Hidden Moon | HD | Full Length | Award Winning Movie | Romance | Drama

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[bell tolling] [no audible dialogue] [mutters] Nice to see you. Thank you for coming. William. Thank you for coming. He was my father, too, Victor. I know. I just, uh, meant-- Please, say something nice to Mother. Mother's dead. Your mother's here. And the evil stepsisters, too, I see. Please be nice. It's Dad's funeral. Mother... how are you? I'm glad to see you here, William... dressed appropriately for the occasion. You know how much your father loved you. Oh, we all know how much my father loved me. We've all missed you, William. People really notice my absence, don't they? We pray for his absence. Mommy. Grandma. Come with me, kids. [Priest] Today we are reunited to celebrate the farewell Eucharist of our dear friend, Bill Brighton. Bill Brighton was far more than a parishioner for me. Far more than a father to his wonderful children, William, Jr., Victor, Monica, Christine. Far more than a loving husband to his lovely wife, Eva. Bill Brighton's passion in life was for helping those in need. Through his Brighton Foundation, he helped hundreds of transplant survivors who owe him their lives. At church, at the Brighton Foundation, and in his personal life, he was always exceptional. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. - ♪♪ [organ] - [people] Amen. ♪♪ [singing in foreign language] Please be seated. ♪♪ [continues] [Woman crying] ♪♪ [Boy singing solo] Do you know her? What's she doing here? ♪♪ [solo continues] [crying] ♪♪ [chorus singing] She's ruining Dad's Mass. Do something, Victor. Look at Mom. ♪♪ [continues] [whispering] [whispering] No wonder Dad loved to go to Mexico. Miss, did you know my father? Is there anything we can do to help you? I'm sorry. [Priest] The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit [camera clicks] be with you all. [people] And also with you. [Woman narrating] Like so many people, I came to Los Angeles to fulfill my dreams. But I didn't realize, when I left home, the trouble with chasing your dreams is sometimes you wake up alone. [Woman] Your visa expired years ago. What if you can't come back? I don't know. [in foreign language] Goddamn it. I'll pay you an extra month rent, and you can have my TV and all the stuff I leave. Mm-mm-mm? Yours. Mm. Mm-mm-mm. Ooh-la-la. You really don't want this dress? Mm-mm. Why so bitter, Miranda? You did what anyone would have done. When I saw the green flames, I just knew I'd regret it. What did you find out when you talked to her? Nothing, really. She has an accent. If I found her, I would kill her. Oh, yeah. That would really clear up Dad's reputation, Monica. She could be anyone. She's probably someone the foundation helped. Someone who got a transplant. [Man] She has nothing to do with the foundation. Even Mary, who's been with us since day one, didn't know her. Now everyone thinks Dad had a lover. Or worse. We have a sister. Shut up, Monica. You care too much about what other people think. This family has a reputation to uphold. Have you thought about how Mom must be feeling? That damn woman is hiding something. [Man] Whether she's your sister or his lover, that woman wants money. [Eva] Is that woman the reason your father loved going down to Mexico? Do you think she reminded him of his past? Mom, I'm going to find a way to prove that she was never Dad's-- Of course she wasn't. I just wish this would've never happened. Find out who that woman was. Find out, Victor. I will find out, Mom. Take care of Mom, Christine. [bell tolling] [Miranda narrating] Every day I asked myself if chasing my dreams has been worth leaving behind everyone I love. After losing my mother, I got very close with my father. He taught me how to make candles and how to read them. At first, all flames seemed the same. But if you know how to look, you see differences. [knocks] Tobias. [in Spanish] Your dad will be so happy to see you. [both chuckle] It's so great to see you again. Look. Now we can take him to the best doctor in Mexico City. Your father won't go anywhere. Besides, it's not about the money. Of course he'll go. He has to. What your dad wants is to die here at home. What? To die? I thought we just needed to get him to the best doctor. He checked himself out of the hospital last week. Last time I called, he said he was fine. Why did you wait so long to tell me how sick he is? He didn't want me to tell you. He knew you had your career to-- My career? He's been a bit stronger since I told him you might be coming. He'll be so happy to see you. [in English] It's 2:00. Get up. Oh, man! [groans] Can't a guy sleep one off, Vic? Aren't you always sleeping one off? You remember anything? Not really. Unfortunately, Mother, my fiancée, and all your sisters do. Plus all the help. Well, I pride myself on being memorable. Well, you must be particularly proud today. So what are you looking for? A clue to who that woman is. So you think that was Dad's mistress, too, huh? Dad wasn't that kind of man. Yeah, well, he was a man, and she's awfully pretty. Who wouldn't want some of that, you know? [chuckles] Looks like Susan finally roped you into getting engaged, huh? She was always smarter than you. I don't know about all that "roped" stuff. She's the perfect woman for me. Ever the dutiful son. Perfect woman for you. Educated and rich. Good job. How's your mom doing? [engine starts] [William] Save it for the honeymoon! [tires screeching] [engine revving] Are you sure you share genes with him? How are you doing? Being strong for everyone takes a toll. I'm worried about my mother. What kind of woman would do such a thing? I mean, even if she were-- She wasn't. She could be anybody. You can't really believe that he would... Your father was a very powerful man. I'm sure women threw themselves at him. [in Spanish] Daddy. Is it really you... my darling Miranda? I've come to take you to the best doctor. Let me die here, in peace. Did you get the part you wanted so much? Yes, I got it. I'm glad your dream is coming true. No... People ask about you all the time. Yeah? Everyone will be so happy to see you. [inhales sharply] Dad? [quivering breaths] Don't worry. The flame still moves. Daddy... you have no idea how much I regret being away for so long. Forgive me. No... You did the right thing. You fought for what you wanted... and I'm very proud of you. Tobias... take good care of Miranda. [Miranda] No... It's not time for you to go, because I need you. We still have so many things to share together. Please, Dad. Let the flame take care of itself. [exhales] [mutters] Don't touch me. [sobbing] Why didn't you tell me he was that sick? I could have spent more time with him! How could you do this to me? [sobbing continues] ♪♪ [Men vocalizing] [Woman, in English] ♪ Tell me, tell me ♪ Is the brown-eyed brunette