I don't know I know I have Optifine because I have my pink cape that antvenom maliciously gifted me years ago what are what I mean guy this is a massive door in it very thing it really wants me open though this is this door does not close yeah dude okay and stop trying ahh what are these custom picture frames here adorable The Flintstones Lambchop kind of funny okay I get it yeah I know they're all puns it's it's great this is one heck of a bed whoa you can load up the cue magnets YouTube channel on there sorry both YouTube and Twitter on the TV you can switch tabs but this is this is this isnt modded I know this is another data pass is nutty is it a data back though yes yes it is I think I play oh dude they've got another one of his maps queued up complex which I I think I played I think I played a while ago okay so this must be his house so is that is that all that this path leads to or is there more that we need to explore I don't know huge bed in here is it that dad Alaskan King bro there's a dragon head I wonder if it's like one path leads to here and then another path leads to the start area or something I'm not seeing these days no there's no stairs that I've seen but I'm upstairs right now pardon me nothing I didn't know me oh there are stairs ha is also sponsored over here I am very smart yes yeah wait is that someone's head if that's someone's head that I'm so impressed and happy right now where what paper that's amazing dude do you see this what the heck what that oh my god are you guys like I'm riding the UCI Mansion at Disneyland right now answer me are you a skeleton I'm a skeleton yeah are you skilled ok and I'm a zombie I'm a zombie oh it's can it's it's it's for the same Wow I thought maybe you'd be a player that was what I would that's what I was trying to figure out as it's like was it this is a really I mean this is quite the extensive bathroom well Jordan you're working out to Harvard too many calories it's more like I'm not eating enough I can't close that door no that's okay dude it's a fancy house though uh yeah what there's a ladder up to not to like almost some place but not like some later to FanDuel ear dude I want to have a fireman's pole fancy staircase in my house oh it's pretty view oh oh wow there's oh there's more there's more there's more wait but there's also another staircase that leads us yeah I saw that I saw there was a go check that out I'll go up the other staircase I hope that we don't go so far down this path that we spend all of our time anxiously being like what was down that other fork from the campsite I don't know that's what happens whenever I go about it yeah whenever I go somewhere Oh diversity too they're playing oh my god there's another thing up here hell you thought that bed was was gnarly got another thing coming do i I had a gnarly bed in here dude gnarly bed I know I was watching uh I don't know what these are supposed to be are these solar panels this is a greenhouse is it cool leed-certified concepts Finnish giant spruce door TV remote pond art golden sword display console nostalgia hide lighting bookshelf access bathroom reflection hint for the oblivious telescope pointless lever bookshelf access was not crossed off we should probably look into the hint for the oblivious we probably should yeah that's something that's something we might need well there's also another fork so I know wait there could be something in the other path to find the true there could be many unknowns in outside though so there anything back didn't really have a whole lot that that really blew up my skirt it was some solar panels and not much else mm I mean it you know look neat huh mmm check the fridge no don't see anything in the fridge check the fridge I just thought maybe something would be located in the fridge that would be hidden or something like that you know no no I'm just trying to find a hint for the oblivious can we drop some water in here mmm I wonder if there is something more to this place cuz it could be like you know he just builds his house down one of the paths versus actually being the start um I don't know I'm checking I'm checking the paintings to see if you can go through them oh it's always good hey bigger paths this just kind of dissolves into nothingness it might just be cool house you know or we could know I'm on the Shelf access the other path oh you did go to the other path yes oh and so far it goes to a nice little lake with a dock and not much else oh wait oh I got something yawn or something considering the the sign that the text for the f3a was on the way up here I would assume that the correct route you you do have a point with that have you discovered a discovery yeah it's always it's always you open up the bookshelf that's always what it is the bookshelf isn't always the way to go mm-hmm okay I'm arriving let's see the bookshelf was that was was that upstairs hey I've been way too huh I've been waiting oh look at this hey you can go back here mmm how did you open it there was a lever right here I figured um I figured that the well there goes the thing where it says bookshelf access was not crossed off probably here I got this book on the top floor oh and it said bookshelf access not crossed off so I figured oh maybe something to do pointless lever did you find the pointless lever I'm assuming that was the one on top that you said didn't do anything but wow dude diversity 3-bike you magnet note should I call it diversity for is that a riff off of the one that you said someone else made a diversity three I don't know hmm under distance good welcome and block screw yes nether yes white yes 256 yes NBC animal monsters yes and that all looks good cool other than the programmer writing thank you because I'm not playing on ya 1.14 so we should be okay and yeah all the other people who have assisted in making this a thing also death to cheaters I don't know how much RAM I've allocated but we'll figure it out one two three players we've tipped between that nicely reminder the code is the name of the creator of diversity okay that would be cue magnet so there's a code somewhere alright interesting in are okay there's a chess that is locked and the chest goes to the light which opens I think we got a puzzle all this the name of the creator the code is okay so there's an anvil and it had paper on it so I'm guessing I put the name on the paper whoa yeah from Oh probably so cue magnet right yes it's all lowercase so we do that and then there's a hopper right there do I put that there and it just gave me another piece of paper and then I throw this down here it's checking you see it checking whoa look at that the door opened mm-hmm the door opened very smart we are yeah yeah worked it out all on my own dude fancy fancy all right I suppose it's like a this looks like a place where bad things would spawn I can't see a dang thing in there probably but I think we're good dude