HM The Queen: GBR’s Reflection

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[Music] hello Dream Team welcome along to The Good The Bad and The rugby it's important to say this isn't our first official show of a new season that is going to be out as per normal on Wednesday wherever it is that you do your listening and you're watching but we wanted to come together and to explain a little bit as to why we've delayed the start of our season three but also to take the time to pay our respects and acknowledge the extraordinary events of the last few weeks surrounding Her Majesty the queen haskintins are here this isn't going to be some deep dive into exactly what you've been through but I think the three of us have chatted a lot and certainly you and I have been extremely moved over what we've seen and and the way that we've sort of communicated and you've had a lot going on understandably how are you how's it all been and how do you reflect on it yeah obviously it's been sad emotional but hap but happy yeah he's amazing in other ways um to see the family come so close together over overnight and just you know no one you can't re you never predict it obviously a 96 year old lady you don't you know at some point it's going to happen but you're never ready for when it when it does and and I'm not even a you know a direct sort of family member in in terms of blood so we're watching what my wife what Zara had to go through in terms of you know she obviously she loved loved the queen Beyond feeling everything else so you know their connection with horses same with with the the Princess Royal that they had a real sort of bond around that and um uh yeah I I what really blew me away was just how the country how the world you know I think they they invited 180 foreign dignitaries in all 180 said yes and turned up and I think I think the way that it was then none of them made a fuss it wasn't about you know for the first time ever a U.S president or whatever isn't making about him he slips into the background does whatever is is told to do um and I think that's just a mark of of who she was um you know end this sort of power she commanded it Without Really asking for it she didn't she didn't need it she just it was awake she just carried naturally um you know and I just and then what she was as a person I think you know no fuss get on with it and there was a good story that I whether it's 100 true I'm not sure I got sent it by the next Army um a friend of mine and it was a it was a basically around the plane that was used to uh bring her back from Scotland to to England and they had it wasn't the original plane picked and they had to change it and they went for this big old plane to make it more dignified when this is in the planning isn't it yeah so they changed the planning it was it was a smaller plane that wouldn't have allowed them to to get the coffin on very easily and and he had to go through this changing processing I think we should use just a bigger plane it makes it more dignified when when loading everything else obviously had to get sent upstairs to to get the uh to get the all clear and then apparently the note that came back whether this was her exact words with the queen sort of said if it because it was the same plane that was used to bring a bodies back from Afghanistan and she was basically just two lines so that if it's good enough for my boys it's good enough for me and that in itself just sort of sums her up it was you know they were her boys and and she and hopefully I mean it'd be just amazing to talk to people who who uh like the coffin bearers were just incredible I think I think you know everyone so it's a tough gig and and some of them so young at 19 or whatever and you know when you join the services it's still for Queen and Country because that's how she thought it was still uh and it'd be lovely to hear what they thought and um and how they felt that week went I mean it was it was just amazing it was extraordinary um I will open admit I had a little tear in the eye when Hugh Edwards somebody said at 6 30. I'd had tears yeah it was he had always had a he had one yeah and actually cursed a young I don't know if you saw her summation yeah how hard did you have to since you're in a thigh to hold it together I think I I in my Stony exterior probably did melt a little bit I had a few tears in my eyes it's a very um kind of interesting thing that befell the country and almost the world you know whether you're a royalist whether you're a monarchist and those two are different by the way or whether you are anti-monarchy I think everybody um was incredibly respectful yeah and understood what we'd witnessed after over the last 70 years um her her life and and kind of you know the progression they'd made as a royal family opening the doors to allow people to understand that as Mike said you know this isn't a life she chose you know if if it wasn't it wasn't life abdicated um it was an amazing kind of um thing to watch and and to see her journey and and how you know she's not able wasn't able to have any kind of political beliefs and almost be able to be so powerful but inactive if you know what I mean to be able to tread that line and to do so much whether it was stuff with Northern Ireland whether it was visiting um countries whether it was hosting dignitaries whether it's a number of prime ministers and presidents that she dealt with being able to have such an impact without being able to have an impact was I think what spoke volumes and I know people for example who are anti-monically and they talk about the