girl in today? Hmm. You're one of Miranda's big tippers. Something like that. She around? She's not here. Okay. When's the next time she comes into work? She won't. I really need to talk to her. Yeah. Two bucks for the coffee. ♪ You know you love me too ♪ ♪ Tell me, tell me ♪ I said $2. ♪ Whisper in my ear ♪ There you go. ♪ Tell me all those words ♪ ♪ You know I'm dyin' to hear ♪ ♪ I'm hopin', I'm prayin' ♪ ♪ That you feel like I do ♪ Come back sometime. Thank you. [in Spanish] I'm sorry. Hi, Auntie. Is it true that Miranda's starring in a Hollywood movie? Mmm. Miranda. I'm sorry. Thank you. Hey, cutie. Teacher. Hi, sweetie. I'm so sorry. He is no longer with us. But look at you. You're even more beautiful than when you left. Soon Guanajuato will be known as the birthplace of Miranda Rios. You're so talented, my dear. The gringos must love you. Hello, Inés. I know how much you loved him. I know Felipe was like a father to you. If there's anything I can do for you. Thank you. Did you know Miranda is here? Thank you for coming, Inés. I really do appreciate it. Your father was such a good man. He was so kind to Tobias. Father. Miranda, my child. You don't know how sorry I am. Thank you. You've been like part of my family. [Girl] Mami. Apolonia, come here. Say hello to Auntie Miranda. Oh... Oh, you pretty thing. She's even more beautiful than in the pictures. And she named her after that movie you two loved. Does everyone have a candle lit from the same flame? If not, let Tobias and Beto light it. [people chattering softly in Spanish] I knew Felipe and his beloved wife, Patricia, before Miranda and my daughter, Camila, became best friends and dreamers together. I remember before Patricia learned to trust and read candles the way Felipe did all of his life. She used to say she married into wax. [laughter] At their wedding, Felipe gave Patricia a magnificent candle that symbolized their love. [people cheering] They lit it together, ♪♪ [waltz] and we all danced around it. [chuckling] But that year... [thunder rumbling] was the rainiest and windiest anyone could remember. [thunderclap] Patricia was terrified the weather would put out the flame they lit at the wedding. Felipe, in his wisdom, kept telling her how much he loved her, and the weather wouldn't change that. "Don't worry, Tricia," he'd say. "You have to let the flame take care of itself." One rainy day, Felipe found their wedding candle hidden in the closet. [door opens] [laughter] [door closes] He carried it onto this patio and put it in the rain and wind. [Patricia shouting] He heard Patricia screaming, but he told her if it's meant to stay lit, it will keep its flame. The sky cleared, the sun came out, [birds chirping] and the candle kept burning with a vibrant red flame. [applause] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being there for him. Your father and I... became very close friends and associates. You were truly important to him. It is where I belonged. [chuckling] I've been waiting to do that all day. Here. I bought it for you in L.A. Camila told me you became a big Dodgers fan, just like Memo. How come? Thank you for writing me all those letters. I kept all of them. I feel so sorry it took me so long to come back. Any idea what you're going to do now? I don't know. I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I just want to move on. Go ahead, get some sleep. Good night. ♪♪ [guitar] ♪♪ [singing in Spanish] His name is Tobias, and his father just passed away. He's going to live with us from now on. He'll be in the room downstairs. Tobias, this is my daughter Miranda. ♪♪ [continues] [in Spanish, backwards] Want to watch a movie with me? [chuckles] [laughs] [laughs] Mwah! [laughs] ♪♪ [continues] ♪♪ [ends] ♪♪ [chattering in Spanish] Move the paraffin to the back so there's room for the new boxes. [engine starts] [liquid bubbling] [clears throat] [in English] Excuse me. Miranda... [in Spanish] Miranda, is she here? Miranda Rios? No, not here. What's the gringo lawyer-face want? He's asking for Miranda. What should I do? [in English] You guys do know Miranda, right? Miranda? I know she's here. [in Spanish] Miranda is here? I know that she's here. Tell him she doesn't live here and to go away. How? I don't speak English. Un moment, please. Sorry, Miss Miranda. This gringo just barged in. It's all right, Beto. [in English] Do you remember me? We met at my father's funeral. How well did you know my father? H-How did you find me? Your Russian waitress friend gave you up. Did you meet my father here or in L.A.? Did you really follow me all this way? Was your relationship personal or professional? Is being a complete asshole a natural condition for you? I'm sorry. I meant in a business sense. [in Spanish] Miranda, are you all right? Yes. Everything's fine. Thanks, Tobias. Tobias, this is... I'm Victor. Nice to meet you. Hello. [in English] Can we start again? [in Spanish] Could you give us a second, Tobias? Everything is fine. [in English] Please leave. Hang on. What can you tell me about my father? What do you want from us? I just want to get on with my life. I want to put all that behind me. Oh, great for you, but what about us? You ever think about how much you hurt my family, my mother? Go away, and you will never see me again. I want some answers, goddamn it! That wasn't my intention. No, you were very clear. Let me be clear. I don't want anything from you. [in Spanish] Thanks, Tobias. It's complicated. Sorry. [knocking] [huffs] Who was that? God, he's so handsome. Is he a movie star? A producer? Who is he, Miranda? Give me details. Just someone I met in Los Angeles. I don't want to talk about it. Okay. Well, are you ready to go out? Yeah. Memo wants your expert opinion. They're filled with tequila. Now I get it. He's your boyfriend! No. I don't like him, and he doesn't like me. Which is why he came from Los Angeles to see you, so you could dislike each other up close? Camila... my life there has been more difficult than you can imagine. Oh, yeah. What an awful life. Rich, handsome gringos following you across the border. By the way, would he be an illegal here? Forget it. I've got a surprise for you. [Christine on phone] Hello? Hey, Christine. I found her. I didn't learn much. Okay. And how is it there? [bell tolling, distant] This is a beautiful old city. Very different, exotic. I think she has a house here. What does she want? She says she wants nothing from us, but there's another man, I think, too. She moves fast. What are you gonna do? Are you gonna see her again? Christine, I gotta go. [beeps off] [in Spanish] You're not going to recognize the candy shop. Really? We've been trying new flavors. That sounds delicious. I don't want to talk to Inés. She's been chasing after Tobias since the day you left. Did you see her all over him at the funeral? I don't mind Inés. She's