Create Mind-Blowing VFX with Fusion in DaVinci Resolve!

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if you want to learn how to create cool effects into Vinci resolve hey Santa for any kind of special occasion that might be coming up like Christmas stick around I'll show you how stop pointing at me would you kind of creeping me out so pull this effect off we're going to be using the fusion page now I know what you're thinking oh my God please dear Lord not the fusion page that's kind of how I feel about it it's a pain in the butt it's really complicated and hard to learn sometimes but I promise what we're working on today is going to be much simpler and hopefully give you a better handle on the fusion page so let's start with a few simple elements that we'll need to pull this effect off the first thing we're going to do is grab a piece of b-roll footage that I got from story blocks this Santa holding a computer open it's got a green screen on the computer so it's really easy to Chrome key that out so I'll show you how to do that as well now the first thing I'm looking at in the display up here can you see how this black lines above and below it this particular piece of footage is a little bit wider it's a little more of a wide screen screen footage and I want to make sure it fills up the whole screen for my 16x9 project so the easiest way to do that is just select it down in the timeline and go up to the inspector in the upper right and I'm just going to grab that Zoom left click hold push it to the right and zoom it in a little bit something like that just to make sure those black lines disappear someone had asked me about this recently too how do you get your display here to be bigger I'm using the center wheel of my mouse I always recommend getting a decent Mouse with a center wheel especially on on PC uh it makes it a lot easier to do these things but if you want to increase the size and you don't have a mouse with a center wheel up in the upper left here you'll see a percentage sign this is actually for this display and you can set it to 100% which is huge that's the actual full size of the uh 16 by9 footage or you can set it to an easy one is fit if you set it to fit it will always fit the entire screen inside of wherever your display is at now if you want this display to be bigger just grab in between the boxes right here you'll see there's a line between the display and the timeline below it left click hold and pull that down and as the display gets bigger because you have it set to fit it will expand that preview as well so that's just a quick tip for people who have been having problems getting the display to be the right size now the amount of time it would take any Creator to sit and actually dress up as Santa and decorate a set and film that whole Santa scene would be so time and cost prohibited that this is why I like to use different asset houses story blocks being one of my favorites and they're actually our sponsor today so let me take a minute to talk to you about story blocks story blocks is an affordable asset house where you can get things like b-roll music sound effects and images that you can use royaltyfree in your next YouTube video now I've been using story blocks for years before they ever became a sponsor because I actually really like the quality of the product they offer I also like the fact that for one affordable price you can get access to as many assets as you need there are no download limits about how many videos that you can use in any given time period how many images you can use or how many pieces of music or sound effects that you can get from story blocks story blocks has really made it simple once you sign up for an account the sky the limit you can get to work using as many of the highquality assets that story blocks has their ready for creators just like you everything that I'm using here in this video today I get from story blocks another really cool thing about story block is when you find a piece of footage that you might want to use it automatically recommends some different music that might fit that piece of footage that's actually how I found the music that I used at the beginning of this video and story blocks just told me that they're releasing templates designed to be used specifically in Da Vinci resolve the first week of December 2023 those actually might already be available to you at the time you're watching this video I'll be sure to cover how to use those templates in Da Vinci resolve in an upcoming video as well I'll leave a link down below if you want to go check out story block for yourself today now in this footage you can see it now fits the 16x9 it actually has an audio track attached to it that I don't even need so what I'll do is I'm going to select that see how they both get highlighted and red I'm going to rightclick and unlink them these are now unlined they're both selected but they're no longer linked together now if I click anywhere in the gray area and go back and click just the audio you can see only the audio is highlighted and I'm going to hit the backspace button which is basically like the delete button without affecting other things on the timeline and now that audio is gone because I don't need it now the very first thing I want to do is I want to be able to chrome a key or green screen away that green section of the computer laptop that Santa's holding so to do that what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to select that clip and go over to the fusion page now I've show how to do this before but the simplest way to do a green screen or chroma key removal is to go up to your effects Tab and then type in to the search bar Delta keier the minute you type in Delta it'll pop up grab that Delta K and you can drag it