Midweek with Dr. C- Finding Peace In The Midst Of A Narcissist’s Chaos

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hi there team healthy i hope everybody's having a good wednesday or those of you down under in both australia and right next door new zealand and some of the other parts over there on that side of the globe i hope you're having a nice thursday already and it uh need i say it's about three o'clock in the morning for those of you who are watching live from that part of the world um watch this and go get some sleep okay hey um i i i notice that multiples of you here are making comments already to one another uh just just know that we just have a little bit of um a request that i make from time to time uh please no rude comments and uh no you know foul language and all like that if you do you can yeah you can do that but what we'll do is we'll just block you from uh from future participation but uh we want this to be a place where we can have some real good encouragement with each other and uh and support and uh you know positive vibes hopefully that come from this hey amanda over there in liverpool you got coven i see that i saw that comment uh i spent my time about a year and a half ago my wife and i did in sick bay not fun hopefully you've been um vaccinated so the symptoms aren't all that strong stay strong glad you're here don't send your germs through the internet though that's all i ask and i notice that some of you have are commenting about the webinar that we had yesterday just know that what i'm going to be doing is over the next months i'm going to be building up a library of those webinars and if you're not able to attend live which we know that people can't always have the same schedule then you can still purchase the the webinars that we have and we're going to have a special uh archive link that will be sent to you so that you can have the fullness of it and watch it anytime you want um the one yesterday was about the malignant narcissist and i know michelle is going to be putting some uh putting all that out and sending all of the uh uh the entire copy to uh everybody that signed up for it and if anybody wants to sign up for it after the fact you can do that and then we're going to have more they're going to come our way i think the next one is going to be either in september october we haven't hit the exact date but we're going to keep more of those kind coming up on various kind of topics just know that i like doing that and i hope that that's something that you all find benefit to as well okay guys we're gonna be talking about finding peace in the midst of a narcissist chaos and the reason i selected that is my title for today i have a question here that's right up uh at the front uh that is going to just take us straight into this one of the viewers sent me a question and it simply says this why is it that narcissists love capital l capital o capital v capital e why is it the narcissists love chaos and disorder they would prefer a mess to a resolution even if the mess is much harder i find that confounding okay well that is confounding now it's it's so interesting too because narcissists you know they have this desire to be in control and and uh establish the agenda and tell everybody how things are supposed to be and so what's this deal about chaos and the uh the the starting point that we want to go with here is narcissists thrive on them having a sense of certainty and when i say certainty that's a nice cover for characteristics like stubbornness or an unwilling unwillingness to budge being grossly opinionated to the point that to the point that nobody else's opinion even matters narcissists want to be the the one that has the final word and one of the things they actually like and this is part of their twisted logic is they like it when you prove to be dysregulated and so when you're over there um and they can get you to the point where you're anxious or tense or defensive or you go into shutdown mode or you do anything and everything that does not represent the healthy version of you they're thinking yeah this works for me because you see that that gives me an opening to step in and to prove to you how necessary i am in your life and so you know the more chaos the more confusion the more agitation that they can can generate then the more it proves how the world needs who they are i mean it is simply twisted logic now never mind that their approach toward life may be pretty chaotic on their end you know they can be very all over the board in their emotions and agitation and irritability and they can have all sorts of illogic they don't look at that portion of it all they want is they want to create strain intention in you because then it allows them to come along and and apply their certainty their objectives their priorities onto you and so the the when somebody asks this question why is it that they love chaos and disorder i jokingly but not really say the problem is you're bringing normal thinking to the equation and your response is well is that a bad thing to bring normal thinking to the equation and of course the answer is no i want you to be as normal as possible but in the meantime you also need to learn how to think like a narcissist they're counting on that not to be the case and that's what we're trying to do on this channel we're trying to blow their cover so that when they do bring that chaos and they do try to get you disregulated uh you're not going to uh to play into that game and give them uh the very agitation and all the rest that they want okay now let's go into