3 Rounds with the Cast of 'Top Gun: Maverick' | Entertainment Weekly

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every time tom cruise's name gets brought up we must take a drink there was already enough pressure on the scene and then glenn decides one day to say guys montages last forever everybody like went into like hyper mode i will say tom is like again on that mentor [Music] so [Music] welcome to entertainment weekly's three rounds with the young guns of top gun maverick the actors playing the pilots being trained by tom cruise in the upcoming uh sequel to the classic movie top gun my name is clark collis and i'm joined by glenn powell monica barbaro jay ellis danny ramirez louis pullman and greg tarzan davis uh here we are folks round one cheers cheers eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes cheers cheers cheers oh the reach the reach [Music] as i mentioned in the in in top gun maverick you play pilots being trained by uh tom cruise's character but i understand in real life i mean this is sort of echoing uh real life that the tom cruise put together a pretty uh a pretty tough uh training regimen for you before you started the making the movie could you talk about that a little yeah tom designed this incredible aviation course for us um we started in a cessna where we learned like basic aviation then we moved on to an extra 300 where we did aerobatics you know things like his famous what is it an s split s um and had to start pulling g's sustain g's without a g suit um thanks to chuck coleman shout out to chuck chuck cheers um and then we moved on to l 39 where we got to get into some dog fighting and um then a swim test then uh and we flew in f-18s and what's it like when you're up there and you're pulling you know with extraordinary amounts of g's and how much and how much are you bathing no when this is happening danny how much are you barfing when you're up there i think uh most of us could say that we're barfing quite a bit [Laughter] the resilience of everyone of uh i've never seen a group of people that puke and rally more than we do because we were up there we had two hours a two-hour window to get um to get the scene and so you realize that you can't let whatever's coming out of you prevent you from getting what you have to get um so it was amazing too i mean some of the stories gotta get it yeah we gotta get you sometimes sometimes [Music] the variety of resilience shown um but lou had very interesting ways of showing resilience as well like mine was just like spewing mine was just like and then cleaning up and then making sure that everything was good and that i looked like i was in control when i was in the back or not even controlled but just like cheers to the pizza cheers to the puking rabbit basically after three drinks you're gonna see what it was like in a cockpit with some of these pilots says the guy drinking water yeah that's why he wanted to play the drinking game it's because he knew he was gonna no no we are about to as a matter of fact let's introduce this right now we about to play a drinking game okay this movie changed all your dreams drinking water excuse me can i get um did you just snap with somebody oh my gosh i'm so sorry [Applause] so the drinking game is this is a movie um about uh uh what is this about i take a few shifts and it's already hitting me um every time tom cruise's name gets brought up we must take a drink and i'm not talking about a sip i mean a gulp full name tom cruise or just tom tom and cruz or cruz or tom or thomas or whatever tim relating to maverick fair enough fair enough take a golf so obviously your co-star in this film is tom cruise i mean what was it like uh the first time you met tom you know i remember the first time my first experience meeting him was we did a table read at the production office and he pulls up on this motorcycle and there's these double doors at the end of the at the end of the lobby that open up and in one move tom hops off the motorcycle pulls his helmet off his hair is perfect like not it didn't get smushed or anything not a hair sticking up the helmet just disappears like his hand reaches back and it floated in the air honestly and then he walks through the doors and it was a california day it was just one of those beautiful sunny summer days and like the light behind them was like this perfect orange and you're like this man is an angel and then he walks in with this big smile and he reaches out and he's like hey i'm tom nice to meet you jay and you're like you know my name wait what what is happening right now such an amazing experience and uh glenn you auditioned with tom cruise right what was that like i did um you know i was actually pretty nervous uh you know tom's a guy i've been looking up tom tom tom oh what um i've been looking up to tom my whole life so um before i was gonna read with him for the audition just cause you're talking doesn't mean you don't also have to drink every time you say dawg good job monica okay [Laughter] i'm gonna go audition with tom and um i was nervous so what i did is i uh went over to my buddy's house he has a born on the fourth of july poster in his house and i did all of my lines to cruise in the born a fourth of july poster so that that that intense stare i could uh i could hopefully match it and then you know when you meet him you know you forget that he's one of the biggest movie stars in the world he's very personable he's very authentic and i think we can all call him a friend and mentor now which is pretty cool and the original film has this iconic uh volleyball scene whereas the new film um has a football scene what was it like sort of prepping for that and shooting that oh it was madness i mean i've never seen so many people like in the gym constantly and