nice. [Camila] Mami! Hello. Look who's here. I love seeing you two together again. Don't you miss us sneaking around, eating all your candy? [laughing] Of course. Hey. Mm. Okay. That's enough, isn't it? I just love it when she gets jealous. Honey, you should cook a nice dinner tomorrow. Tobias is coming over to watch the Dodgers game. You and your Dodgers. [chuckling] I can't believe how beautiful the store is. Memo did most of it. He's as ambitious as Tobias. You know it was Tobias who convinced your father to keep the shop going? Yes. Okay, Mommy. Now she's all mine. [speaks Spanish] Ch-ch. [giggling] Shh. Apolonia is with a friend. If she finds out I'm home, she'll never leave us alone. [laughing] You'll see. You have a wonderful life, Camila. A truly beautiful life. Not like yours. Now here's the real surprise for you. ♪♪ [dramatic] [chuckles] ♪♪ [continues] Where is the moon? Where? [mouthing words] [waves crashing] At last, I have it all-- the house on the beach, the fame, the money. ♪♪ [Woman vocalizing] But where is the moon? You will only see the moon when you find your one true love, Apolonia. Have you seen it? A long time ago... but I remember it like it was yesterday. Tell me, what does it look like? The moon of true love... ♪♪ [vocalizing continues] is a harvest moon, fervent, and such a magnificent orange. So big it almost fills the sky. It looks so close you feel you can touch it. I would give everything I have to see that moon. Thank you. [TV clicks off] This was our favorite scene. Do you remember how much we both wanted to be Apolonia? At least you're getting the money and the fame. Once you get the house on the beach and find your own true love, you'll be living our dream, Miranda. I'm not as rich and successful as you think. But you live in Hollywood. You have commercials, the movie. Have you done any kissing scenes? Remember how we'd make Tobias do Apolonia's big kissing scene with us? He'd get so red-faced. I learned how to kiss with him. But he's so good-looking nowadays. Sometimes I'd get so distracted when I was teaching him English. He studied English with you? He was always saving money to visit you in L.A., but then your father got sick, and after all that time, he was afraid you were in love with someone else. In Los Angeles, almost nothing is real. It's not easy to find love there. Look. Here's what I got trying to find love. The man that followed you here? No. A producer who promised to make me famous. I dated him, but from the start, I knew it wouldn't work. Look. I got you a copy for you, too. Thank you. This broke a few months ago, and with everything that happened, I forgot to get it from the shop. It was your father's favorite chair. [truck door closes] [engine starts] [knocking on door] Come in! It's open! [door opens] [in English] So, did my father know you had a boyfriend on the side? [sighs] He's not my boyfriend. Sure looked like it to me. How much did you get from my father? I never received a penny from your father, and I want nothing from you. So you expect me to believe that you were in love with him? A man more than twice your age? Come on! Give it up! How long were you guys together? How long were you screwing my father? I never even met your father. I don't believe you. I'm an actress. Oh, you're an actress. What, do you get paid by the hour or by the night? I was hired to go to that funeral. That's a lie. Who would hire you to go to my father's funeral? I don't know. You don't know? Why would you even consider doing that? I needed the money. Oh, so you did do it for the money. Who does that for money? Only people who always have plenty of money say money's not important. Try worrying about getting a really good doctor for your sick father sometime, and tell me money means nothing. Oh, so that's why you did it. Because your father's sick, you ruined my father's reputation. Couldn't you just work for the money? How many tips at the café would I need to raise this much? Take it. I don't want it. I don't need it. I didn't want to do it, but I was desperate. I have no idea I'd be seen that way. I thought I'd be just another woman crying at your father's funeral. In the end, it was useless. My father died the day I came back. I'm really sorry it caused so much pain for your family. So you never even met my father? I never wanted to meet any of you. [footsteps departing] [sighs] [door opens] [door closes] [beeping] [line ringing] [Christine] Hello? Christine, hey. How's Mom doing? She could be better. How's it going? I talked to that woman again. She says she never even met Dad. So why was she at the funeral? Apparently somebody sent her. Who is she then? It's strange. She seems decent. Really? I don't know. [clears throat] I just can't make sense of it. [beeps] Are you coming home tomorrow? Well, I gotta find out who did this and who this woman really is. Don't say a word to Mom until I figure this thing out, okay? What can I do to help? How can I get this woman to trust me? I hope you like the wreath. I'm so sorry about your father. Losing your father can make you do crazy things. I'm horrified by all the awful things I said to you. I was crazy by the thought of you being my father's lover. I know it's a lot to ask you to forgive me. Yes, it is. Leave me alone. After you tell me who hired you. I have no idea. Could you help me find out who did it? Somebody went to a lot of trouble and expense to destroy my father's reputation. If it were your father... So, after his first wife died, he started the foundation for other transplant recipients, and he devoted the rest of his life to helping others. Lucky. You had time with him. All the time in the world wasn't enough. I really miss him. I had to leave my father and my home to chase after my dream. Well... let me finish telling you everything that happened. I saw an ad. An open call for a film. My audition was recorded. Uh, I got the part. I was so happy, you know? My first part in a feature. I tell all my friends about it, including my father. I'd been waiting for a break for so long. I didn't know it was an actual funeral... until the dress fitting two hours before, and the money was in my hand. I almost didn't do it. But I thought that money might save my father's life. Sorry. I didn't ask any more questions. I understand. I really do. I have no idea who hired me or why. [in Spanish] Miranda, I'm glad I found you. [in English] Uh, Camila, this is Victor. Victor, Camila. You don't dislike each other anymore? [chuckles] I'm an English teacher. Um, does my accent sound more Southern or British? [mouths word] British. Definitely more British. I knew it. [laughs] Mir, look. I couldn't wait to get them printed. They are great. [Miranda] Ooh. Miranda is so successful. My God, she's rich. You have no idea how much money she donated to the school today. Oh, wow. She's a very generous woman. She is. By