Mike and Zara Tindall's Big Surprise! - Royal Baby Announcement

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[Music] what's happening tens yeah ah crazy weekend really wasn't it um saturday love the scot love dal the rugby um obviously scotland absolutely i was actually generally angry after the england game not a huge edgy but just angry and and then the anger just dissipated in four and a half minutes of beautiful french joy um and then the sunday got even better because a little baby boy arrived at my house oh you're kidding no yeah well done mate that's unbelievable let's not talk about um rugby how are you getting on yeah brilliant um yeah brilliant so yeah it's six o'clock last night that's unreal have we got a name we haven't got a name yet no we're still working we've always struggled with that to we never picked one before they arrive um like james is a good name yeah awesome oh sorry james that's my middle name i can't do it i can't do it okay uh since this is unbelievable how healthy how are bonnie uh eight pounds full um arrived very quickly didn't make it to hospital on the bathroom floor [Applause] yeah yeah say this is unbelievable yeah how dare i ask how hands-on were you or did you have someone to kind of direct fortunately zahra's friend dolly is uh who has been there she's more actually more important than i am at making sure that she's been at every three of my my children's births uh she was there and recognized that we wouldn't have got to hospital in time so yeah it was run into the gym get a mat get into the bathroom get the mat on the floor towels down brace brace brace oh my god and and i sort of a life unfortunately the the the uh the midwife who was gonna meet us at the hospital it wasn't that far away so she drove up and got there just as we'd assume the position and then the second midwife arrived just after the head the head and arrived so yeah it was a bit garbage but um holy moses did you have the girls in bed or was it a sort of a family affair a roundabout sort of post beans on toast now fortunately uh zed i think she'd she'd sort of had contractions through the night she hadn't slept well the night before so we had someone take the kids for the day um family to take the kids for the day so yeah this is unbelievable how is how is your your good lady is she all right she's in bed with tea or is she up and about back on a horse as as every uh as every man will say that she was a warrior as always they always are we can never we can never judge a woman in terms of what they have to go through with childbirth so i know she was she was back up uh we went for a walk this morning with him and yeah all good did you have your first one in the hospital yeah so it's been a it's been a slow journey so the first one was sort of in gloucester oil done the right way uh she was induced as well actually that one and then second one was in like a low stroud in the local birth clinic and then this one wouldn't even make it there so yeah i tried to think what's going to happen with the fourth it'll be a cycle i literally was like yep i've got a boy i got a boy i'm out i'm out here how pr you're a proud dad anyway but how proud is your little beating heart now to have two and one yeah the best thing about being at home the best thing was as soon as he's wrapped up you do your skin on skin straight downstairs tv room golf on and i'm like this is what this is what we were doing there was actually there was actually um what what rugby game was on what ridiculously old rugby game was on and oh yeah it's bath versus wigan i was like right we could stick that on first so wow the cross code game was on 96. i was like right you watch a bit of that and then i went to the final day of the golf the training has begun already 12 hours in or whatever it is i'm i'm so we are so incredibly pleased to you that is unbelievably good news and now you've just got a little bit left of lockdown you can you can just take it nice and easy yeah how do the girls take the news are they thrilled and excited or are they they didn't get told what like mia is always actually i think she's quite honest in terms of street smarts is that she was like why are we not going home for tea and uh um yeah they just they've had to pop out something where they had to go just we just stopped asking questions and then when she got in she was over the moon yeah but both of them were probably elaine is like my baby it's like no they're not your baby very very good news it sort of slightly reduces the need to talk about any other stuff but um well done and angela will love us for that i don't know whether there's something more to come but angie help yourself um oh it was andrea where was andrea is that yeah apologies i was i was still leaving do we let alex have to hang out angela andre sorry he's not trying to to need to write about me so you know we can go where we go um that is really good news we do love to and we do need a good news story right now um
Channel: The Good, The Bad & The Rugby
Views: 164,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Good Bad Rugby, The good the bad the rugby, good bad rugby podcast, james haskell, mike tindall, alex payne, james haskell podcast, mike tindall podcast, alex payne podcast, rugby, rugby podcast, rugby union, england rugby, good bad rugby james haskell, good bad rugby mike tindall, good bad rugby alex payne, mike tindall baby, zara tindall, zara tindall baby, baby announcement, mike tindall royal family, royal baby, royal baby announcement, zara phillips
Id: Wex1v63AgRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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