Why The 1.17 Cave Update Will Change Minecraft Forever

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i interviewed the biggest minecraft creators in history and added them all to a two-hour documentary recapping the last decade of minecraft content on youtube featuring pretty much every big event that ever happened you should definitely consider giving it a watch it's had an overwhelming response in the comments so far despite not getting as much traction as regular uploads and i'd really appreciate you giving it a like and sharing your thoughts in the comments if you enjoyed back to the video minecraft is finally getting new caves not just that but a host of new mobs including a challenging keeper in the deep for netherright wearers and even wireless redstone the 1.17 update is really cool in fact some would say game changing and i wanted to take way down a minute the glow squid won the vote the glow squid are you kidding me have you seen that thing have you seen the ice solid stupid name by the way but like at least at least it had functionality i was one away from my minecraft live bingo card worst update ever everything is ruined only joking check out the last video for more on that topic but seriously besides the mob vote the other announcements that accompanied minecraft live 2020 or minecon live or minecraft con earth live or whatever the official name is for it now were huge and today i want you to trust me because i know it's not all about hightail but let's uncover why minecraft as a game is beginning to show signs of and take steps towards a world more like hightail why that's a good thing and why the caves and cliffs update could change minecraft as a game forever welcome back to queen corner my name is connor and today on why isn't he talking about hightail i discuss minecraft's next big update 1.17 a comprehensive revamp of caves and mountain generation alike in essence the heart and soul of minecraft is being rejuvenated and playing the game post update will certainly feel like an entirely different experience while the nether update transformed a distant dimension this one may quite literally transform the way we play the bulk of our game for those of you who don't know i work for a number of channels one of them being sub's world where i concept and script minecraft tips and tricks videos from using ridiculous mods to covering the craziest redstone entrances so while this may be a high-tail focused channel know i'm speaking from experience when it comes to minecraft this video is sponsored by serverpro serverpro has all the features you'll ever need to host a great minecraft server with support for both java and bedrock you want automatic and manually scheduled backups custom host names plugins multi-admin the ability to swap out your world at any time custom controls in an easily accessible console well you can do all that right now get your own minecraft server today by signing up to server.pro using the link in the description minecraft as a game is changing and it needs to change because for the longest time mods have been leading the charge in big boundary pushing spectacles when was the last time a minecraft update felt truly original to you the last time you saw something and thought oh wow a mod has never done that before but pushing minecraft's nail paste feature additions to one side and giving mojang the benefit of the doubt the aquatic village and pillage and now nether updates have all added some fairly substantial features raiding along with a new range of foes a complete overhaul of the underwater and nether areas of the game it's almost like mojang have been setting the stage for the cave update for a while now and i would have took a long time to plan it out too if i were in their shoes changing minecraft's caves is like a texture artist attempting to alter the creeper face it's a seemingly impossible task to accomplish perfectly without someone complaining somewhere and a large portion of people may even say it was better left alone but hopefully changing the caves will be a step in the right direction caving is a fundamental of minecraft but something that i guarantee any long time players will tell you feels stale and maybe that isn't even down to repetition maybe it's just because there isn't enough complexity or variance currently on offer and i mean it's not just me right showcasing the new mountain range heights adding two more oars in the last year four if you consider nether gold or and the new amethysts the huge spotlight on creator tools and the marketplace the past few minecons the chains the um candles and finally releasing a cave update after years and years of the community begging i wonder what lit a fire under microsoft's but i'm just messing around but it's cool to see how block game developers are coming up with similar ideas and solutions to one another allow me to take off my conspiracy theorist hat for the rest of the video and delve into why i think these changes will fundamentally improve the way minecraft as a game functions first off why have we all been asking for a cave update for so long what does that even mean for the longest time minecraft's caves have been fairly static not that they aren't interesting as they are but they just haven't really changed that much whether you're at y level 50 or y level 10 the gameplay style is comparatively identical besides rarer or spawns and the potential for lava the dark poses the same threat throughout all caverns big or small and are the same in any biome you venture between players have been asking for new caves since early beta or at least full release we've had some really neat additions like underground mine shafts and ravines were definitely a big milestone but other than that caves have remained well very samey alpha saw the addition of ambient noises and pools of water and lava beta made ores more common and upon final release bat's new sounds and slightly advanced generation made caves a bit less dense and connected as well as some extra blocks like granite diorite and andesite started to generate in caves but other than a few tweaks to the generation and additions of surface level caves they've not really been touched terraria is a great example and most likely going to be compared to 1.17 a fair bit in the next year for a long time terraria was inspired by minecraft but