Minecraft 1.17 Snapshot 20w45a Amethyst Geodes, Bundles, Tinted Glass & Shulker Farming?

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hello everyone and welcome back to a very exciting update video it is snapshot 20w45a the first of the caves and cliffs snapshots and as you can see there is a whole bunch of features in here but there are two things that are not part of this and that is snowier snow and goats which were part of the minecraft bedrock beta so last week we got to see snowier snow and the goats introduced to the game on bedrock edition today we get to see all this other stuff in java and as you might have guessed i made a video about this on the channel i'll remind you about it later though because we're here to see all the new things added in java and one of the things i love to do is just open up the menu straight away and see all of the new blocks that have been added i mean look at all of these it's gonna be a very exciting snapshot and in here there are multiple colors of candles the lightning rod is in the redstone category and in here we've got the amethyst shard i don't believe there is any new food stuffs that but we've got the spyglass and that's basically it and i'll tell you what i cannot wait to get stuck in so the very first thing we're going to check out is the amethyst geode you can see three of them have generated in this area they do seem to be relatively common flying around in spectator mode it usually doesn't take too much time to find one and because they're big and spherical they tend to catch your eye with that purple color now this is the caves and cliffs update and this is the only underground thing that's been overhauled in this snapshot as you know moyang like to do things in stages so in future snapshots we'll see some of those new biomes but we have the geodes for now and they generate in a spherical shape and they have an outer layer of this tough material this is a new type of stone and then an inner layer of calcite if i go over here and break a couple of blocks you'll see behind it we have the kala site and then we have the tough on the outside so this is where these materials are going to generate now here in the inside there are two types of this block you've got the block of amethyst and then the budding amazfest you can see the texture in the middle is slightly different and it's like that on all of its sides there's also these in here the amethyst clusters and then the smaller ones are the buds which go through several stages to grow into a cluster another beautiful feature of these blocks is that they're musical when you break them you hear different sounds you'll hear these sounds when you walk over the blocks and when you shoot them with projectiles as well so you can use these to make music which i think is just a delightful addition oh yeah placing the blocks also makes sound it's so adorable i'm just constantly doing this now so let's talk about these amethyst buds which are known as clusters they can be placed on and can be grown on the budding amethyst block and as you can see it can be placed on all the different sides you can also place all of these on the other type of block as well however they don't grow on this one so they'll stay permanently in the state that you see and each of these are actually unique blocks as opposed to a block with a growth stage if you look at the right of the screen you'll see that they all have different names we've got the mediums the larger small and then the amethyst cluster this one right here is the one that you can harvest if i go into survival mode and break it i will get four of these amethyst shards but you can also use fortune with it as well and therefore get some more if you're lucky now the blog also says that you can use silk touch with this and i think the idea is that then you're able to decorate with any of the growth stages because you can put them on a block where they don't grow thing is that doesn't actually work if i break this with silk touch it just disappears maybe that's an oversight or a bug and in case i didn't make it clear already the budding blocks which the amethyst grows on even with silk touch or any tool you can't actually harvest this breaking this block means it breaks permanently so when you come into this area and you want to make a farm you can move the other blocks around it but these blocks are essentially just going to be stuck wherever they are and then you'll have to gather some of these materials to plant them on to grow them now if you're thinking about automation here's some interesting uh bits of info they can be waterlogged so they're not pushed by a water you also can't grow these with bone meal they do absolutely nothing to this and let's see what happens when you use a piston it's actually going to push all of them in a row so based on this right here you can see we're moving two blocks and then pulling that one backwards i'm guessing that the cluster is an immovable block but the key thing here is that the piston doesn't harvest this block i'd also guess that as the growth stages advance the block type is going to change and that's therefore probably going to update an observer so there are ways for it to interact with redstone but so far it's looking like it's going to be a very manual farm revolving around the player coming over here and harvesting things manually and just in case you're wondering no you can't plant it down with a dispenser so before we continue quick message from me hit the subscribe button if you want to keep up to date 1.17 i'm going to be following all of these snapshots and covering them here on this channel so next up we're going to check out copper and i'm starting off with copper ore i've been flying around in spectator mode trying to get a feel for where it generates and how often it does its rarity feels a little bit like lapis lazuli it's not as common as iron that's for sure and i tend to find this kind of in the mid to upper range of caves as you can see we found a little bit here after some searching what i should point out though is that in the patch notes it