raw family the cost and what they do but I think you know what she's ate what she was able to do is so so important um and I felt really sad about the whole thing I woke up every single morning with kind of like a bit of a dull yeah almost like a delay internally just you know very sad that we'd watched someone so incredible passed away and it was almost a very much the end of an era you know because if you look at the World At Large at the moment you know we're always striving for Role Models you know that obviously for you know well we've talked about it uh I ignores him on this podcast that for me a sexism is alive and sexism is alive and real you see it all the time in different places misogyny is a real thing and we talk a lot about um women and young girls looking to find inspirational um people where they find them are they pop stars they're reality stars but actually in front of oh all of our eyes we had the most sort of uh intensely uh special woman leading the way dealing with you know powerful men with egos the size of houses and putting them in their place leading by example not fussing not moaning doing her duty to the letter and you know and getting on with what was a pretty rigorous routine never giving up never demanding anything better talked about her boys and I think for me she was the greatest role model and and she was the the best the best of us um and yeah and I just think it was it was amazing and I I think what was even more sort of outstanding was ordinarily the average person in the street is so focused on putting you know food on the table keeping the lights on working and we allowed a vocal minority who you know want to cause fuss about everything but because everybody's attention was on it it was positive yeah it was a really nice place to be it was really really good because the majority who don't normally speak speak on social media on Twitter and all these things because they're too busy living were commenting and all the nonsense got drowned out and then just after the funeral on Monday everyone else went back to work to carry into what they're doing and then all the you know the Holly Willoughby and Philip Schofield stuff came up because people didn't have anything to do and those vital vocal minority were back their old tricks and I thought it was a really nice thing to show that when everybody's attention is on something it's a good cause just how powerful that is whether you love her whether you didn't like her whether you don't feel Monica is right or not it was really really important I think it was a nice wake-up call to remind us all that the world is not a bad place and when you're United in something you're unite in respect it can be incredibly positive nailed it I love that part yeah I and the thing always kept is it's like the world has lost their grandmother yeah in some way yeah so I was in Dallas the weekend of of the funeral the three days before and everywhere you went every flag was at half mast in Dallas all around the world I think you're absolutely right everybody I mean 4.1 billion people stopped to watch it on the Monday did you feel that as part of it were you just very much in the family did you did you recognize that this was an event the world had stopped to watch it it has to be the most watched event in the history of planet Earth yeah I don't think you you you would think you'd sort of doing that it was sort of when you turned on the highlights you saw everything you saw you know even though being in London a couple of days through that through the week uh prior um you know what happened in Green Park what they did with the flowers then been looking to go to Windsor and then seeing all the flowers had just been put up the long the long mile and then had friends who were in The who were in The Long Walk um uh sending me messages photos and you know that's sort of where you just gain the importance you know you could easily say well why don't you just watch on TV you get a better coverage but it's again it goes back to what Hask was saying it was so positive to be there yeah it's it's been such a sort of all-consuming experience on so many levels and you know there was the the pilgrimage element that you took of people wanting to go and pay their respects Etc one of the things that I've enjoyed the most has been the stories that have come out about you know she was our Queen and she was our leader and there was a huge amount of respect but she was unbelievably cool as well I mean you talk about the story about if it's good enough for my boys it's good enough for me but the American the American traveler absolutely fantastic it's just an insane story but and there was there was a lovely story about the guest that she sat next to at lunch who I think was as Aleppo and and she said you know how is it how you know how traumatic has it been and he began to break down and just instead of trying to sort of find it awkward she just opened a box of biscuits on the on the table in front of her and said let's feed the corgis I always find that helps and sort of the moment just passed and he managed to regain his composure there was a family like it goes that's much better now that's much better now isn't it it was an amazing one about the guard who had the bottle of water under his bare skin which she'd given to him because it was 110 degrees just I I I suppose I reflect on that and think that we didn't know about that because that sort of thing erodes the respect that you have at the time she was always very good about don't know too much I need to be seen to be believed Etc