Miis were a Mistake, and Tomodachi Life proves it

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a piece of paradise lying in the middle of a beautiful ocean at least a small bit of the ocean you can actually see because most of it is cropped now this place is all yours it just needs a name Island Island that's a great name you are now the new owner of Island Island now your look-alike and start a new life on the island as the first official Islander he's an Islander on Island Island so this is the original I won't die it turns out people gave me a lot of flack after the Nintendo line video because there is a way to actually port them off the Wii emulator you just gotta go into the Wii U me Channel and it actually has an added option there this is my me copying is disabled I made you all of the I want die brothers as well oh we got we can only use the default me on the console that is yes how do you say yes please use letters oh I can just change it usually what's up buddy he can live off just yep some crisps there you go buddy now eat the plate too you really liked it he gave us like 20 pound for that I was like he knows like hit the price of a bag of crisps let's make him eat as a look-alike of a friend or somebody in your family it am I not gonna be able to do this again oh we're good it works what I what we get to give him a voice it's so hard to understand what he's actually saying he's slow he doesn't care about anyone god it's your very varied moods he's pretty unique yeah they're super unique he's easygoing characters relaxed kind and honest sensitive and innocent that's why he longs for - oh he's a softy a born mood maker their happiness rubs off on everybody however their bad moods can influence others - that's particularly worrying considering his name is literally I wanna die he's gonna make other people want to kill themselves on the island oh you moved in yep let's go see him yeah give me give me twenty pounds first and then we'll go see him the talking negotiations have begun there okay yes and I want Dyer now friends watching the daily lives here look alike and the other Islanders and help and solve their problems but there's so much more the Tomodachi life create more Islanders to open up new places on the island touch the construction sites in the map to see how as relationships develop some might become couples and eventually there could even be some weddings the ok game calm down there's literally only two people living on the island right now and we have like a McDonald's and an apartment clock like we need to build up the island a bit more one day a married couple could even have a baby what would happen if your look-alike had a baby let's imagine what that no let's not let's not I don't need to see my future kids true like the medium of Tomodachi life only we get to see its face oh I forgot that like her actual eyes or her top set of eyes and not like the bottom one it's like in the nails on a chalkboard it's a first name Ross second name Bob easygoing and a carer first one it's not working and the nice thing is what this does everything is already made so the people submit in these QR codes they get to customize like everything four of them so this means we can actually add like many more means to the island and quite quickly too it's Donkey Kong he's energetic and he's an extra verse it's Steve Harvey there we go we got mr. bean step Harry Hill oh we're gonna newsflash - before we get any more on the island what's up and me got a bunch of people [Music] he just moved in two minutes ago but apparently yeah the crushing loneliness people saying we need girls don't worry here's Jigglypuff first name Jigglypuff last name tough Conners taken over the news channel now Oh God Leto like Garfield Lincoln no she shows up would you like to register this me what's going on I'll introduce you see if they get along Ek and Jigglypuff hanging out give me 20 pound thank you you want me to do anything for it you just gotta pay me afterwards I got some stomach medicine cooking mama on something I mean over those that has to be dr. Phil oh this is just yes cuz like so many of our Me's have just such terrible messed up faces like it's so easy to actually distinguish this is the creeper quite worried in the talk to - oh he's starving hey what's up and me I think literally everyone here is just gonna be hungry okay let's go to the beach and let's see what's happening here this is the human hands - what does Jesus think it's not a contest Steve that's nice to hear there you go go get changed he doesn't like it very low that's that's too bad ain't it for kids who want to be grownups and do things like getting married FBI potion the rything isn't much else to do right now is there this hairy hill just stared out over the water take a little photo gender ratio 17 - 4 that's not crazy I could just draw on his face what should this me do in there worried there you go here's the certificate give it 20 pound what are we looking at somehow you picked up some okay how you doing Jesus I'm looking inside your brain right now are all the dreams just gonna be these like trippy weird things what are we stopping for what's going on why is this an incredibly dangerous scenario this is pretty much like the entirety of this game by the way like this is this is all you do don't oh I can drag them I'm gonna set the daytime and see if that gets them out and about more is there anything happening in the world how do we change the talk Harry Hill is still running is there anything new going on in the apartment blocks dr. Phil has something what's up dr. Phil to be friends with to be buff or is asking about Rick Lee buff beside thing is I don't know how much we can actually do with Tomodachi life at the moment because we have to wait for stuff to happen at the moment what we can do is solve their problems and we're kind of just making the rounds as a waiter this game takes a real time to actually progress guess what we may need to do is just to just revisit this game and like the start of each stream and XOR at the end of streams just to see what's new because we just can't do anything else it's all kind of done okay give us the news Garfield the Rankin Sport all creeper doesn't look we didn't give any of them birthdays so it doesn't matter not full date of birth information at least we gave them the birthday we just didn't say like their year no one was born they've all just been here forever [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 1,687,586
Rating: 4.9612145 out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RTGameCrowd, RT Game, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay
Id: ES1DQpRoJoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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