High-End Skin Retouching with Just 2 Layers! - Photoshop Tutorial

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hi there this isn't made from vixen perfect and today I'm going to share with you how to perform high-end skin retouching with just two layers in Photoshop yes you heard it right just two layers with the simplest techniques now it's gonna be simple but I didn't say it's gonna be easy but I'm sure if we practice it's gonna be fun for all of us so without any further ado let's get started back in the brilliant world of Photoshop and as usual if you wanna go ahead and download this for and follow along you know ready check the links in the description the first thing we need to do is to press D D for default what is that gonna do that's gonna set the foreground and the background color to black and white we're gonna need that for dodging and burning also keep in mind when you press X you toggle between the foreground and the background color the next thing we're gonna do is to create a brand new layer click on the new layer button right in there and then the first layer is gonna be about removing all those blemishes because doing that the dodging and burning might result in some discoloration you want to avoid that so let's just zoom in and let's name this remove blemishes so that you remember the step if time is not an issue to remove the blemishes in the highest quality possible-- we need to use the regular Healing Brush tool not the spot the regular one let's zoom in right there and slowly and gradually just make sure first of all that sample is set to current and below so that samples the layer which is beneath it as well also we are doing it non-destructively so let's make the brush a little larger hold the Alt key or the option key click to take a sample and just paint over the blemish very simple right so let's turn it off and on and let's see simply covered now we don't want to remove all the blemishes so clean that it begins to look unrealistic and that's why it's not very advisable that you zoom in all the way to probably 400% and start removing every single speck if you don't have to do that we need to keep the skin looking natural so zoom out keep it at about 100 or 200 percent and then only remove the blemishes which are distracting you also do remove anything which is permanent again it's personal preference we don't want to go around and keep removing birthmarks or stuff like that because those things make the person who who they are a good rule of thumb to follow here is to remove the blemishes which are temporary you now one of the exceptions that I would make here is while removing wrinkles you sometimes probably need to zoom in to maintain the accuracy so let's zoom in and get next to wrinkles right there now if there are some wrinkles that you want to keep them slightly and not completely remove it may be partially do it so here's what you can do so let's say you don't want to completely remove this line you want to partially remove it so here is what you do you hold the Alt key or the option key click to take a sample and then remove it completely and then go to edit and fade healing brush it is the opacity of just the previous brush stroke so if we take it all the way to the left there are no changes made so we can slowly and gradually increase it to partially remove it so let's keep it at about 80% here okay you so they go it looks perfectly fine to me let's take a look at the before and after so this is before removing blemishes and this is after removing blemishes makes a hell lot of difference might be my Newt but it's very different when you put the picture together let's move on to the next step which is dodging and burning and this time to fit it all in both dodging and burning in just one layer we got to do it a little differently people use scent modes so press control shift in the new layer dialog box is gonna show up we can name this dodging and burning and change the blend mode from normal to soft light now we can also choose overlay but overlay is a little harsher so you're gonna choose soft light and choose fill with soft light neutral color which is 50% great now the way overlay and soft light works is that it's gonna hide everything which is 50% grey anything which is brighter than 50% gray it's kind of brighten anything which is darker than 50% gray that area it's gonna darken so we're gonna use the same principle here to dodge and burn because that's what dodging and burning is Right dodging means brightening and burning means darkening so here okay there you go now as you can see there's a gray layer right there but you cannot see the gray right here in the canvas why because it hides everything which is 50% gray now if you take a brush and just paint with white and that's why I asked you to press D in the very beginning of the tutorial because we want the full round and the background color to be black and white so now if you paint with let's say white flow an ambassador at hundred C anywhere you paint wide that area is being darkened if you paint with black if we press X the foreground color is gonna be black it's gonna toggle the foreground and the background color now if we paint any area that we paint those area are gonna be darkened so let's go back and let's do this all over the skin but a little more subtly and a little more carefully and a little more artistically so decrease the flow to one percent or two percent for my style I usually go with the lowest number I can possibly achieve that is one over here this doesn't mean