it's almost come full circle terraria caves are expansive and very different from one another there's always a unique shape to them they're all different colours there's many layers to the ground somehow in a 2d space there's still more to do and things are more interesting than in 3d one thing i'll never forget is the first time i saw a glow-in-the-dark jellyfish in a dark terrarian cave a vibe that is totally possible now that glow squids have been added to minecraft i can't wait to learn all sorts of new mining tricks and strategies it's certainly going to be an exciting experience no longer will strip mining be the meta and provides a basis for even more updates and new ores in the future speaking of they also announced copper it is used to craft a state-changing block that ages over time an original mechanic that we haven't actually seen used before i also suggested that there should be maybe some sort of method for preventing the aging of copper and apparently that has since been confirmed by lady agnes to be in the works but more importantly i want to know what else copper can do i mean seriously you're telling me mojang adds a new aura into the game and it makes a decorative block no no copper is one of the most useful resources in the real world and although we've already got a type of electricity with redstone maybe copper can be used in other ways such as for batteries machinery or even charged armor perhaps the lightning rod moyang teased will even have something to do with that with copper lightning and even a wireless vibration-based redstone detector called a skulk sensor this update could potentially revolutionize many systems and redstone machines currently in use within the game comparing it to the real world think how much we managed to accomplish alone with wired devices we've not even scratched the surface of wireless potential yet and the same goes for redstone in minecraft as of 1.17 mind breaking and i can imagine channels that design redstone traps and entrances like sub's world and even mumbo jumbo are overwhelmed by this news netherride finally has a new challenger in fact according to jens the footage we see of a player being killed by a warden yeah that player is in full netherite gear yikes last year netherride felt more like vanity most stuff was already possible with diamond armor so people gathered netherride mainly to show off but now it's actually going to be required perhaps that's something minecraft lost after diamond you really have no real reason to go back underground other than to refill your supplies there's no additional progression the wither takes place using elements from the nether but it has no connection to the underground perhaps they'll extend the end game but i find that equally unlikely as the end is definitively called the end for a reason but maybe they can bloat the journey to end game instead perhaps we'll see 1.17 fixing the current issues with progression by making the stronghold spawn in the deep dark a new location where it's protected by the warden requiring you to gain netherrite armor before even trying to defeat the dragon we're also yet to uncover the truth behind the warden's connection to the ender portal and what the scorp blocks are actually all about but we know there's something there due to the texture colours axolotls are a great new pet the first tameable aquatic creature so far we've seen five different colour variants so hopefully there are plenty to choose from in the final update i've personally been playing through a vanilla 1.16 world recently and i came across something that's personally been driving me crazy for years minecraft is a game all about exploration and travel so why is it so hard to transfer all your items from place to place seriously all i want to do is travel around and explore but also keep my items moving with me but with not enough space in my inventory and shulkers being a very end game item there's just not really much to do other than back and forth trips bundles will finally solve that and they're basically like bags except you can have multiple bundles at once hopefully this will allow players to explore and find a lot more of these generations that pop up around the world as usual there are a few new features that haven't been fully fleshed out at least not until we see the snapshots and the amethyst geodes definitely have potential but not if the only thing you can do is crafted telescope however before i say anything something tells me there's a bit more to these than mojang is letting on let's give them some time over the years many mods and even more recently marketplace maps have attempted to add fossils and even dinosaurs to the minecraft world it was always fairly unlikely that mo yang were ever going to add their own but archaeology was not only unexpected but probably the closest will ever come to discovering the history of minecraft's world so far archaeology provides an additional activity to participate in for a drop table of loot kind of like fishing it provides a new tool and i think one of my friends described it best as saying it felt like a very educational edition feature as for the new caves we have four officially revealed biomes so far lush caves drip stone caves deep dark caves and mesh caves the latter was recently teased by henrik on twitter and they appear to be maze-like criss-crossing tunnels similar to the pattern of actual mesh i'm hoping that in total 1.17 will boast upwards of 8 to maybe even 10 total cave biomes more so than the nether but less so than the overworld surface a healthy middle ground if they want to expand in future there's always the case of raising the height limit which moyang could technically secretly be doing already although it would genuinely surprise me again i'll refer you to a previous video where we discussed the block height limit in more detail but from this extended footage of the 1.17 cliff generation in progress you can see just how radically different the landscape looks a lot more realism in how the landmarks form it makes me very excited to explore but also somewhat disappointed that we haven't heard much more about mountain features other than goats and snowier snow with the iceologer no longer in line i guess moyang will have to concept some other ideas personally i think ab sailing would be a really beneficial feature