but I also think that that is why then everyone she she shared private moments with people but not that but not to the many yeah so then that that was the beauty of her she is you know she knew everything and never she never burdened other people with it she kept you know she had that private moment she'd move on she'd never talk about that again she wasn't going yeah yeah and then it'll come out naturally in its own course and you know mainly it's in a place where you're trying to celebrate what her life was and and what she did but in a world where everybody is telling you how to do things and social media and you know we're all being told what to think and how to act Etc she just did everything through through display yes she never needed to say it was just all done through kind of showing people yeah the greatest of that was was obviously when the Duke died yeah you know being all her family sat on the other side just having to look at her and all they want you know I would imagine every one of them was thinking we just want to be that next turn and because of where the pandemic was at that time she made a real statement to everyone else unfortunately our good man was watching but of how how it needed to be the extraordinary thing that's come out is that everybody and I think everybody probably in the moment did but everybody has felt a little sense of ownership of her majesty and I the one I would use is my I've never met the queen I remember actually seeing her I'd ask it once and I'm very rarely get one I remember taking a photograph of her in her bright yellow coat Etc and and I mean she must be one of the most photographed people in the history of planet Earth as we said but my sister met her in 1989 and she would have given her a posey at Port Regis school because she was at a local school et cetera and I remember for years and years and years we had a box of vhs's and there were five videos in there four of them are films and one of them was Alice meets the Queen and it's just sort of one of those things which is you know it just gathered us for years but it just was the touch point with did you ever meet I did I did I did I've never got to sort of do the official official lineup but I was at I was at Buckingham Palace um a couple of times and we were there invited on the window yeah I um and I remember uh it was interesting because it was after I'd um I mean I met her at tins's wedding again in in into the bowl episode yeah hello yeah no I didn't listen it's kind of the top pocket she shook my hand when she drew it back it was a business card um no I and I met obviously Mike's Mike's wedding but when I was at Buckingham Palace I remember she was sort of lining up and I was merely in the background and uh she looked at me and smiled and raised her eyebrows as if to say like I know and I was like okay I'm sorry so I didn't get to talk you should just touch here and go yeah but generally it was that it was that moment of look of where even you know I just found it quite funny that she obviously knew you're an artist yeah basically yeah and she was aware of it you know she was only it was it like or just a momentary flicker but it was a smile and a sort of a raised eyebrows to look at me as if to say you know I've got your number so I just I scuttled off but that was kind of a um a funny moment but I was going to say one of my favorite part of the whole Affairs when someone had to come on the news and say could you please stop leaving Paddington bears and and marmalade sandwiches in the park I mean how British you have to be to do that it was Madness yeah because I I first met her in nighty night too yeah do what because I was at Queen Elizabeth grammar school and it was our 400th anniversary so she came to the school for fun and I was in I think it was in a science class and she came in got the Bunsen burner on water sure periodic table we've got to say hello to her then I didn't tell her I was gonna I was going to say before you know be seeing you around see you later that would be great foresight if I had how much small talk and how funny people would have been yeah with her yeah you know the most famous woman on the planet the most recognizable woman on the planet and gets introduced every single day and wheeled out to people and just how weirdly people would have reacted and what they would have said and like you said Mike tells a great story on the on the Robbie tour show about you know being reminded before you meet her it's your majesty first then it's um ma'am and whatever you do men bow from the head you know not from the waist and don't curtsy and she didn't you know tin set you know you've got generals curtain by mistake you know Ben bowing but Mr Bean all the kind of stuff that goes that goes with it I would imagine she ever just sat back at the end of the day which had to do Bonnie and gin go oh my God you know the chat levels must have been so the book could have been incredible yeah when he thought you'd fall into not are you you're following a routine so I almost curse it to the king the other day did you really yeah without thinking about I was just following behind my wife saw her character and I sort of and then fortunately didn't did you did you say courtesy it was a lower bow right um yeah you just uh you could like just a socket and sort of raise an eyebrow it out all right I might have looked like I'd stubbed something on my my toe swing on the floor was this in front of 4.1 billion people or was this just a private Affair I'm interested actually I was going to ask you this off here but we might