that reminds me of the code the that was a that was a super trippy map back in back in the days Oh back in the days oh boy I think we're approaching some big things here a big place yeah how we're approaching some big things out here dude this is looking pretty gnarly you're a little ahead of me oh I feel like we're here pretty early or something I can go this dance I know what I mean I was like what are you order you look at this this looks like a monument we use for flip the levers that what you did it I did another leprechaun I expected not that I oh the lights are turning on yep yep yep so is this the mont beards i think this is the monument because this is one of the screenshots that is uploaded with the mad so this seems a bit okay went dark I'm well I hate you Hale I wish I could punch you are we ascending or is it descending I don't know what's happening it's very dark right now you awake it's like when you're listening to the audio as you fast forward a strange VHS tape nothing you know what each is is yes you are a long way from home I bet that says a next but I feel a connection with you do you feel it also this place is something the monument must be completed I'm adding sound effects how am i doing pretty good oh you must find wool and inserts it's into the chest boom you may be prison diversity 3 station I think that's an intro huh yeah wait we win we got the wall yeah we got the wall ok so I love CTM Maps like they're kind of fun and now that but the whole wool thing just like every time you say you must adventure fine the gets a very anti climactic item to be achieving fine fine anyway so it's just but we I've got some rules so did we win hold on wait a minute wait wait just a minute I'm I'm waiting you you set it up get it going 50,000 rupees to live here now it's a war town I heard I was like yeah okay so is this is this the chest will we throw the the wool into I don't know I don't know I mean you know step one it seems like there's a hopper underneath do you trust the hopper I don't know maybe it just won't accept it if there's not the right it analyzing item please stand back whoa what the heck huh this is vanilla what the heck I don't oh my god weed Jesus Christ press L the view diversity 3 in advance what I what how do you even do that what bag say what why at night and then it was date night date night it's very confused f3 a dude it just keeps spinning it's just the worldรญs spins it just stays there and does its thing wait it just it just stays there and does its thing what do I spin no I don't spin I was hoping I'd spin wait okay so Baja Park or branch is a lot of wait a minute so adventure branch reached the top of the communication tower drop a branch reach the bottom of a drop with fewer than three deaths survived the entire battle without falling off the platform complete the branch without dying completion you activated the monument ready to take on the challenges all right well where are the challenges then that's part of the challenge is finding the challenges yeah huh well I suppose we just wander off down the paths right and kind of see where they lead it definitely see makes more sense than there are arches and I'm assuming Boris you know those are the colors of so what color will do we want to go Green okay maybe not maybe not green let's to go for that ride Oh greens this is our it's a it's a little bit of a jump the trivia branch how do we eat wait how do we even get there fans don't know I need a little feeding chute maybe we need to unlock other things hey Todd are you seeing easy connections to anything not not like this Oh is there parkour do another one is this the park or branch oh except how do we even get there oh you get what the what the how did you do that did you click on it those things who are we doing parkour branch would you do parkour rich are we doing parkour I mean does this mean we fail the challenge so well that's a wrap everybody yeah I guess I guess we didn't succeed that one all right let's see I think it's timed yeah I realized that I was thinking that I was waiting for it to de-spawn but then I was laying on maybe not okay where it is we're starting with it but what damn it zine it might not be PvP but there's definitely player collision I made it I'm here cool did you leave there in a moment did you fail your parkour yeah you shoulder shuts me off the edge damn it zine no off we go maybe oh dude I don't know if I'm ready for this so it is a challenge of ours to do this without dying what yeah quit bran quit okay we're gonna want it we're gonna have Ember that one we're just checking this out we're not committing okay we are committing oh wait hop on the wrong track what is that I made it we're here return to course selection wait what what what is down there though is this a dropper yeah that definitely looks like a dropper to me there there I fixed it return to course oh well I'm confused hop on the wrong track oh oh okay bringing oh that's the name of it okay I see oh my god so without God No so within a single path there are you have failed the Parkway I've accumulated a misstep yep okay so canon do we want to do cannonball run so holy crap so basically we have a complete the monument within a complete the monument that's it I think that's a bit nuts but sure well alright Cannonball Run and here we go my god oh I didn't get to Oh probably the end portal over on the other side I'm assuming well how do we get there that's a good question it's a bit of a maybe it's like I don't take damage kind of map could be I'm assuming you you can't just you know jump into the water that's probably a no-go that seems I mean you know maybe too simple you know we got to do I think well let me first is there region there is region okay so fine there okay I'm thinking just Joe we can jump to the ladder across if we want to do that okay yeah can you do it oh yeah no no parkour challenge I just kind of you seem to have taken a misstep I miss my jump it was no bueno missed my jump mijeong maybe I'm alive good good good right yeah then it started you over there well that's just rude I had to figure out my way down here well Michael and this is Michelangelo yeah dude do we have any other we got ninjas or these like pokey man's Greenwich grand and ja you wouldn't know this because you're under a ninja ash greninja is my boy okay yeah dude I didn't know you had any kids but ash greninja is my child he's my boy mm-hmm okay that's actually boy oh is his name so it's pretty cool it's long shadow so I'm assuming that we're probably supposed to jump across to the other ship I just don't know if there are any little Easter eggs and stuff that we're supposed to find here of course selection hey here we go yeah nope okay does water does water go rip no no no oh we actually could have just jumped into the water well you know the thing is is I didn't die so I'm fine with it [Applause] go go go