Minecraft, But Crafts Are Random And Multiplied...

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welcome to minecraft but crafts are random and multiplied in today's video i've made it so that every item i craft for example pickaxe it becomes not only any random item in the game but it also infinitely multiplies to a giant pool of items can i beat the dragon stay tuned to find out and only 20 of my viewers are actually subscribed so if you do enjoy the content feel free to subscribe with me in three two one there we go welcome to the team and just for today let's go for crazy not one not two but four likes and i'll upload another minecraft video all right here we go guys and welcome to minecraft but all the crafts are going to be not only randomized but also multiplied so this is actually going to be the first time seeing this so um oh stripped acacia wood in 127 of it okay right that is definitely multiplied what am i gonna do with all this wood all right well might as well throw it all away oh my goodness not a bad start though okay so what do we get from acacia wood nether pricks cracked nether breaks to be oh wow okay can i use this for anything i cannot use this for anything literally it's multiplying more and more as time passes so i gotta be a bit careful because these piles are gonna get bigger and bigger all right red rose give me something good bones a lot of bones oh my gosh okay i just want my diamonds i want my nephrite please bones give you nothing is this a scam i mean low-key i could get a lot of dogs i don't mind this at all okay so we did the red flower yellow flower please give me something good i see a village over there by the way i'm gonna assume that we can get a crafting table in there because i can't actually craft a crafting table because obviously all crafts are randomized and um okay um yes i love that um holy holy okay we finally got something that's good probably one million eyes of ender but don't mind if i do i only need 64. and this is definitely gonna help us beat the game but we can't really beat it when we're naked right now so uh let's keep going out to go mr villager i'm gonna real quick steal some of your wheat and uh hey bill please i mean i'm not gonna complain i'll take one melon there's the melons oh gosh the items are getting bigger and bigger i don't like this all right what else can i craft from because i gotta be careful right now i got the log i haven't gotten this flower please be something doable oh dead strider three um okay that's not that useful but it looks pretty cool oh my gosh enchanted box holy all right that is never gonna get old for me and wait can i make melon seeds oh that's really good okay don't mind if i do oh oh my gosh there's so much stuff oh no wait they're just enchanted books okay we at least have some good stuff now though all right what's the next block can we do anything with torch no a chest and not bad actually okay we got some apples some bread i gotta get the spread you already know a bed i might actually need this for the dragon god i actually killed the dragon somehow we're actually making really good pace right now with the eyes of ender but i still need a weapon or something because yet again i accidentally put it in hardcore mode so i can't die a single tie roll so i just lose this challenge completely okay so i really need a crafting table right now i don't want to be limited oh wait new flower okay please something good and wait oh wait a village tool smith chest i didn't even know that was a thing okay all right so um village tool smith chess what is in here oh uh iron shovel not bad actually okay i don't need this many beds and i don't need this many tool chests but this is actually pretty good stuff hold on wait oh sticks okay that's actually really good for crafting hold on okay if we can get a crafting table somehow through this oh and we can get diamonds okay perfect so one diamond and some gold that is good for crafting there's just so much stuff in here and an iron pickaxe okay we're actually doing really well right now with this alright so we can pause the crafting for a little bit cause we actually got some good chests here so we got iron shovel some bread i literally haven't unlimited of these okay i have all the iron i'm ever gonna need sadly i can't really make anything with this stuff and i can't get a sword or anything from here i should probably hurry up too oh we got some coal all this i can definitely cross stuff with so i don't mind it at all wait a second we can actually just go ahead and make a torch which is useless okay we're not gonna be making that many shovels holy and a lot of diamonds still oh my gosh wait so now that we have an iron pickaxe low-key we could actually just get some cobblestone now there's just so much stuff the sad thing is i can't really use all these dimes i'm getting so i'm gonna go ahead and throw away as many as i can right now okay so we got a lot of new stuff so gold nuggets what can we get from that warped hyphae what even is this what oh i need an axe i really need an axe okay what about blue flower do you have anything good for me blue flower oh flynn's deal oh wait i could low-key go into the nether with this so i'm gonna make a lot of flattened steels we have a stack of clinton steels and honestly these things are multiplying too much i am feeling the lag right now with my computer i'm just gonna run away and hopefully not lag anymore oh wait a new type of wood i still gotta make a crafting table somehow so please would give me something good i am running out of blocks to make without a cotton table oh wait chiseled nether bricks i could use this to craft later on so i'm gonna keep it for now wait i can make a lever oh okay 127 shields yeah so let's go i love me some shields i have a stack of shields on both hands beautiful i don't think we're gonna need it for now but it is gonna become night time soon so i gotta hurry up a new type of flower okay uh cal you kind of scared me there but please fishing rod really no no i don't want the fishing rod millions of fishing rods is just gonna make the piles worse and worse and i really don't wanna lag out