um a specific situation this next question says my narcissist it's kind of interesting how you say my narcissism we know what you mean was overt but then shut down shuts down when confronted with any relationship problems okay so we have an overt narcissist in other words somebody who's doesn't leave a whole lot of room to the imagination that they're really impressed with themselves uh very loud and out there and very free telling you what to do and and large and in charge that's typically what we think of with the overt but then when confronted with relationship problems this person goes into stonewalling so this person says why does that happen why did he have to go why why did i have to go to an anger management class because of my relationship with him that's an interesting question please talk about the rage okay now we start with that first question you know why is it that the narcissists love uh chaos and disorder this next question gives us exhibit a right there so you have this overtly narcissistic person they're very self-impressed and then when a problem comes along then and they have stirred up all sorts of strain and tension you're now in conflict with that person then the narcissist is thinking okay which of my tricks in my middle bag of tricks am i going to pull on this one and uh this person says well this particular narcissist pulls out the trick of stonewalling so we have a problem you're trying to address the problem and suddenly that loud and that outward narcissist just goes silent and they just you know just go away from me they go completely stubborn they go passive aggressive and you're thinking what's going on here and the answer is the narcissist thinks i'll use whatever trick in the book i can use because you see confrontation to them is an opportunity to draw you into the ditch and they love it i mean it's i hate to keep using the old analogy of you know jumping into the pigpen with the pig don't do it because they're experts at it you wind up getting muddy but that's what they're trying to do and so when this person goes into shutdown mode they're trying to do the crazy making thing with you uh when they see you in a chaotic or in a a troubled or agitated frame of mind it's like well okay so shutting down and going into the stonewalling mode i think i'm going to use that one again isn't that nuts and but i'm hoping you can see they're seeing the relationship in competitive terms they're constantly thinking what do i have to do to stay on top of you i'm superior which means you're inferior what what works and so they don't really see you as being somebody to have a a meaningful equal to equal kind of relationship where we build one another up we exchange mutual regard that's not it at all narcissists are constantly looking for supply and by that i mean they're looking for people to build them up and to uh to give them a feeling of grandeur because they they're very self-impressed uh but in the meantime now you can just bet your bottom dollar they're gonna come up with whatever little trick they can come up with to to to make you look like you're the chaotic person so this is a classic illustration of how they pull that off now i want to go straight from this one to the next uh question because it kind of deals with some of the anger that can come along with this manipulative kind of style that the narcissist has this person asked the question how do i cope with the urge to lash out at the narcissist okay so we have a question you know why is it that narcissists seem to love chaos we have an illustration well whenever we get into a disagreement this narcissist in my life uses the stonewalling tactic and so this next question the person says well what am i going to do with my rage that it creates inside me what am i gonna do with my desire to lash right out at that narcissist now i'm gonna give you an answer that may seem like it's a relatively strange answer okay but hang in there with me okay because i hope we're going to get to a good conclusion on this when you feel this rage toward a narcissist when you want to lash out and the way that they create all of this disarray first and foremost begin with the assumption that you have complete and total permission to say anything and everything in as filthy of a way as you can in as condescending of a way as you can and as disruptive of a way you can you give yourself complete and total permission to do that what do you think now as soon as i say that some of you are kind of scratching your head thinking seriously the answer is right seriously you have permission to do that but i'm hoping that as you recognize that is a free option there will also be this common sense that will kick in that says okay i'm totally free to go into that rage but i don't want to in other words rather than you just being a raw reactor which is what they want to do and that's how they keep you in chaos what i'm saying is be a thinker recognize that when you feel angry you get to to run that through whatever grid that you want inside of yourself and so then as you give yourself permission to have that wild anger and have that rage and all the bitterness that goes with it hopefully another question will kick in and that is well how would that rage fit within my overall belief system and value system who do i want to be now one of one of the exercises that i would often ask people in my counseling office is i'd say i want you to list out the personal characteristics that you would like to have most common in the way that you engage with the world in front of you and and i don't