go go he can do it he can do it he's beauty his grace he's missing his parkour race there we go he's beauty yeah he is grace he is mr. parkour race okay what do we got here oh we got some skele skeletons here you got a skeleton cheresa and emule or emulate manga upload file rapidshare well I haven't heard a hot pile for a long time and either of I that's a horrid freak Wow torrent frickin torrents by kicking it back old I can't it's too dark I can't see you oh I have no idea what you're talking about I've never partaking in it you don't want things oh yeah yeah yeah no yeah you can you can torrent stuff and not have it be illegal okay everyone would always point to Linux dishes and be like see there's legitimate use now I'm gonna go back to downloading my other stuff it's less legitimate uh so wait did we do we win this or where are we trying to go here I why I think we won so let's just chalk that up as a win Oh probably up here though up we go dude I should have shouldn't fallen on this I'm up a ladder what ladder big big ladder yeah the trade menu doesn't work for anyone wondering I go up a big length or super later very big don't know what ladder you're on about it is on the north side of the ship I mean I see okay doing jump here whoo okay oh right we're trying to get over to that portal I forgot yes you forgot the portal already ace idea that you know I sometimes have memory problem okay so I do these and then it will jump over to there try to catch that ladder even if we don't it'll be K but I don't know where you are like I'm up a ladder freakin got it I'm good I'm good I got it I don't even know where the portal oh oh there you are so how did you get over to that one I'm above you uh back behind ya I just jumped over I I went down really it and then jumped over yeah yeah you gotta you gotta just go yah yourself across that gap you just are you are you speaking like the kids with the eat yes mmm no misstep no misstep namaste all right we got to do it again don't do you mess this up oh no okay all right here we go boys here we go do you think like doing this jump from higher would be better is a good question but I'm too low already yeah we're good please there we go okay you know so you didn't even make it a ladder you just made it to the platform yeah it doesn't matter as long as you don't die yeah you made it you're a good dude hey I'm keeping up you know I'm assuming you like jump in it ends all waiver you get here can I see you there good I see there hey we did it we did it exciting very exciting okay so [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] you're still juicing what path Oh God deep inhale good to get to know deep in the vault good to know all right oh boy well at least we know where to get to that whole thing bit over there yep the pink bits yeah hmm it is interesting conundrum here we get over there I assume Lee started on the white part in middle yes probably yes I think the white part on metal yester Sun bone sculpture yes dead fish looks like big dead fish actually big dead skull fish skull we did big fishy fishy fishy dead dead scoreboard we actually start is the question maybe over here hmm maybe we do these is starting mmm over there oh oh there he is look at him okay question is okay so we need to get up there this is probably the way to go I think you're on to something oh dear I'm just kind of bummed that we've already failed the don't die in the park or branch challenge it's a bit of a sad time you know sad boy was was there ever ever ever a chance of me not dying uh well I mean in fairness so far your two deaths have been in the lobby so there was a chance for you not for me yeah yeah no I definitely had a chance by the way that you know I had the platform taken out from underneath me I know I was saying that wasn't your fault oh okay I just unlocked a quick way up here a access point so to speak so aren't you glad I look around I am dude you're the most observations ever hey that was a reference to that one series it's never coming back it is but don't worry we've got diversity three that series that were on right now happen and I'm happy for ya I'm here so where I don't know where here is who made it this time oh who know started you back how did it did it just start you back there yeah it did it was fun okay did you fall again yeah okay oh shoot this is uh this is a rough one to make without dying once yeah got it okay good ready for ya that tends to be a fatal beat takes place so what I do is I try to jump before and it could totally be a placebo effect that does nothing but I always find that when I do a jump before and do an immediate jump after I do that was actually closer III caught on the lip so for every ten deaths we move on to the next turn we just call it good cuz this is this this could be a while otherwise okay I'm going to pass this in this is how that's how every single one of these is gonna look is you're just watching me fall cool alright well actually I'll do this one this time I believe it is drawn this is the only one left no no there are lots more oh shoot I just dropped when me drop oh wait we've been in here yeah no I suppose saying will actually do this cuz I was used if step on the wrong track was a description of what to do but I yeah where are we dropping on this I have no idea you should go look why did you turn PvP off do we have to flip a trapdoor or maybe we go we could go up we could go up on this cuz trapdoors in this version of Minecraft and don't cause you to go into a one block thing well what the heck how do I do this one okay don't do it yet this is an inverse dropper I guess you know it's a lot harder when you don't close the gate so I look over and I'm about to jump and then realize the gates were not available we must go up we must continue also don't don't look the wrong one oh damn it yeah wait this is an up this is an anti dropper this is actually really scary I'm not about this if you're not in the heights this is not a good place to be whoa you're afraid of everything I'm afraid of losing control to gravity and needles oh you bet dude needles are the worst thing to ever happen to humanity except for spiders mmm I'm more afraid of a spider but it has needles for legs and what if you've encountered that spider in an elevator and and then I dropped out the side it was like yeah Oh No nay or 2013 says come out Wednesday night enjoying the Brotherhood they said will happily train you they said good grief what are you on about with that ah he's doing a little dangle off the side pretty much are you did where you going down these I might know man crazy pills are you going up I'm going to go up or do you want to go up you want to go up up up up up that's what I'm saying it's an inverse dropper hey did you miss good - no you missed the time when I said that multiple times what have you been doing this whole time listen I'm gonna need you to