Minecraft, But I Added Lucky Netherite Blocks..

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welcome to something i've never done before today i'm taking on minecraft except i've added lucky netherride blocks into the caves that can give you overpowered netherride tools and armor but they can also cause some deadly netherite themed things to occur my goal is to beat the game without dying and once i get to the end i will have to fight a new mystery netherride boss who will be revealed later on please subscribe if you haven't already we're going for the big 1 million subs and every single one helps so if you like the content do it before i carry on with this video it's time to hear a few words from our sponsor today and that's the one and only dragon tamer dragon tamer is a free to play mobile game where you can live any life you want do you want to be a warrior maybe even a collector well guess what you can oh yeah there's also dragons everywhere dragon tamer is all about collecting the hundreds of different dragons in the game and there's different ways to do this including breeding your dragons pick two of your current dragons as parents and depending on their rarity and elements it will reveal what dragon eggs you could get not only that but you can raise and grow your dragons all the way from an egg to an adult and every time they grow and evolve they get a cool new look there's nine different elements in the game that affect your dragon's abilities together either positively or negatively and you can take your dragons with these abilities to the several different battle modes you can enter one of the two pvp modes if you want either the 1v1 arena or the alliance warfare mode or if pve is more of your ally you're feeling that more there's four modes over there as well there's adventure there's space-time rift mythic mountain and alliance along with this there are also different adventures you can take on as well as bosses and you can do this all within the single global server that means you can battle all the other dragon trainers around the globe whenever you want if any of this has piqued your interest please go to the link down below in the description and download the game right away and thank you to dragon tamer for sponsoring this video alright then not done a video like this before in three two and one we are beginning there was no need for me to count it down we're not doing a speed run if we were doing a speed run today the only good thing that would come out of it is that i will be rewarded for having the longest speed run ever of minecraft although i'm not speed running i will be beating the game today beat the game like you saw in the intro i don't have to kill the end of dragon ball i do have to kill a brand new boss and he's waiting for me in the end right now if you've seen any videos on my second channel lazy apples you already know that i talk about never beating the game a lot i've never beat the game not once i'll be fixing that today though we're going to go to the end and we're going to fight that boss that's waiting normally i'd be a bit worried yeah maybe even a bit concerned but we can find lucky near the right blocks down in the caves they're gonna give us all the loot we're gonna need to go to the end and fight might hurt us in the process a bit but eventually we'll get enough stuff to survive i hope so anyway we're gonna make some stone tours hopefully these are the only stone tools i'll need this video i want to get another ice stuff tonight i've already almost got everything i need to go down to the caves i think a bit more wood there really isn't anything around it i don't think there's any point in exploring on this we're down below because i want new nether eye stuff plain and simple oh there's already mobs oh please i do not want to be on alive oh now a spider is hitting me oh i don't think i can do this boys maybe i'll go back to playing bed wars and calling it there i'm not cow for this whole minecraft thing it's also only just sinking in now that i'm probably gonna be sat here all day doing this i don't know what i'm doing i've already hit a dead end got some iron though before i cook anything let's get right down i want to get to that new nether right right away get it in my life maybe it'll bring me joy though a lot of things that you think will bring joy usually though for instance my parents thought starting a family would bring them joy all i brought them was disappointment and a son that makes minecraft videos for a living so maybe this won't make me happy but the only way to see is with my own two eyes here in lava let me get in your cave oh no gold on the new block in the game i don't want gold you know the right i'm coming for you i can sniff you oh no i think i was only smelling lava and diorite and undecided iron ore oh my pig's gone right time to do some cooking that's why everyone's watching in this video minecraft cooking woo food yum just keep moving there's a water park above me let me get this on there's definitely a cave where am i my sea world oh no it was only water from this cave maybe lock that off oh you see what i see though i'm seeing some new blocks in this cave oh yes i am why am i talking about that let me get my stuff we gotta go we got stuff to mine but we found the