Mikey and JJ Control Villager vs Golem MIND Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

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so Mikey and I have a giant battle tonight and one of us will win the Battle of giant golem versus giant villager yes our job is to get inside the Giants and control them so Mikey and I are going to have a little competition and whoever wins is the coolest dude I'm definitely going to be a Golem whether you want me to be or not not anymore not so fast Mikey first we have to spin the wheel of fortune and I'll start if if I get something I have to control this giant and what do I get yeah all right I'll get in the gollem and control it no that's not fair it's fair so stop crying and get in the Villager how am I supposed to get in [Music] here great I'm inside the golum and I need to get to the control room hence it's head and brain so I have to go through a little obstacle course I promise you it'll take a little while about 20 seconds or so so Mikey and I came up with this whole thing to finally decide who's cooler him or me and we're going to have a little battle between a giant villager and a giant Golem I just need to get to the control panel first I didn't think I'd have such obstacles waiting for me on the other hand it's not a problem for me I'll get there real quick and activate the Golem yeah and there's a door at the end of it I take it that's the Golem's control center well I'm already one step [Music] ahead wo wow this place is beautiful now I have to figure out the controls I guess this computer here is responsible for all of the Golem's motor functions oops something happened it must have worked hey Mikey you okay in there I'm a Golem now JJ cool I'm a giant villager and now you and I are going to have a battle ha so let the battle begin and we'll talk about our Specialties I can come up to you and hit you so hard you'll fly into the sky that was funny and entertaining but the best part is you can't do anything to me oh my God I can't hit you then how am I supposed to beat you that's not my problem you've probably already lost loser not so fast JJ I can't hit but I can run fast and I can build you up what are you going to do to me oh no this can't be happening how am I supposed to get out of here I got to do something I've got to get into Mikey's villager and beat him up somehow no I have to find the secret passage it's got to be around here somewhere H I haven't noticed anything yet where's the secret passage yeah there it is great it's just not exactly what I thought it would be ender pearls this is going to be so much better well hang in there Mikey I'm Coming For You hey JJ what did you do hey you I don't get it what happened is it just me or did JJ teleport Like An Enderman to me yeah Mikey you didn't have to be so mean to me what do you want from me leave me alone you're wrong I'm wrong you're wrong because you decided to build me a trap uh yeah because that's my specialty and you just don't want to accept the fact that you lost because I'm much stronger than you I'm about to take control of a giant villager and destroy all these barricades you already lost JJ you just don't want to accept it because you're weak and you're ashamed of it calm down Mikey you lost and it's not up for discussion no I'm not going to let that happen if you're going to play this tricky then I'm going to have to hey what is this goodbye JJ you've lost ah no this can't be happening oh yeah all right then I've got another secret I haven't told you you should just accept that you've already lost no I'm not take that ow what is that do you know how to throw blocks yes and I'm going to destroy you I mean I'm going to destroy your giant and then I'm going to destroy you no don't you dare do that that's not fair BS Fair Mikey you lost I'm the real winner I demand a rematch I'm not just going to give up that's all well and good but look at this we destroyed the giant villager why can't we repair it somehow but how it's not like I'm a doctor to get in there and fix it the situation is bad and we don't even know how to solve it hey what did you do to our Elder did you destroy it we'll kick you out of our village you're out of your minds what have you stupid clowns done Jay are we lost no we came here for help for help this house looks like no one's lived here in a thousand years that's just it there's a witch living here and I'm hoping she'll help us hey witch open the door please we need help now witch it's Us JJ and Mikey we have a very serious situation hm JJ and Mikey what are you doing here we need help resurrecting the giant villager he's unfortunately he's gone yes I'll help you but not just like that you'll have to bring a dragon egg a dragon egg where do we get a dragon egg I'll give you a map of where it is here's the map cool what is it the egg is somewhere on a mountain if I'm not mistaken or a cave start on the Mountain first go straight North good luck oh yeah I forgot then I'll need one more ingredient but first an egg good luck well my I think something's about to start happening to us well here we are but I don't really understand anything yet Jay she told us it was on the mountain there's a mountain this is it how are we supposed to get up the mountain we don't even have anything on us ha not true I have one thing with me at all times for situations like this uh hold the cat hook just aim and shoot and then you'll fly forward cool Mikey thank you I take it you carry stuff like that under your shell oh no I won't tell you that because I don't have to tell you my secrets okay okay we need to get to that mountain for sure yeah just aim and jump it's not that hard yes it really is it's really cool where did you find it I bought it from a unique Relic dealer hey that doesn't exactly look like a relic yeah but who cares the important thing is that this instrument is perfect for our needs isn't it hey Mikey look at this I think this is the Dragon's Nest cool well then find the egg and get out of here that's where it's standing by the way H I've been thinking Jay hurry up now's not a good time to think not until there's a dragon there's no problem oh my God Mikey there's a dragon get down on the floor now Mikey be quiet he might hear us you don't think he can see us I guess if he did he'd have eaten Us by now oh my God what a horror I was so scared let's get that egg and get out of here