Best A.I. Image Upscaler? Top 7 Software Compared!

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[Music] hi there this is image from pixel perfect and let me ask you a very simple question what is the smallest unit of a digital image it's pixels right a 24 megapixel camera creates images that are made up of 24 million pixels simple stuff now suppose I give you a picture made up of five pixels and I ask you to increase its resolution to let's say 10 pixels now you my friend will easily fill the five pixels right but what about the rest 5 how will you fill those that you will have to guess looking at the existing pixels so all these software and platforms for image upscaling are basically technologies for guessing those missing pixels some like to use the fancy word ai and others like to use machine learning but to put it simply it's just technology to fill the missing pixels it can be a simple approach for instance averaging the pixels close by or a very complex approach with hard math today we are going to upscale a low resolution portrait using the top 7 most common image up scalars in the market today and see which one is the best so without any further ado let's get started [Music] so here we on the brilliant world of Photoshop or is it brilliant because it's in the competition - we are going to go through all seven platforms with a portrait for simplicity now keep in mind the results might slightly differ with different kinds of images these are my personal opinions and preferences and yours might be different and it's absolutely fine because that's what makes all of us unique so let's get started and we are going to try to rank all of these in real time in Photoshop so here we are now finder or Explorer and I have the full resolution version just for reference so that we can compare the details and we have made a low resolution version of the same that will be processed and on another folder called upscale we're gonna place the processed files using all of those seven platforms so let's go ahead and open the full resolution version in Photoshop so here we on Photoshop with the original image with all the details and on top of that just for comparison let's open the low resolution version so let's go to a finder or Explorer low res folder let's drag it and drop it over the canvas right in there just make sure it's well aligned so it's aligned that way it's aligned in the center just make sure the pink line appears and it's perfect so have a look original and the low res version now we're gonna process the low res version using those platforms the first platform to test is image larger dot-com pretty straightforward website it also has its own software and you can also just process images online as well all you gotta do is to just click on this button locate the low resolution photo select it and then click on open and now we need to choose how we need to upgrade it now as if it's a face you would select a face photo artwork I'm just gonna leave it at high grade recommend it I have tried all of these settings and in my experience high grade produces the best results and we're gonna go four times the resolution increase and click on start now while it is processing I gotta tell you that it does have an upload limit of 1200 by 1200 pixels or less and file limits less than 5 megabytes now it does have some premium versions if you go into pricing where you need to pay there's some amount for 99 images per month there's some amount for a larger number of images per month I'm on a free plan which is like 19 images per month anyway it's processed right now so let's go ahead and download it wow it's pretty darn good very good processing so let's place it on top of the low-resolution portrait to just compare the results so right-click on it save image as upscaled folder and let's name this image larger all right and let's save this now we're gonna go to that folder the upscaled folder and place it on top off that Photoshop document right there just make sure it's vel aligned in the center if enter or return so this one is the low res let's just name it low res and this one is processed by image larger let's look at the difference so here's the before here's the after damn that's pretty darn good before after now I know it has gone a little crazier on the lips here's the before here's the after but it's so much better than the processing is so good but do keep in mind that this platform is a little pricey so the pricing as you can see if you look at the free plan it just offers 19 images images per month is 99 menu when you pay $14.99 dollars a month and then there are other plans I think it's pretty pricey but the quality is pretty good let's look at the next platform the next platform to test is let's enhance dot IO now you need to create an account even an image larger even in let's enhance to be able to process images and get a free image plan I'm currently in the free image plan and I have four images left so let's go ahead and use it for this tutorial click on this button click here to upload and I'm gonna upload the low res as you can see the low res portrait sorry for that computer sound it's open that one now it does give you some additional options what kind of photos are you gonna upscale photos an art or illustrations so I'm gonna choose photos an art of course enhancement do you want to add some textures or improve color no it's all fine for me there are some advanced settings how much you wanna upscale four times eight times would require you to pay money I don't have money so we're gonna go for four and a jpg is fine let's start processing while it's processing I would have loved to tell you a story but it has finished processing now it's still processing but anyway it does give you just I think just five images image larger gives you nineteen images for free in