Zara Phillips

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if you were giving a birthday message to Mum on her 60th what would it be you gonna be 60 and a granny in the same year she's not phased by at all though I think but yeah I thank you for a great years that she's given us and hopefully she's gonna have many more that sounds bad at she haven't got many left when she was in an environment of family friends and certainly other she definitely relaxes a lot more and is great fun and is always the one lot enough in the loudest and you know shows a good dance yeah it's intensive you're here all the time you can say she grew up in a palace but essentially it was you know you as country as country could I could get I guess they had London and then they also had Windsor they did enough of of both I think that that she then wanted that I guess for us she always had the horses as well growing up so you know she always had the space wins as a fantastic place to ride around the Great Park and all the rest isn't one of the abiding pictures I have is your mother her face wreathed in smiles it was it was a fantastic moment you could just see how inordinately proud she was then and I imagine you must have been similarly exhilarated by Zara's victories in the world and the European Championships yes I has a lot closer than mine so it was perhaps even more satisfying in that respect but the closer you are to it the more light you are to either be utterly amazed or thrilled winning is you know one of the best feelings in the world and to have your family there mom they're being part of it and being able to see you do it makes it much more special at the World Championships in Aachen who's the instant that starts the show jumping around words I didn't hear the bell because the outlet Germany won the gold medal celebrations in the German camp they've got team gold who is gonna win the World individual title all the German crowd were screaming shouting and take would being those circling around and around and around waiting for the bell and mother was jumping up and down screaming at the top of her voice start just start I'm not sure she's heard the bell I'm not sure she's heard the bell she has now she did say when I came out she's like did you not hear me shouting at you long time um no not with 50,000 other people she's gotta jump the last is she gonna get time fault she's jacked oh she's jumped she's done 25 do you see that that she was allowed to be a bit of a free spirit and therefore allowed you to do the same Kathryn yeah yeah I think it did stem it would go all the way back to her having the choice about whether to give us give us titles or not and she quite rightly said no and I think that goes back to yeah her parents giving her that the freedom to to choose yeah asking the question and yeah never being afraid to ask the question yeah isn't there a story of you playing rugby um there are many stories but she'd always used to bring the dogs dancer with her as well and there was one occasion where one of them accidentally ran loose onto the pitch and interrupted the game but some whether that was on purpose or not I don't know practical she would always talk to those around her but she never sort of vocalize it onto them on some pitch like some like some in 1977 the first of her two children Peter was born and four years later came daughter Zara the princess and her husband decided not to give their children titles and to bring them up and educate them away from the normal royal lifestyle Peter's gone on to become a successful marketing executive and is expecting his first child later this year Zara's eventing career has closely followed her mother's and the similarities between the two don't end there they're both very independent there are there are a number of other words that you could fall out of that independence place yeah very nice now hey headstrong single-minded focus you pick pick which everyone everyone you want I mean and I mean it all in the exact hard-working no actually no seriously and and all in a in the best possible way but Zara wouldn't have got to where she's got in her sporting world without having some or mother's single-mindedness and certain independence appreciate enormous ly what having you as their patron or their president brings to that organization do you not worry sometimes you may be spread yourself too thin Lee I think that's a perfectly justifiable concern and I think I'm pretty well stop taking anything on only every time I say that something other the Queen Mother or as my father might be saying it's time I cut down by the way would you do this Sadie it's not as easy as you would like it to be it's quite difficult to give things up I'm was amazed how much you can fit in into a week and the amount of different places she goes in the country and people she meets and she always remembers you know everyone that she's met and it's just unbelievable I capacitative to do all of it we were both very much brought up on that whatever we did in life we were going to have to work bloody hard whether it's Zara day question three day eventing or me in what I'm doing it you know at the end of the day we we were told we had to work bloody hard so get on and do it don't don't complain um Google above it of hard work I think she's wearing oh sorry Karen we have a very very hard working board more people partaking of exercise the new dude just sitting on the sidelines that would be better for everybody irrespective of how much you want to be there how do you think she'd respond if you were selected for 2012 how proud do you think she'd been um I think she'd be very proud um I she was husband and she'll never ever stop the support that she's given me and in my career you know both of our careers and it'd be amazing to get there yeah on home turf and everyone might be able to come watch it should give me a good grin anything yes are you uh you can't go from three-day eventing retire from that and then decide you want to go jump racing there has to be something there two or and flat racing generation there has to be a competitive edge there somewhere to to want to keep you competing at the highest level in whichever discipline you decide to go in so she's definitely competitive and is that the gene that she's probably yeah yeah definitely but she's always watch sports she's always supported she's always been involved and won at the highest level so I she can't say she's not competitive and she always wins not to she always reads the sports pages I mean she's always yeah she's a bit like us in that point he starts at the wrong end of the page flip flicks back to front so yeah she's always tries to keep up with everything that's going on the person to blame not the horse but at least your horse and you got you to be Sports Personality of the year so that was something you mostly the horse in that respect and your third place went to Barry John how bizarre experience was that and what was quite bizarre yes you're quite right because not having really come across it at all before it was a bit of a mystery and in second place you put Georgie best what are your recollections of that day I think treated with caution it was a very extraordinary atmosphere to walk into but very enjoyable really I mean people were very nice about it you voted as BBC Sports Personality of 1971 Her Royal Highness Princess Anne despite of the fact they must have been absolutely mystified as to what I was demos I mean I remember who gave me the award and that was about it really it gives me great pleasure man to present your royal eyeness with his country personality award of 1971 Allen's era followed in the footsteps that was wrong and we didn't expect that and the BBC Sports Personality of the year for 2006 is I thought she would certainly suffer from the sort of sport that she did and where she'd come from Zara Phillips did you watch it I'll tell them what's the end of it so he's got Robert in long winded for me to do vote certainly not your mum says that she only watched the end of when you won Sports Personality and she says she denies voting did you reckon she did no I hate it I know and she went and watched the whole joke she wouldn't have sat down I reckon Tim would've done Tim Burton my contemporary told her yeah what was going on yeah he would have birch it well I hope for me if you did I'm now doing she face it in the general scheme of your life that comes with the territory knowledge who in 2006 won badminton for the first time some 27 years after his first success it clearly so his it is it early you in 2006 won badminton for the first time from 27 years Oh Elizabeth bottlers next film a homeschooler suck in the next up on a pole position Andrew Roy it is your next-door neighbor yeah the whole general tenor of this is the way that you live your lives in the public domain and there must be times when you must want to shut off from that and say please let me crawl away somewhere I mean you could argue that I always have drawn a line but which in what I call public and prime other-- um you know I mean that in the best way that she's looked after her supported us taught us everything she knows and allowed us to learn our way as well and learn the hard way I guess certainly learn from the mistakes and in that way she's let us get on with things stumble if we stumbled picks that up brush yourself and her advice has been invaluable whenever we may have got slightly above our station she'd be the first one to bring us back down to earth fairly hard then if we were feeling pretty down about something she'd be first one to be there saying well I actually got all this in front of you why why are you feeling so felt so down she's just being that given the right advice the whole time if I was gonna be a mother that's what I want to be like I would like to be as good a mother as she's been to us
Channel: homeleigh100
Views: 557,846
Rating: 4.7610435 out of 5
Keywords: zara, phillips, badminton, horse, trials, equestrian, horses, equine, olympic, champion, princess, anne, royal, queen, england
Id: fMHPnRsyePw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2010
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