finish where are you you know that where you said the Heights thing yeah I started taking the trapdoors on the outside down hmm and that's a bit of a problem well I mean you can just die and you'll end up back at the start i dont know eighter girlfriend this okay where do I go here not down this is a trick huh don't know what the heck wha do heck Oh Oh do that uh forgot about that whole deal huh uh forgot the traps oh I see and that's why that ladders there Oh God no things just got tricky all of a sudden oh maybe I go outside here now oh no bro this might be the worst one you think cuz I gathered that like a while ago I almost almost almost it was bad it's almost very bad this is not doable you can't do this My lordy oof you can do it oh I met bangle boy your dang dingleberry dingleberry oh my god wait here we're doing Joe I can jump over there I guess oh dude you're gonna love when we get up here dude am i because I have doubts I'm actually not that far behind you good yeah yeah because this parts a trick and a half is it now hey you oh you're way up like nutty quick apparently I should just be in a hurry here and everything will work this is the most nerve-wracking experience here I'm here I think I'm here I think I can I think I can Thomas the Tank Engine where do I go from here I know so that's just a single blog so I can do that right wait what do I got to take these up no those don't go anywhere are you god dammit what is with you right now at least we have two chances if you get it - OH oh no I'm right behind you I know you're gonna have to but I can't I don't think I can just go in from the side block can i I don't think I can just do that like this not again not again oh we're fine here we're fine what is what were you what was you so concerned about right here I'm gonna watch you what the huge it oh you can just corner walk it dude I didn't realize that okay it was I just you know it's fine it's fine just chill dude ah that was like five minutes nice extreme stress okay so did we do Brown we've done black we've no it rules out the ones buried uh okay how do you are you changing oh do you right-click No whoa we've demo why are there so many I know it's a CTM within a CTM it's nuts oh no Yan its CTM I said I just I would just like to thank you I know you were and I I was I was doing it and wasn't feeling there's nowhere to go for him here I feel like spring in your step means we're supposed to get leap and launch through the sky but maybe not leap and wizards um okay there do we go this is confused and you not know what you want from me I mean I think I think that's the point right this confused this another inverse dropper you go up I mean that's what I've been looking for is up the only way is up the only way to go is up well I found my way to this so the floor turn this down to same levels computers Hey Hey look look up look up what up dog what up how how did you get up there so fast there's just places to go people to see I do I literally don't like my video settings yeah and you were like I'm out I had to go my people needed me well good I'll let you catch up to me because I have to pee really quick so it's gonna be a good time I know it's fine he's always so helpful willing to lend a hand and show where things are and how they do return to course election okay and where was he looking down at me at more importantly where can i push him he's nowhere I can nudge him as boring as boring I can only assume Oh God always down this way okay um I can only assume that we have to jump on some of these things but I don't know where that the portal at the portal right there and it seems like that's the portal right there which would indicate extreme duress and getting to it what the hell how are we supposed to get there that's not it's not okay alright so this is the course right here you heard it here I just heard his toilet flush um I don't see a way to get up there from here so we might have to do another area and then cross over did you find your way up nope really this seems indicative that at certain jump oh okay okay you did find your way up I figured it might have to do with this crack in the tree did you already explore that I didn't find I like I went I wandered a little bit ways down I found the portal so I have a pretty good idea it looks like it's the crack in the tree unfortunately to correct it I don't know why it is that whenever you see a crack you want to explore it but that's just a man choices hey man I feel like going up the tree oh and or a return for selection I was like super stoked at finding this quartz thing but nope man why could it be I mean it's got involved very somehow the portal yeah is oh oh it's on the leave so am I not involved yeah yeah yeah the portal is is in there which to me it looks like you always have to fall into it but the tree has an arm going out but I don't know how you would get to that portal but that's where it is so it's a bit of a card room isn't it huh I yeah it I've only seen one or two like single block high places and none of them have really shown promise as progressing past that point so could be in the tree to get to the other thing to get around or there's a lot of red herring in here you know I'm gonna assume that it's outlined by these um clearly marked blocks over here okay seems like a reasonable assumption yeah you know balls got it wait what are you I'm sure I don't get bad though where do you want me to go from here is question hmm I don't actually know where but this might not be the place but yeah but where else would be the place now hmm if that's not the place what would be the place this doesn't appear to be the place yeah that's why I was like but where would the place be if that's not it oh maybe it's the other side I wonder if the clay blocks like mark where you're supposed to be going maybe let's see that could have been just a decoy right this also appears to be a big Lea is I mean was there anything with the plants from that other side yeah I guess we could jump onto the leaves but where would we go from there not very far yeah don't I don't think that would work for us very well oh wait yeah yeah I got you and then we go here probably I don't know where here is come back to where we were I'm on my way back okay so good yeah we're here this seems like a thing that we should be doing oh boy oh boy I wonder if we do actually work our way all the way around or if we do we go back up the what the heck bril I don't know I do heck well let's go back over here Knoll I don't so I mean we could probably can we connect yeah we can connect from here to these others so probably this I'm gonna assume it looks logical they're jumpy jumps all the way over mm-hm alright so good what just plenty of places for me to fall down yeah mm-hmm as I am won't to do this one maybe no not you that did not go into work though we go up which one do we go up yes question oh maybe