that if Adobe Photoshop starts into introducing decimals you're gonna go point 0:01 that would be stupid take the brush but I might do that anyway now before we start dodging and burning we all have to understand that one of the most common mistakes we might end up doing is that let's say we are zoomed all the way in we are dodging and burning and just settling out the skin making it smooth making it awesome but when you zoom out it just doesn't look right maybe it looks unnatural maybe it looks more uneven maybe it looks too even that it doesn't even look like skin we don't want to do that we want to avoid that so how do we do it by having the right perception by looking at the big picture let's say I wrote a 6 on the table on this table and you're sitting right across me to you you might say this is not a 6 it is 9 you see how perceptions matter that's why we need to have the right perception so that we can make better judgments right decisions and make better retouching so go to window arrange and then new window for retouch skin picks in perfect or whatever your document name is click on that that say you will have two documents for the exact same image now keep in mind these are not duplicates these are the same document you're just looking at it differently so with the second document we are gonna zoom out with the first document we're gonna zoom in 100% now let's go to window and arrange again to up vertical so the right one is zoomed out and the left one is zoomed in whatever changes you're gonna make here let's say let's make this a real dark er it's gonna replicate over there why because it's the same document opened separately alright let's change the flow to 1% and let's get to work one good practice is a wide zooming in beyond 100% as much as you can sometimes you might have to but most of the time keep it at 100% you know why because if we zoom in too much and start correcting every pixel and then when we zoom out the skin looks plasticky remember the goal is always to keep the skin look natural if that's the look that you're going for so as you can see just below the eye there is the start area we just have to choose white as the foreground color and paint over it that's it brighten that area have a look so this is the before and this is the after it looks natural the results are amazing now whenever you feel the difficulty of painting in a certain direction you can always rotate the canvas temporarily by holding the car key it will take you to the rotate view to rotate it and release the R key it's gonna take you back to the brush tool if it doesn't press B for the brush tool R for the rotate view - you get the point let's get back to the brush - and resume painting now keep in mind anytime you feel like there are any other areas that you want to darken instead of brightening you just change the color to black by pressing X now it is black now any paint that area it's gonna be darkened I'm gonna paint here a little bit just to show you what it does so here's the before here is the after you see I've darkened that area this is just to show you the difference between brightening and darkening now let me share with you a problem that you might come across so let's see here retouching here and you were doing some intricate dodging and burning and you feel that you have done something wrong and that area just doesn't look right instead of going to black and white and painting over it and fixing it is there a way to erase it well you might think let's take the eraser tool and erase it well that's not gonna work because this is a gray layer and erasing it it's gonna make it difficult for you to paint over it again it's gonna be a whole mess in that case you have to choose the gray color you can also save it in your swatch for convenience you can go to window and then swatches and click on the new swatch button I don't want to save it to my library and let's create a white color and let's choose black is the foreground color now click on it again create a black color and let's set the foreground color to eight zero eight zero eight zero hex code or RG and be all at 128 or HSB zero zero fifty hit OK now with grey is the foreground color click on the new button again and we can name this gray 50 percent alright hit OK now anytime you want to erase something you can choose grey and just simply paint over that area let's increase the flow paint over that area that is erased alright if you want to get back to black choose black if you want to get back to white choose white right here so we are brightening choose black we are darkening you get the point now you can do it this way have all the three colors at your disposal or when you are confident you can just keep black and white right here don't care about the swatches because when you're confident you're less likely to make mistakes and then just keep painting press X to invert the foreground and the background color and just move forward from there so I'm gonna speed it up from right here and let's see where it takes us [Music] here's night in the city and I'm on my way back home no my favorite didi swinging like that'll be cool whose strong but you your place is closer than mine why don't we go there and have some more wine goes light it's fun let's see where's all my li see where the zombie waking up to a brand new day in between your she break it up in the best way is then I'm back again on the street that's blowing away son a world more exciting than it's holding up a great big welcoming sign light it's fuzzy see with Miley [Music] [Music] Oh now as you can see this looks pretty okay now as I go through the face I cannot find a place where I can even down the skin tones so defined imperfections one another great technique is hold the R key the rotate view tool and then just turn the face upside down what happens is our brain gets so used to the face that we stop recognizing the places that we need to work on now let's look at the portrait and find out places where we need to brighten or darken to level the skin up once you're satisfying any owner we set the view just hold the R key and click on the reset View button release the R key and it will again take you back to the brush tool now if you want you can close the second document we don't need this anymore so there you go my friend I think it's ready let's take a look at it before and after first of all let's zoom in hundred percent now here is the after and this is the before so before after let's take a look at the massive difference now first of all just two layers first removing blemishes and the second one is simply to hojung and burning now you can take all the time in the world to do the rest of the body and also from here you can take it any way you want probably color correction and from there sharpening maybe retouching the eyes the lips if she's smiling the teeth hair and all of that but this is how you can simply retouch skin even out the skin with just to the hairs now if you're someone who seeks natural results you can always decrease what the opacity so if 100 doesn't suit well for you you can decrease it to something that looks natural to you probably 60% it looks a little more natural so here's the before here's the after before and after off dodging and burning not with blemishes blemishes we always want to keep it hundred alright also if you want you can go even lower probably add around forty percent if you wish to but for me to show you the biggest difference between before and after because since we are learning with online video a lot of details are lost also I need you to notice the major difference the big difference so that you can understand what is going on and that's why most of the times I go over the top you can always dial it down by using your best friend that is the opacity slider let's take it all the way to hundreds so that you can see the maximum difference so here's the before and here is the after the difference is magnificent just a quick little recap and this gonna be pretty quick first of all let's create a brand new layer let's name this removing the blemishes or whatever you wanna name it or don't name it don't organize and get lost later but anyway just create a brand new layer and with the help of the regular healing brush to just make sure the sample is current and below sample the regular areas of the skin and paint over the blemishes cover all the blemishes on top of that create a brand new layer fill it with gray or you can simply press ctrl shift and command shift and the new layer dialog box is gonna show up change the blend mode to soft light and check fill with soft light neutral color or otherwise you can just fill the layer with grey change the blend mode to soft light you get the point then you simply take a soft round brush now this is important the brush should not have pressure sensitivity if you'll get very difficult for you to deal with pressure sensitivity and also a very low flow at the same time so no pressure sensitivity flow at one or two and start painting with white and black and to be able to do that set the foreground and the background color to black and white so that you can switch between them by pressing X I hope this video helped you and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the verse that you my friend don't miss any other feature tips tricks or tutorials I would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and and Leasing people for supporting this channel on patreon and helping keep fixing perfect free for everybody forever before I go also one more announcement just a little reminder please do connect with me on Instagram you don't have to follow me don't worry I'm not that kind of person who's gonna ask you to follow me follow me please you don't have to do that just go to our Instagram account though the reason I'm asking you to do that is because there are a lot of photoshop tips in there as well so what I do when we create long videos on YouTube we take little parts little sections of those video and upload them daily or probably two or three times a week to just give you a reminder of what you learn and remind you of the techniques and maybe share with you some new techniques so do check the account watch the videos you don't have to follow me just my love is always with you thank you for staying at home and saving the world and I wish that you and your family stays safe LD and most importantly have I'll see you guys again in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating its let's see where the so madly hey see whether someone [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 724,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skin retouching, dodging and burning, high-end skin retouching, skin softening, adobe, photoshop, tutorial, portrait retouching, skin smoothing, contouring, skin sculpting, advanced retouching, dodge and burn, 2 layer, easy skin retouching, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: c5dqTcFtTrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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