that case it's kind of better let's see the result at the end of the day the quality matters but again you cannot be charging too high for just a simple upscaling anyway let's go ahead and download this okay there we are no no have a look it just removed those eyelashes it's not good look at let's enhance its even worse than image logic so right now we are comparing it with image larger you know it did a pretty good job the image looks soft image looks nice you know it image looks a little pleasing not as harsh as image larger but at the expense of losing the details have a look let's enhance come on it has also lost details in in the lips and what about the hair we have all these lines I'm gonna rank it below image larger alright of course it's better than portrait the low resolution portrait of course it's better than that but not as good as image larger I'm sorry guys it's not aligned properly because I'm running a little fast here sorry about that but you get the idea so image larger is better then let's enhance now let's try let's move on to the next platform the next one on our list is pretty interesting and has a straightforward name and I like straightforward that is called big JPEG calm of course we're gonna make the JPEG big it makes sense now what I like about this is that they have a higher limit so resolution 3000 by 3000 limit and limit of 10 I think image larger had a limit of 5 megabytes this one has 10 MB which is fine so let's go ahead and select the file but at the end of the day again quality matters so upscaling folder low res version portrait let's open it let's see how much time this one takes to process because processing times matters as well however we have not pressed the start button how intelligent am I now we have some options right here what is the image time which is great this is a photo not an artwork Forex is fine you know we don't want to do any kind of noise reduction here ok I think they have a premium plan as well but anyway we're just gonna do the free version 6 minutes oh my god that kind of it that's very long oh it's five minutes so that they can come up with an advertisement right there after upgrade you can enlarge by 8 X 16 X let's look at the pricing all right let's see how much is the price they haven't mentioned the price there is no pricing right here I think I need to log in to find the price but anyway you should have just given the price straight forward I'm just I don't like that anyway let's go ahead and click on download it took lesser than six minutes to be honest with that and then let's name this big JPEG I really don't like websites when they don't tell you the price up front and then they ask you to log in and to email the sales rep to get a quote I don't like that give your price just up front on the website if you hide your prices it just means that you charge somebody more and charge somebody less which is not really ethical I don't feel justified by that but anyway why am i ranting let's compare this with image larger so I'm gonna place big JPEG first at the top so this is big JPEG this is image larger of course image larger is better in my opinion it has a little more detail let's have a look at the hair this is image larger this is big JPEG they're close but you know what I prefer image larger this is image larger Wow look at that big JPEG has placed lines on the nose it that kind of looks very ugly right in there so big JPEG is definitely not as good as image larger I'm gonna place it under image larger now let's compare it with let's enhance so this is big JPEG and this is let's enhance you know less enhance is better even though it kind of loses some details let's enhance is way better so let's just turn on big JPEG and place it even under less enhance now its turn on image larger so as of now the ranking is image larger first let's enhance second and big JPEG third the next platform for test is deep image dot ai and you know what I like about this that this is the only website out of the entire list of seven that is absolutely free now they do have some business solutions but if you scroll down there is a section that says why it's free you can read it if you want to but I'm too lazy all you gotta do is to click on use app and then click here to start they have no limitations as to how many images you can upload it's a very simple platform all you gotta do is to click here to start just to that and lower resolution let's just upload it let's open it and how much you wanna upscale of course you want to upscale resolution let's turn it on and for do you want to remove artifacts now it's all fine alright by uploading the photo you accept our terms and conditions you can read it if you want to but I'm just gonna not read it and you can enter your email also great part is you don't require to sign up to use this platform it's just great always great alright let's go ahead and click on enhance if you have privacy concerns just read the Terms & Conditions now it's processing let's see how much time it takes it's done oh it's if it's pretty fast now they also give you this before and after slider which is amazing alright let's go ahead and download the image and we have our own before and after comparison in Photoshop now this one was deep image dot yeah let's compare it with image larger first so this is deep image dot ai and this is image larger of course image larger larger has more details let's compare the lips I kind of like the lips of deep image AI a little bit but again I think image larger is still better so I'm gonna rank it below image larger now let's compare the let's enhance so here's a deep image dot e I and here's let's enhance now that's gonna be a little difficult you know why because both have different characteristics so I'm just gonna turn it on maybe take it a little to the right inside just make