not even one egg let's get two eggs interesting why the dragon egg why not another egg huh probably because dragon eggs are super rare and Witchcraft requires such super rare ingredients let's go hey witch we've come to bring you gifts hm not even one egg but two eggs here now will you help us spiderweb what I don't get it there's more I need spider webs and spider threads oh my God why didn't you say so in the first place all right all right we'll find what you're asking for come on Mikey uh there's the spider cave there must be a lot of cobwebs in here oh my God I hate spiders so much I just hate spiders Jay what are you doing I want to destroy that monster uh quiet don't say that or I'll get sick let's get busy and start collecting cobwebs I'm not staying in this creepy place you're right this place is really creepy but listen there's so many cobwebs here it should be enough well then collect the cobwebs then it's not as hard as I thought it would be I wonder if that potion or sorcery or whatever can revive a giant I'm going to hope we can do it cuz those villagers are pretty mad at us yes they're really weird but on the other hand you and I are also very much to blame for this it's our problem for doing what we did to that giant so let's get out of here JJ help hm what's wrong buddy I'm stuck here for a while I thought it was a spiderweb but it turns out it's some kind of trap we have to get out of here as fast as we can because the spider could come any second now how am I supposed to get out of here I'm going to look for something hold on a second but hurry up I'm getting scared in here oh my God Mikey hide there's a huge spider coming this way oh no JJ help me it's going to eat me Mikey be quiet don't make any noise to attracted J JJ help me oh my God Mikey Mikey you all right there buddy oh my God what was that noise Mikey I'm going to get you out of here Mikey the spider's gone oh no where is it where's Mikey gone hey Mikey are you here are you trying to prank me Mikey the spider's gone so get out and let's get out of here oh my God I think I saw something out there there's that spider over there he didn't go anywhere but where there's Mikey did the spider eat him oh my God Mikey are you in there I'm going to get you out of here there he is the spider got him in a web and Mikey's hanging there oh my God I have to save him somehow I wish there was a house around here somewhere I need help ah here we go great this must be someone's farm and I can try to get help from these villagers but first Jesus Jesus poor Mikey how scared he must be in there hey you who are you and what are you doing on my farm excuse me mister I need help right away my friend is very sick he's stuck in a cave in a spider cave H I'll help you but you're not going anywhere fast enough what do you want in return look I'm very busy with work and I don't have any food I'd like you to make me a cake no problem I'll pick the ingredients from your vegetable garden and you think about how you're going to help me get my friend out I got an idea you can do it yourself but I'll give you a butterfly net what how am I going to use that think about it spiders love butterflies and you can use them to lure the spider out and free your friend and the spider stays alive and your friend is saved so sometimes you have to think with your head I agree just help me and I'm going to make you what you're asking asking [Music] for so here's the deal the situation is that I caught some butterflies to lure that spider and free Mikey now let's hope I can do it and save Mikey so my plan is to just lure that spider out of the cave I just need to scatter the butterflies in here okay spider are you ready for some food well then come here I need you to come out of that cave so I can free my friend come on you're doing great it's just a little bit left come here so I can save Mikey all right now just stand there and eat your food and I'll save Mikey looks like we did it now the spider's just going to stand there and eat butterflies ah I hope Mikey's okay cuz it took me a long time to get here hey Mikey can you hear me JJ is that you what are you doing here what do you mean what am I doing here I'm actually saving your life God I'm so glad you're okay are you okay I'm really scared I thought a spider had eaten you but why have you been gone so long because I've been looking for a way to solve this problem so you ready yes JJ I'm ready thank you again for coming to get me of course I couldn't just leave you here you're my friend and I had to save you if you're ready let's get out of here before the spider comes back uh the other guys weren't so lucky I guess there was no one to save them the important thing is that you're alive unfortunately the others have a very different fate hey witch we brought you something here you go it's what you asked for oh that's great then I'll get everything ready and we can go to that giant of yours uh are you are you sure he's going to be okay I'm kind of scared so I take it this is your giant all right I'm going to fix him up a little bit do you need any help no I'm just going to put some candles in here these aren't just candles they're magic candles for witchcraft how awful yes and now I'm going to add a little dragon egg then I'm going to use this enchantment and you most importantly stand back oh my God you did it thank you so much oh cool thank you witch hey where'd she go she must have teleported back to her home it's cool that villager's okay now now we need to talk to the others oh my God Elder you saved our original oh my God thank you so much yeah no problem you're not mad at us now we're sorry we were so rude to you JJ and Mikey come on we'll feed you I've made some really good tea be
Channel: Mikey Spikey
Views: 407,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft funny, minecraft, funny minecraft, minecraft but, funny memes, zenichi maizen, jj maizen, mikey maizen, noob vs pro security house, maizen raft, maizen lava securuty base, maizen nether base, maizen volcano, jj and mikey, mizen, Maizen art, mikey turtle, maizen fnaf, maizen security house, maizen challenge, minecraft security house, maizen, maizen mind control, mikey and jj control mind, mikey and jj control villager mind, mikey and jj control golem mind
Id: Vy9hxvQpQEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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