the way, the kids want to do a little show for you, and the principal would love to have you come and teach acting for us. Of course, anytime your career allows it. Have you seen Miranda act? Oh, yeah. Isn't she great? She was the star of every school play. I always played the best friend. She'll win an Oscar someday, and then she'll have her dream house by the beach, with a view of the moon. Right, Miranda? But all houses on the beach have a view of the moon, don't they? Mm-mm. Not all of them. Oops. I have to run back to school. I took a ten-minute break half an hour ago. It was nice meeting you, Victor. How long will you stay? Until tomorrow. Oh, that's a shame. Well, have fun, Miranda. May I walk with you? Is everyone in this town in love? [camera shutter clicking] This is the kissing alley. And those are the kissing balconies. Sounds fun. It's one of Guanajuato's best legends. The mine owner's daughter lived there, and a worker lived on that side. Mm. Forbidden love. One day, the mine owner found his daughter kissing the poor worker across the balconies. And it was a dishonor for his family. They would never accept his love. And the rich man preferred to kill his own daughter than to suffer the shame. Blood was spilled. And now couples come here to kiss and profess eternal love. Have you ever... kissed anyone on the balconies? Only once. [writing] This is the address where the casting session took place. Now I have told you everything. My father would be ashamed of me if-- if he knew what I did to your family. What are you looking at? Candles are never wrong. What do you mean? Can you see colors inside a flame? My father taught me that colors change according to the energy around them. Yes. I see something in there. That tiny bit of beautiful orange inside a flame... means you have started to forgive me. That's true. You have time to show me your father's workshop? You seem so proud of him. [chuckles] This was his favorite spot. Here... he taught me how to make candles. Could you teach me? This is a mold. We need it wet. Okay. Grab it, and slowly... dip in... [mutters] and then... cold water again. Pull it off gently. Pull... That's it. What are we making? You will see. [chuckling] [chuckling] No. And then water. Oh, yeah. [mutters] [mutters] Yeah. Huh. [laughs] It's great. Have a safe trip. [in Spanish] Good night. Good night. [line ringing] [Christine, in English] Hello? Hey. It's me. How'd it go? Yeah, the flowers for her father was a good idea, Christine. Great. And? I spent the day with her. I didn't find much. But now I have a plan. What is it? Can you hire a private investigator in L.A.? Sure. I know where she used to work, and I have this address to look into. ♪♪ [Woman vocalizing] [in Spanish] I saw a glimpse of the moon. [knocking on door] Mm. I thought you and Memo were watching the Dodgers game. [in Spanish, backwards] Look what I got you. [chuckling] You still remember how to speak backwards. Remember how it drove Camila crazy to not understand us? [in Spanish, backwards] Vanilla Camila. Can you still say [in Spanish, backwards] guanabana? Eh... [gibberish] [in Spanish, backwards] You even remembered... Mm-hmm. [laughs] I can't do it quickly. You even remembered I love guanabana. I never saw the ending of that movie you two liked so much. [Man speaking Spanish, channel changes] [ballpark crowd cheering] [Commentator speaking Spanish] Does Apolonia ever find true love? [bat clacks ball] [cheering intensifies] He throws a fast ball and hits it! It's going, going, going, gone! It's a home run! So you're not really a Dodgers fan? Not really. I knew it. Then why do you watch all those games with Memo? [Commentator continues] When you moved to L.A., you sent me a photo of you at a Dodgers game. Don't you remember? Mm-hmm. Someone practically dragged me to a game. I hoped that one day, when they showed the stands, I would see you on the TV. ♪♪ ["Charge" fanfare] [crowd] Charge! ♪♪ ["Charge" fanfare] [crowd] Charge! Hey! No. [in Spanish, backwards] Give it back. No! No! No tickles! No! No! Give it back to me before it melts. So you do remember how to speak backwards. It's mine. I'll leave you with your movie. [channel changes] ♪♪ [Woman vocalizing] Where are you going? I have a lot of work to do in the shop. [liquid bubbling] [in Spanish, backwards] Want me to cook dinner for you? No, thank you. We have a big order for a client in Mexico City. Can't it wait until the morning? We can't afford to lose this client. The bills have been piling up. By the way, I saw you made a candle. The wick is a bit crooked, but not bad for someone who hasn't made one in years. You're going to work alone all night? I can't pay the men overtime. [grunts] [chuckles] [laughs] [Miranda] It feels so good to be back home. I swear I never thought I'd be gone for so long. It's great to have you back. We could make so many things together, like they were before. I've changed, Tobias. And you've changed. We're not two kids in love anymore. I know... your dreams are important. Let me help you. [in Spanish, backwards] I still love you. All right! Somebody worked hard all night. Sí. Look. [keys jingling] Eh... Back the truck up. We have to get these delivered before midday. All of it? All of it. So, is she as good as she looks? You ever speak with such disrespect again, and it's your last day of work here. Okay. Sorry. Are you upset because the Dodgers almost lost the game in the 9th? Chill out. It's not a big deal. Yeah. What a bummer, right? [chuckles] Especially after three homers. Three? Four. Four. Okay? Get out of here. You drive. Okay. Go! [laughs] Poor guys. They think you care about the Dodgers? [chuckles] It makes life easier to pretend. There's something I want to tell you, Tobias. Look, I know you've worked so hard keeping my dad's shop open. I learned everything from your father. That's why I want you to have it. All of it. The building, the equipment, the workshop, everything. It's yours. You deserve it. But we could build it into so much more. There are more distributors in Mexico, the U.S. With your English, we could export. You practically built it. You earned it. This means you're leaving again. No-- I don't know. I don't know exactly what will happen with my life. All I know is-- A candle factory isn't part of your dreams? All I know is the candle factory that you built should belong to you. ♪♪ [violin] [in English] Have you ever seen the moon? I remember, Apolonia, like it was... ♪♪ [continues] [whispers] Yesterday. Yesterday, the moon was big and full and orange. How can I ever touch the moon? To touch the moon, you must dare to take a... Take a risk. To take a risk. I can see the moon now. Bravo! Bravo! [bell ringing] Bravo! It was great. Oh, and my moon. Good. All right. So it's all arranged, Christine? Great. I'm on my way. [in Spanish] Thank you, Evelyn. You are