sure that this aligned well now this is aligned so deep image dot ai this is let's enhance let's have a look at the entire face so let's enhance this is deep image AI I think let's enhance this better so deep image dot AI goes under that let's compare deep image AI with big jpg so deep image AI and this is big jpg I think they're the same website it's just Soho similar deep image dot AI in this is big cheap egg let's just zoom in for comparison sake deep image AI big JPEG deep image AI big JPEG it's very hard to say deep image AI big JPEG all right now look at the nose this might be the tiebreaker so deep image AI doesn't have any ugly artifacts big JPEG does so I think the ranking is fine so as of now the ranking is first image larger second let's enhance third deep image VI and the fourth big JPEG now let's look at the next platform if you're enjoying the tournament so far do give us and I can also don't forget to subscribe if you haven't subscribed yet and if you dislike the video just dislike it twice just kidding the next platform on the surgeons table is image up scaler calm but honestly I gotta tell you looking at this it doesn't give me much inspiration it's so old-school alright anyway let's just go ahead and choose resize image now look at the example they gave us it's kind of pretty too much all right let's click on it one more time if there's not working the first time look at the design it's not good just choose the file presentation matters but anyway at the end of the day what matters quality so let's go ahead and choose portrait low res folder portrait alright let's open that and very simple button called upscale image let's click on that now while it's waiting they also have another services where they manually do it by hand of course you need to pay for that to order manual professional retouch press here alright so I'm gonna just browse through that file it's you know doing the upscale version oh so they don't tell the price as well you know that's kind of reasonable it depends from image to image as to how much work it needs so I think this one is reasonable so it has finished processing so let's just drag down and click on download so this is image upscaler and this is image larger image upscaler this is image I think that both of them are pretty good have a look at the skin the skin is very nicely created by image upscaler don't be deceived by the cover of the book the website didn't look very inspiring but again look at the Hey look at the quality it's good so this is image larger this is image upscaler image larger image upscaler but i still think if you look at the eyes image larger did a pretty good job right this is image upscaler look at the lines in the eyelashes and this is image larger I think still image larger is at that top so let's take image upscaler at the bottom of image larger and let's turn off image larger now let's compare image upscaler with let's enhance so this is image upscaler this is let's enhance image upscaler let's enhance now both are very different styles I kind of like you know let's enhance a little bit for its softness but then again I can't really decide image upscaler let's enhance I think that let's enhance is a little better on the faces even though it has just taken away all the details I think it's very soft and nice let's look at the hair this is important I think this is where you know image upscaler wins because it doesn't have all those lines than those artifacts but in this side let's enhance winds image of scaler doesn't look very nice so I'm very kind of place image upscaler beneath let's enhance both are very very very close now let's compare image up scaler with deep image AI so this is image up scaler this is deep image AI and let's look at the hair image up scaler deep image a I I think image up scaler is definitely better than the image AI still at the top we have image larger let's move on to the next platform now this video turned very expensive just because of our next platform which is gigapixel AI from topaz and labs i had actually tried the software before so I couldn't get the trial version I had to buy the software just for this tutorial and it cost me about $75 so please watch the video and make it worthwhile I've already spent too much just making this video just look at the website it does give you a lot of promises very well made website of course it's expensive so this is the before this is the after in places like image larger you do pay a monthly fee which is smaller but then even though this is $75 this is kind of a one-time fee with the exception that you might have to upgrade the software later but anyway I made that investment and I have installed this software so this is the software gigapixel AI alright it does give you a short tutorial but you don't want that so let's go ahead and open the image by clicking on open and in the low res folder we're gonna choose the portrait and hit open now it does give you a preview of the processed version right here so what do you want to do four times six times how many times you want to make it launch it so we're gonna compare very fairly so we're gonna choose four times and settings I'm gonna leave that to auto alright do you want face refinement it was on so I'm gonna leave it on and this is the result on the right hand side we can just move through the image and check out the results now where do you want to place it so you can simply click on browse and we're gonna place it in the up scaling folder in the up scaled area and let's just select the folder and suffix edit 3 is fine we're gonna just change that later so first section is processing what kind of thing we want we went through the settings and where do you want to save it and what file format do you want do you want to convert the file format no I'm gonna keep it jpg so let's go ahead and