Migrating users from G suite to Office 365 Admin account - Part 2 by your #1 Software Dudes!

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hello and welcome to another video by enterprises software solutions your number one software dudes my name is Anthony and today we are going to finish the migration that we started in the last video by copying all the email out of our G suite into our office 365 subscription so the first thing we need to do is start inside of the G suite admin console so you can see I'm logged in there and from parent we'll select security basic settings and we're going to manage the less secure apps section and we need to make sure this is set to enforce access to less secure apps for all users so that we can actually migrate data to office 365 automatically instead of having to manually do that for each account and you can see here I've already got mine set it is not set this way by default it Google just advises that it can take up to 24 hours for the setting to apply to all users so I did it ahead of time in this case and once we have that sent we can go ahead and create a spreadsheet with all of our user accounts in it so here's what that spreadsheet should look like we have an email address column we have a username column and we have a password column and when you save it make sure that you need to make sure and set the file type to be CSV like what I've got here so go ahead and switch over to the office 365 admin portal and here I'm just gonna go and select the admin app and on this screen we have an option for date of migration on the Left if we select the option for show all setup and data migration and here if we're gonna be my granny email we're gonna select the option for other email sources and since we're coming from gee suite we need to enter in the information for gee sweets IMAP server so IMAP is an email protocol and the username and password you use here can be any of your domains usernames and passwords it's just to verify that it actually works so let's elect the option for safe and it may take a minute for it to save but once it does you we notice here we're presented with a list of all the users that we have currently in our domain so these are all the users that we copied from G suite in the previous video and using this method doesn't actually give us a way to upload a spreadsheet so there's not a way to bulk copy all of our users using this method but if you only have a few users this is a great way to do it if you have a lot of users I want to walk you through how to use that method we're gonna select the option for admin centers and go to the exchange admin Center and here we're gonna select recipients on the Left we've got a list of all the users that we we have in our domain that have email accounts we're gonna select the option for migration so if you select the ellipses in migration endpoints here is what we're going to create that same migration in point that we created before but this time in exchange so it's like the the plus sign and we're going to create a time app migration endpoint it's like next we're gonna put in the information 4g suites IMAP server and just give it a name so we're gonna be pretty general here just call it G's week and if there is a limitation on the maximum concurrent migrations I'll you won't enter it here and same thing with the syncs and in this case I've only got five so I'm going to just click new there we go and we'll hit closing this one and now by hitting the plus sign we can select the option for my rate to exchange online and start our migration so here we're gonna do an IMAP migration so we're going to select IMAP migration and this is where we can upload that CSV file so I'm gonna select the option for choose file I'm gonna select my CSV file that I've prepared ahead of time the one that you saw earlier open and you notice that it detected the four mailboxes in here and we've got that number four mailboxes to migrate so next it's gonna ask me where we're gonna migrate from and it pulled this from our IMAP server then since we're doing a batch migration we can give it a name and we can determine the measurements by which exchange we'll consider it to be a failed transfer for the bad item limit and the large item limit and that's just if it if it runs into errors along the way and we need more information by just clicking into the fields that gives you some information about those specifically if we want to exclude any folders that are inside of the mailboxes we can do that so for example if you want to skip all the archived folders you could do that but in this case I'm just gonna select next and here we in select who we want to be notified how when the batch is complete and I'm just gonna leave myself selected there since I'm the one managing it and I also want it to automatically start so I'm going to leave this I'm gonna leave the default of automatic they start the batch selected so I'll go to hit click on next and there now you can see we've got our migrated from G sweet with the status of syncing and if we select the Refresh option we can get the latest details on that migration there we go you can also see that we got a notification about it and that's what we want and depending on the number of mailboxes you have this can take quite some time so I'm gonna give it a few minutes and then refresh it so what we're waiting for the sink to complete one of the things we can do if we have the sink selected on the left is we can click on the view details option underneath the mailbox status and this will give us some more details about each of the mailboxes sink status so let's select Andy for instance here on the left on the right I can scroll down like and I can see that the status is thinking and there is no value for data migrated migration rate or air at this point so once this thing is complete you'll notice that we now have the number of distinct mailboxes set to four so if we bring up so to bring up the Gmail web app for one of our users Andy as an example you'll notice that we've got these email messages in his G suite mailbox and if we go over to the Outlook Web App you notice that he's got the same emails there as well it's not as how you migrate email accounts from G suite to office 365 did you like the video be sure to subscribe for more and remember that Enterprises software solutions is your number one software dudes thanks for watching
Channel: Enterprises Software Solutions LLC or ESS LLC
Views: 8,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: @No.1softwaredudes, @Microsoft, @MicrosoftOffice365, @Office365, office 365 outlook, @googlemail domain, office 365 login
Id: SWWGW5bsZkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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