for both caving in huge caverns and also climbing and descending tall peaks depending on how the mechanic works of course i think it could be a very welcome feature and so looking at all of these updates looking at what hightail has to offer why do minecraft and hightail seem to be headed in the same direction when i say minecraft is beginning to feel more like hightail of course i'm being somewhat satirical the games are worlds apart in many respects and although they share a genre i expect them to grow independently of one another but people did climb the term minecraft 2 for a reason it's because a lot of what's on show in hightail feels like a natural progression of the block game genre almost so obvious in hindsight updates or game design choices that just feel right from a player's perspective looking to the future hightail has a lot of those and it also breaks a lot of conventions so it's no surprise that minecraft has followed suit or at the very least took a little inspiration from the wider survival game community and decided it needs to make some substantial changes and even some smaller additions like candles very interesting example of foresight vs hindsight i guess caves are a great thing to touch up though making them variable expansive having multiple types of landmark or generation pattern at different levels deep dark skulking pits and water-bogged pillar caverns not too unlike nether terrain in some areas too long winding gaps in rocky formations lead you down to gaping chasms so big you can soar and elytra through them it all feels a bit more adventuresque doesn't it and why does minecraft feel like it's incorporating more rpg aspects more dark fantasy natural mob dynamics more realistic looking terrain is the game's scope just widening are mojang adding features for the sake of it or is the game beginning to take a more direct approach in how they deal with community feedback other than some pretty awesome examples mojang have been fairly abrasive while taking suggestions into consideration in the past they form their own path so to speak which is why so many were initially concerned that they may not hear us out and add a cave update but since they began confirming features on their feedback page things have been turning around remember the game was initially set out to be a built for all accessible sandbox world but even the adventure update saw moyang admit there was a space for rpg features in minecraft bosses xp and portal magic have long been in the game and while lacking in story before the community have certainly helped make up for lost lore in this past year and by the looks of the stuff in this new update the ball's going to keep on rolling minecraft broke conventions by knocking the diamond off the pedestal and with dungeons earth education edition and the bedrock marketplace expanding the global image of what's possible in minecraft not just as a game but as a platform engine and ip they become a lot more lacks with the big changes and the community favored editions that may have felt a bit too risky and niche in prior cases seeing things more in line with the adventurous perspective like adding epic new caves and even atmospheric or dangerous mobs that bring cool new behaviors is a response to player demand to the community it's beneficial for all players especially when they've been asking for so long mixing up the caves is ambitious to say the least the danger is that you could completely alienate players with a terrible system but mojang have enough smarts to test first and that's why snapshots exist and so why now well adding smaller features was great when minecraft was growing no one wanted to overhaul the game and disrupt that perfect formula a cave update in 2014 could have potentially stunted that growth entirely we may not be playing the same game today and at that time there were still a lot of other areas of the game that needed major fleshing out back then but now that the game is completely global now that there have been a few updates that have brought things back up to speed there's no more growth formula to disrupt the game is at its peak and it seems mojang decided to go the route of prettying up all the smaller things first underwater villages forests before doubling down on the central features like the nether and the caves there's no longer so much fear in changing things when the majority of the world are asking for them to be changed no matter what the final change log is playing the game before 1.17 and playing it after will be incredibly different experiences maybe it'll create a divide between players maybe it'll feel like a welcome next step one thing is for sure though minecraft is changing forever the caves and cliffs update could be the best one yet if you enjoyed this type of video then make sure to hit the like button to help me garner a good idea obviously i'm not the law when it comes to minecraft and how updates are made or intended to be but maybe now this answers a few of the comments i've been seeing recently about minecraft adding features that were advertised in hightail already and in a hope to douse the fire of mindless copycat features i wanted to explain how this update is and always was going to be the next logical step for minecraft regardless of it released now or before the hightail trailer if you want to join a community of thousands of minecraft and high tail enthusiasts such as yourself to chat game and nerd out then make sure to join the queen corner discord server link in the description thank you for liking subscribing and thanks as always for watching queen bet corner stay safe and keep free you
Channel: Kweebec Corner
Views: 1,172,412
Rating: 4.9142561 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 1.17, Minecraft 1.17, 1.17 Caves & Cliffs, Caves & Cliffs, 1.17 cave update, 1.17 mountains, 1.17 update, 1.17 snapshot, 1.17 minecraft, 1.17 release date, caves and cliffs, deep dark, 1.17 axolotl, 1.17 crystals, 1.17 archaeology, sculk sensor, minecraft cave update, 1.17 cave and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, minecraft 1.17, minecraft 1.17 update, minecraft 1.17 features, 1.17 minecraft update, cave & cliff update, minecraft 1.17 news, cave update news
Id: lZtkfToESj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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