he what you see in know what you think is oh I guess see I go over there I don't know the other way yeah I guess there's probably a way to get up those leaves versus having to go up the tree yeah I'll drop down you do your thing what Oh or we go over to that leaf over there actually might be better oh that works too this is what what I was thinking no I know I was saying that leaf right there also could have been a fine place but a launching point yeah I don't I don't like being being in the lead now do you want me to leave I can leave dude yes house win for both of us okay well that isn't gonna work uh okay this way yeah yeah yeah what's up a little drop there AC mind the gap uh-huh we're doing it though we're doing it right and we're doing it good thinking that we had to drop down dude well I didn't see that part man I for the record I was following close behind I finished one can you imagine getting the achievement for doing this with no no deaths at all oh I'm sure they're out there the weirdos don't change it someone's probably done a speedrun of this already and like in any way I can do this the whole like the whole map yeah Riggins nothing in there well I think we're we're doing Jack in the Beanstalk I'm just up we go huh are there any easter eggs and mouse check the house isn't it a golden egg not an easter egg the five oh I smell an Englishman it's always weird that you could smell the blood like that's just creepy I know and that's a children's story - who isn't it kind of weird there's a lot like if you look into the actual especially like the Brothers Grimm the genuine stories they're pretty dark yeah there's a lot of really dark stuff uh-huh I believe it I believe it dude they're like old stories they they had no they know we are too politically correct this is like yeah let's eat some kids here dude yeah I mean I think it like the the this this might be you know but I'm a bit too old for you to understand but the donkey scene in Pinocchio that was always freaky I don't actually remember that I mean you know basically the kids are naughty and they start turning into jackasses and literally and it's I don't know okay again you know just as I looking back on it now there's nothing I can point at to say this is what was scary about it other than when you're a kid and all these kids ah God you fall all the way down not all the way just a little way so this one's pretty straightforward I'm in less unless the end portal is actually just like in the ground somewhere we started yeah it's a different spot and you can just see it from up here that would actually be I'd like I'd be impressed by that I feel like well I mean I ain't even mad I don't know if far ahead you are oh yeah there's there's more bean stockage up here jack never heard of her oh yeah cuz it goes everyone else gets a cool custom head why not me one day I'm gonna get upgraded to it armorstands yay oh yeah eggs over here first pursue your dreams what's it matter we barely play Minecraft anymore anyway wait what we supposed to be guarding the holy wool this is my youngest cast impression apparently they are playing this map though so maybe they defied all expectation all expectations they brought it back to my crash good old days I've never really watched yogs at night not saying anything good or bad just you know just observational but I did play the there they had a one of the kitchen sink modpacks way back early in the day and it was connected or something the thermal expansion it now is like yogscast one six modpack and it was I think it was it might have been a bootleg one built off of there I don't know if it was official built off of their series but that was my first encounter with I think magical crops and thermal expansion its sethbling thermodynamics sethbling have you seen this stuff he does with Minecraft it's crazy oh yeah dude sethbling is is nutty whoa hey hey it's you it me what up me how you doing you I put my head on wrong your severed heads yeah you know I really thought after four years of waiting he was gonna jump I feel like that's an inside joke I don't know who that is they're probably a lot of insight you know these things never have me and I want to know why dude you'll be in diversity for ah yeah dude for sure alright well shall we continue up yeah see sorry the castle is locked on account of the decapitated King no no there are there a lot of people in here with their heads a lot of Minecraft people a lot of mine crackers in there just reference on reference I was just the heads of our a lot of like mine crack folks right yeah I I didn't know any D cap reference in there but oh up you go okay follow you dude I mean I feel kind of honored to have gotten a head in here considering the fact that I hadn't played the gonna play the other one oh there we go I see you just go around there I got it I got it sorry queue magnet but I've played other maps by him before I just hadn't played the big boys I didn't hear layer or you know your 'mentally are you autocomplete sentences right and it's like but I played other maps from other people like no what the hell by him oh other master by him right yeah right I just because I was saying this before we started the recording but the thing is when it comes to really really long maps and if I post them on the main channel they just fall off hard after the photo off on these series maps are oh yeah insane I mean even Ashe is like her kind of a lot there mm-hmm you know it happens it's just it is what it is well that's the thing though is is because like this is kind of a different thing with it being like lives okay so I think that being on the second channel kind of oh god can I hit my head here yes you can so you didn't make it and make it but fortunately today Quincy here he didn't make it that's okay zine will make it Xena's the park or professional out of the both of us anyway so maps fall off hard on the main channel it works a little bit better on the second channel though so that's why I'm like this is a good opportunity to finally jump in especially because this is this is the bandwagon of map aru's to do right and i don't mean this to sound it bad in it oh it's gonna sound dad he's already pretty processing it I got to the top of the stock but I don't know where the actual portal is oh that's pretty bad it doesn't but no I but it seems like and how to phrases it seems like there's a lot that doesn't do well on the main channel like does anything do well on the main channel ouch you know it's like all I hear is well that doesn't do well there that doesn't yeah it's just just one off it has to be a one off it can't be like an episodic thing really I see yeah I see and like I truly wasn't trying to dig or anything where the heck is portal if it seems just bringing on the dead channel nameless shift down on the castle I don't scenes hammering on the dead Channel meme wait no no oh my god is