right now so cake i mean yeah sure love me some cake pumpkins i think i can get pumpkin teas from this so strip occasional wood okay and end stone and we do need to get to the end and actually wait i should actually grab this end stone because uh i could use that for more crafts i think you can make endstone stairs i think i'm not sure i might be completely wrong about that but we'll see we have some good things going for us but we're still lacking a lot of items so let's see what else can we craft with that i haven't touched yet oh we have an idea two more wolves and i think we should be good to make a string i think wait does this work i'm not sure it does not work what am i doing oh man okay what about button okay i can't make a button there is there smooth and stone is that a thing oh wait it is um a warped fungus on a stick i sadly am not gonna be using that okay well that was useless all right new type of log i don't think i've gone this long so uh please something good okay we got some sponge but that's a lot of sponge okay i'm gonna walk away over here can i make anything special with sponge it looks like i can't so i gotta really hurry up it's about to be nighttime soon and i still don't have a weapon besides i guess a pickaxe which is not really a weapon and we're still missing a crafting table so i'm trying to see if i can get anything else that will help me craft sugar cane okay we could actually make stuff with this so three sugar cane i can at least make some sugar which is a weather rose okay i actually don't even know how to find these normally but i mean don't mind if i do and more bones really more bones okay i guess we'll grab the bones again um well the bones now work to make some oh they do cracked polish black stone bricks yeah sure okay hold on we got twins over here perfect i think i can make something with ink sacks right all right wait ink sac can we make black dye with this oh we can't dang okay never mind oh and sand i completely forgot about sand okay so i'm running out of blocks to make a crafting table so please what can i make with sand oh okay okay speak of the devil what the heck um finally we found the crafting table holy that's a lot of crafting tables i gotta remember that sandstone is crafting table it's perfect i really don't need more crafting tables but this is gonna help us so much with actually getting a lot more crafts holy that took forever but now we can actually get to the good stuff so where do we begin i guess i'll start with end stone can i make endstone stairs nope that's not a thing okay we already did that all right it feels like endstone is useless so we're gonna throw that away okay we at least have all the useful things so we can actually make diamond chess play oh shield again interesting what does the diamond sword give us armor okay okay i'm gonna take that okay that's perfect all right just like that we have a stack of chainmail leggings on our pants beautiful all right and next what does a diamond pickaxe oh okay yeah that's actually really good that'll be our main weapon now the right axe 127 of them holy okay um it's becoming night time good timing though we have a stack of netherright axes i'm gonna go ahead and throw an eye of ender see where i gotta go that way okay so i was going the right way so i just gotta go straight that way i definitely have more than enough eyes of ender but i'm definitely not ready yet to fight this dragon that's for sure okay where's the crafting table all right let's do this again three sugar cane oh no it gives you nothing what a skim okay what about a hoe oh some pliers i can get that normally i'm not gonna waste the diamonds just yet uh no what about boots boots give you nothing all right what about a helmet that's not a helmet look that was definitely not a helmet and oh there we go okay 127 gold apples i only need a stack of them but that is definitely going to be helpful with our food journey don't even need the bread anymore okay the pile is definitely getting bigger and bigger i'm getting more and more like every single time and it's already nighttime oh gosh okay i gotta hurry up what else can we make i guess gold stuff gold sword oh wait another village toolsmith test interesting all right what about an iron pickaxe um okay i might come back to that oh and 127 stone swords i guess the only really useful thing would be the furnace which i'm not sure if we need but it's there i guess and let's go ahead and make some smooth quartz block i feel like we can actually craft with that let me run away again though because it is getting way too piled up oh there's already a spider down there okay uh mr spider ignore me i'm just gonna be doing some chill crafting up here can i do anything with smooth quartz it looks like it is completely useless okay never mind you can make slabs all right 127 ender pearls yes of course i love me some enterprise holy okay we are gonna keep two sacks of those we only have pants still but the ender pearls definitely help oh my oh and cheers are gonna be 127 pickaxes i mean sure i'm gonna be mining with 64 diamond pick axes everything should be in 64. perfect okay what about a minecart the minecart was worth it the minecart was definitely worth that 127 netherlight boots um we have our next piece which is going to be a sack of netherride boots beautiful i haven't gone into cave yet but i might have too soon i don't think i can kill the dragon with literally just half armor oh dark prismarine i think i can craft a lot of stuff with this actually all right what can you do with prismarine though oh uh dyed leather cap i mean it's not the best armor but yeah why not there we go okay a stack of dyed leather caps nice okay no mob so i am staying away i am still heading towards the stronghold i think it's straight this way still but oh man okay i am running out of things to make honestly what i need right now is more than my armor i would really appreciate it okay that's something useful 127 enchanted tables thank you very much it is becoming morning finally all right we have a stack of engine tables sadly i can't enchant to get lapis but it will be useful sooner or later oh a saddle