lucky now the right oh and a mineshaft as well and some more during a skeleton coming to ruin my phone yeah there he is no oh there's so many points guys relax i'm just here to get a bow okay i'm gonna kill you both just because you're kind of like making loud noises and i'm kind of worried about you and the spider we got it you see the issue with this is it's called lucky near the right for a reason when i break it it could be good it also could be bad oh skeletons interrupting me this is a bit of a gamble either way here though i got mine it and we're gonna get oh nothing bad happened we got near the right ingots right that's pretty overpowered we can already make before another right we're gonna mine this one by of course i am that's mine and what's gonna happen oh you see what i mean bad things can happen i do want more near the right stuff okay i got even more nether writing goods we got 15 now the block doesn't only give me another right by the way or another right angles i should say everything is near the right themed but you also get some new overpowered near the right stuff as well we need to find some diamonds i want to use these ingots and i want to use them now oh i don't know which either either did that even make sense i just panicked oh that caught me right off guard i was hearing it over time but we're fine we're fine we're fine so more lucky near the right i'm gonna go ahead and mine it and we have it did nothing okay there's more here though oh it did do something i filled my inventory with netherright oh it turned on my blocks to near the right oh there goes my iron and my wood we're gonna have to go to the surface thanks for that let's mine this what's gonna happen nothing happened what about this one and okay what is that it hurt me with a firework this is not being very kind is it i'm meant to be getting opi lou oh i don't need to go to the surface on a second though my shaft as wood thank you my left let me get rid of all this nether i guess i'll keep some as a souvenir a memory of that annoyance and now i'm here getting wood when i'm going to be getting op netherrick thumbs up my whole youtube channel we need to get back to mining don't we i'll get some gold as well not only is the new boss in the end got near the right abilities he's also a very skilled player so after thinking about it don't think i'm going to be passing up on gold i'm going to need golden apples even though i'm getting the netherized stuff i'm gonna need a load of golden apples the way this is going oh leave me let me mine near the right it's all i wanna do there's gotta be some in this ravine i really need to organize okay wipe now the rack no wood sword no are the right ingots yes what's up here more minecraft oh it's a dungeon and a chester and i had nothing in spare have something more than just a spider what is this i'm breaking one i don't want that the clock is ticking oh we got some there's a creeper and i don't want it to interfere no sir stop that no okay why is there bones there there's an unsolved mystery in this cave maybe i shouldn't be here let's mine this we are to get just a lot a lot of dirt that's not what i wanted what about here oh that's blazes oh it's not even only one oh don't do me ah water please yes i'm gonna get this well i think that's the sign i need to make a water bucket at least we're getting someone else happening now oh oh i know let me get them blaze rods use them for the eye of enders and i need to find the stronghold at some point i'm getting a water bucket not having blazers put me on fire anymore they're not the boss of me they can't control me let's get this right away should have done this earlier really they're the right fire stuff goes hand in hand oh so me and getting stopped by skeletons every video i want water and that is it holy moly oh in the moon we need that for the stronghold as well oh not this zombie hey yo i'm gonna end your life now i'm over here not too close though give me your eye oh what did i say about getting too close didn't you drop a sigh excuse me then more lucky nether right here i'm gonna go ahead and mine it oh the fireworks again i don't understand what about this one an explosion wasn't there more over here or did i mind that already i guess i already did let's keep moving through this cave diamonds is what we need oh have i been here before i feel like i have i found diamonds there's no risk to mine in these i can take a breather and mine those up hey diamonds though i'm gonna go ahead make a chest put or start using these now that they're nether right just play we got it let's bring that with us i'm seeing more nether right now we got to mine it oh more fire what it's putting fire wherever i stand how do i what am i even meant to do here okay it's done now what was that all about the fire was following me how about not again i'm seeing a shiny item i would like this shiny item would saw go away oh i was correct about wanting this shiny item efficiency three now the right pickaxe this is going to speed things up and i see more diamonds and more nether right let me get these with our fast pick only two okay make another sword let me mine this right now i've got three more i think i'm gonna save these we're probably gonna have to go to the netherlands get the eyes to go to the