then eating healthy i hate eating healthy and we had to eat these protein bar protein bowls at the place down the street we would go after after work that jack had us like have the exact perfect combination of protein macros and all these things yes but at night so they would talk about like hydrating then dehydrating and then like at two o'clock you got like cut sodium there was already enough pressure on the scene and then glenn decides one day to say guys montages last forever everybody like went into like hyper mode like he's right because he's right it's true a montage is remembered for like it brings so much texture to the moment that like that drove us up the wall i think i first realized that when we were working out in the gym here at the hotel and you were whispering under your breath i was like and you were like i was like wait sorry wait and you you know you shoot the film uh and then obviously the pandemic happens and you know the film is sort of put on the shelf for a couple of years what was that what was that experience like for you well it wasn't put on the shelf for a couple years it kept almost it kept cam coming off the shelf and then no no but you know all for the very reason that you know everyone's so excited about seeing it the other day at cinemacon i mean this film was made to be viewed in a theater they designed special cameras to the imax cameras to go to be able to pull cheese and go certain speeds these batteries were like special made i mean and and also to have that community feel like this is designed for the theater and to get people back in the theater and they just you know rightfully so weren't gonna put that there until theaters could be at full capacity what was it like the first time you saw the the finished film we were all sitting there eight of us we were all together in a 500 seat theater that was empty we were still spread out like very far spread out like six or seven seats we had our mask on and i just remember tarzan comes in the room do you guys remember this oh yeah yeah coming down the aisle let's go just screaming at the top of his like before we even started but then at the end of the movie it was the the the beautiful speech beautiful speech because it brought back like we haven't seen each other in so long and everything that we put to make this movie was very that's one of the best speeches you've ever given it reminded me of that independence day speech i'm sorry are you comparing your independence day speech to his dad to bill pullman the greatest president ever honestly i did have the best seat in the house for your speech and i would say it's pretty complicated your dad is going to disown you he would agree nobody knows about a good speech better than him and then you watched the film with an audience at cinemacon recently what was that like okay yeah it was it facetimed us in dude did i tell you you know what's actually crazy is there was a thing if anybody's phone uh glowed or if anybody picked up their phone there was a guy with a laser pointer that would shine a light so people were like popping off and glowing there was lasers coming down to make sure nobody was recording or on their phone in the movie that sounds that's phenomenally distracting it was it was like jeez um i gotta say watching this movie with an audience we'll all get to do that you know on wednesday it was i mean people were fist-pumping and high-fiving and sobbing leaving the theater and you just realize this movie means so much to so many people and the fact that we hit a mark that people thought was impossible it's just it's the coolest thing i mean we're part of something that i think is going to go down as one of the coolest movies ever made didn't you say there were two dudes crying high five they literally both walked out next to each other they obviously i'm pretty sure they knew each other but they were just like like you know okay so that's the end of round one cheers [Music] cheers so when you're shooting the film where are you staying like like at night oh it's a mix we stayed here we stayed in the hotel here in san diego where we're doing this press tour at we stayed uh we stayed on base in fallon uh we stayed at a casino in la moore oh man you guys remember that yeah that was was that the golden nugget blowing money sideways there's the tachi palace oh yeah yeah we'd be island roosevelt yeah we'd be island we stayed on base and then we stayed on the roosevelt when we were on the carrier out to sea and what's it like like staying on an aircraft carrier what i mean what do you do for hijinks or an aircraft carrier what were the roommate assignments here i had the best one it was me and michael miles me and danny yeah you were close that was a master class yeah i would go to he had the longest hours i don't know how that man functions because he would come into our room at like 11 30 at night after scouting the whole the whole aircraft carrier and then he would like watch some movies on his on his little screen and then he would wake up at like four in the morning and i would have little slivers of the day where he'd tell me like yeah i just watched this movie and i i learned this and i learned that and i learned so much in those two weeks and i um i feel bad for you guys that you guys didn't get to experience yeah well you is this way who have so many close-ups in the film yeah claudio and i yeah yeah yeah i'm sorry wait that's close [Laughter] you know obviously you're busy shooting a movie but what would you what are you getting up to together when on your on your on your hours off oh we're having drinking parties drinking contest we are no we are no there was we we just realized that we all hadn't gone out to get we've always been missing one person from all our nights