How to Migrate Gmail Gsuite emails to Office 365 using IMAP - Step by Step Demo

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hello and welcome everyone to I tip rocket Muhammad me as with you in this video we're gonna see how to migrate IMAP to office 365 we're gonna do this demo with g-suit or Gmail so we can see how to migrate your Gmail or g-suit to office 365 using IMAP there is a different method to do the same we're gonna do it in the second video in this video we're gonna use IMAP and the same tutorial we can follow for migration of other emails to office 365 using IMAP there is the migration we're gonna go through many steps and the very first step we're going to do is to prepare g-suit for migration and then the second step we have to create office 365 and verify the domain ownership then we migrate users then finally we're gonna vote emails from GCU to office 365 to make your life easier in migration of IMAP to office 365 I have divided the entire steps into 6 sessions in the first session we're gonna see how to create an office 365 subscription and verify your domain ownership and in the second step we have to enable 2-step verification and we have to enable access to low secure application of your GCO then in the second step we have to create application specific password then in the fourth step we have to add users to office 365 there is two different way to add users the first method is simple you can just create user from the wizard or if you have 100 or 200 users in that case it is difficult to go through the wizard for one-by-one so in that case you can use a list of users and import it to office lucify and this method is called as add multiple user so I will show you how to do that also then in the fifth step we're gonna prepare for the migration with the batch and we will see how to migrate it then finally we're gonna switch the MX record to office testify to wrote email to office resistant fire from GCU so let us start our migration the first step we're going to do is to create office 365 subscription if you already have an official TV subscription then you don't need to do this but the important step is verification of your domain because you have to tell office lucify that you have the honor of the domain that you're gonna work so for this you need access to DNS host manager for example in my case it is GoDaddy so I'm gonna show you how to login to GoDaddy and make the changes let us create a trial account for office 365 'if i the link to access this page is available below in the description once you get into the page enter your details then you're gonna proceed to create a tenant name a tenant name is a unique name in on domain it can be similar to your domain name but it is not a compulsory you can give any string as your tenant name here I'm gonna use Adams English club because my domain is Adams English club com then we have to create our first account and that is going to be the administrator account or the global admin account which have complete power to this tenant and when you look at the account name you can see that the account name is username at tenant name dot on so once you complete the ownership of your domain verification then you can change this to your username at until that you will use a username at tenant name dot on to log into your office so sista if I admin portal so let's login to office 365 admin portal when you log into the video first time to Microsoft 365 admin Center you're gonna get a Buzard and that is the setup wizard and this will make your life easier the very first step we're gonna do is to verify our domain ownership and for that I'm gonna enter my domain and click to verify it for the verification I have to enter this text value to DNS and here my DNS record is in GoDaddy so I'm going to login to GoDaddy once you reach to the DNS manager of your domain create a txt record copy the txt value then come to the DNS management then click on add button select text record then enter the text value now we have completed with the text value now come back to office 365 admin Center and click to verify now you can see that the ownership verification has completed the wizard will take you to create users I'm not gonna do this way then the wizard gonna take you to install your office applications which are part of this subscription then it's gonna take you to migrate email messages our g-suit configurations are not yet ready to migrate email messages now so we'll do that first now come to the second session that is g-suit we have to enable two-step verification and access g-suit via less secure application this you can do from g-suit admin console so why this steps is mandatory to migrate your emails from gzo to Officer saaphyri's because these should consider third party applications as less secure applications so you cannot access g-suit resources like emails with the password with the normal password so what we're gonna do is we're gonna create 2-step verification and we're gonna tell jisu that please allow access wireless security agent then in the next step we're going to create application-specific passwords and we're going to use that passwords during the migration to migrate your emails from GCU to office 365 log into g-suit admin console you can say this is the administrator account when you go to the users you can see that I have five users the first step I'm gonna do is to verify that I have IMAP enabled in most cases IMAP is enabled anyway I will confirm it for that go to apps then g-suit course services then when you drag down you will see Gmail click on Gmail then come down you will see end user access now you can see that pop and IMAP access this has enabled by default so you can just verify that the IMAP has enabled or not if you are IMAP user then we don't need to check it the next we're gonna enable two-step verification for that go to security from admin console then go to basic settings then you can say that allow users to turn on 2-step verification has enabled by default so this also need to verify from your side if not then you have to enforce it there is an option to enforce it now or we can give a specific date now we're going to configure less secure application access to g-suit resources for that go to admin console then from the security go to settings now drag down you will see less secure apps click on it then you can see allow users to manage their access to less secure apps you have to allow it then click Save so now we have completed the necessary configurations required in the GCU console now come to the third session we're going to create application specific password for each user in g-suit hello 2-step verification and access less secure applications can be enabled from g-suit to all the users with one click but when it comes to the application specific password you have to get it from each specific user so the best way to teach your users on how to create an application specific password and send it to you by email or you can create a form in Gmail or you can create a form in Google sheet and ask the users to enter user name and application specific password once they follow the document otherwise it would be difficult to login to each user from the admin side and get the passwords and this passwords this application specific passwords once you complete the migration you can revoke it you don't need to keep it for a long time login to your gmail account then go to manage your Google account make sure you are not in the g-suit admin console this is for individual user then click on security then you can see 2-step verification click on get started then enter the password again now you have to setup your telephone number then you have to complete the 2-step verification now the two-step vacation has completed now you have to create applications specific password for that just go back from the same place you will find now application passwords click on it enter your password again this time you have to complete your 2-step verification also this is gonna ask for your OTP just enter it and complete the 2-step verification you have to teach your users how to do this and get the application specific password from them using Google sheets or something so that would be easy now select application and there the resistive I migration or something so that it would be easy for you to revoke all the passwords application passwords that you generated now copy the application specific password repeat this step for all the users in your organization those who were migrated to office through sista Phi or