stronghold so i'll take these so we have some with us i guess more than the other right oh what is that that's with the skeletons they're all dying as well i'm gonna help them they're gone i'll take the bones and the and the cold what's a zany minecraft moment that was i said yes we should see a creeper but the chest is more important don't blow it oh no no all golden apple i'll take that gladly and the brain and run out of food on it another destiny never right no more bread though i'm more cold i'll take it i'm a minecrafter minecrafters need to eat eat sleep minecraft repeat bro more near the right hey much shiny oh would you look at that now we're getting someone now we are more dirt okay and this is you know the shiny item or is it dug out of another right no there was another pick i could combine these like you know keep it closer over the levels or even more again here that is lava and it's flowing to what can i know on the nether right oh he's flying behind me as well i'm gonna die where's my water there's my water oh it's in the ceiling as well i think i angered some sort of fire god i'm gonna get back to mining though if you don't mind that is silver fish oh there's so many silver fish i'm gonna dice this over this no we can't do this i'm not doing this today i'm not dying to steal a fish today no they're all gone they're all gone let me take some deep breaths i hate them things bro don't give them to me again i mean now the right blocks this time but never i do i have over a stack i've got a stacking tent that's a bit dark how do i even get out of here now there's lava everywhere i think it's literally surrounding me no please oh it is is surrounding me i need my mom how do i get out seriously how do i get out i can't go down can i am i gonna have to turn it to obsidian and mine now is this really what my life's becoming at least we've got the efficiency there's got to be a better way than this i know we're out why am i minding this they're just surrounding me with lava there's more silver fish no please oh my god take it i cannot do this i'm a four heart bro i need to make more armor immediately before i mine anything else let me eat this bread let's cook our iron i can't live like this i think once i get a couple more diamonds we'll go to the nether start making our way there anyway i can only think one step at a time at this point i got a helmet and boots though i think i'll keep moving up let's get back in the mic though where even is it oh it's right here if i want to mine this okay only pick i'll do one more i've got more levels all right now i did nothing i think there's a bowl of lava around me again i'm going this way okay i guess this is where we are now diamonds that's what i was after no lava bulls in sight i'm not another right let me just go ahead and mine this i swear i clear out my inventory every two seconds and there's still more stuff that shows up oh there's more blazers okay i'm gonna kill these for the blaze rod please give me and this mine makes me jump every time let's just get to the nether that's what i need is there anything even this way is this taking me to the ocean it is there's more another right here though let me mind that oh more explosions stop exploding okay more near the right angles i don't even need them i'm on one of these it gets the explosion and it below the rest looks like i'm off i'm in my lab city and i think we're ready to go how many diamonds do i have i have nine so i can make another eye helmet and boots not too bad would i even come from oh i do want insurance though okay we can worry about that layout let's go our obsidian we're going to the nether in fact i know there's another right stuff that we can get that i still haven't i'm making stuff that i'm preparing for let's make our helmet and our boots like i said get the good old smithing table and then another right meet the armor or the right armor yes we mine a bit more before we go nothing happened there eternal my blocks the nether all the obsidian turns to netherrack oh you i am insulted and there is fireworks blowing up in my face how about here what are we getting more of these okay let's go to the surface then i need more wood we can make a portal up there after i put these zombies to rest ah put me on fire why am i coming down here okay more on the right it dropped me even more at least so we have nine yeah i'm definitely going up we can use them on the surface if i want or maybe not i just dug into a mine shop or the mine staff oh it's going to blow no it's not okay i'll get my wood from here oh no i won't i don't have an ax ignore me the surface awaits and the surface is soon to be old your horses soon to be here yes i have risen let me get these reads because i do want to get into dance at some point let's find a cow let's get some leather as well already done yo fill my nether right you're gonna give me cooked food and all this was a good move there's only one tree though a single one here we are now cutting it down yippee i'll get one more it's raining very nasty out let's get more feathers look for a lava pool or in fact before we do anything lucky you know the right block do your worst and now no put myself in another rack again back to the tree you can't be doing this i'm left with six logs a proper got scammed there