start it let's see how much time this one takes now keep in mind this is a software this is not online so that's an upside to it that you don't need an internet connection to make this work and the second thing that I liked about this that this is a one-time purchase however at the end of the day what matters quality so let's just go ahead and compare the quality now let's compare this with image larger so this is gigapixel AI and this is image larger you know I'm very disappointed I spent $75 and look at this look at the lines it's creating so this is image larger this is gigapixel the results are good but any image with artifacts and faults like that I cannot accept look at the lines I'm not sure if you can see it but have a look at these horizontal lines that it's creating I don't like that it's not all over the image but I have made several trials and every time I process something with gigapixel AI I see these lines look at these lines even though they are small and even though if you zoom out you cannot see them but hey and you print them these will be very very visible if you process them these will be visible I don't like that so I just disqualify gigapixel yeah absolutely you know what even outside of this video when I was trying out gigapixel AI it gave me the same results maybe it's a fault with the Windows operating system maybe it won't give this kind of results in a Mac but then again you're paying $75 for something and it's creating this kind of an anomaly it's not at all acceptable I don't like that so I'm gonna place it all last this is disqualified now coming to the last platform and this is the kind of platform that you have if you didn't have this platform you wouldn't be watching videos on this channel and if you're watching this video on this channel even if you don't have this platform thank you thank you very much and the platform is simply Photoshop so I'm going to open the portrait low resolution on a different window so let's just drag it and drop it into Photoshop on a different window right there so this as you can see is the low resolution image now let's go to image and then image size and we're gonna upscale it to 4,000 now make sure resampling is checked and preserve details 2.0 is checked because this is the latest technology for upscaling so let's just click on that and hit OK now there's a reduced noise option as well if you're interested in that it okay so this is photoshop's result let's just copy it by pressing ctrl or command a ctrl or command C and then let's come here and at the very top you're gonna create a brand new ler and paste it so this is kind of photoshop's result I'm gonna make it a little bigger so this is from Photoshop Photoshop up scaling let's compare this with image larger so this is image larger this is photoshop of course image larger is better but I like the texture and simplicity of Photoshop let's look at the hair this is Photoshop upscaling this is image larger image larger is definitely better so let's put Photoshop up scaling below image larger now let's compare it with let's enhance so Photoshop up scaling let's enhance Photoshop up scaling let's enhance of course let's enhance this better so let's put Photoshop up scaling at the bottom now let's compare it to the image of scaler Adobe sensei what are you doing so Phil this is Photoshop upscaling this is image up scaler now that might be a close one let's look at the lips Photoshop upscaling image up scaler let's look at the hair Photoshop upscaling image up scaler now their image up scaler wins let's put Photoshop up scaling at the bottom now let's compare the deep image ai Photoshop up scaling deep image ai Photoshop up scaling is better on the hair let's look at the lips deep image ai Photoshop up skewing deep image ai Photoshop up scaling let's look at the nose so this is deep image AI Photoshop up scaling I think Photoshop up scaling has found its right spot and therefore we have ranked all of these platforms let's put it right there so they can see what's happening and also let's make the size panel options and let's make the size smaller so that you can see the ranking so here goes the ranking image Lajja for me produced the best results then let's enhance on the second position third position image upscaler fourth photoshop's built-in upscaling fifth deep image AI sixth big JPEG seventh and disqualified gigapixel AI at least for my system so they go I hope you enjoyed watching the battle of the up scalars now do keep in mind that none of these software platform companies ever paid me to make this video in fact I'm very disappointed especially with gigapixel AI because I had to spend $75 and all for what but anyway if this video was helpful for you I that was all worth it thank you so much for watching and if you liked this video make sure to give us that I can also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe bring the bus that you my friend don't miss any other future tips tricks or tutorials or videos like this I would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting this channel on patreon and helping keep picks imperfect free for everybody forever thanks so much for watching I will see you guys in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 1,583,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: low to high quality, how to depixelate images in photoshop, low quality photo to hd photo, preserve details 2.0, low resolution to high resolution photoshop, upscale, increase image quality photoshop, increase image resolution, increase photo size, depixelate, enlarge image, recover details, photoshop, gigapixel ai,, letsenhance, bigjpg, deep-image, topaz, adobe, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: 5LrPKoNvPPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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