down where you want it and put it in between those two pieces or if you only have one open section you can actually just click on it and it'll drop it into the open area where it's available now this is one of those things that I find that a lot of people who have been using Da Vinci resolve like to gatekeep this software for some reason and by gatekeeping I mean whenever I show somebody how to do something it seems there's always some Advanced Da Vinci result user who comes along and tells me that's not how you do it there's a different way I don't care I really don't there's a million ways to do just about anything in Da Vinci resolve and whatever works for you do it that way a lot of times when I point out that I use the effects tab in the upper left of fusion I'll have people say no you can just hit shift space on your keyboard it opens up the select tool and use that window instead there's a reason that da Vinci gives us a bunch of different ways to do things as long as it makes sense to you when you're workflow that's great now down in your timeline select that Delta key see how it's now outlined in red and then in the upper right inspector where it says background color just grab that eyedropper bring it over and drop it right where that green is it'll select that color and it'll key it out mean it's removing that and allowing anything that might be in a track below it to show through that area it's almost like it's erased that area in this footage that's it that's now done we've now heed out that green now we can go back to the edit page and you'll notice it's just kind of black right that screen is just wide open black because it's transparent now what I want to do is put a piece of footage of me talking in that screen now I filmed that I actually have it over here there's about a million takes of me doing this over and over again and trying to get it right and get the timing right and I actually marked where I had a good take here so I'm just going to split this footage and get rid of what I don't need I don't need that section I think it ends right about here put another slice and get rid of everything after it now all I want to do is bring this footage over now I've already got it on the same track what I really want to have happen is me show through that computer screen so it means I need to be in a track below the footage of Santa so I'll just grab Santa and I'll move him up one track and then slide my footage in underneath down below it now the timing of this was fairly crucial I actually had my channel office manager Megan with a stopwatch sitting there telling me okay this is when he points the first time this is when he points the second and we worked out the timing so that it would make sense when I put this into the shot so it needs to be right about here that'll work for me now you can see up in the preview window this doesn't really work yet right because I'm full screen I'm not centered down into that computer screen well it's an easy way to kind of line that up and if I turn off the upper footage of Santa you'll see there I am full screen what I need to do is shrink that down so it kind of fits inside of that laptop screen an easy way to do that is to select this footage down in your timeline and just below your preview window in the lower left there's a transform window and if you click on that it'll put this highlighted frame that's actually allows me to control the pitch and the size of that footage of myself I could do it up in the inspector but a lot of times it's easier if I can visually see it on screen now from here I just have to left click and hold and you can see how I'm shrinking this whole thing see how I can now just control it manually right inside of the preview window I can see that the laptop has turned a little so I'm just going to pitch this slightly to the left and then I want to make sure that it's about the right size that it fits inside of that computer screen something like this is pretty close once I've got it pretty much where I want it I can click on that transform window again and it'll make that disappear now already I've got most of this done I've got the green on the laptop removed I've got myself inserted underneath didn't take a whole lot of work and we haven't spent a lot of time in the fusion tab either but there's a couple things we can do to make this whole process more streamlined and fix a few things that we have a problem with let me point out one of the problems that I can see as this thing is playing through that laptop is kind of moving see his hand is kind of shaking and moving it around just slightly and my footage is still and it's one of those things that feels unrealistic to me because if I was actually on his laptop I should be moving with the screen you know it's the laptop moves slightly to the right or the left my footage should be moving right along with it so here's a little trick where we're going to need to track the motion of that laptop and have my footage match it this is also really simple to do in Fusion let me show you how the first thing I want to do is I'm going to combine this whole thing together I'm going to actually highlight all three of these tracks the two video tracks and the one audio track rightclick after they're all highlighted and I'm going to choose new Fusion clip what I've just done is I've Tak taken all those pieces and I've put them together as a singular Fusion clip now watch what this does when I go over to Fusion you can now see there's all these nodes down below and you can see the clip up in the preview window I know that these nodes can be confusing sometimes but let me explain what you're looking at this media in two that's Santa That's the Santa clip this media in one that's me that's the footage of me talking