out so we might hit the town these days yeah we did a lot of these shows we just got to check it out we're doing that right now i think we spent a lot of time in the gym together but one place that we probably all consistently went together was the gym i was in that gym so so much loose so much yeah you were so disciplined because it was it was skins versus i've never had i was wondering i've never had anyone so dedicated to handing me weights it was the most amazing it was always i felt bad that i missed that day i i had a lot of fomo really on the day that yeah you shot that was that i went to that one that was that was that was lamore i could have been flying these two must have been flying yeah no i was shooting the video guys again so you were there for the the first part of the video and then um because we were doing remember the bikes that you that you then oh yeah i don't know how you got that thing to move and then you guys were both moving the actual equip the stationary bike that you actually got to use as a mode of transportation [Laughter] tell me about the first time that you all saw uh top gun the first movie well i was i'll start off by saying i saw it as i'm a light bloomer to the game i saw as a college sophomore and i remember just walking away thinking yeah yeah that's all together also nyu hi hey did y'all see it together no no i'm older than him and i remember walking away just thinking like oh there was ever a sequel it would be amazing to take part in it because it's just it's magic so the fact that it happened and after 33 years we were here it's because i manifested it into existence wow thank you so much danny has tom thanked you i saw for the first time on an air force base in austin texas uh my dad was in the air force and we lived on berkshire air force base and uh i remember going to the base on theater and it was packed uh families pilots mechanics just tons of folks who support uh on the base and the feeling of watching or just being in a room with so many people who felt like they were on screen and they were being portrayed on screen like it was like screaming it was hooting it was high-fiving and like fist bumps and it was just this crazy experience to see like all these people who really fly jets for a living watching this thing as if it were like a brand new thing that like they've never experienced in their life and and i guess they hadn't at that time and that was just such a wild experience it just made me i think the power of film for me really stands out in that moment and like how powerful storytelling is well then we got to open a screening and would be and i remember it was just so cool to hear you tell that story because like now you were gonna be the guy they were watching it was like it was hitting you all at once um yeah um this is the first time you've sat out the whole time i think tom would love it i think tom would love it i think tom would love it i'm dying oh this is very this is flashbacks of an entire san diego night where they had a drinking competition throughout um to which i powered it's one of the most powerful peer pressure communities you could ever sit in healthy peer pressure [Laughter] [Applause] ah yeah that's exactly what i mean glenn you saw it when you were ten yeah my uh my dad introduced me to the original top gun when i was 10. i liken it to basically like you know a dad asking his son to play catch for the first time he like really you could tell in his eyes like he really cared about this moment that this was a big moment for him and you know he handed me the vhs and we sat down and i could tell he was just watching me while i was watching it seeing how i was reacting to certain moments and um you know and when we went on the naval base it's just amazing how many of these aviators top gun was the reason they became aviators when they go out and they try to explain what they do to people they're like oh you ever seen top gun that's me and i think it's really cool that you know the first movie inspired a generation of aviators i think our movie is going to do the same so it's cool to be a part of that legacy uh it inspired one particular new aviator by the name of yeah yeah i i not a non-naval aviator you know i'm i'm flying a little bit different horsepower uh than they are in the movie but um yeah i'm a licensed pilot now what i said only in the belly button sense cheers to that cheers mike what are the other films that inspired uh you to take out bangtan oh boom oh washington um what movie is that a movie john key um the drink is the drink that might actually there might be alcohol in there based off that answer no it would actually be me [Music] [Laughter] so we have training day jockey john q man on fire man on fire there we go what about you danny for me it was um shawshank uh shotgun redemption was just one of the movies that started it all just and then also wait oh my god this is the one that i should go for um city of god suddenly was one that i saw during my social studies uh 11th grade class our teacher would always show his films and um yeah that's the one that i was like that storytelling became really powerful and um i realized like the the scope and scale of movies you could and stories you could tell uh lewis um well i wasn't allowed to watch tv growing up weirdly enough um and but we were allowed to watch two movies a weekend and so but we had we would go to the blockbuster and every once in a while but also i spent a lot of time in montana and we had the same set of deep of vhs's one of which was legend starring tom cruise has anyone seen that because he's he is a youngin in that and he is incredible and it is one of those movies that's so fantastical and so kind of like just yeah just like mythological and he had such conviction