ask your users to do this and get the username and application-specific password before you initiate the migration the next session we're gonna see how to add users to office 365 we have two options either you can add users one by one using create user wizard or you can add multiple users in that case you have to prepare the list of users with with user name and other details then you can import it into office through sista Phi then it created automatically so that will help you to save a lot of time you will see both way and you can choose one method which fit for you to add multiple users you have to prepare an excel sheet like this you will get a template of this excel sheet from from office 365 admin Center I will show you how to get it so you have to enter all the details including user name first name last name display name job title what are the things you need you can fill it up in the same form then once you complete this sheet you have to save it as a dot CSV file so here my list is GCO migration dot CSV once you complete the list go to Microsoft 365 admin Center from there go to users and click on active users then you can see add user add multiple users select add multiple user and now you can import the list that you have created you can see download is csv with header and sample user information this will give you the template so you can download this template and you can edit your user details here you will get another sample also from here let us import the file that we created now click Next you have to assign the product license just drag the button so that the product license has applied you can customize and you don't need to give all the application based upon your organization interest you can customize it here then click Next now you can see that four users has created and when you download the results so you will see the password username everything and also this can be emailed to administrator account you can see that admin at Tennant dot on you will receive this details or you can download it in the excel sheet and you can share with the users now this time it is safe to share this details with the user because there is no data in this account and during the first signing they have to change the password so it is fine to publish this to all the users before you start the migration now to create user using create user wizard go to active users I can see all the users that we have created appeared now now click on add a user then enter user details then you can create the password again choose Auto generated password then you can assign the license then if there is any optional settings like roles you can apply here in there also you can see that there is an options like global admin or user admins something like that so if it is an administrator account or something that you can assign roles and permissions this time then click Next then finish adding now you know how to create account in both way you can create using add user wizard or you can create with add multiple user by importing the file create multiple uses now all the users has created next we have to create the migration batch list so in the migration becha list we have three columns one is email address second is user name and the third column is password email address is the address that you have created in office 365 username and password is a username and password that you need to log into g-suit so the first column can be different from the second column but whatever you written in the first column is going to be aligned with the username and password in the second and third column so open an excel sheet then create three columns email address then username this is the username and password which can used to access your g-suit resources then passwords now you can enter the email address then username then application-specific password now my list is ready I'm gonna save it as dot CSV file you have to make sure that the extension that you have referred is dot CSV when you save this file then I'm gonna give a name for this batch list instead of migrating the Ender user and the first time I'm gonna try with one account and if I said see it only I'm gonna proceed with the rest of the account so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create and another batch list with a single account and I will try with this account if I succeed I will follow the same method to migrate all other users so this is my trial account teacher at admin Adams English club comm I'm gonna try with this we will test this migration and once we succeeded we will import the other list which we created and we will finalize the migration login to office 365 admin Center we're gonna start the migration go and find exchange admin console those who have worked with Exchange Server you can say this is very similar to exchange console go to recipients and migration once you click on the migration click on the three dots then select migration endpoints we're gonna create a migration endpoint here select IMAP then enter this can be different if you are using other mail servers like Soho or something then enter a meaningful name to understand this migration endpoint then close it now you created a migration endpoint this is one time you can use this same migration endpoint for multiple lists then browse and import the test batch that we have created make sure you selected this dot CSV file then click Next you and give a bad limit if you want I'm just gonna skip as it is a demonstration now it initiated the migration you can see the status here you can see some data has already migrated click open and you can see all the steps so this will help you to troubleshoot if you are stuck with some issue the most common issue that comes so it access if you didn't configure g-suit correctly then this will give you incorrect username password error if you succeed with the username and password then things will work smoothly now you can see the status has changed it from singing to sync that means the migration has completed you can check the details from from you details option you can see 23 items has completed the synchronization you can download the report and verify now let us sign in to the account that we migrated update your password now you can select your preferred timezone then click Save now you can see all the emails has migrated to office 365 we're gonna repeat the same step for the rest of the emails as we have a batch of complete users I will show you how to import them now you can see that we gonna create a new migration batch only we will not create any more migration endpoint because it is one-time then click Next Next so this is I'm I'm not going to complete the migration this is just to show you how to continue with the rest of the emails so you can just click start and begin the migration you once you complete the migration you have to change the MX record and wrote you all your emails to office 365 to do that go to setup and setup your domain click Next the only service I'm interested is exchange if you have other services you can select it when you click Next it will show you what are the DNS records need to add to your DNS manager in order to route the email properly so the first thing is ms record then scene it aim then text record the same way we did for verification of the domain so let us add it one by one copy each record and add it into GoDaddy ms record I have added em extra code and I gave priority zero now I have to change the priority because it was before a router to Google m/s record and you can see that there is priority one for Google I'm gonna give a priority value for so lower the number then that is the preferred route I have to repeat the same step for autodiscover and SPF record now all the necessary records to wrote your email has completed let us click to verify it now the verification has completed so we have done with migration of IMAP gzo to office 365 thank you for watching this video for more videos subscribe my youtube channel
Channel: ITProGuide
Views: 25,769
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Keywords: office 365, g suite to office 365, gmail to office 365 migration step by step, how migrate email from g suite to office 365, how to migrate gmail to office 365, migrate g suite gmail to office 365, migrate gmail to office 365 small business, how to migrate g suite to office 365, how to migrate from g suite to office 365, google apps to office 365
Id: J5V7we_o33A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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