Royal Wedding: Zara Phillips Weds Mike Tindall - part 1

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poor family the granddaughter of the Queen getting married but because they know of Zara Phillips they know Mike Tindall they are respected and people follow what they do because of who they are what they've achieved Zara Phillips of courses of world-class horsewoman my Temple of the England rugby rugby captain so people are here for from in a royal reasons royal watchers sports Watchers because this is a couple that have been known have been together for a long time and are very much well known in their own right and we even have the bagpipes starting up for you so yes there's a thoroughly Scottish atmosphere here at Canongate Kirk on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh has been told that the first celebrity against those famous famous face to arrive was Captain Kelly plays Becky in Coronation Street on ITV so she was the first one there well done tomorrow and a bit of a fashion parade watch as well isn't it Philippa they'll be all eyes on particularly what the young royals are wearing as well as sava of course there'll be all eyes on the dress there'll be all eyes on what the Duchess of Kate is wearing and they'll be all eyes on Princess Beatrice as hat issue wears one I guess so yes is a lot of people looking out for the labels the Styles the shoes the accessories it's kept the crowd going here I have to tell you over the last hour or so as well it's a strange kind of atmosphere isn't it has there really comes in they were the the level of the oohs and ahhs seemed to be an ongoing fashion commentary just from the crowd in front of cannon game purg good Eve yeah positive and this is going to say furtive who believed that most of the the rugby faces came on some buses that arrived earlier that there was a quite a lot of buses arriving the current national coach Martin Johnson stepped off one of them also Sir Clive Woodward as Wales will believe that most of those faces are now inside the chair this could be so the first of your royal arrivals here can engage her [Applause] the bride of course crowd very pleased by that wave for them [Applause] just outside the church after the ceremony mischenko so this could seal Italy here all the prints it and one of the proud have been waiting for this scene Beatrice and Eugenie that aquamarine quite a fashion statement from skills [Applause] it's the biggest moment the few concessions of Cambridge William and Catherine Prince Harry they're eliciting the biggest cheer yet from a crowd of several hundred packs behind their barriers just outside the historic panicky [Applause] and that's hat I think is going to provoke many many commenters [Applause] and Philippa this could be the last time we see the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for some time we've been told that after this they're going to have some time just for themselves to concentrate on married life yes we've from senior palace sources we understand that after the success of their tour of North America when they were in Canada and California the newlyweds deserve a more private summer this is one of the very rare public glimpses we'll have of them perhaps see a little bit of them at the Braemar games they from the summer but we're not expecting the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to carry out a full schedule of public duties again perhaps until the end of September so that glimpse of William and Kate the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge may be one of our few glimpses of course the crowd will be we'll be here waiting for them to emerge again in an hour or so but for now we're waiting the Queen and Prince Philip to arrive and then their granddaughter the Queen's eldest granddaughter Zara Phillips whom we understand will remain Zara Phillips even after her wedding another way in which this grandchild of the Queen is very much in the modern hold no title no princess keeping her own name we weren't home access to the ceremony to show you exactly how that she goes forward but there is some speculation that she may not be obeying but honoring her husband and we'll hear more about now to bring that to you so our openness myself who were just in the next few minutes whom we should be seeing arriving for her wedding she too will be reasonably prominent because she is going to be playing a part in promoting the Olympics the London and events for 2012 games she came very close to competing in the 2004 2008 Olympics her horse was injured just before she had to withdraw from those teams which is one of the ambassadors for the Olympics and is going to let you get the atmosphere here you [Applause] you loyal right by Admiral [Applause] Tim Lawrence yes we are the two non nouns for a bride himself sorry to arrive it survived about skating cool flow now haven't without sense of the Scottish occasion now the Queen will be arriving from her Edinburgh residence which is just a little way down the Royal mile from where we are now the palace of Holyrood that of course is also where the the wedding party will go back after the ceremony so we'll get another another glimpse another brief view of the bride and groom and the royal party as they go back to the palace of Holyrood in just about an hour or so and put up I think we're now waiting for Prince Charles and Camilla and also of course the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh to arrive and then the bride herself it's the quite a hat or fascinator at the mall family's still pointing who got the loudest cheer as they arrived and certainly really no sir I think they William and Kate and the two princesses Beatrice new journey as well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but this is the first royal wedding in Scotland for almost 20 years and of course that that last role wedding was the mother of the bride princess and when she married Timothy Laurence sort of had a long wait for this role wedding and and they're not going to see that much are they no and that we were told before the wedding that this was not going to be a public occasion it was going to be a private family affair we certainly won't have any access to the ceremony itself and the people of Edinburgh and tourists were warned that you know there's not a lot of space here and that the policing would be very strict and not sort of basically don't camp out don't expect that thousands of people will be able to get here but in this mark levinson to this car as if the bridesmaids are arriving [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you can see the bottom detail down the back of their dresses now doesn't that that rather reminds you of her the other day sorry so the bride's policy preparing to go [Applause] Villa Park and here's some frustrated photographers near you it's a difficult job for them isn't it to get the right arriving very very soon I think what arriving at her Edinburgh Church whoa wedding of the year we married the last [Applause] the queen spends a lot of her summer we know in Scotland would have been very happy for the wedding to be here in Edinburgh spends much of the coming two months in Balmoral and it's seen as the royal retreat to come back to come home to Scotland over the summer months after what has obviously been a very hectic year with the wedding of Prince William and a very very busy year to come with all the events leading up to the celebration of the Queen's Own Diamond Jubilee next year she became our monarch in 1952 and the events of the Diamond Jubilee of course will be and have
Channel: homeleigh100
Views: 844,526
Rating: 4.4296875 out of 5
Keywords: royal, wedding, the, queen, England, marriage, william, kate, equestrian, show, jumping, rugby, bride, groom, ceremony, london, horse, live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2011
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