let's go find that lava pool guys it's probably the best place if you want me to do more videos like this by the way leave a like subscribe let me know if you've got ideas for stuff we could add as well like the lucky nether right well don't do your own thing but i found a villain not a lava pool but i can steal there bro ignore the missing textures no it's breaking the immersion people are going to realize i'm playing a video game and i'm not in real life ignore them only the bread though dude they have bookshelves here i'm on level 52. i could get a load of good influence if i wanted maybe i'll just lay my head down nevermind i can't it's not nighttime and there is no books here what a stupid community they don't know how to read let me go on my way that's a desert temple i'm finding everything you normally want to find in the desert apart from the one thing i do want to find is there even any point me being down here i'm getting otherwise stuff what's the point some golden apples okay i will take them off the shallopness four book i could definitely put that on this sword i got the level he's gonna be our top grade on the other right but for now lava there is no that is mad i was about to dig down real i'm gonna make a bit of it obsidian oh no i'm gonna be able to make a porter once we're in the nether to get back i'm gonna use the rest to make another portal but for the second time this video i'm mining obsidian not gonna mind lucky nether right afterwards because i don't want netherrealm please and thank you one last bit and we have 10 obsidians do all the speed runners do they do like this don't they so i'm gonna rob let's do that okay that didn't work let's fix this let me put that there and put that there yes no how do you even do this i'm not sure it's becoming night time and all my water there let me use lava right it's working no it's not sort of not really why am i so bad at everything i do i'll do that there is that gonna be enough is that tall enough no i just ruined it i have to mine this now bruh bruh bruh bruh to there right there's barely any lava left i've completely ruined this one there i'm sure this is very entertaining zombie hit me with weakness thanks for that not my birthday why are you giving me such nice presents let me like that am i ready to go i think i'm ready to go no lucky now the right to turn my stuff to netherrack yeah let's get in and go we are through hello welcome to another and the fortress is right there that is good timing but i don't need a load of blaze rod but i really need to zender pose need to strike with these boys no don't get angry take the goal yeah get distracted by that take it why is the blade doing it us i'm a better sniper than you ever be i want to waste my arrows though so i'm not gonna do it no he's giving me leather i need ender pearls i need to make isa vendor i'm gonna go fight the netherride boss today can you help me good sir you gave me soul sand can you help me good sir now is that better girl looking nice okay you're dying today okay don't tell your friends dog please hope none of the other swords don't want them to stray women get a load of gold those over it ah why am i on fire what was that is that it's the blaze dude bomb let's get a few more let's go through how many ingredients have i got only 15. there was gonna be more than that hopefully this is enough find someone to drag with there is not a single person here apart from a ghast what is that ghost doing by my portal i think i'll just go in the fortress get the blazers then we can find the pigs i'm seeing none we can get and get out piece of gold okay free money pogba i'm seeing a blaze you're not shooting me you're dying you're dead oh he did shoot me while he died and he didn't drop a blazer rod and this doesn't but three diamonds no blaze though let's find that spawner as a professional i know it's right up here oh there's at least one six has got to be way more than enough that's great we can get it from the nether right let's find them piglens hey here's one don't get angry take the gold well i would like his ender pearls not water bottles put him in a hole that's where he belongs until he gives me what i'm asking for at least some arrows i'll end the pose though maybe i should mine gold while he does this that's what i'll do oh i fell in the hole let me take the stuff then you're useless mate i'm gonna find a new one the spawner spawned blazers not quite sure why i got surprised by that oh don't hurt me no don't be in fire either here take this take this one have some gold on me or me or me take the gold dude he is not interested i'm gonna have to kill him okay no commerce is happening in these parts england spotted getting the whole get the gold that's what you're all here for make some more i can make loads right they're about to shoot me the gold was coming right out boys he paged him please notice any ender pearls i'm not i'll let them do their thing anymore gold about was a pig about why i don't know my soul why am i using a picks a bad decision why is he attacking me why are they attacking me what didn't even know where they came from that mean the ones in the hole aren't going to be my friend anymore i better not there's independence right up here i don't need a 20 nether right anger stop shooting me are