says that this generation is not final so we're gonna kind of skip over the generation i guess and go straight to smelting this stuff and as a surprise to absolutely no one you can see that it's a one for one ingot for all and in the blast furnace it will do that twice as fast so from here you can use your copper ingots to make copper blocks as you might suspect and then you can use those blocks to make cut copper and it's with cut copper that you can then make slabs and of course stairs and it's at this point that things get interesting because a use for honeycomb has been added you can use the honeycomb and any type of these blocks to wax them which actually preserves the stage that they're in so you can see we grab some of the cut copper stairs mix it with the honeycomb and then it becomes waxed and this means it's going to stay in this stage forever oh yeah and it also looks identical so there's there's no difference in look when it's waxed now this is super exciting because in essence there are 16 new blocks added here the copper will oxidize over time and it takes between 50 and 82 minecraft days in a loaded chunk where the block is for it to go from one stage to the other but of course you can then pick up this block in survival let's actually go ahead and do that so you can pick these up and then you can wax them and permanently keep them in each of these stages and i gotta say these textures are gorgeous i'm already thinking with the green copper down here you could do some building underwater and make it feel all rusty with some detail blocks thrown in from this line right here these are really great textures i think this is a wonderful addition to the game and with the copper ingot you may have also noticed that you can craft the lightning rod it costs three copper ingots and it said that the lightning rod will protect an area of 4x16 around it so i'm using the grid here as a visualization from where it is 16 blocks is kind of the edge of those blocks so in each direction and what it means by protecting is that when there's lightning happening in the world if you've got any blocks that are inside this area perhaps a wooden house if the lightning strikes it's going to hit the rod and not your house and that i think is a fantastic way to prevent lightning from accidentally destroying builds in minecraft when the lightning hits the rod it's also going to activate redstone as well so i've created a little setup here and what we need is a thunderstorm despite this being a thunderstorm the game isn't generating any thunder at the moment and i've also moved over to a biome where there isn't rain because that looks terrible on a youtube video and what i've learned is that you can actually summon in the lightning strike entity so we're going to have to kind of simulate it ourselves a little bit here as you can see it gives out a full strength signal of redstone and if i move this over to the side a little bit because we're using a command it's not getting attracted to the to the copper rod over here so unless the game's going to give me a proper thunderstorm i you know i can't really show you in action the game is refusing to give me thunder naturally so this isn't a proper experiment because it might not work the same way around but here's what i'm thinking charged creeper farm now made easy by lightning rods i like the look of this so we've seen the amethyst we've seen the copper and what do these things together allow us to create the spyglass look at this thing it is awesome and i'm gonna guess you right click to zoom in oh i like the animation that is sick that is really really cool and i gotta say this thing feels really nice to use with the cinematic mode on so that your camera movement is nice and slow here's what it looks like without that it's a bit herky-jerky and fast this is good i like this this is a great addition and just having a quick look through the controls here there's no like a zoom button there's no hotkey for if you got it in your inventory and you want to use it you will have to you know hold it in your hand and then right click to zoom now i know that there are lots of big and interesting features in this snapshot but sometimes the small things are really interesting too i've noticed a note that says that a shulker bullet from a shulker hitting another one can potentially create a new shulker this is actually probably going to be a bit of a failed experiment though because it's going to be hard to keep our eyes on the action here but when there's a lot of them in the same area together it's quite easy for them to hit one another i believe that this might be a better experiment all of them are glowing and they will stay glowing so if any new ones appear in here because of the shulker bullets then they won't be glowing so i've been at this for a few minutes and this technique yielded one but i wasn't thinking about recording when i was doing it come on make a new shulker no if you look we've got one new shocker over here so for the amount of times these things have been hit i'd say the chances are probably like one in a hundred so i was thinking maybe a way to create a shulker farm hey there we go we just saw it in camera but it's so rare that i don't know it's a lot of effort to make this into a farm i think what do you think is it a good addition do you think it can be turned into a minecraft farm so that you can farm shulkers indefinitely at the moment i'd say probably not okay this change is something i personally wanted to see in this game for a long time we used it a moment ago with the creeper over on the lightning rod i was wondering if anyone would notice that so some amethyst around glass creates tinted glass and this my friends is glass that blocks light from going through so as i place it you'll notice the grass underneath tends to get a little bit darker and essentially in the middle here it's going to go completely dark because it's blocking all of the light going through the texture is also really nice i think you could use this in an industrial build but also in something far more normal i guess you