How to backup Microsoft Office 365 using VEEAM - Your #1 software dudes!!

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welcome to another video by enterprises software solutions your number one software dudes my name is anthony and in this video we're going to run through installing the veeam backup for office 365. so i've already got everything downloaded here that includes the actual backup software as well as the explorers for both exchange and sharepoint so let's go ahead and get them installed and the installers are really simple so we don't need to actually walk through any of this but i'm just going to click through them and and the explorers allow you to actually look at the local data so we're going to go ahead and get them both installed there we go and once they're installed you'll notice we now have a veeam icon on the desktop let's go ahead and launch that and when it first launches you notice we have this option for a server to connect to uh that's the local server we're on since we installed it on the server that we're running this on i'm gonna hit connect and expand this out so the first thing we need to do is to add an organization so i'm going to select the add org option and since i'm going to be backing up my office 365 tenant and if we click this drop down i'm not a hybrid or on-prem i'm cloud only so we'll leave it selected as microsoft office 365. hit next and we'll leave the region as default and modern authentication since i've got everything set up for that and here if you've got an azure id application already set up for this you can use that and if we select this option you notice here it's got a username and id and a certificate we don't have that information so we'll let the wizard configure it for us this is really easy we first just need to give it a name and then for the certificate we can either have one on hand ready to use or we can let it generate one for us which is fine and if you have customized content in sharepoint this is where you want to select this option to allow it to enable export mode i don't so i'm going to hit next and this is where we have the option to authenticate with microsoft's device login prompt so i'm going to select the option to copy code and bring that up and here's what the device login looks like with microsoft so we're just going to go ahead and paste that code that we got from veeam hit next and if you're already signed in like i am we have this option to go ahead and select our account and that's all there is assuming you have the right permissions in this case it will take a global administrator to set this up so i'm going to close the window if we go back to veeam you'll notice that we have this green check mark you are authenticated to office 365 as anthony so we'll go ahead and hit next and this is where it's got to run through just some setup for office 365. we'll let it run and once that's complete we'll go and hit finish here and you'll see we now have an organization under our organization's header on the left and so if we select our organization now we have the option to create a backup so let's go ahead and do that we'll give it a name hit next and if you want to backup everyone and everything select back up the entire organization we'll have an option to select exceptions if you need to but for this case i'm just going to back up a test user that i created by clicking add so i'm going to select my bradley test user click add i'm going to click on next and if if we had selected a larger scope like maybe a group or the organization we could exclude certain users certain sharepoint sites that sort of thing and by clicking add here and you see we often have the option to exclude groups users and sites but i want i'm just backing up one user so i'm going to click on next and here's where you can select the proxy repository and if you have a more complex veeam topology this is where you would select that option i do not mine is very simple for demonstration purposes so i'm going to click on next and here i'll select the starter job when i click create option and i'm going to leave the default well except but 3 p.m it's pretty terrible time since i have people working then so i'm going to select 8 p.m in case we end up chewing up some bandwidth click on create there it's running so if we go and select this we can see down below uh we've got the action pane where we can see what's happening and one of the nice things about veeam at least that i like is we have this really nice status pane that tells us what's going on the data that's coming down a summary and even the status so my favorite part of the status here is it tells us what the bottleneck is so if you have a really slow internet connection or maybe some slow disk it'll tell you the target is slow so in this case i must my my internet connection might be might be being throttled or maybe the disc is giving it some issues not sure uh but typically what i'll see here for the bottleneck is the source is the bottleneck so that's going to be office 365. that will give us a couple minutes to finish up oh there you can see it's swapped over to source there for a second and back to target all right sweet so it went and completed uh we can see down below that it only transferred 14 megabytes so this user is obviously not a very prolific user my test user remember so now if we want to actually look and see what we backed up this is one of the beauties of using a product like beam backup is that we can select this option to explore and remember we installed the explorer for exchange and for onedrive and so if we select uh the explorer latest exchange state once this loads we actually see the inbox that we backed up so again we'll select our organization we'll select our test user we'll expand this out and whoa we can look and we can actually see the items in the user's inbox so if i select the inbox uh you can see that i've actually emailed this user you see subject test over there on the right and this like like i mentioned earlier this is one of the big advantages from using just the built-in recycle bin because there's no way in exchange online for an administrator to go in and pull individual emails so for instance if i needed to restore just this one message it's a simple matter for me of right clicking on it selecting the option to restore to my bradley test account or i can restore it to another mailbox i can export it i can send it i even compare it to what's in the mailbox already like this is one of the beauties of using a backup solution like this let's go ahead and close out of this so also if we want to look at onedrive for this user it's going to be very similar to exchange my test user just doesn't have any data in the one in in their onedrive account so there's nothing for us to see here in this case as you can see veeam is a great product when it comes to dealing with office 365 especially compared to the built-in recycle bin because there's a lot of features here that you don't get with any of the built-in features in office 365 as you saw in this video so again remember enterprises software solutions is your number one software dudes thank you so much for watching
Channel: Enterprises Software Solutions LLC or ESS LLC
Views: 63
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Office 365, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Office 365, office 365 backup and recovery, Office 365 teams, Veeam, veeam backup and replication 10, veeam backup
Id: eLpz6R1pjRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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