and he had such a sense of like he took it so uh with with such weight and he treated with such like responsibility um with with like you know really mythical subject matter and i i i remember thinking that was pretty spectacular and and that and stand by me you know river phoenix and stanford i mean that's pretty good did your dad influence you at all i mean oh um of course i i talked to my dad uh about acting but he goes nah i'm not a fan sorry who who's the actor um no he's obviously i mean that goes without saying is one of my biggest influences of all time i go to him with any questions anytime nobody nobody um really can seem to understand you know the the the weird like problems that you might have as well as him because he knows me better than anyone and he also knows the business better than anyone um and so i just felt like that was a given i didn't even want to say that well i mean people go unappreciated give them their flowers man by the way do you guys remember the the moment where uh we wrapped a little early and we stood by the trailers and tom talked about a few good men yeah about the making of a few good men by the trailer that was that was one of my favorite memories is tom sat there and he walked us through what it was like to shoot that uh final scene in a few good men with nicholson and you know him going back and forth and what nicholson was doing what his process was who which famous actors were in the audience watching them shoot at that time and it was really you got to watch him geek out you know because he knows like the effect like we're all looking to him like a guy that has all the answers and he's going back in his career saying like hey i didn't have all the answers i was geeking out the same way you are here and it was just um i don't know that's a really special moment that really i think solidified the mentorship role that he took with all of us uh over the course of this thing i'm sorry we would rap and then we would he would tell stories for like two hours we would just stand and like circle after a long day and mcu it was like every day we got like it was this master class like he was like monday was tom day tuesday was miku day yeah wednesday was tom day yeah yeah and jerry yeah [Music] [Music] it's brand free and so have you stayed i mean have you stayed in touch with each other since the shooters has tom sort of continued to to be a part of your lives what tell us about what i think we all should have oh come on i think we all text him semi-regularly we try not to bug him but i text him every night good night it's good morning sometimes i don't get a responsibility to have a good day how's your day going just thinking about you i see i seen you on top of a train like was it scary you know biplanes what i'm like [Music] we we literally actually do that with each other we were all sending each other good night messages last night i mean we sit together all day we all come in contact pretty regularly which is pretty rare i feel like after a project usually those threads kind of like get a little slower trauma trauma trauma that's what it is yeah you haven't flew an f-18 before i mean not today but you probably haven't listen you probably have a super bowl ring though yeah because cause we don't got one and more people got a super bowl ring then they have a f-18 fly like well he's feeling really what i'm saying is trauma bonding is real have you ever been through trauma i think i'm going through it right now i think you are too unfortunately i am sorry for you i'm sorry but he's been he's been um i mean we've stayed in contact with him and and he's uh with whom me yes with you good time and uh he's been supportive in anything in any of our storytelling endeavors and um for all of us i think across the board he's he's continued as a mentor and um yeah i don't know and we very much stay in contact with each other we all text non-stop uh we see each other when we're out of town if we're randomly in the same city like we actually we just all went to drinks together jay let me stay at his guest house he just stayed at my house last week daddy planted drinks for us like three weeks ago and then ditched us it didn't show up yes you did plan it and we all know that i couldn't go you guys i was it was during the during the prep for a specific project and i got really sick based on the prep yeah that's what you said yeah i just understood you sent a text message out at like 1pm guys i'm sorry that i backed out to not get you guys you got sick but we found out it wasn't covet and we were like no that's not what i was going to come into the day after um so i'm just getting guilty for with that wow but anyway i love you guys because you guys are like family cool also like a bunch of us are trying to make projects happen for the future because we just can't get enough of it that's awesome and the one the one thing that i thought was really cool is that they sent me the deck they also were like they sent me the deck before and i was like all right i'll read through it let me get to it in a couple days they sent it to tom tom read it faster than i did but that's the other thing is i i will say tom is like again on that mentor we were talking about this earlier like we couldn't we talk about how lucky we were that tom was on this film to have this wild oh boy wild experience um but it it it doesn't exist without him that i think is just incredible i mean like like i someone was asking me like how does the studio let you do this and it's it's all dom i'm sorry it's really hard not to say his name um it's all him because none of this exists without him i'm getting drunk without who i'm babying this drink right now you know i didn't realize it was it was hitting me until i tried to form normally