they out of gold was that it though let me just kill all of them sorry lads our time is up i know we had a beautiful friendship but things have to end i got nine under post is that normally enough i don't know about these things don't be bothered to go back to the portal though let's make a new one we're getting out of it we got all the stuff we need i think next step my more lucky nether i get some insulin but then going to the end why did i spawn i'm in the ocean okay there's land here we're fine let's dig right down i miss the lucky near the right oh another minecraft and a skeleton wait and get down from there you must pass let's get some room for whatever we're gonna get i feel like throwing my wood out as well i don't need to attend another ride we have though silver fish oh no no oh there's so many there's more spawning as well i'm in extreme hills aren't i forgot about that you dirty things you need to go they all gone yet pretty much let's mine this and we got more fireworks in my face ow and this one we got skeletons oh they're coming for me what is that this for him i'm with it get back get back get back get back i'm wasting my arrows they're all gone oh maybe it's a good time to install i threw away my leather and roots i don't need them i want to find one more veiner nether right no matter what happens no matter what we get we're going to the end i'm pretty sure there's overpowered armor we can get i'm still missing i don't know there is an opening with what i want get right into it we're getting another sword this we're getting more levels oh i haven't seen that one oh gosh spawning in the water about here we're getting fireworks and a spider don't think those two things were related though it's mine all these okay i'm getting some lucky ones i'm gonna put these down here i don't wanna lose him i wanna take him with me oh there's a chess play that's what i was after yes i knew we could get this protection five just play you know what it is even more lucky ones yes and that's the same store there there is more weather skeletons and more blazes i don't mind that all of us we could be friends oh we couldn't be there is a skeleton involving so i'm gonna i'm not gonna die i mean i'll speak too soon don't wanna manifest anything blazes your time is up bye bye bye i think that's me done in the caves we got this just played i didn't get any good leggings i think we'll be fine i believe in myself it's time to fight the nether right boss we are at the surface on the top of a mountain let me kill these chickens we're gonna need more arrows a skeletons as well get some that way if you're gonna mess with me like that you're gonna die feathers please next thing then this makes my eyes vendors just blaze powdery yep i got it i got it make a few more arrows whilst we're here please mobs messing with my day no anymore we're moving just throw that what way do we have to go that way it seems don't break please it did in this move i don't know when your neck's supposed to throw these i can't be close here let's keep running this way and we hit the c we're gonna be both boys once they get enough wood to make a boat guess what we're cutting down another three my life is so difficult let's give that another go one boat please i'm off on the right way i am i'm broke don't break don't break don't break oh i love you i see some cows here we could still get enchanted it would be a waste not to use these 60 levels we're going to need some reeds i've got obsidian on me already no leather yeah there's so many mobs gonna be on level 100 after i fight all these breeds have been spotted pick these up no near the right blocks for me we're shining in the daytime though no time for fighting spiders we've hit land just keep moving where'd my eye go i went up here then we're getting closer i don't have a clue oh yeah i got a wrench job got started in this four books i noticed this lucky neither am i inventory be mine one gave me three more means we gotta do it again that's my one and it's gonna give me a sword i've already got this sword boring or single one of the eyes are broke yet i'm thinking that's a good omen for what's to come let's do it one more i threw two going backwards now though does that mean i'm above it is that one going it's going back again must be around it then or i'm stupid bro one more where'd that even go it went into the tree it's taking me in like circles how about now there it is if i stand from this way and it goes that way that means the stronghold is here right where'd it even go i don't have a clue whether i would let me do it again i'm wasting all my stuff they keep disappearing oh it's because they're going underneath it must be here then that's how it works you know i said at the start i've never done this before this is my first time finding the stronghold and i've done it i've never fought the end of dragon for his books here oh that reminds me of the influence you know we're doing it i can do level 30s as well i'm doing it then we're getting into this best books am i now grew you librarian i've got all i need i don't get the sharpness for without an envelope i'm already pushed in my luck though i feel like i should have died 12 times over i don't deserve sharpness for i barely deserve to live i will take my armor here i know