welcome, sir. Thank you. [in English] See you soon. Bye-bye. See you soon. [in Spanish] We've been apart so long. Why would Tobias feel something for me now? [children chattering, distant] And you-- do you still feel something for him? But your dream isn't here. I've been chasing it so long, I can't stop now. Please tell me you understand. [door opens] The gringo's outside! [in English] Only English in this room, Toñito. The gringo... [grunts] [boys shouting] Ohhh! [laughs] [in Spanish] Wait. [children chattering] Gringo, pass me the ball! [in English] What-- Oh. [grunts] What do you think you're doing? I thought you were gone. I'm playing soccer with my new friends. Hi, Camila. Good to see you. I hope you'll accept this. Thank you. I meant... why are you here at all? I have something I think will be a wonderful surprise for you. Can I show you something you've dreamt of for a long time? I don't think it's a good idea. Let me make up for my awful behavior. [mutters] It has my cell and everything. Oh. [chuckles] [mouthing words] [in Spanish] To the airport, please. [in English] What? What do you mean by, "aeropuerto, por favor"? Oh, no. We're not gonna go far. You helped me out, so I just wanna return the favor. It'll be fun. [sighs] Okay. [in Spanish] See you tomorrow. See you later, Agustin. Will there ever be a day when you're through thinking of her? Never, Inés. She doesn't belong here anymore. She could leave at any minute. I saw her... having fun with the American at Kissing Alley. I have a lot of work to do, Inés. Thanks for the cookies. Tobias... Where's Miranda? She might not be back until later. Is she with him? If you need me, you know where to find me. [laughing] [in English] All right. You're there. You're there. You ready? Uh-huh. Are you ready? [laughs] [in Spanish] It's even better than Apolonia's. [in English] Does it look like your dream house? Oh, it's better. Some tequila to celebrate? What you do here, miss? [in Spanish] Nice to meet you. Miranda Rios. Miranda Rios. [continues in English] Do you speak Spanish? [continues in Spanish] Yes. I'm from Guanajuato. Rosa. My beautiful Rosa. Mr. Victor! I'm so sorry about Mr. B. [in Spanish] May God keep him in his glory. [in English] He was the blood of all of us, Rosa. So you two have already met? [clears throat] You know, this was my dad's favorite place in the entire universe, Rosa. He loved it here in Veracruz. You kept him really happy, and the whole family is grateful to you. I have something I wanna tell you, and I wanna make sure you understand every word. Miss Miranda will translate, okay? [chuckles] Just because my father won't be coming back here anymore doesn't mean that we're going to sell the house. You and Luis can continue here for as long as you want. [in Spanish] He says you can stay as long as you want. They won't sell the house. [in English] We might be using it a lot. [in Spanish] He might use it himself a lot. [in Spanish] That's not what he said. [chuckles] [in English] She-- She understood just fine. [in English] Now I cook for you, Mr. Victor, okay? Okay. Thank you. [quietly] I guess she doesn't like me. She will. Let me talk to her. Rosa? Have you ever seen her before? I don't remember. Maybe with my father? No, Mr. Victor. How is Senorita Susan? She's fine. Thanks. [Memo, in Spanish] So she gave you the shop? We are losing her, Memo. Is she in love with him? I don't know. There's something very complicated between them. ♪♪ [Victor, in English] Will you be heading back to L.A. soon? I don't know if I'm going back. Your government doesn't want me. Oh? Why? You, uh-- You a troublemaker? [laughs] I had a two-month student visa and overstayed it by several years. Wow. Okay. [laughs] ♪♪ [continues] That's why I didn't see my father for so long. [phone ringing] [beeps] Um, what about your acting career? Oh, it wasn't much of a career. I won a scholarship to a summer program in L.A. and got a small role very quickly. That sounds good. Everybody encouraged me to stay, but then I found no roles at all. Then I took some classes and worked on my accent. Your accent? [chuckles] I love your accent. It's sexy. I did a little theater and made a few commercials. The only national one I made hasn't even come out. There's good money in that, right? Who knows? It made me look like a movie star. That's as close as I got. Not much to show for all that trying. [laughs] [chuckles] [glasses clink] [clears throat] My life was a lot clearer before my father died. Mine too. He used to bring me and my brother, William, out here a lot. My mother and my sisters-- they don't come here very often. But, um, William's mother and my father-- they loved this place very much. Is she the woman in the painting? [mutters] My father-- he always said the view of the world was much better from here. When I was a girl, Camila and I saw a movie about a woman named Apolonia, who had wealth, fame, and a beautiful house on the beach. But there was no moon. She believed that a full moon would appear when she found true love. We were convinced that acting was a way to achieve Apolonia's life. Does she? Ever find true love? [chuckles] [bell tolling] [Child] Good morning. Hello, Ms. Santos. Good morning, Sebastian. Good morning. [in Spanish] Miranda didn't come home last night. I think we should go to the police. She's an adult, Tobias. Easy for you to say. What if she's in trouble? [beeping] [phone ringing] [beeps] Is Miss Miranda up yet? Her door is still closed. Okay. You look great today, Rosa. Thank you, Mr. Victor. [laughs] Fun? Oh, great. My dad used to drive. I'd ride in the sidecar. [laughing] "Casaveras"? Calaveras. La calaveras. Calaveras. That's nice. I love it. Hmm. That's the one? Yeah. [in Spanish] Thank you. How much is it? One hundred pesos. Ciento pesos. [chattering] Uh-huh. [in English] Everyone should smoke a cigar once. [laughing] [laughs] [in Spanish] Dance with me, miss? [laughs] [laughing] It's my turn. [laughing] [laughing continues] [chuckling] Tell your husband to relax! [chuckles] [in English] She says you have to relax. Uh, tell her your husband will relax as soon as she stops pushing him. You're just like Rosa. You understand more than you let on. Don't you? I catch words, but my mouth just can't say them. That's what four years of college Spanish will get you. [chuckles] [in Spanish] You must come more often so this can help keep you... looking young and beautiful until your grandkids are as tall as your knees. [in English] How many grandkids you give us? ♪♪ [guitar] ♪♪ [singing in Spanish] ♪♪ [singing continues] Tobias? Tobias? ♪♪ [continues] ♪♪ [ends] Are you hiding here in the dark? Mmm... Oh, yeah. Don't stop. [laughs] [chuckles] Oh-- Oh! Oh! [both laugh] Oh, no. I'm sorry. You play mean. [laughs] You look beautiful. I'm having a wonderful time here. Yeah? [chuckles] [chuckles] I think it'll be full in two days. It will take at least three. What about the one from your movie? Does it look like that one? Nothing is quite like that one. Maybe in a few days. Maybe. Maybe. Rosa will see us. [chuckles] She has the night off. Oh. You plan well. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I think I know what red means. Uh-uh. You have to let the flame take care of itself. I like you, Miranda. I love the way you are, the way you see the world, your dreams, your smile, your lips, your accent. What happened to you here? L.A. was difficult for me. I was breaking up with my boyfriend. [phone ringing] [ringing continues] [beeps] Hello? [Susan] Victor, it's me. I've called a dozen times. How are you doing, honey? Hey. I'm sorry. I, uh-- I lost my phone charger, and I had to go buy a new one. Christine told me you're not coming home today. What's going on? Are you all right? Yeah. Uh, I found her. Great. So, what did she say? Hey, Susan, can I call you back? My mother's calling on the other line, and I should take it. Okay. Call me later. Love you. Okay. Bye. Love you too. [beeps] [beeping] [line ringing] Come on, come on, come on. Hi. It's Christine. Leave a message. [beeps] Christine, when you get this, you gotta call me back immediately, okay? Our plan was wrong. There's a-- There's a much better way of going about finding out the truth. Much better for us, and, um, less painful for her. [beeps] [door opens] Good morning, sleepyhead. Mmm. [chuckles] Look what I brought you. Ohh... I've been thinking. I know a lot of lawyers in L.A. Good ones. 'Cause I have a brother who keeps them very busy. I think we could fix your immigration problems. I wanna help you. You could have a great acting career, and, uh, you could be like that woman in that movie that you love. No, look-- Let me finish. Let me finish. Um, I own this place in Malibu. It's not like this place, but it's nice and livable, and it has a beautiful view of the moon, and, uh, you could live there as long as you want. You live there? Only if you invite me. [both chuckle] That's very generous, but... You know, your mom, you family... Yeah, they'll take awhile. I can't deny that. Will you think about it? Will you do that for me? [in Spanish] So the man she left with isn't her boyfriend? Never heard that before. Are you going to help me or not? Check every hotel room in Guanajuato. She's with the gringo, Tobias. You're wasting your time. [Miranda laughing] [Camila on phone, in Spanish] Are you all right? Yes. Just call me "Apolonia on the beach." Why didn't you call? Did you get my message? Are you coming home today? Today? I doubt it. Why? Tobias is putting ideas in my head. Oh, no, Camila. Come on. It's been like a dream. Victor is a gentleman, you know? I think I'm falling in love with him. Really? Uh-huh. I was so worried. I'm glad you are having a good time. Hey. What is it? He's splashing me! [in English] Don't do that. [in Spanish] Has he kissed you? Yes. Tell me! No. Please. No. [in English] Hi, Camila. Hey! You were right. Miranda is fantastic. She is. Bye, Camila. No! You're going in. Wait! No! No, no, no! Please! Please, Victor! No, no, no! [screams] [laughs] No. [Miranda laughing] [line ringing] [Christine] Hello? Victor? Thank God, Christine, you're there. I'm sorry. I couldn't do anything. What? He decided to go anyway. Victor? He should be there by n-- [beeps] Will this pass inspection at the Mirador? It sounds pretty fancy. Who were you talking to? Come on. Let's get the hell out of here. [singsong voice] Honey, I'm home! Shit. [laughs] Oh, little brother. Aren't you the naughty one? Shut up, William. We were just leaving. Dad and Victor got you first. How much to screw every man in the family? Hey-- You're such an asshole. What, is it-- is it a mother thing? Screwing Dad's latest squeeze? Let's just go. You know, she didn't even know Dad, all right? She wasn't his mistress. It was all a lie. It doesn't matter. Everyone believes that she was. I mean, look at her. She looks just like my mother. And that's all it took to tarnish the Brighton name, now and forever. Oh, and that pleases you? Immeasurably. It was you, wasn't it? Whatever do you mean? Moi? It was you who hired her to ruin Dad's reputation, wasn't it? Why would I do that? Just because Dad cheated on my dying mother with yours? I don't believe that. You don't believe that your slutty mother and our virtuous father destroyed her? I already know it was you. Why don't you admit it? You're the only one in the world who hated Dad. Don't limit me. I just don't hate Dad and his first whore, I hate all you stupid bastards he had with her. [grunts] Oh! [William] Oh! A crack in the perfection of Prince Victor. [laughing] I love it. Wait a minute. Is that why Christine wanted me to come down here? So that you could use your whore to flush me out? Was that the plan? Is that why you brought me here? Miranda, I-I-- He used us both, Miranda. Shut the fuck up, William! So you decided to get a little while waiting for him to show up? That it? It wasn't like that at all. I swear. Did he mention Susan, his fiancée? Miranda, I promise I was gonna-- Did he offer you the love palace in Malibu, Miranda, honey, baby, love? Did he make you believe that he loved you? Shame on you, Victor. Shame, shame, shame on you! Are you gonna crash the wedding like you did the funeral, Miranda, honey, baby, love? Oh! [blows landing] [grunts] [grunting] [grunting continues] [Driver, in Spanish] Go straight ahead. The bus station is that way. [Men chattering in Spanish] Hey, baby! Where are you going? [clatter] Don't you want some? [whistling] [chattering] [dog barking] ♪♪ [pop in Spanish] [Woman] Hey, baby. Are you lost? Need a tourist guide? Good and cheap. Still no luck. Whoo! ♪♪ [hip-hop in Spanish] [tires screech] ♪♪ [continues] Hey, baby, where have you been all night? Come on, doll. How about a twofer? How about it? Oh, please keep moving that ass for us. Oh, yeah. Stop the car. Damn, baby, for you, we'll each pay. [laughing] Come here. No! Please, no! No! [laughing] No! Please, no! [siren blares] Aahh! Sergeant, this whore stole my wallet! [police radio chatter in Spanish] Get out of here before I change my mind. Thank you. Thank you for helping me. Prostitution is illegal here. But I'm not a prostitute, please. Then what are you doing walking alone, dressed like that? I can't believe this. This is outrageous. Get your hands off of me, imbecile! Put your hands on the wall. Hands on the wall. But... I'm not a prostitute. You can explain that at the station. I just want to go home. Please! [Man on P.A.] Transportes del Norte announces its departure to Puebla and Mexico City. Miranda! [Driver] Mister, where is your ticket? Get off the bus before I call the authorities. [Man continues on P.A.] Thank you. [Woman cackling] [Woman speaking Spanish] [Women chattering] [Woman cackling] [in