MIG Welding | Vertical Uphill and Downhill

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how's it going well two family thank you for tuning in all right so you have here rescindo rodriguez at south coast wellington academy houston texas all right so for today's video i'm gonna be showing you a couple techniques i'm gonna be doing a make root downhill and also a make route uphill but we're going to be using this bad boy everlast lightning mts 275 so let's go ahead and get ready [Music] all right ladies and gentlemen so let's go ahead and get started well we're gonna prep our plate first okay so we're gonna make sure that we get rid of all that male scale right front back all the way around so we're gonna leave no landing all right so no landing here make sure you're clean also all right we're gonna put a 1 8 gap so my spacer here this is a 7 18 1 8 uh and all you got to do is get rid of the flux bend it there you go that's your spacer so we're going to stick it right in between just like that very simple all right and we're going to attack the sides okay we're going to attack each side so let's go go ahead and get started we're going to do that to both plates okay boom [Music] all right ladies and gentlemen so let's go ahead and get started but before anything we got to make sure that we have our proper settings so let's go ahead and erase this real quick what we're going to do we're going to go ahead and look for mig steel c25 okay so all we're going to do very simple we're going to click on that down arrow until we find mig seal c25 right away is going to give you that that main screen okay so what we want to do since we're doing uh we're only doing a mig root downhill and uphill all right i'm going to use i'm going to do my settings so i'm going to go ahead and set my wire speed for 155 so remember click the the right arrow until you go all the way around until it says wire speed boom it's going to be on red so i'm going to go ahead and move that to 155 okay that's my wire speed now i want my voltage my voltage i'm going to go ahead and do my volts all right so now we're going to do our voltage all right so for our voltage it's very simple so we're going to go ahead and and leave it at 17.5 that's going to be our votes for today our next step is our inductance inductance basically that's your arc force okay so uh you got to be careful with that you don't want too much uh penetration so we're going to keep it at 20 percent so it's highlighted make sure that is on 20 percent all right there you go it's set for 20 wire speed at 155 your voltage at 17.5 everything else is going to stay how it is okay that's all we're gonna move all right ladies and gentlemen so we have it now tagged okay we got to tack down 3g position all right so remember we are going downhill okay so we're going to keep it nice and simple all we're going to do is walk the cup right so basically we're just gonna wiggle it back and forth back and forth all right now i want you to be very very careful uh try not to stay just right in the middle um because that that might have you blow through and you're not going to be able to close it just in case you do blow through all you have to do is weave it wider so that you can get more onto the walls right and that's all you have to do so all we're going to do is walk it downhill walk it downhill all the way through i'm gonna try to stop maybe about halfway or so and then um we're gonna do a restart but i wanna show you how to grind okay so make sure that uh you pay attention on that it's very important okay so our settings remember wire speed has a 155 voltage as a 17.5 it's at 17.6 right now so let's go ahead and change it it shouldn't be much of a difference but ladies and gentlemen let's go ahead and get started okay all right first technique boom are we doing is going back and forth back and forth i was just weaving it across try not to weave it too much all right let's go ahead and stop real quick boom all right ladies and gentlemen so now we stop all right stop whenever you get uncomfortable all right there's no need to rush anything uh so let's go ahead and grind grind our stop uh make sure you feather it very very thin until it turns blue and then what we're gonna do we're gonna start uh before i kind of warm up our metal and then start doing our route but it's very important that you grind very thin make it turn blue on the very edge all right ladies gentlemen so we already grinded our restart also make sure that you clip off all right the tip let's go ahead and do a good fresh start we don't want no problems all right so there you have it all right we made it blue all we're going to do now is warm up our metal and start doing our route that's going to give you a good good uh fusion all right here we go a good restart there we go let's go ahead and start real quick you want to start before [Music] all i'm doing is just following my puddle i'm keeping the wire keeping the wire right on the very edge on the leading edge of the puddle all the way through [Music] as you're going down you don't have to weave it too much all right gravy is helping you all right keep it nice and tight you don't want to slow down too much all right you don't want to get when the roots start building up towards you all right all right ladies gentlemen so there you have it uh we kept it nice and simple we're going downhill right now so remember we kept that at 155 wire speed 17.5 voltage and all we were doing is weaving it back and forth remember if you need to stop go ahead and stop uh don't force anything uh make sure that you're comfortable all the way through okay make sure that you feather real real thin until it turns blue you want a good read start alright so we got really good penetration all right it's not too bad uh we got about a sixteenths of penetration now what we're gonna be doing uh our other technique is we're gonna be going uphill okay so uh why are we doing downhill and uphill uh it's just different techniques down here usually in the south in the south uh uh we we love doing downhill mig uh that's that's that's uh that's how we do it here in the south up north uh they like to do their migs uphill uh their make route uphill uh it's just how it is you know it doesn't mean that we're wrong that they're wrong none of that it's just how we do it here in the south we go downhill on our mig roots up north they go uphill under migrates so there's nothing wrong with that okay so let's go ahead and do the uphill and see how it comes out all right we're still using the lightning mts-275 boom all right so now now we have our second plate we're going to be going uphill all right so we have attacked on 3g position we still have a 1 8 gap remember that no landing and now we're going to start from bottom to top but all we're going to do is go side to side now you might end up having a little bit more trouble here because you are going uphill uh just remember that if you key hold too much all you have to do is weave it wider okay weave it wider try to grab onto those walls a little bit more and that's going to help you close up that that hole okay so let's go ahead and start we got our wire speed at 155 voltage 17.5 okay all right so we went ahead and and grind our tacks be careful on grinding your attacks you don't you don't want to grind them too much and end up breaking your plate so let's go ahead and get started all we're doing is going back and forth back and forth all right if you feel that that your keyhole ain't too much all you got to do is go wider [Music] all right going back and forth back and forth let's go ahead and stop and do a restart boom all right ladies and gentlemen so we went ahead and stopped all right remember uh you get uncomfortable go ahead and stop grind your restart make sure that it's nice and thin on the very edge let it turn blue okay cut off your tips now we're ready to roll now we are going to warm up our metal once again once you get to the very edge of your your restart start going back and forth okay back and forth until you finish all the way through all right let's go ahead and get started uh um all the way through boom all right my wheelchair family so there you have it i'll just show you two different techniques using our bad boy right here everlast lightning mts-275 now check it out so we did downhill mig roots this is what we do here down south okay we always go downhill on our make roots and i just show you another technique going uphill uh and this is what they do up north okay so they both work fine just remember if you're down south you might be doing downhill if you're up north you might be doing uphill but make sure that you ask before you uh before you test okay you want to make sure that you're doing the right proper procedure all right so once again both of them look wonderful they all work uh we used the everlast lightning mts 275 and it works wonders all right so i really like it all right your choice make sure that you pick the right procedure right find out which one it is all right thank you guys i hope you guys like this video please comment like subscribe okay and we will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: WeldTube
Views: 65,930
Rating: 4.8301415 out of 5
Keywords: arc welder, mig, pipeline, welding, welder, welding shop, GMAW, SMAW, welding definition, pipe schedule, cwi, how to weld, types of welding, welder salary, welding symbols, schedule, 40, pipe, welding supply store, Tig, welding jobs, welding schools, tulsa welding school, american welding society, weldporn, weld.com welding tips and tricks, ChuckE2009, learn to weld, pipe welding, welding basics, welding techniques, welding test
Id: NAv0_ctmQRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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