How JJ got Trapped by the Scary Puppies and Ryder from PAW PATROL EXE Minecraft Maizen JJ and Mikey

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[Music] all right today we're moving to a new house and it's our last day in this house we've lived here for a long time and it's starting to show its age I loved This Old House though moving can be so sad it's hard to leave these memories behind but we have a new house to move into well it's time to go let's hop into our moving car okay ah goodbye house bye-bye we're driving up the road to our new home now let's see here it is Mikey this will be our new home this is our house yep what do you think oh wow after seeing this house I'm actually happy that we're moving mhm let's start checking out the inside of our new house it's seriously huge good idea let's check out see inside wo wo look it's amazing beautiful here's the kitchen what a nice kitchen the dining table and look a sofa and TV awesome we have a huge TV Kevin Ball there's a pool in the living room wow there's even a pool it's perfect so cool we should have a bedroom up here oh really oh yes here it is open let's see wo awesome this is amazing look at the view what a perfect house there are even paintings on the walls and we have big beds wow this is the best house ever I'm so glad we moved oh good huh huh what oh H it's so dark in here now oh the power must have gone out wait there's something on the TV it's an emergency news alert Our Gang is successfully taken over everything in this town belongs to us huh oh the power's back on Mikey did you see that news alert y I don't know what that means well I'm sure we'll be fine as long as we stay inside our house we'll be okay if we stay inside it'll be fine yeah it's really late now so let's sleep I'm tired good night JJ mhm sleep well huh what was that noise hey wake up Mikey what was it h who is that Intruder what back off Mikey wao hold on ow I think this what's going on is the gang from the TV no way really the gang of Thieves from the TV they broke in to our house get him yeah go take him out hit him hard wo sheesh wow [Music] wa I was so afraid of more gang members breaking in that I couldn't sleep a wink we can't keep living like this oh let's reinforce our houses security yeah but uh how how we going to do that JJ I brought some supplies just in case look h t oh these are barricades oh that guy broke in last night through the window so let's reinforce them that's a good idea just put them up like this see no one can break in if we use these H so many windows is just a pain in the butt it's a lot of work but at least we're safe yeah good job we need to barricade this whole place Mikey we can do this yeah I think our house is a lot more secure now don't you mhm all [Music] better what was that it sounds like glass breaking again huh huh no way he the gang broke in and there's two of them seriously two gang members Mikey we have to try and take them out get them JJ take this yes we got one nice job hit him Mikey yes sheesh that was close again seriously wait look they broke the barricades no one else got in right we're safe wait Mikey huh hold on I think I think I heard someone downstairs let's check the cameras no the gang member he destroyed all the barricades he's in what do we do I don't know oh what's he doing just turn around and leave already huh huh no we noticed the staircase he's coming up this is bad he's coming upstairs we need to hide in here quick JJ hurry up what's going to happen are we safe let's check please he came up he hasn't noticed us right is he looking for us JJ sh oh he's in the bedroom now's our chance to get to the basement hurry don't let him see you do we even have a basement Mikey I actually found it earlier huh see see what over here this corner of the house leads to a secret basement that's a relief let's hurry inside it must be this lever flip wo come on Mikey let's hurry let's go stay close okay hurry Mikey pH the secret basement wow for our peace of mind let's barricade the door okay just like this I feel safer already yep as long as we're here we have plenty of food oh good there's even beds oh we should be safe let's stay for a while thank goodness sheesh I'm exhausted let's get some sleep the gang won't find us in the basement we're safe now right mhm yeah let's get some sleep good night h Huh what's that noise I hear something hey someone's kicking at the door what how no way did the gang find out we have a basement and they're trying to get in but but the door is barricaded so the gang can't break in can they JJ what huh what's that sound oh wao they broke in how did they find us Mikey he blew up the door and broke in no we have to fight take him down Mikey yes wao we did it we got him that was scary Mikey I have a bad feeling about this the town seems doomed oh the Gang has taken over the town what do we do now oh well let's visit the weapon shop tomorrow we can pick up a few things uhhuh okay we need to protect ourselves H are there any gang members outside let's take a look oh I don't see the gang but look at the town oh no our new neighborhood is completely trash Mikey but it was such a nice neighborhood JJ the Gang has wrecked everything here we need weapons to stand up against that gang let's go the weapon shop should have what we're looking for