could say here's the other thing you don't need at all to get it back like you don't need silk touch or a pick you just break it with your fist and you get back your tinted glass here is another interesting little addition you can now put lava into cauldrons and they will yield one redstone signal i feel like this is a bit of a missed opportunity because this is a block that you can move around with pistons and it can have a predefined redstone signal at least with water because you can go three two and one so i think it would have been a really cool idea if the lava outputted a signal of four but hey there you go you can put lava into cauldrons oh and the breaking of pistons now has particle effects when they drop don't know if you saw that pay attention again there you go particle effects so i ask you my friends what is the fate of this minecart as it plunges into the ocean is that what you expected to see i did not expect this you can see the minecart goes a little slower under the water but essentially it works you know like mine carts normally work the the the patch notes say that the tector rails activator rails all this stuff works like normal underwater yeah underwater minecarts that's amazing so all the different types of rail can be waterlogged and you can even do that with a dispenser as we've just seen and this means that rails can't be broken by flowing water so if i go and put water over here you'll see it contains it and it doesn't break the rails like it did before and that's pretty much it rails can be waterlogged minecarts will work underwater and the only thing to consider is if you're in survival mode you are going to drown on your underwater minecart journey there is also an optimization here in the patch notes about experience orbs being able to merge together when large quantities of them are together and this does sort of seem to be so but not in the best of ways you see when you've got a lot of experience orbs in the world from an xp farm they can start to accumulate in large numbers and contribute to lag which of course is no good so with this little experiment we can see if they've added in a grouping mechanic or not if i throw down a bunch of experience orbs over here and then kind of lure them together in the middle right they very slowly move in and you'll see the occasional one or two will merge with another there we go just saw one disappear but that's kind of it like these could all work merge into one big orb that's worth a lot more but this merging thing seems kind of rare and not too well implemented at least in my opinion because look we still got a big stack of them here but it's something that can really help with game performance because each of these little entities in the world they do take up cpu okay our next feature added is candles and look at this there are 17 types of them we got the default candle and then a bunch of colored ones and you're probably thinking well you're gonna craft those with different colored dyes right that is actually exactly how you craft them for some reason i didn't think they had a crafting recipe but i forgot to check in here so use a dye with the regular candle and that is made from honeycomb and string which makes total sense but anyway these can be placed on the ground as you might suspect and you can group them together in groups of four very similar to sea pickles actually and light sea pickles they can be waterlogged so i can place them down under the water as well now i think there is a missed opportunity here wouldn't it be amazing if you could mix different colors together unfortunately that's not possible when i place this it goes and puts it over to the side of the block that we're trying to place it on but yeah you can group four together and then you can light them like this with the flint and steel they sort of get a little bit brighter and then you get the flame particles above them personally i think this looks fantastic and they also emit light as well so if we go and light this one up level four and press f3 you'll see that we get a block light level of 12 and i'm guessing one two three this is probably going to produce less look at that only nine so three per level two of them is going to produce six yeah and if they're under water you can probably guess it they're not going to be lightable now i think what mojang have tried to do here is give us a light source that's more usable with different builds because it comes in 17 different varieties so you can very easily color match it to your build and i think that is a fantastic idea you can also put it on top of a cake as well like that you can also put it like on top of the cake like this because these blocks can actually float in the air aha look at that they don't need a block below them you can light them up here as well so floating light sources if you want them but yeah you can put a cake on your you can put a candle on your cake i almost said that the wrong way around when you then eat a bit of the cake it pops off now another thing you can do is light the candle that is on your cake and when you do that you get a light level of only two and i'm guessing that's because or sorry free yeah that's because you just got the one candle on top of it right so if you could put more candles on top of it go higher but you can't do that and did i forget to say it kind of makes the the cake look like it's illuminated i know there's more light on it but it feels like the cake texture itself is slightly brighter okay i've got another two small things that are really cool you know quality of life you can now make firework rockets in here but it's just the very basic one for flight so if you've gone on a lytra you can now quickly craft that with your recipe book the other quality of life change is to this block right here it's been renamed to dirt path and that's because you're now going to be able to make it from these other types of blocks as well actually i'm not sure if it's all of them but you can see right clicking on dirt yeah it is all of them right clicking on the coaster grass we've already seen mycelium maybe