that really is that it we we didn't actually have to go up the Beanstalk I don't know that this is closed but there's nothing up there this is disappointing did you go in the little house I'm almost as disappointed as things not doing well on the main channel yeah I knew I was going to pay for that I just you know I just was curious I'm gonna go up to the knob well you did get an achievement for going to the top right yes yes but but one of one off channels makes sense [Laughter] maps make sense alright well I made it cool so you figured out yeah cool I'm that they definitely intended for people to do that oh for sure and like we said you can't even mad you know can I make it to the water though is the question I quit YouTube like three years ago but he still won't leave me let me go I don't know who's sorry I made it okay so where'd you go just go around back mmm of course you do of course they would just freaking decoy us the animals yes you got baited oh is it just like a ladder in back or something yeah it's pretty so ah God dang it how dare you wait someone's shooting at me what the heck what the heck's happening who and why and what is a shoe sting I'm collecting golf balls right I still have dancefloor resources on well weight yours is even crazier off well I don't know what that and continuing along from there how do you turn that off I don't know how it frickin stayed what the heck oh nice I see what you've done there mm-hmm [Music] all right what do we have next we have liberty or death give me liberty or give me death who said that who said it who says why it was pain I don't know no that was actually I've totally forgotten the name but it was a guy during the Revolutionary War yeah that's oh no no no not like this love this not like this oh this is sick bro that's a tough one to make action oh you go oh yeah yeah that's rough that's terrible it was tough I don't know how you could do it so uh wait I think we got debated Oh Patrick Henry Patrick Henry Henry there we go yeah Thomas Paine wasn't that far off I just said this doesn't go anywhere uh yeah it does oh really mm-hmm I mean there's Scott there actually does have a way up there's a slime block but I just don't know where it oh right here okay got it oh you go underneath I see got it whoo-hoo did you jump underneath oh okay yeah yeah godlike maneuvering and up we go in burrow there's a green something's freaking me out what green screen crazy seeing out of all the rooms it was just green everywhere like what oh god do we drop on the side of the building you know I don't know which one is the right place to go Oh ladders cool where ah this is probably it go down where I went I didn't I don't know where you went I went down the ladders oh it turns out there ladders on the sides on just yeah just it's fine you'll you'll figure your way up I believe in you dude I believe in you I don't want to figure I want to know where I'm supposed to be going Wow there we go Micmac a Stein my dude I haven't oh man he makes the dopest like command and stuff come on you can do it just use your spidey powers wait can I actually like climb up walls right now mmm guess not disappointing all sex oh oh there's miss maca Stein just chillin there he did a he did a Spidey command thing it now and I think that work what's working it's supposed to go somewhere this doesn't feel like it goes anywhere wonder how many different wools there are two complete do we know this come on you can do it are you at Spidey powers I'm at Spidey powers mmm I don't know where I'm supposed to go from Spidey powers as obviously our than 16 really sometimes you sometimes you're so helpful just go to stay ahead of you because you offer no assistance literally just go up just like in fortnight just build just go up you didn't plate for tonight for a while I know dude we haven't done fortnight in forever and there's lots of new things that that we could check out there's a lot of stuff you get mad when I choose a map that involves jumping okay listen listen one map and it was just a parkour map and I was just was it I don't know maybe someone kicked my cat or something that day I don't know I was do you have a cassock no actually angel does so ok yes kind of but there is a cat that occupies your house yes ok as well as my dogs oh I know that you are you fall down I have two pumps no you want me to end it no misery no I'm good I'm still I'm still ascending to a higher level ok Oh 12 apparently 12 apparently how you man you just rolled right up this didn't you yeah boy you didn't didn't have much problem you boy so I'm sorry that I was grumpy on a map okay looking forward to it besides we put the we that we then played we then played that fun game mode so it was all good all right really I love you allows me to live why are you the way you are just two more left it's because you don't mean to right you know it's like if I were to just do it to you then it'd be like yeah okay but but it's it's that you're not trying is what makes it kind of funny Oh God alright bastard room with a view whoa what oh I'm going up okay that's an easier way than I was taking but that's fine yeah it's like a fan oh that's clever it's a clever girl okay so where we trying to get to by the way up onto that building over there oh we're we're high up very high up this is this is high up oh yeah warning machinery high winds warning no let me up I can't get up what the heck uh maybe that's not the way to go what the heck dude yeah yeah I think you go from there over what do you mean we're over I don't I don't think that's correct oh wait what are you talking about oh you think so from that reference yeah but you can't wait you can't get back you've got a I mean there's a whole series of syriza's over here Jeepers Creepers oh no no no no I don't want to be here what we need to go wait disk it always just just get us back here oh my god uh-huh it's like try again nope can't do that - do we really have to just go back to where we were huh I used to be a fan but now I'm an air conditioner huh that's a clever one what how did you oh did you just make that jump yeah I just made the jump well that sucks because I'm not like your oh dude you you know you can go back through that there's a door at the bottom of the place I would love to find the door it's at the bottom well that's well so that's probably one way to get back to where he started I I've returned yeah I'm back I executed a reset maneuver I'm gonna execute a reset maneuver actually wait there's water down here know what that does it allows you to drink I probably want to go this why would they do this maybe this is like Easter egg material why would they have us go down when in fact we want to go up dude we need to get on the thing that we were trying so desperately to get onto you know I I don't know down maybe solution you can't make it to the fan but I tried maybe the solution was right