🔥 Walking the Cup with MIG: Downhill Root, Uphill Fill and Cap | MIG Monday

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welcome to well . com I'm Bob Moffatt welding instructor with Cowley College welcome to weld. com I'm Bob Moffatt welding instructor with Cowley College I actually want to try to walk the cup downhill on a root pass and finish the subsequent passes uphill this is a kind of a procedure that would follow over in the pipe as well so i have plates 30 degree bevel I want to fit these with about a 5 30 seconds to three sixteenths gap and I want to run a downhill root today I know there's some argument about whether you run uphill downhill which one's stronger I want to show you that this is a it's it's a good process we've used this a lot in the piping industry especially on rolling pipe where we're using a flux core process to filling cap it's in a it's approved procedure we've tested this and it's it's strong so I want to get some gear on I want to attack these plates up and run this downhill root for you I want to show you how easy this is I want to start this I'm gonna I'm gonna hold this i'm pointing this up I'm gonna come off of my tack up here at the top of the plate my wire is pointing up hill about 30 degrees after i get going for about a half inch or so I'm actually going to take my right hand away and run this one-handed and I'm gonna walk the cup downhill I'm just sliding this along and I want my wire to stay on the leading edge of the weld pool always if I outrun this and I shoot the wire through a dead air space and I don't have a park anymore ok so let's start out up here at the top so when I started this world from backing up i did make a slight change in voltage and amperage simply because i was going to have a slightly longer stick out I was real confident with the gap and as you can see you just gonna walk in this down and gently going back and forth on the leading edge just to make it to make the web full progress you know this i'm not saying anyone's thoughts too long again i'm running this one-handed yeah full penetration with just the right amount of reinforcement I ran the root on this downhill I've already buff the glass and slag out of the inside with a flat wire wheel I want to put a Phil pass and a cap except now i'm going uphill never i never want to well downhill in a groove there's too much chance of lack of fusion the minute ago when we did the route we had our wire pointing up hill about 30 degrees and i stayed on the leading edge to get my fusion and control the backside now i want to point my wire straight in or slightly downhill believe it or not that's the biggest problem that I see with a lot of students and amateurs is the point there wire uphill to go uphill okay you need to think about getting that wire driving it into clean material down inside the groove so that you're getting the proper fusion also if you point your wire uphill if you've ever seen anybody do this you will see a lot of spatter buckshot bebes coming off the front edge okay that's that's not fun your machine actually runs nice and crisp and clean if you're pointing it straight in ok there's a there's another little subtle technique that i really want to discuss here and it's i'm filling this groove up you're going to ask me what well how do you weave do you just go straight across well the answer is yes and no if I have a lot to fill up then I want to build a little shelf down here my filler metal I want to bring the wire up into the center go across to the edge and then come straight across it's like a lazy triangle ok and the total movement of my wire up is probably an eight to three sixteenths of an inch tops now pause on the sides i want to pause on the sides of this bevel face and I want to watch that tie in the center of it will take care of itself my whole philosophy and doing groove welds is I wanted to be flat I want to be able to clean it whatever past that I put in after that I want it to be flat so that I'm not welding over the top of a big hump ok so I'm going to start down here at the bottom yeah hey guys today's episode is brought to you by the pond dick welding supply they're giving away in Esau rebel King just like this used in today's episode for a chance to win this sign up to their email list get back to welding since i'm going to do this well in three passes and I'm pulling this wire up in the center and refilling the center and leaving to the outside about not probably 3 30 seconds seven inch - my bevel dead again i want to leave my beveled edges alone because they're my guide when I go to my cap straight edges i want to run a stray cat turn the feet the studying Electrical stick out simple repeatable motion yeah via a buff this out and i'm getting ready to put the last pass in here I wanted to talk briefly about the objectives of of what we're getting ready to do here no undercut we don't want undercut on the edge of the bevel on the edge of the group face and I don't want my reinforcements on my beat height to exceed an eighth of an inch that's pretty simple I've left myself enough room to run this last pass in here naturally and again it's it's the exact same motion and the exact same wire angle I want to . this in and go uphill with it yeah yeah the motion i'm using now is simply a i guess you could call it a lazy oval not really going up that much I don't need to I am staying on the leading edge of my weld pooll and I'm watching my edges to make sure that they're using into the plate Little pause there One thousand and one... One thousand and one we finished this welld here and we've left the subsequent passess alone again we ran a root pass down hill in this groove we ran a fill pass up hill and we stopped up here so that we could see it and then we ran the cap or last pass there's a couple things to note here I don't have any undercut on the sides and a lot of my glass and and deposits were in the center of the bead here and you'll also notice that the ripple pattern is more it's it's pretty smooth and they're fairly scrunched together I like that I as it is if somebody that was an inspector that would look at a well I don't like the great big cat paw look on the on the MIG welds they're kind of cool and you get to the tick but with a MIG I like this because i know this glass is floating to the top we're not trapping it into the bead so again no undercut and we buffed this off it should look pretty clean thanks for watching that's it for this episode new episodes are every Monday make sure to subscribe
Channel: Weld.com
Views: 926,591
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Keywords: Mr. TIG, TIG Time, MIG Monday, Weld.com, Welding Videos, TIG Welding Videos, MIG Welding Videos, walk the cup, walk the cup with mig, mig walking the cup, mig welding root pass
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2016
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