Mikey and JJ Were Adopted By Golem and Enderman in Minecraft (Maizen)

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aha stand still chicken cuz you got nowhere to go we're going to catch you and eat you now hey you who are you and what are you doing here get away from my chicken and get out of here oh excuse us Mister why are you apologizing to this mutant it's our chicken because we found it I'll say it again get out of here before I teleport you into the middle of the ocean and leave you there get out of here hey you what do you want from us hey Jacob I've told you so many times to leave the kids alone you don't care about the chickens they're my chickens Sven leave me alone and go to your stinking garage hey you piece of iron and stop touching him JJ what are you doing oh so well I'll show you now what right do you have to talk to me like that JJ you're stupid what are you doing why did you attack the Golem leave me alone Mikey go away you know what Sven you stay here for now you're behaving too badly hey Jacob what do you think you're doing hey you get me back here now Jesus what a nightmare JJ you're not right he was trying to protect us and you're being so uncivilized hey you get out of here now and you in the red sweatshirt come with me what's your name my name is JJ and this is my friend Mikey what are you going to do with me if you want to you can live here with me there's plenty of room for for both of us so you can make yourself at home cool thank you so much what's that Golem you know it yeah that was my it used to be a friend of mine until something happened uh what happened I'll tell you later do you like your new armor and gear yeah it's great I look great in it thanks a lot Mister call me Jacob and you're not scared of me at all no because it it looks like you're being kind and helping me it's good it means you're not afraid of anything and you're going to help me I want you and me to do something today you have to help me but first take some of my abilities cool I really like the teleport and that magic hand how can I help you I think I need to solve a problem with Sven and I might have to use the force okay well then you can tell me what happened with that Golem JJ went crazy his mood changed so fast I didn't understand a thing wa what do we have here I'm so hungry mhm unfortunately there's nothing oh well I guess this is my new home now mhm I like it here hey you what are you doing here hey mister looks like I'm going to be living here now mhm I think I could use you I've been looking for a Helper and a companion we'll find something to do uh wao is that for me thank you so much yeah get your gear on cuz I think you might have a problem with your new neighbors oh yeah I need your help uh help I take it you're having some kind of conflict with that Enderman yes I'm afraid he's plotting something very bad against me I I want us to find out cool that's a pretty cool Hammer you gave me thank you so much but what do you want me to do you might have to follow them or cuz I don't like Jacob's mood the Enderman one uh no problem I'll help you out and we'll work out this conflict he's probably using your friend for his own bad intentions too we need to find out I need your help because I can't do it alone I'm afraid that Sven is the Golem that created the weapon against me there they are what they want and why they're coming here hey you get your new assistant out of here are you plotting against me again yes just like you're plotting something against me I know your intentions you want revenge on me so it is Jacob I'm going to build a barrier and don't you dare come onto my property Jay I need your help go to the back of the house and open the chest are we going to build something yes we're going to build an Ender Golem an Ender Golem why are we building an Ender Golem are you going to tell me what happened my family my wife and my two children they burned and Sven he couldn't save them even though I begged him to but why couldn't he save them why couldn't you save them I was fighting a huge mutant but when I asked Sven to help me he just he just threw me down and walked away oh my God that's awful and that was your friend I don't consider him a friend anymore when we were best friends but I'll never forgive the grief he cost yeah it's awful I think you're in a lot of pain afterwards yeah you can't imagine how hard it is to live with it that's why I took you in because you remind me of my son so if you want to live here don't be shy I'll help you but do you want revenge on the Golem or what uh do you think that's enough yeah that's fine listen Mikey I think we should follow them yeah no problem I was just about to suggest it myself because it looks like they're really up to something why do you think that because why would they do something in the backyard they're definitely hiding something there now let's go see what's out there I think we might be able to overhear [Music] them oh my God what is that who's that giant I got it Mikey we got to go I definitely got it all figured out and it's obvious to me let's get out of here wait I want to see a little bit of this what are they up to hey is it just me or is there someone in there oh my god oh no sh Mikey what I don't get it who is it oh my God I almost gave myself away did they see you this is bad this is bad uh what does that mean and why are they building that giant I guess they want to destroy me we need to build a GI giant with you right now because I can't fight them alone I'll help you no problem but why don't you tell me what happened I couldn't get his family out of the fire Jacob's family his wife and children unfortunately it didn't end well I was hurt so badly I can't walk properly so I just ran away You're a Golem how could that happen I'm just a coward I'm sorry and Jacob will never forgive me so I think think Sven just wants to destroy me and take over my house destroy me because he knows I can get back at him but you don't want to get back at him right I don't want revenge on him but it's going to be a lot worse for him to live with the shame now come with me I'm afraid Sven might try to destroy me when I sleep at night why did we come here I think I know what this place is we're going to the Ender world so grab the pearls and put them right into these holes in the Magic Cube I understand but why are we going to the Ender world the Ender Golem won't work unless you put a dragon egg in