in front of us the whole time you mean right below us yeah mmm yeah this water seems very indicative of come here yeah I know it does doesn't it it really did yeah maybe you go like this the question becomes where is the portal as well we don't without that oh it's it's up on that building with the vines on it so the portal is like up up up but I might have a solution all right I don't know okay see it involves a lot of leg-breaking but I might have your election way the heck down there yeah what where are you I don't have an idea you I have it I have an idea dude all right yeah all right let me know how that idea goes I'm curious about your idea well I'll tell you how I wish to know Morris yeah you tell me about that idea I will just you wait and see okay I'm waiting and I'm seeing yeah I think that's a little no that was broken leg but I don't wait gotta we gotta wait not a week gotta wait go we we're just we're just wandering at this point no I'm not wandering I have an objective in mind oh yeah yeah I objective you were on the ground yeah that is my objective okay oh no you ass there's no there's no stairway on that you were hoping there was a stuff ah no I was not I actually had an idea in mind but it damn it's good reach for it no god damn you I was hoping that would be the one there's no way to do damn it damn it damn it damn it well now I'm not sure what to do so you see my predicament right now is I'm not actually sure how to die so this /kill he said death to cheaters so I guess you know I'm kind of I'd be accomplishing what he wants so hmm were you trying to cheat are you a cheater no I was not I just I I don't know how else to get up Oh oh well there's a way back up there is a way why is that there's a way back oh hey there's a way back up mm-hmm [Music] what then would what's going on with you where where what's what's the deets I'll be there in a moment does you need a minute here maybe more than that it's just it's gonna be a long way long way up a very lengthy way of set-asides um oh I see it okay so clearly I'm glad that he implemented a legitimate way to work your way back up to the top because you know I'm him what would I have done if I just use slash kill all right there you go oh I'm only like halfway up right now that's exciting you've got a long ways to go yep that's that's that's exciting I'm happy about this so you get over to there and jump across that and go up there help we go a bud just beyond this fire escape for 20 minutes should it just you slash kill I regret everything why have I done this why didn't then just use slash kill yeah I don't know I just um I'm just dumb just an idiot I should have just used slash kill but this dead was like I'm not gonna cheat cuz the map creator says that death to all cheaters but I'd be giving death to myself wait a minute but but oh oh you got me all the way up here so that I can just die cool that's cool I should have just done that earlier but anyway here we are cool now we're back happy to be here ladies and gentlemen happy to be here so are you what is your current objective tears weeping so what are you saying that you you've been over to that roof that we were trying to get to before I a wild goose chase right I mean I made it to the ledges that you were on yes poop like you've been to here and from here you were like well there's nothing for me I've never made it across the the pole jump oh no I haven't been on that well it doesn't look like there's much here to do I'm being honest so so from what I can gather or what it looks like to me is that somehow we end up on the building that we went we scaled down and I don't know how that would work if there's an interior or something but it looks like you move across the helicopter yeah do that I'm assuming you tried that no but I looked at it and said I ain't gonna try that no risk no reward this really does look right there it's got the color that does seem right I have an idea I actually have a hip brilliant idea he was absolutely brilliant idea yes maybe no I'm not sure no I'm not sure brilliant idea or very dumb idea good to be there away yes okay but what we do is what we do it's just like slightly too high just ever so you know it's just a little too high by even by slimmest - oh bring up a good possible point yes it is good possible point I would say yes indeed yes who's bringing a points that could be answered - problem yes okay here we go here we go Oh God nope doesn't work damn it just trying to jump into the waterfall but the waterfall is too far away it's very far that's the fogger what about circuit you okay I'm good okay I don't I don't I don't know what's wrong but maybe there is something to do with I think there's something to do with walk got water yeah I think that that's it's too prominent yeah I mean I don't know red herrings could be a thing but why is this suddenly just ramping up the difficulties so much this one we just went from zero to in to a lot ya know we're over here it's like no way to get close enough to the gold to get onto it it seems like the helicopter but I don't know how you'd use that you have in that building but there I also kinda look like there might be unless I did have to do with the fire herbs that I was at okay I can't it kind of looks like there's something back there so I found fire escapes that you can access from the ground but I don't know if they had anything so far down it go to with anything yeah I know especially if it turns out to not be anything but is there a way onto that ladder please don't think there is a way onto that ladder what ladder I'm over where I'm at I'm on I'm at the fire escapes again that I was at previously oh you got down there so fast yeah cuz all you do is go down the one with the blue floor there was a room that was open hold on hold on I'm gonna try this again I might have I didn't I I jumped on purpose okay so apparently I did too just walk past an open door to be inside of the building oh okay well we'll sort this out in just a moment after this moment's gone we'll be right back I mean it is a very specific different colored floor so that makes sense we've got that and then we've got all the black floors and then this blue one right over here and I totally messed up on ceci a door I see a sign inside of it oh okay good um but I have not oh okay God dang it elevator closed due to lack of building skills it's right nothing to use the fire escapes to get back to where you are I think stairs closed to do to no lighting mmm I don't think it's closed I come to you okay I come to you oh I just missed that last time around nice alright there's gonna be an oopsie or something with the little light I cannot believe that I've missed this freakin thing last time around uh I was on the fire escapes and I skipped that unbelievable unbelievabl well that's probably the way up what do you mean then oopsie with the lights there wasn't okay oh