enchanted i do have lapis got problem oh i'm being stupid again i was going to do level 30s may as well get the irony let's make an anvil i need to make new leggings anyway i'll be back stronghold don't go anywhere better get me some iron i'll find any get on board putting that there that's level 30 the rest of the nether right one nine leggings it is oh these mobs this isn't enough bookshelves i need more wood i just throw away my axe as well i'm not doing this i'm starting my helmet with proto what about these boots what are they going to have two as well wasting 51 levels i have i don't care let's find the poor two i'm over okay fine you convince me online one more of these they gave me more levels as well that's a slap in the face isn't it about one more just one more before we go and we're discussing okay yeah i'm definitely leaving definitely going to go find the portal now that is what i'm doing oh i couldn't even speak they're not that i did not know they were still following me i'm a wizard man also in danger i cannot get a break on fire babies on me no i was already here i'm meant to go also oh i see it got some timings time below my stomach put the rest of these in here but boys it's been a fun time collecting lucky now the right with you one more for the boys back home another one of these chest plates only pro 3 that time i'll stick to my prop 5 please mate i'm about to go in we're about to meet the netherride boss hopefully i can win and my day wasn't wasted let's go okay we're here sing at the top of lucky now the right boss where is he though where are you i see you up there nestor what's going on me yo yo why the entertainer's attacking me please don't end the dragons by the way i mean what are you doing to me you're not winning this minecraft game all right okay buddy okay yeah everybody nestor is the boss he's got near the right abilities he's hurting me bad we can shoot some fireballs you know the usual dragon stuff but yeah [Music] i am doing terrible i'm going to stand here i'm going to break one of these please give me something good no it's with a skeleton oh no nestor please i'm actually [Music] a lot of burritos today all right okay what does that mean why is that going through a tnt no don't touch my egg please okay all right uh what if i do i'm gonna do it right now they're not happy about it either you're gonna blow up the egg no one can have it if you can't why am i even shooting you it's doing no damage i'm like at half health right now i don't know if it's showing up oh it's not snowing up but enough i didn't even mean to do that i meant to do that i didn't even do anything all right no i was gonna just real quick okay i'm trying your hardest right now but um oh i can't even throw them back at you my computer does not like this these particles oh gosh oh you're up there i can't even see you where is this guard coming from oh you're there where's my water gone where do i leave my water no no i'm really not trying to try and get another blow yeah yeah this is the end of my life isn't it why am i even trying i'm on fire i'm actually almost dead i don't even know where my water about that oh i need some water too what is your sword none of your business it doesn't matter not in my business sorry i know i understand that okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i just got this through fire too please don't blow me up oh you're right there you keep showing up when i don't expect brother some of those are awful oh by the way there's another right there you can maybe use that i can see that i don't have any diamonds i can't make any more legs i don't know if you want to respect my house over here at the end but you're missing your pants yeah no goodbye oh why did i do that i'm going to die oh i died i panicked and i died billy you tried your best i'm now in a random village and now it still says lucky neither i boss at the top of my screen taunting me nestor i annoyed jon's there did i probably not i uh i had full protection too yeah i've probably wasted like two hours of my day haven't i you met the netherlight dragon and that's all that matters i guess so okay well thank you for visiting me billy okay bye this video is now over but thank you once again to dragon tamer for sponsoring this video please remember if you're looking to play this game for yourself all you need to do is click the link down below in the description and get going with it it's a fun game and sponsors like this help keep this channel going so go and give them some support leave a like and subscribe this is the end of the video though but dragon tamer everybody go tame some dragons now
Channel: ShadowApples
Views: 814,274
Rating: 4.928381 out of 5
Keywords: shadowapples, shadow apples, minecraft, minecraft but, mine craft, lucky blocks, lucky block, lucky, netherite, lucky netherite, netherite items, op netherite, op drops, op loot, op items, minecraft but challenge, manhunt, speedrunner vs hunter, Speedrunner vs 3 hunters, Speedrunner vs 4 hunters, minecraft challenge, beating minecraft, four hunters, 4 hunters, minecraft manhunt, minecraft manhunt but, speedrun, manhunt minecraft, i secretly used, every item, xnestorio
Id: qOFwEArFH2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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