it so we're going to have to do a little steal an egg to get the dragon egg here we are in the endworld so we need to steal the dragon egg I think so I don't want to fight the dragon but first we need to talk to Jeremy whoops who is this guy who is this character Jeremy is a friend of mine who lives here he's an alchemist and he knows how to summon a dragon cool but I guess we have to do something for him we'll find out hey Jeremy it's me Jacob open up well well Jacob what do you need this time hi we really need crystals to summon the dragon oh I hope you're not going to destroy it please collect the choruses for me and I'll give you the crystals I'm I'm just so busy I can't do it myself I'm hungry yes no problem you got it h what is that is it some kind of fruit and can I eat it I don't know if people can eat it but you should try it you might even like it listen it's delicious funny never seen a human eat coral that grows here hey Sven I think the Giant Golem is ready to be activated but where are JJ and Jacob I'm going to jump [Music] H funny no you can't activate the Golem why not what's wrong we don't have enough materials to do it so we'll have to teleport to the Golem Village a village of [Music] Golems [Music] [Music] hey Sven what brings you here hi Richard I want to get the ingredients again that cave uh is it still accessible yeah yeah sure come on I'll show you where it is I see you've made a new friend my name's Mikey yeah he's helping me cuz Jacob looks like he's really ready we can help you you know you can come to us and ask for our help I don't want to put you to any trouble thank you for the offer but maybe it can still be fixed well good luck with that I hope it works out for you I can see they're worried about you too because they're my friends and they've helped me a lot I helped them too so what do we need to collect these gray boxes they contain just what we need to be [Music] Resurrected hey JJ these are the blocks I got you what are they it's a very useful ingredient that the locals use to make their own soup it's delicious and filling wa you have so much food growing here I can't believe it actually in the human world a lot of food grows on trees too isn't that right oh yeah that's right the same apples hey Jeremy open the door we got you what you asked for and a little bonus on top I'm coming I'm coming what's going on in there oh my God thank you so much we also brought you the fruit you asked for well are you going to help us now yes but I hope you won't shoot the dragon he's helping us I hope not we don't need the dragon we need its egg oh well then good luck and thank you again thank you again we're going to go summon the dragon listen Jacob what do we need to do put these crystals by The Fountain and then just watch and see what happens all right maybe we need to hide no just get ready and watch what happens this isn't the first time you've done this whoa what is this shh let's just listen oh my God is it dangerous no just watch woo it's kind of scary even a little scary the dragon's coming whoa now what where's the dragon oh my God it's the dragon what do we do now we just just need to get the egg don't do anything unnecessary with it you I know your purpose and this is the last time I help people hold the egg and get out of here fast wow Talking Dragon thank you so much for giving me the egg yeah it was a little surprise for you this dragon is very smart that's why it can talk so I take it we're all set yes just jump in there and drop the egg it should work and the Golem Ender will wake up and go to destroy the targets we don't have much time because Sven and Mikey are already activating their Golem we have to hurry what do I have to do Sven help me look just put all the Magic ingredients in the hole there the Golem should wake up and we can attack Jacob so we'll put it here and then we'll do this I think I understand great looks like the Golem's alive and now we're all set wait what I knew you wanted to destroy me I prepared myself you started it you thought you could get back at me like that you're very very wrong what about you Mikey did you know that Golem's position he framed the Enderman ah he was hurt he couldn't have saved him that's the way you're going to treat me Sven I'm going to have to end this I'm not just going to stand here sooner or later the moment would have come I'll never forgive you for what you did to my family take this I'm sorry Jacob I'm a coward I'm sorry it looks like the Enderman is the one Jacob almost destroyed the Golem JJ it looks really creepy in here hey Jacob he's doing something to our house oh my God we destroyed our Golem there's no way we can stop this giant stop where's that Golem go fan what happened to him I destroyed it he left the world in battle at least here he was Fearless what do we do now how do we deal with this giant I don't know but maybe there's something in sven's house that could stop that giant how do you feel now you got your revenge on Sven didn't you I didn't I didn't get my family back everything's gone and even Sven I felt sorry for him especially what he said before he left the world God that's just awful you attacked each other just because you were afraid hey I found something here look at this it's a lever may there's something useful in there yeah it's got that tough Hammer I can try to destroy the giant waa that was so fast but what now I don't know what we're going to do hope you won't leave me and stay with me you can live in sven's house there's plenty of room here I'm not going anywhere either JJ I come in peace I brought you a cake I'm sorry enough of this pointless fighting he agrees we're going to be a threesome now I'll get the lemonade is cool Mikey I'm sorry man come on man come on over and join us
Channel: Mikey Spikey
Views: 603,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft funny, minecraft, funny minecraft, minecraft but, funny memes, zenichi maizen, jj maizen, mikey maizen, noob vs pro security house, maizen raft, maizen lava securuty base, maizen nether base, maizen volcano, jj and mikey, mizen, Maizen art, mikey turtle, maizen fnaf, maizen security house, maizen challenge, minecraft security house, maizen, maizen enderman family, maizen golem family, mikey and jj adopted by mobs, mikey and jj adopted by enderman and golem
Id: vxzvSho0be8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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