and I trust that yeah yeah yeah look at us just making it out here oh yeah we're nothing but progress this is exactly the way that I said this is how we do this yeah yeah the helicopter you mean I'm on the helicopter your fancy boy look at your fancy boy oh that's not that's that's not an ideal no is it not no no that's an ideal I mean you know you don't have to actually land on the offense it's like it's kind of optional yeah I did cool so did I made it work okay so did I well congratulations I'm very happy for you thanks mate what what now Wow well yeah maybe mate jumping over to the waterfall perhaps you know ladders ladders there's also a roof over there that has matters I see the ladders I'm just saying that I think that that goes up and then you jump to the waterfall from up there and I honestly don't think that like this is gonna allow us to make the waterfall better than then being down here but you know whatever floats your boat like I could jump to the waterfall from right here if I wanted to okay go for it do it okay yeah okay yeah what there's an interior here I don't care about that see mmm maybe we work our way over to this side so we're on we are now officially on the building that has the mortal you own the building Oh God why is there stuff on that building when we like don't need it sound I've ever heard like the new I was in despair and you mock me Oh sad little bit worried about this area huh [Music] uh no that is not a new sub alert sound it should be good it should be I think I'm blushing a little that was a very visceral response you know it was but you didn't die did you I did not I caught myself that looks vaguely vague oh you think up the leaves a thumb we need to get back damn okay yeah here the leaves Isha ash boy you make it yeah oh damn dude let me see let me see if I can quickly get to where needs to go it's not difficult what dude yeah I just went around the wrong side of the building first I didn't anticipate leave nobody expects the leaves thanks for the arrow thanks for the other arrow much appreciate you and your efforts to derail me who says I'm telling you I'm giving you guidance uh-huh we did it okay well that one was easy fast my god only one more I know yeah you know we're pretty long on time fill in the blind I think we have to finish right yeah I kind of figured we just finish if we can unless this turns into an hour-long thing clang why did you cling what this doesn't look part Cory but it just put up oh yeah what's that wait what I just floated for a second clang again oh you can climb these poles whoa wait what do you do oh that gets you back up here what this is like a minigame with what the heck what okay so where do we have how do we know what we're supposed to fill in the blanks with oh my god I don't know what what is it asking what does it want where do we bright words what words I mean I see these are letters this doesn't seem like parkour well it's not all just guaranteed parkour but I don't know where the portal is you spell something by hopping on the letters oh oh I bet it's like Indiana Jones do you remember in Indiana Jones when they have to spell out yeah yeah yeah the names jumping across the tiles that's it fall oh okay all right so and it puts it up on that sign did you see that I did but you just do like what word are we actually trying this spell is the question I was going for Shi and then seeing what I had but okay so let's see f you see more fu - well you did you think oh do we think it's Q magnet is it always Q magnet is it is it is every hand so just q Megan uh here's Q you know God okay so really then no because that blew up right so s didn't blow up oh so it's kind of trial and error we just have to jump across alright so we know s and D SD s Indies dude okay s d e what could it be yes and you go back to it this is fine oh I see t keep on going keep on going I got you d death no its diversity da okay all right okay now we know we got you um yeah I'm on my way to help you but you can't you can't fall or else in a recess right okay I see the eye I see the why okay okay we just need our oh there might be a three in here too yeah here's three whoo oh yeah yeah that's true okay where's the R I got it oh I got it I got it all right now what now what oh we will over there oh I think we just climbed the poles and then were it holy crap holy crap dude holy crap that was easier than the last one by a little bit just a bit only slightly small margin only because I just what kick what aim this hey believe us I went for on a a mad spree across the letters now from all that what that cue magnet is watching us excellent you've completed the BOK old branch okay this is roses we're being watched creepy Oh a bright morning for them for them well I did but he they're gonna have to parkour to get it watch that's that's what's gonna happen we're gonna have one final parkour thing into all at the end of it maybe you should have the honors nice throw yeah monkey in the middle of that pitch oh wait okay you got a jump you got a jump at the right time you think oh okay here ready get ready go ready your monkey in the middle no okay uh maybe you grab it what God dang it why would you monkey in the middle us I never enjoyed this game in school well how could they win yeah I ever enjoyed it come on come on is it a left or a right click what he's got teleported a little oh no not this again come on noodler save us please better grab it yourself than the other stop oh yeah it's just hinting us that we actually have to do something here hey what what to do it until right good I got it nice dude nice job this I got this put that in analyzing item please stand back our second to none I feel like we just knocked out what could be your least favorite part first I think that's true I think we just go right into it and got it done guys this is diversity 3-bike you bang that again thank you to them for making the map and there's a lot more to go so we you guys are willing to catch more of these and also thank you to our sponsor who's the server at MC pro hosting we will have links in our descriptions to check out the map and check out the kind server sponsor if you're interested in trying it out then you could get it set up for yourself and save a little money along the way so be sure to use our codes and we're gonna set up some playlists it'll be great so yes in the episodes go check the see they might not be out or you might have missed one don't miss them otherwise I think that's about it
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 520,442
Rating: 4.9169478 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, diversity 3, minecraft map, minecraft diversity, x33n, captainsparklez, minecraft server
Id: 5fFU-udof7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 36sec (5556 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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