cut it out how does that Dynamic change because I know you've always spoken um very highly about everybody in in the royal family but in particularly you know Charles is a very very good man but you're always aware of you know you've talked for a candidate but you're always aware of that of that situation you never take for granted but actually me meeting him now does it have a call when you tried to curtsy but will it change the dynamic will you have a back surgery yeah interesting I it won't I'm very aware of of the official so but then I think once the official bit's done uh then I I well I don't know I think I would have a way closer relationship because of what the history was when I well for anyone who ever met the queen she was always the queen so you only knew her as that and you held her in that regard whatever it was Charles a substance um so much so much work with the princess trust and everyone's met him in his role as the Prince of Wales um now he's gone up to the to the king well people I I hope hopefully I wonder I wonder but also I wonder if a lot of the time what you would have seen on TV the tradition there's always a person lurking in the background to kind of tell you the protocol I wonder if you know before you do it someone's going to whip out and go might you know you know put he's not going to down that point relax take foot off the gas this is how you need to do it you know what I mean no I just remember it will always be that person but I I fine I'll always say I'll be uncontrollable uncontrollable that's the quote thanks for coming one of the things um that is not it's not regret necessarily but I wish she had known what the last 10 days or whatever it's been had held because of that that love and effect do you think there was a recognition for what she had done during her lifetime yeah I I from I don't from the Queen's perspective I don't think she'd have ever thought about that really no she'd have just thought she's done a duty and she'd hoped she'd done it to her best of her ability I think we can order into that and and that but that's that's who she was that's that's all she's or you know all she wanted was people do their best and put their best foot forward what what did the reaction mean to those around you uh no I think I think everyone was blown away you know ux you expect an outpouring of love but I think how it was uh I think the the world leaders that came in no one's not 100 have never accepted their invitation yeah without questioning immediately come back said yeah we're coming I don't think that's ever happened before and then for them I think one uh Guy high up said and then never to argue about who gets sat where who does this who does that I need to be in front of him or I need to be there none of that was they will share the bus did you see them but they weren't even like executive buses with tables they were school buses that faint smell the vomit in the background yeah uh yeah and I think that that sort of blew everyone away who was organizing it was there was no jostling for position that was tell us what to do we'll do it yeah and that just shows how much how regardless she was I mean and actually you know if you look at her sort of staunch religious beliefs you know and as the you know as um the Archbishop of Canterbury said you know we won't we will meet again you know she for what she believes you know she probably would have witnessed all of this and is onto a better place and sees it all and values it and Mike said it you know she was just worried about a duty but it's on it's on to another chapter and that's he's enjoying the Carriage Drive with the Duke yeah that made me cry that way we've got that cartoon of her you know a little bit and I yeah I was a bit like oh my God there's something in my eye I had to kind of have a minute because that was yeah that was really emotional I think that has been the best thing is the the emotion for for mine has come from people telling stories about that yeah I think that's where because they're real they're that their true reflection of of that what the queen stood for and what she was and they're the best things about it it's been an extraordinary 10 days and inevitably everyone's got their own views their own Recollections and their own thoughts and their own emotions with it I suppose just in summing up do you do you recognize now how lucky you have been to have had they're very small but yeah intimate audience I do but I also have loads of regrets I have loads of regrets about not asking her so many more things you know having nervousness when I you know when you sit down to talk you get that lucky seat have been sat next to her but what would you ask her now well no just going back through history and everything that she's possibly seen for obviously 15 uh Prime Ministers I don't know how many uh presidents are it is um but to go through everything you know when she's meeting dictators she has to stay neutral she has to just perform her Duty starting to get to that point but no I hadn't Barrel did I know you would have oh God yeah question number one Donald Trump okay first question Donald Trump guaranteed uh I did ask that but it's guaranteed that you know once you sit there you it's not that easy to just Barrel right you know what I want to know what Churchill was like yeah that would have been amazing you know what what was what was he like what was the you know any really embarrassing moments what any you know did you ever worry any dictators would come in do you have to put the silverware away if anyone's nicking