7 INSANE Text Effects in DaVinci Resolve

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one the look through effect this is the clip that we see through the text search for text and drag it to the timeline trim it to the same length as your clip and enter the word that you want to use choose an appropriate font you can best choose one that has enough thickness make sure to scale up the font using the title's size don't scale it up using the clips Zoom as this will affect the quality so always use this tool to scale text place the text below the video clip while standing on the text change its composite mode to Alpha while standing on the clip make sure its composite mode is on foreground now we can see the video clip through the text you can optionally place another clip underneath this text I'm going to do that with this clip make sure that the new clips composite mode is on normal drag the text and current video clip one layer upwards to position the new clip underneath now we have this effect it doesn't look very appealing that brings us by text effect two outlines I'm going to continue from where we ended you can do it yourself on a new clip as well drag the text and the masked clip one layer higher then copy the text and place it underneath make sure that the composite mode is on normal now add a stroke to the lowest text layer as you can see we create the outlines we can even add another thing to it this brings us by three Shadow to add Shadow you only need to adjust the offset like this you can easily determine the position of the Shadow if you want to soften it you can add some blur and here you go the shadow I redesigned it a little bit to have this result four the Cloudy effect drag a text clip to the timeline enter your text and choose an appropriate font remember don't scale it with the zoom but increase the text size let's position it before adding the stormy effect [Music] go to generators and choose the noise gradient drag it on top of the text clip and make sure that it has the same duration as your text change the composite mode of the text to Alpha and change the composite mode of the noise gradient to forr this way the noise will only be visible inside the text as you can see the noise automatically comes with some animations there are different tools to manipulate this animation using this you can give it your own design it doesn't matter what you do here just give it your own flavor this effect is already a little bit heavier which I like let's give it some outlines as well drag the noise gradient and the text layer one layer upwards copy the text to the empty layer and change its composite mode to normal now you can give the text some outlines this looks better with the background if you'd like to add Shadow to it as well you can modify the offset values if you're background clip is black like in my case you can change the shadow color add some blur to make the shadow more realistic this is our result now I'm going to keep for frame the Shadow from 0 to 18 as well if the shadow is added add a key frame to The End by clicking on the diamond icon then go to the start with your time indicator and change the offset value to zero this way the shadow will come in during the clip let's see if it works yes the shadow is animated Five flicker Edition drag a text layer to the timeline and type in the text you'd like choose your font scale it using the size and pick your font color right click on the text layer and make a new compound clip you can choose the name search for the flicker Edition in the open effects and wack it onto your compound clip your text automatically flickers right now you can test out all functions of the effect in the effects panel adjust the values of the effects that you like like to create your own design if you want to add changes to your text itself you can open the compound clip by right Mouse click open in Timeline here you can modify your color and things like that let's give it some Shadow you'll be able to see it once again in our final timeline the background Shadow has been added a little bit darker now it matches the energy with the video M six glow drag text to the timeline enter the words that you'd like and choose your font scale it up using the size tool and position the text to your favor I'm going to keep the text color white I'm going to place a colored glow behind the text search for glow and the open effects before dropping it onto your text make sure to make a compound clip of your text first now you can drag the open effects glow to your clip as as you can see the text has some glow but the video disappeared make sure to change the composite mode of the compound clip to screen there are a lot of functions in this effect that you can modify to your favor I'm going to change the color of the glow to Yellow now I'm going to play with the sliders to find find a good balance between them I'm going to animate the spread using key frames by clicking on the diamond you will create a key frame on the place where the red timeline indicator is located from there you can create new key frames by adjusting the value I'm anim in the spread of the glow effect very gentle right now this is the result if you pay attention you can see the spread getting bigger and smaller you can take your time to see what the other sliders do as well eventually after playing around a little bit this is my final result seven presets the Vinci resolve has a lot of build-in presets for your text you can find these in the title section Let's test some out I'm going to start with the digital glitch effect you can enter your text inside these boxes this work like a [Music] preset once done position your text [Music] it's time to see what the glitch preset this okay that's cool let's test out another one let's take the flip over the principle works the same let's type in G and change the color position it this effect makes the letters flip one by one Let's test out the last one the jet SS cool enter your text and you immediately see a cool effect let's change the font as well and let's modify the color too let's adjust the text position and the text size oh it doesn't look cool yet let's see what we need to do letters come one by [Music] one let's make the color white it's kind of invisible now oh we probably need to change the Jetter color yes this is what we needed to do these outlines are the jetting part as well yeah this effect is very [Music] cool let's just change the front color as well to match it with the area let's pick a screen color and now this text is representing the world history that the city has undergone let's fine tune a little I think it's okay this is the final result
Channel: Tim Bonnarens
Views: 10,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci, resolve, editing, tutorial, noob, beginner, effect, text, animation
Id: vkqLS6etAnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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