come on I think it's over this way let's go just be careful you too ow hot ouch ouch ouch are you okay that was bad I almost died careful of the lava pH this is terrible and now uh oh there it is the weapon shop oh let's hurry yeah let's head inside mhm open up H what huh the weapon shop has been raided it's empty you're right oh there's no weapons they're gone it's all gone they looted all the weapons and armor Mikey there's nothing seriously keep looking around there must be something H it's gone wait Mikey look what is it here I found a secret lever should we try pulling it uhhuh no it opened it's a secret passage huh there might be weapons in there let's go I hope we'll find something wao Mikey wao it's a huge stockpile of weapons and armor yes awesome wow W energy launchers wow these are powerful weapons perfect we did it and there's armor too let's put it on Mikey huh wo awesome wo wow we're Unstoppable with all this gear we can take out that gang [Music] aha with our weapons and armor we don't have to be afraid of the gang we got this yeah but we can't let our guard down right h Huh what someone's here uh-oh pizza delivering what uh but we didn't order any pizza oh Mikey this might be the gang's trap we shouldn't answer it but JJ I'm hungry it might really be pizza delivery so we should open it and find out uhuh really yeah but we didn't order it who is it huh no way it's a gang member JJ I knew it Mikey what now it's okay we're all geared up now oh great let's test out our energy launchers stand back Mikey okay here it goes W see that wow awesome you did it piece of cake with just one shot mhm these are the best we're strong now so let's go to sleep in our room as usual even if the gang does break in again we can handle them you're right let's relax let's go sleep okay pH all right sleep well good night H what was that oh whoa the whole gang broke in hey there's no need to freak out the two of us are the strongest here ready I almost forgot special attack charged fire wow oh look wow one hit really wo that was easy yeah we're the strongest [Music] how long do we have to live like this oh huh it's an alarm huh Mikey if it's going off that means the town is in danger and everyone needs to evacuate we just moved here now we have to abandon our nice house it's not fair but Mikey key there's nothing more valuable than our lives so let's make a break for it run H come on run away let's get out of town is the coast clear well all clear wait Mikey stop huh hide behind a [Music] tree Mikey see that giant guy over there yeah I see him that guy is the boss he's humongous we need to run away without him finding us that's going to be pretty tough go now he has his back turned run this way right behind you look here Mikey a manhole we can escape into the sewer that's safest are you ready let's go come on come on okay pH it's the sewer so the water's pretty gross here yuck well for now try to parkour across without touching the sewer water it's disgusting JJ just keep moving are you okay as I fell get out ew all right keep it up let's go so nasty if we keep going this way I think we can escape this town okay [Music] nice let's see there's a lot of plants in the way but we can keep going uhhuh here we go hurry h Huh oh what's this place H the power's out it's out uh wo the power's back and and is that isn't that the boss I think you're right he saw us he's going to attack us what now we have to fight back get him show no mercy wow he's strong attack wo yes we defeated him we did it we did it we beat him those are some seriously strong weapons wow all this stuff look at the loot this is what the gang stole from everyone let's give it all back mhm okay nice let's see H look a ladder let's go back all right yeah here we go oh huh huh the police are here finally they arrested the gang members woohoo woohoo peace returns to the town [Music] finally happy birthday buddy thank you for coming everyone I am so happy and my birthday cake looks [Music] delicious H oh someone's here who could it be let's see hello [Music] who are you uh Mikey who's there no no GJ huh some weirdo stabbed us Mikey it's all over for us I just wish I'd been able to eat my birthday cake with [Music] you Mikey no he died it's no good I'm starting to fade out too cheap program activated hm I thought I heard a weird voice materialization ability granted I must be losing my mind because I'm dying invincibility granted infant transformation required I am losing it I'm hearing voices what a short life I'll try to go peacefully in my sleep rebirth transfer program activated just be careful you too y hot ouch ouch ouch
Channel: JJ And Mikey Best
Views: 185,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jj and mikey minecraft, maizen, minecraft, mikey turtle, mizen, maizen minecraft, mikey jj, jj, mikey, minecraft but, minecraft funny, mikey and jj, maizen mikey jj, jj and mike, mike and jj, jj and mikey monster, jj and mikey maizen, mikey and, jj mikey, funny memes, jj & mikey, maizen jj & mikey, minecraft meme, minecraft maizen, 100 days minecraft, maizen new video, jayjay mikey maizen, maizen parody, Trapped, Ryder, Puppies, PAW PATROL EXE, PAW PATROL, EXE, scary PAW PATROL
Id: hjMEeR9DBlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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