podzol yep there you go so you can click on any of those now to create this dirt path so in this game storage is something that we always talk about inventory management and the amount of growing items in the game well bundles are like a early game shulker box or backpack however you want to look at this is really something for managing junk in your inventory and the way that you want to think about it is a bundle is like a stack of blocks but it doesn't have to be the same block so if we were to do that that's 64 and we can put them into the same bundle right except you've got to hold the bundle and you've got to right click on it yeah there you go right click picks it up and then we've got a full bundle right here and it tells us when we look at it what exactly is inside of it now in the minecon preview it kind of showed all the items in a big jumble if we pick four of these up you can see that that's been ditched in favor of telling you exactly what's inside of it now there is no limit so let's go and put all of these items in unfortunately you have to right click each and every one i think a right click and drag feature would be really useful here and as we put more and more items into it you can see that the list gets bigger but it does get capped at a certain point and i kind of like the item preview that they showed us at minecon a little better than this because now you're not really sure what's in the rest of that anyway this can continue to store items 64 unique ones in total because 64 is the maximum so i want to quickly point out the texture difference you can see once you've got items in it it looks a little different and no you can't put a bundle apparently you can put a bundle inside of a bundle i did not expect that i can't put a bundle with items in just an empty bundle yeah that makes much more sense and to get the items out you just right click on it and you can see they went back to these ones down here now if i right click on this notice how we've got the large chest up here be interesting to see where the items go they actually get thrown out in front of you which can potentially be a little bit annoying i see this as a way to just suck up a bunch of items that you don't want in your inventory early on maybe like seeds and flowers and then just chuck the bundle into a chest and of course there are unstackable items in this game well you can put those in as well but you only be able to put one item in because it's the equivalent of a stack so this could be a cool way to kind of hide items yeah look at this let's say you've got a shop and you're selling these bundles you won't know what's in them until you punch them out and then have a look or or open it up and this thing does have a recipe string and rabbit hide i've got to say getting a fair amount of rabbit hide early on is a bit of a pain in the bum and probably makes it a little trickier to get the bundle i think they need to rethink that crafting recipe and so that's bundles and i don't think they interact with redstone or anything like that you know putting them into a hopper doesn't seem to really do anything so they just get treated like a regular item and before we're too quick to judge i actually think this item really needs to be played with in survival mode to get a feel for it and one of the developers felix shared this image with us where you can see some early game playing with a bunch of items that have been picked up and all of these ones right here can just be quickly jammed into a bundle so i do think these things are going to end up being rather useful and now for the technical changes in this snapshot there are four of them the first one is super interesting entities are now saved separately from the terrain chunks so inside our world save for this snapshot you'll notice there is a folder called entities and then it's listed like the region files are for a world but obviously these just store the data about the entities inside of them then if you go into a different dimension that then has a folder called entities and the same format loot tables now have a function called set banner pattern so if you wanted to put a banner inside of a loot table to drop from a block or find in a chest you can now specify the patterns and the color through this new feature custom server resource packs can now be required to join so inside of server properties there's a new line called require resource packs if you run a server and you want the players to use the resource pack you can now force them to so if they don't accept it they'll be disconnected from the server and last of all the pack format inversion.json has been split into data and resource versions now there is also a whole bunch of bugs that have been fixed in this update and i've had a breeze over them they all look like quality of life small things that you're probably not going to notice and i don't think there's a lot of big deal changes in here so considering it's late i'm not gonna go through these ones today yeah this snapshot was a late release and it's getting on i need to get this video uploaded to youtube now and remember there's that other video as well the the goats and the snowier snow on the bedrock beta there'll be a card on the screen or something like that for you to click go check it out if you haven't seen it but that's it from me thank you for watching and i'll see you soon hopefully next week with another one bye-bye
Channel: xisumavoid
Views: 992,902
Rating: 4.9621291 out of 5
Keywords: snapshot 20w45a, 20w45a, 1.17, minecraft 1.17, minecraft 1.17 first snapshot, 1.17 snapshot, newest snapshot, latest snapshot, minecraft snapshot, whats new in 1.17, 20w45a features, Bundles, Candles, Lava Cauldron, Copper, Lightning Rod, Amethyst Geodes, Spyglass, Tinted Glass, tuff, calcite, xisuma, xisumavoid, xisuma snapshot, xisuma 1.17, 1.17 news, weathered copper, waxed copper, weathered copper farm, copper ore, bundle, amethyst shard, amethyst farm, budding amethyst, 20w45b
Id: qnXKBCiN8nQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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