okay yeah i could use that why not there we go all right when in doubt let's just go ahead and grab more of this stuff all right gold iron diamond yeah i definitely need that right now i haven't really made iron armor so we can make what is this oh wait a second village desert house chest oh wait green dye okay an emerald yes okay that is literally exactly what i need right now wow my inventory is a mess okay we might as well keep going where we need to it's straight this way and i feel like we still have a long way to go we got the chest blade we got the pants we got the boots which oh wait the boots are another way blocks i don't even realize that i should have done the iron armor already oh my gosh what about the okay that's even better 127 diamond chest plates don't mind if i do and finally we actually have full armor i would have a stack of armor though so uh all right throw this away and just like that we have a stack of diamond chest plates we actually look pretty decently geared right now but it's not enough just yet we still got to make a few things we have the block of nether right which i might as well flex and you know place this all around oh and it gives you nothing oh all right i guess that's fine all right i need to find a ruined rec ship or something so i can get the wood from it low-key though we could fight the ender dragon right now with the stuff we have and it looks like i definitely need a boat right oh that's gonna be tough all right let's go back to crafting maybe we can find something stone brick stairs oh please be a good chess please be a good chess bastion hogland stable chest hold up that might be the best chest possible i might be wrong but this might be the best one never right scrap yes okay yes blocks gold okay okay that's something arrow okay okay this is actually pretty good i'll take the arrows though now we just need a bow and we can kill the dragon pretty easily what does the gold blocks give you black stone okay blackstone could be useful actually blackstone can i do anything with this and another white pickaxe oh okay all right never mind black stone is definitely worth it holy a chest jungle temple chest wait what can i get from general temples okay yep yep yep yep i i i like this i like this a lot okay it's not the best book but now we just need an anvil and some levels that is perfect oh my gosh okay diamonds i think i should probably start swimming that way let me check if the eye avenger still leads that way okay yeah we're swimming all right we're going straight that way okay here we go all right there is no land anywhere where is it stronghold okay it's still going this way at least wait hold up i think i found the stronghold all right so um i didn't get to land before finding the stronghold that it's the portal room um okay well that's that guys we just found the portal room already i kind of want to do a little bit more crafting before i enter because uh i'm not sure if this is enough we have four beds and some jungle temple chats who knows what we can find last second oh okay water buckets yeah i definitely need that i completely forgot that water boxes were even a thing all right let me real quick throw away that in a stack of water buckets um how does that even work i'm not even sure if this is gonna work but yeah all right just because we can flex so why not we're gonna be using blocks of death right to do stuff in the end but i think this should be good enough to kill the dragon if we can kill the dragon with this stuff i think the rng was very good to me we did get a second golden apples a little bit of netherrite items and i guess it's time let's do this all right not a bad spawn let's go up and it's time to finally kill this thing oh man okay not having a bow is gonna make this so tough so let's do a quick montage of me breaking these and hopefully not dying mr dragon i'm gonna get to you very soon first i gotta break your defenses one two three four five and six nice that's uh nine ten who knows i lost count honestly this is so much harder than it looks final one it looks like it's the tallest one of them all and finally who knows what the number is but there we go we're finally done so all that's left now is just this dragon so uh mlg water this is the worst moment to be doing this okay let's do this one two three four okay i'm not gonna count the whole way my dragon i didn't set up the bad thing i'm such a noob why literally you just left oh okay okay oh that's happened to me too many times in manhunts to actually even like worry me anymore oh it's coming back down again all right how's it going buddy no no no no no why did you have to put the purple thing there okay i got this i got this got this you know i do this all the time i really don't okay we're in a decent spot right now but i can't use the beds just yet i am so bad at this game all right what if we do this i feel like i'm gonna about to kill myself oh that worked okay hello dragon come down here my friend okay all right no nope nope nope nope all right i guess you don't want me to win oh gosh that's happening too many times okay okay we just gotta do like two more beds and of course it's gone how's it going buddy okay okay okay we can do this we can do this bed right there that there boom once bed right there yes finally oh my gosh that's like way too long and for once no no no no no we are not about to have that happen enderman stay away so if i do that will this work oh it worked alright cool but there we go guys we got the dragon egg that is gonna be for minecraft but all crafts are randomized and multiplied okay again hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and here's the video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 5,473,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge, But Crafts Are Random And Multiplied..., minecraft but crafts are random, minecraft but crafts are multiplied, minecraft but crafts are random and multiplied, random minecraft, random minecraft crafts, minecraft but, minecraft but crafts are, mc but
Id: 6oH6L8nj418
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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