English] Hey. Excuse me. [knocks on counter] [in Spanish] Excuse me, Officer. Uh, I look for Miranda Rios. [in English] Uh, how do you say-- Shit. [in Spanish] Dress... black... Did she do that to you? No. No. No. No, no, no, no. Nothing. But we've got some prostitutes. Want to take a look? [cell door closes] She must be a badass. Look at that scar. You should pay her a visit. Yeah, let's see who's tougher. Well, well, well. A little princess has arrived. That's pretty. [gasps] Don't move, or I'll break your bones. [laughing] [speaking Spanish] The little princess gave it to me. Ch-ch-ch. Get your filthy hands off me, you bitches! You are so selfish. Let's see what else the night will bring me. [Camila] Hello? Camila... [in English] What do you want? [coughing] I spent all night looking for her, but I-- You can quit looking, because we know where she is. What? Is she okay? Yes, she is. Where is she? I won't tell you, you bastard! You just leave her alone. Please, Camila, I have to talk to her. Please... [dial tone] [in Spanish] Let's go home. See you tomorrow. [mutters] [speaks Spanish] [Guard speaks Spanish] [chattering] Tobias, let me explain. Don't say anything. I know perfectly who you are. Camila sent you these. The bathroom's over there. [sniffling] I know that your life in L.A. has been difficult-- that you've had to do things you didn't want to do. I could hear it in your voice, no matter how much you tried to cover it. I felt so useless... not being able to help you, to protect you. [engine starts] [Victor, in English] I can't, Christine. Not yet. I-- I told you to stop William from coming. You know him. How could I stop him? I wanted to kill him. You have to come home. You have to tell Mother what you found out. She's hearing all the rumors. Susan's here, too, and she's asking me all these questions. Yeah. I'll fly home today. [phone shatters] You saw the last couple days. I never saw anything, Mr. Victor. [door opens] [in Spanish] How long was I asleep? About three hours. [chuckles] Sorry to wake you. I was going to get something to go. I'm starving. Let's eat inside. ♪♪ [patrons chattering] [chuckles] Whatever happened with the group you and Memo formed? Do you two still play? You guys were great. Inés' father let us play at the Kissing Alley Tavern, but then Memo married Camila, and he quit. I can imagine. All the girls loved you guys. Especially Inés. Inés is just a friend. I guess you liked the enchiladas. I missed them so much. ♪♪ [Man singing in Spanish] ♪♪ [continues] [in English] Victor, I'm so sorry I couldn't stop William. What happened to your lip? Uh, it's my fault. What an idiot I am. Don't say that. You found out the truth, and Mom will feel better. [footsteps overhead] Susan's here. Monica's been raving for an hour. The investigator sent you this. Your brother is a moron. William isn't-- Right. Both your brothers are morons. Somebody hired her to do it? What kind of subhuman would agree to that? There are some people in this world who actually need money, Monica. Will you let your brother finish? Until the last minute, she thought it was a part in a movie. All right? She was cast perfectly to make us believe the whole act, and we bit. They told her to appear, leave the rose, and cry. Wearing that sexy dress? Don't try to make us feel sorry for her. She put us through hell. I don't think this family knows what hell is, Monica. All right. Let's focus less on the woman and more on who hired her. Mother, I'm sorry. [sighs] William was behind it. Son of a bitch! That bastard. Sorry, Mama. He admitted he hired her. He was proud of it. It was all intentional. He's still ranting on about his crazy idea about Dad and you. He and I had a fight. Since the day I fell in love with his father, I really tried to love him. You did love him, Mother. All of us did. Mother, I'm sorry. I wish I would've found out something different. At least we know that Father wasn't having an affair with that woman. Oh, good for us, Chrissy. How do we convince the rest of the world? We can't, Monica. We're stuck with the lie William created. But what matters is we know the truth. Dad was an honorable man. [phone ringing] [beeps] [door closes] Miranda! [in Spanish] You look great. [backwards] Thanks, Tobias. [backwards] You always look good. You two are annoying, talking backwards again. Now it's my turn to cheer her up. [backwards] Really, thank you. Now, tell me everything. I just want to wash off what happened in Veracruz. But you said you were Apolonia. Yeah. Exactly like her. I didn't see the full moon. So he's married? Engaged? I knew it. I'm so glad I called him a bastard. When did you talk to him? Early this morning. He said he spent all night looking for you. I told him to never talk to you again. [phone ringing] [beeps off] It's been ringing all day. I'm glad you told him that. It was a beautiful fantasy, but it couldn't last. You don't need that idiot. Soon you'll have an Oscar and a house on the beach. You have a career, Miranda. I don't have a career, Camila. People assume just because you move to Hollywood, you are rich and famous. Didn't you just get a big movie role? No. There's no movie, Camila. They lied to me... just like I've lied to myself to keep my dreams going and not feel like a failure. I was just a waitress in a silly uniform. But what about the money you donated to the school? [phone ringing] [beeps off] That's what I got paid for-- pretending... to be his father's mistress. [phone ringing] [beeps off] [sighs] Why would you do such a thing? To save my father. I know what I did was awful. I hurt Victor, his family, and myself. It will haunt me the rest of my life. What do you think you'll do, Miranda? I don't want to cry anymore. I'm exhausted. My only plan is to live in the present and to have enchiladas with my real friends tonight. [chuckles] [groans] But Memo and Tobias are obsessed with the game tonight. The Dodgers could get in the playoffs or something. Trust me. We will convince them. Wow! [laughs] Do you like it? It's incredible. I love it. You'll look so beautiful. ♪♪ [patrons chattering] [laughing] ♪ The first time I saw you ♪ ♪ I got close to you and fell in love ♪ ♪ And now you're leaving me ♪ ♪ I gave my love to you ♪ [chattering] ♪ You made me happy and life was a joy ♪ ♪ Now you're leaving me with a broken heart ♪ ♪ Who would have thought that someday you would leave me? ♪ ♪ Who, who ♪ ♪ Who would have thought that one day I was going to cry? ♪ ♪ To cry, to cry ♪ ♪ To cry ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhh ♪ Whoo! Whoo! Bravo! [whooping] [laughing] Miranda, you're so lucky. ♪♪ [singing resumes] You have everything you ever wanted. This one's on the house. Thank you. [clicks] ♪♪ [people cheering] [in English] ♪ You take my breath away ♪ [people shouting] [camera shutter clicks] ♪ You've got me here to stay ♪ ♪ It's true ♪ ♪ Seems a little ♪ ♪ Feels a little like love ♪ [can clatters] [hisses] ♪ Feels a little like love ♪ [Woman] Introducing Movie Star, the energy drink of the stars. ♪♪ [continues] [knock on door] [clicks] Are you okay? Your mother finally fell asleep, and Christine is resting. [sighs] We should go. [laughing] [in Spanish] We should serenade them. No. No. They wouldn't hear us. [laughs] [laughing] [laughs] Hey, it's Beto. Hey, Tobias! [laughing] [grunts] I told you. The Dodgers are in the playoffs. Great. You owe me 200 pesos. [laughing] The Dodgers. Yeah, sure. [in English] Can you see the moon from here? The moon? I never noticed. With all the bright lights in the city? But you always know it's there. I never noticed the moon either. What's going on? You've always been so wonderful to me. I can't keep this up any longer. What is it, Victor? Keep what up? I'm sorry, Susan. I think this is not going to work. [door closes] Mm. [in Spanish] Thank you. Uh... There's something I want to show you in the shop. And? What am I supposed to be seeing? Your shop. Our shop. Tobias-- Let me say this. Everything I have ever wanted is right here, right now. If you let me help you make your dreams become real, mine will also come true. Tobias-- We can expand the shop, or sell it, or move it, or do whatever we want with it. Whatever we decide will work for me. I have some money saved. We can sell the shop and move to L.A., and I can build a new one. There's something you should know. What? That you struggled in Los Angeles? No dream worth having is easy. Forget the past, and let's start a new life together. You can be Apolonia. I know it. Let me help. [mutters] I don't really have an acting career. Apolonia wasn't looking for fame... or a house on the beach. She was searching for true love. That's why you always wanted to be her. Don't you remember? I love you, Miranda. I've loved you since the first moment I saw you. All this time apart... has convinced me that what I feel for you is real. Let's make it work. [ballpark crowd cheering] [laughs] ♪♪ [humming] ♪♪ [humming continues] [knocking on door] Coming! [in English] I'm so sorry. I thought you'd want this back. [knocking] Please let me apologize. [in Spanish] Please, Miranda! [knocking continues] [in English] You're going to embarrass me until I let you in? Is that the plan? Just let me apologize. Then I'll go. I've heard that before. There's no excuse for what I did. The first true words you ever said. I never meant to hurt you. Which part was accidental, Victor? Setting up the whore to trap your brother, or setting her up as your mistress once you found out your father never slept with her? I tried to call off the confrontation many times, but William-- he came anyway. You took me to Veracruz to trap him. When I first invited you, yes. But I changed my mind. I tried to stop it. When? When your plan to make me your mistress formed in your sick mind? When I fell in love with you. Please... go away. Miranda... Miranda... this is an immigration attorney. You deserve another chance of following your dream of becoming an actress in L.A. Is that my dream? All his fees will be paid. Even if I never see you again. That's more likely if I stay here. You told me you loved me. I never said that. The red flame in the candle told us there was love. Love is something different. I didn't plan to fall in love. It just happened. I love you... in a way that I never knew was possible. Engaged men are supposed to know what love is. I thought I did... until I met you. How were you planning to explain me at the Malibu love palace? I just wanted to get you out to L.A. and buy myself some time-- By buying me. I wanted to find the least painful way to break off my engagement. I failed. So you have made a second woman miserable. Is that what you are saying? I screwed up all the way around, but I never loved her like I love you. You have done her a favor. Someday, she will figure that out. I love you. Please... forgive me. [footsteps] [sighs] [sighs] [in Spanish] Why didn't you give the candles to Miranda? I couldn't. She was very busy. [Tobias] Pancho. They doubled their order. Hey, that's great. Will this mean overtime for us? Totally. Maybe another employee too. One smarter than Beto. Smarter than who? Thank you! You even burn the water for coffee. I've gotta tell Miranda. No. Miranda's boyfriend is back. What? They were-- You know what I mean. Get out. They were kissing. Get out! Tobias, wait. The pots are boiling. Out! [Men shouting] Tobias! [in English] We can convince them, believe me. [in Spanish] No, Tobias, please. [in English] You will never love her the way I do. You don't know what love really is. No man just falls in love. They climb to it, struggle for it, claw their way up to it with heartache and blood and a thousand bruises. I've spent 16 years learning how to love Miranda. You can't match that in a few weeks. [knock on door, distant] [in Spanish] And I'm gonna tell you something. You might have money, fame, and a house on the beach with him, but you will never find the full moon that you've always been looking for. [door opens] [Beto] Tobias! There's smoke in the shop. Beto, call the fire department. [fire extinguisher whooshing] [whooshing continues] [grunting] [coughing] Tobias! [coughing continues] Tobias, where are you? [sirens wailing, horn blaring] Tobias! Miranda... [crying] [in English] Here, here. Here! Here. [grunts] Tobias! Tobias! [in Spanish] Tobias, where are you? [coughing] I need to get you out of here! [people shouting] [people clamoring] There are more people inside! [coughing] [coughing continues] [sirens continue] [Man shouting] [muffled shouting] [shouts] [coughing] [fire engine horn blaring] [panting] No, no... [Miranda, in English] No! Please! [grunting] Let me go! Please! No! Miranda! Miranda! [shouting] [glass shattering] No! [grunts] [waves crashing] [Woman, in Spanish] Sometimes the moon is right in front of you, and you can't see it, Apolonia. Miranda... ♪♪ [Woman vocalizing] [footsteps] ♪♪ [continues] [mouthing words] [Miranda narrating in English] I wish I'd realized earlier... when you put true love first... everything else falls into place... even your dreams. ♪♪ [Woman singing in Spanish] [Victor] Miranda! Can you hear me? Wake up! Miranda! [gasps] [coughing] [no audible dialogue] [grunts] [siren wailing, distant] [siren continues] [crowd murmuring] [coughing] Tobias! [crying] [laughing] [in Spanish, backwards] Let's make it work, Tobias. [laughs] [sighs] [coughing] [laughs] ♪♪ [Man singing in Spanish] ♪♪ [continues] ♪♪ [ends]
Channel: Bjgtjme - Free Movies
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Id: 5qy8FYZojEE
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Length: 121min 52sec (7312 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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