as if I'm speaking back to Santa the one that I've got inside of the laptop the merge node is just the node that allows them to combine together when I put them all together into a new Fusion clip that's what D Vinci resolve did it combined them all so all the elements are there in a single clip now you can already see if you look at the laptop see I can see that my frame isn't quite lining up right it's okay at the beginning but as it goes forward see as the laptop moves you can see that little bit of gray popping through that's that problem where it's not tracking and aligned with it and that's causing a problem so let's fix that what I want to do is take this all the way back to the beginning put the playhead right at the beginning of this footage and what I'm going to do is go back up to the effects Tab and I'm going to use the search bar and I'm going to find a tool called the planer tracker if I type in planer PL n a r it brings up the planer tracker and the planer transform now I don't know where do they come up with these words and how they name these things in Da Vinci resolve I swear it's like they sit and they go hey what do we call this thing that'll track the item on the screen should we call it a Tracker no no no let's put a really confusing word in front of it that'll make it harder to remember and seem a lot more complicated how about planer tracker sure good job Bob give yourself a raise High five's all around I don't know where they come up with these words but planer tracker is the tool we're going to need and what we're going to do is bring that down and connect it to the Santa footage which is that media in so you can move any of these things around to make space so it's a little more visually appealing so here's the Santa footage and I want to put that planer tracker in line here before the merge so let's grab that bring it down and drop it in and when you see that line turn blue and green that's it telling you okay you're ready to drop it in there and it's now connected planer tracker now with that planer tracker highlighted this is the tool that's going to allow us to track the motion of the laptop let's go to the upper right inspector and we're going to make a couple quick changes to the settings instead of Point let's change it to hybrid Point area because it's going to be an area here that we're going to select and for the motion type let's change it to translation I know more words that make this seem harder than it is just trust me on this this will allow us to decide an area selected and it'll track that area now once we've done that if you put your mouse cursor over the preview window you'll see you've got sort of a plus sign like a crosshairs what we're going to do is select the area of the display on that laptop Four Points let's do the upper left see how it puts a DOT there let's go down to the lower left and I didn't have to hold my mouse I just click once find the next Point click again now let's go to the third point which is the lower right let's find that spot click again and go to the fourth point the upper right of that screen and then we want to connect that whole area so go back to the original Dot and click it now has that whole area selected simple we just drew around it four clicks five Technically when we connected back to the beginning and we're done now we need to tell D Vinci resolve hey track whatever that does along this footage so make sure the play head's at the beginning that's where it should have been when you started selecting your points and then here in the lower right there's a little option that says track to end because we have the playhead at the beginning we're going to track from the beginning to the end if the playhead was somewhere else in this footage you can track you know from the end back to the start there's different ways to do it lots of options but we're going to do beginning to end nice and simple click that button and now Da Vinci resolve will go through and it will play that footage and it'll track those points as the footage is playing through and it'll follow the motion and now it's done now it's tracked and key framed all of that motion automatically nice and simple now the other thing we need to do is now that we've tracked the motion of the laptop we have to tell D Vin she resolved I want you to take the footage of little Daniel inside of the laptop monitor window and I want you make sure that that footage follows the motion of the laptop now to do that with planer tracker still selected in the upper right inspector at the bottom you see where it says create planer transform again words that literally don't make sense to me but this is the tool that will allow us to connect that and tell it to do what we want it to do just click create planer tracker transform and it just dumped it randomly here which is kind of confusing see it's it's actually free it just threw it way over here on the left what we want to do is take that planer transform and and take the footage of me and connect it to the planer transform basically you want to say hey see that footage of Daniel that's the thing we want to track so to do that disconnect your media in1 which is the footage of me from the merge and bring it over to the planer tracker right there and then the output of the planer tracker let's bring that into the merge once we've done that these are all now connected these are all put together and if you go back to your edit page you'll now see that we've just got this singular us clip everything all connected together and when Santa moves around with that laptop the footage of me is going to move along with it inside so it really feels like I'm in that laptop and I'm on Santa's screen so really simple all we've done is we've created this Fusion clip