anything there'd be so many It could only be you but everything would go back under like I reckon they probably do have that when you go to the Windsor Castle back in Paris people try to rinse things I remember when I went to number 10 dinosaur I had to use the toilet were you doing at number 10 Downing Street but I get around for her you don't worry about water I just went for a week I didn't have to do anything bad we went for a week number 10 down yeah just knocked on the door no no we went there um I don't know why I went there some reason I went there stealing the silverware no I didn't steal anything but I imagine people do want to steal mementos off the back of a grand slam this way yes probably so much the only time I went there was on the back of the World Cup and we tried to get um Gordon Brown to let us off tax for winning the World Cup he was like now didn't happen only for people in high places um remarkable and it's been remarkable and it's remarkable for us that you have been sort of as close to it as you have really I mean I think as we said go on would you clear one thing up because this is your chance now because we've obviously been a bit of somber tone and having asked that through it but the medals oh yeah do you want to just cover off the medals because how many years did you serve in Afghanistan out of Interest it has been an interesting one the medals because we had this discussion the fact that I hate wearing them anyway because I think you would be the same possibly yourself like you class medals as a a military yeah sort of Honor now the Jubilee medals so any service man I am deeply appreciative of your service and I have not served anywhere and I actually haven't done anything to achieve those medals apart from being in the family so the Jubilee medals obviously got married in 2011 so 2012 was her Diamond Jubilee so you get a medal if you're married in the family for being part of the family Jubilee the people who work in her household to get a medal if you've been serving in the armed forces for five years and you're actively service you get one too so it's harder for the military to actually get a jubilee medal unless they serve for a long time through a long period now and also there have been a lot more because you get a lot more celebrations the later on in life so 50 60 70. um so so if I'd if I'd have been if I'd have no I still wouldn't have done so yeah that's where I got that when the other one was MBA so I haven't no I haven't been well you did earn one one have you got in total three yeah so one out of three ain't bad and also he's about he has been Under Fire a few times uh Queenstown 2011 Las Vegas both of them were some heavy conflicts that deserved some some recognition but you did but we I want to clear up not because I was taking the mix because obviously I did take the mix straight away but because you were getting some heat and people were doing very good about it I did get a bit a lot of unnecessary you don't have to like shout at me on on social media by the way you can just ask and if you just ask I'll probably reply to you as one person did thank you for doing that um yeah I mean I I can't control it you just get a uniform that you get a uniform list as well and it says um the dress code is strict as you can imagine yeah and it's and it's uh full morning so unless you're military we want your military outfit full morning suit um medals one star one something else if you have a star I just don't have a star but yeah Ben also you have to wear them yeah so that's it there was a quote which I was going to finish with which the queen herself said sport has a wonderful way of bringing together people and Nations she has certainly left us United yeah in her passing isn't she yeah she definitely has good quite extraordinary and it quite extraordinary 10 days which we will never forget we will never forget it and I think it's um I'm glad I was around to see it and to experience it and it will live on in in memory and let's see what king you know The Queen Is Dead a small momentary Reflection from the three of us I'm sure you have all done exactly the same off the back of what has been as we said a very very emotional and um highly memorable um 10 days or so and I think just a thank you I know other people have put it far better than we do but we were saying at the time where we how enormously grateful we felt and um I think that is a sentiment that will be echoed onwards and forever we are back tomorrow with our pre-season launch which was filmed before obviously the events of the last 10 days but a lot of fun um to be had so do tune in for that for now though we have been The Good The Bad and The rugby as we said we're back tomorrow with our first proper episode of the season and we'll have some special guests in that one and a whole lot of fun but thank you for watching thank you for listening and here's to a very good season three [Music]
Channel: The Good, The Bad & The Rugby
Views: 135,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Good Bad Rugby, The good the bad the rugby, good bad rugby podcast, james haskell, mike tindall, alex payne, james haskell podcast, mike tindall podcast, alex payne podcast, rugby, rugby podcast, rugby union, england rugby, good bad rugby james haskell, good bad rugby mike tindall, good bad rugby alex payne, the queen, royal family, Mike Tindall Medals, Tindall Royal Family, queen funeral, Zara Tindall, Princess Anne, King Charles
Id: lXpKikMW34s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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