these are doubles you know what one of the things i think is really amazing about this entire thing is like hey thank god for you yeah yeah don't worry don't worry about it guys i don't get drunk i don't get tired oh no we have to explain this to you i'll explain it after i give my point um [Laughter] honestly one of the things that i think is so crazy is because we've all experienced this and obviously the projects haven't been of the scale in this size and this important to like film and to a community of folks maybe necessarily but like we are walking away as friends and that's not normal a lot of people say it but it's actually not that normal of a thing and like we legitimately all like folks have ran auditions together folks have like looked over scripts and and decks for projects people have developed projects together traveled together traveled together put up auditions like or or suggested each other for roles like it it is this bond that was created between us is so powerful and it's because of tom like it's because of his mentorship and it's really cool and also it's only six people maybe seven uh in la who probably can say that they filmed a movie in an f-18 and we're all right here we're all right here like that's such a crazy thing there's a lot of actors out there and we're the only six at this table seven with miles eight with the boss who can say that counters this can't count on it that count it yeah guys you can say that we've we've filmed an f-18 like that is remarkable it's crazy what is the moment or the day that you'll remember from the from this whole experience do you think i think the first van ride that i joined in on was for whatever reason that's the one i could maybe see the entirety of those six hours and a little bit was we expressed the fear of being replaced at the end of it but everyone was trying to like we were trying to get off on the right foot you guys had experienced the previous weekend but i remember being there and just like seeing how amazing you guys all were and i was like it was the it was a moment that i had to pinch myself of like what we were about to go on and then i was like well they're so amazing that i'm like am i going to get replaced based on this i'm like my self-worth was like really it was brought up the moment we continued this because i was like these are amazing actors amazing people and yeah even on the drive back when we then all opened up of like oh i thought like we were done for um that's just like that to me is one of the most special moments i i would say passing the um the the swim test was a special moment that we all made it through the completion of i guess graduation to the f-18 because we all trained you know in the um cessna the extra 300 l39 and and to see all of us finish it was like a a a weight of relief off his shoulders yeah yeah louis i think in the beginning of our whole process i was i was not trying to be method by any means but i think bob is kind of quiet and a little more reserved and i didn't talk for like three days um just because i was like what does that feel like to be kind of the guy who's like in the corner who's always watching and listening but not contributing and um yeah that was why and also because i was like these are all really established very cool awesome actors and also i'm terrified to go 18. and am i am i supposed to be here um but i i think for me literally like it was it was that probably first night where we went to that was it the oak club yeah which was like it was a navy bar and it just felt like everyone really took us in and we instantly kind of like were absorbed in this world and i was like i i think i can i think i can be a part of this thing and it was because of because of everyone else being like yeah dude you can do it but the funny thing about you having an emotional connection to that day is that's also the the moment when jay took your phone put it on the bar and made you buy everyone in the bar drinks that's exactly what you're trying to do it's a little stockholm syndrome that you're like i love these guys i guess if you put your cell phone if you leave your cell phone on the bar you have to buy the entire bar around the drinks so jay put his cell phone on the bar so he had to buy the entire round for the entire office i was quiet dude and he goes hey hey man can i see your phone hey buddy sorry we haven't talked that much can i see your phone for a second i just want to look something up i was like i was like he's like yeah totally awesome [Laughter] and everyone's like ring the bell and i was like yeah we're getting free drinks and i was like wait wait sorry uh it was the first words i probably spoke i was like sorry what are the rules here what's going on right now joe's like probably one of my finer moments to be honest i'm well folks thank you so much uh for being here today cheers cheers to all of you uh and this has been entertainment weekly's three rounds with the cast of top gun which is released may 27th only in theaters and if you made it all the way through we apologize you
Channel: Entertainment Weekly
Views: 753,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entertainment Weekly, Monica Barbaro, tom cruise, top gun, top gun maverick, top gun three rounds, 3 rounds with the top gun cast, top gun maverick cast, top gun cast, top gun maverick behind the scenes, Jay Ellis, Danny Ramirez, Greg Tarzan Davis, 3 rounds, top gun maverick cast interview, top gun maverick cast funny moments, top gun maverick 3 rounds, 3 rounds with top gun, three rounds with top gun, top gun maverick funny moments
Id: FTzyZUrncVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 56sec (2036 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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