back over infusion that's the Santa footage that's the node that's telling hey we want to track what's going on inside of the laptop this is the footage of me this is the planer transform node that's saying hey make sure that this footage is following whatever ever the planer tracker does it merges them together and then sends it back out to the output not too tricky nothing too fancy now we can get a little fancier here if we want we could say hey you know what I don't love the look of the footage of me inside of the laptop it's a little too crisp in Santa's footage is a little more diffused and if you've ever held up a laptop to a screen or a camera you know that filming a screen sometimes looks a little washed out so one of the things we can do is we can actually change some of the color for the foot of me and correct it a bit so that it's not so crisp it's not so high contrast now you can do that right here there's a list of nodes and one of them is a color corrector now you can grab that color corrector and all you want to do is put it in line somewhere here where you can make a connection point I'm going to bring that right here and say Hey I want to make sure I can color correct that footage of Daniel and I just drop that node in line almost like putting a guitar effect in line if you had a guitar and you were playing into an amp and you wanted to add some Distortion you could have a distortion pedal and you just plug into the pedal and then plug into the amp that's kind of what we're doing here drop that little effect down in there and with it selected in the upper right inspector you can now do some color correcting you could pull the contrast back a bit right and wash it out see how that gets washed out there's also the basics gain lift and Gamma I talked about these recently in a tutorial talking about how to use the color page of Da Vinci resolve this is sort of a mini version of that gain lift and Gamma is basically low mid High darks mids brights we can play with these a bit and go let's wash it out a little bit let's bring up some of the brightness of it the gamma and make it feel a little bit more like a computer screen and if you wanted to look back and forth you can also quickly just turn that off and on to see what it looked like without any color correction turn it on and that's with a little color correction just a little more diffused that can help it feel a little more realistic now when I play this through you'll see that everything that we want to do here is all happening in one Fusion clip now one thing that is really cool about creating these Fusion clips and putting everything together let's say I wanted to take this shot that I just created that's got a bunch of different things going on and I want to zoom in and out instead of having to zoom in and out all these individual pieces because it's a fusion clip now I can just key frame that motion maybe I want to start back here I'll say like right where he points at me I want it to be full screen so there's the point let me select this whole us clip in my timeline and in the upper right inspector I'm going to drop a key frame right there that's going to tell it at this point Stay full frame like it is but I'm going to move the playhead back to the beginning and maybe at this point I wanted it to be zoomed in a bit maybe I wanted it to be a little closer just by making that motion it's added another key frame because I've given it a reference point later on to reflect that it's going to be something different later on in the timeline and if you click on this little key frame icon down underneath the footage itself it'll show you these key frames right in your timeline at this point you can see it's dropped one right there to tell it hey from this point on it should be full screen back here I had it zoomed in but look what's happening that entire footage it's affecting everything Al together because it's a fusion clip now it's all combined so simple motions are affecting all those different pieces that are part of that clip it's like it's saying Hey listen we understand these are all connected so now you can make adjustments turn twist Zoom do whatever you want and da Vinci resolved will handle the rest cuz it knows they're all connected pretty cool huh let me show you one other cool trick that you can do here if you found an area in here that you really liked and you might want to use for your thumbnail let's say Santa pointing at me and me looking back up at Santa let's say I wanted to use that as a thumbnail for YouTube I just put the playhead where I want it here in the edit page and then go up to file and scroll down to export and choose current frame as still now I just have to select where I'd like to save this give this a name let's call it Santa and Daniel and then export and now I've got a saved thumbnail of that exact frame that I can use for my YouTube video kind of a cool trick if you've actually got a frame from your video that you think would make a good thumbnail or something you might want to add on to later using your photo editing software and if you want to learn more about how to edit easier and learn some tricks and D Vinci resolve click on the video that I've got on screen now or the ones that I'll link down below peace
Channel: Daniel Batal
Views: 41,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel Batal, Creator Conversations, DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Resolve Fusion, Fusion Page, Davincie Resolve for Noobs, Storyblocks, Holiday editing tricks, DaVinci Resolve Editing tips & tricks, royalty free music, royalty free video, royalty free images, royalty free sound effects
Id: g0zhi8WaKHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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