want just three or four i mean like let's let's do 18 or 20. you know i want to be patient i want to be understanding i want to be fair-minded i want to be respectful under you know those kind of things and those would be the answers that people would give me not once when i would ask anybody that question now what kind of characteristics do you want to have define you not once has somebody said well i'd like to be defined by rage no i'd like to be defined by just going wild and screaming at the top of my lungs that's that's the trait that i want to have when you slow down long enough to ask who do i want to be rage tends not to be at the top of the list the narcissist loves you going into the rage because it means that you're living contradictory to what you know is wisest and best and they're counting on you being so reactive and so raw and impulse driven in the way that you engage with them that they're hoping that something like that will happen so when i say give yourself total permission to go into rage and then by the way i want you to kind of envision in your mind how that would play out and what the consequences of that would be and then what the the uh the price would be that you would pay by having done so i'm hoping you'll say yeah i have permission everything's an option that's not a good option and so when you ask what do i do with the rage then that's your starting point and and then we go back to what some of the better options are because you see assertiveness is a good option assertiveness means you still will stand up for yourself you're just going to do it in a way that has a certain amount of dignity to it boundaries and consequences and stipulations those are options too you can rage but these are better options and so you want to train yourself to think anything and everything is an option which options fit with my my belief system which options fit with my value system and if rage doesn't fit what does so that's the that's the approach we're going to take and it and the more you're able to think that way then the less claim a narcissist is going to have on you because you are no longer going to be like i say that raw reactor that's the that's the biggest goal that we want to get that we want to gain and the narcissist is counting on you to be a person that just gives raw reaction that's their chaos that they're trying to create no thank you i'm not going to do that one now another person asked the question well how do i know if this person in front of me is a narcissist or not now some of you you hear that word narcissist and there can be a little confusion uh narcissists when they hear it all they hear is a nasty name oh so you calling me a narcissist it's just kind of like calling them a you know dirty rotten scoundrel and it's like you can't call me a name and so they missed the point when we use the term narcissism we're talking about a description uh this is a pattern of life and it's uh it's based on self-absorption and self being self-impressed and being entitled and having control issues very defensive and all the rest so how do you know if a person is a narcissist or not particularly when they don't wear a sign around their neck saying that's what i am first it's it's going to be important for you to just recognize the ingredients that go along with the need to be in control that's usually the best way to watch for it people who are very controlling tend to interrupt very easily they can be very easily critical uh they they're not team players it's like i'm going to do what i want to do and if you have a different preference tough changing in order to go along with me they can be uh very showy or sometimes they can just be disinterested they don't have any kind of empathy those are the kind of characteristics that you want to watch for so educate yourself as to the the core ingredients of narcissism but then to get a little bit more specific to that question how do i know if that person is a narcissist or not watch for the way that they manage themselves in the midst of conflict i i operate on the assumption that it's pretty easy to be nice or decent or to appear normal when everything happens to be going really well you know when you're getting your way and we're all telling funny stories or we're coordinating well and we get the results that we're looking for yeah you're not going to see a whole lot of narcissism but in the moments of conflict where you differ from that person and it's clear that that's not going to be a difference that's going to be cleared up right away that's when you get to see what kind of character a person has character excuse me crisis reveals character hold on to that thought crisis reveals character and uh whenever you are at a crisis point with that narcissistic individual and there's a major difference are they going to be tuned in are they going to show curiosity about your point of view are they going to be pleasant and honest and open no in the middle of conflict narcissists that's when they reveal their true colors and that's when they can come on with high defensiveness and they can come on with insistent communication and try to force you into their mold and to force you onto their agenda and so the best way is to uh wait and see when not when conflict comes uh in fact i'm gonna i'm gonna jump down there's another one uh because this uh this is gonna relate to this this person says uh is saying i love you on a second date love bombing okay the reason i'm jumping on this one um a little further down my list here um how do you know if a person is love bombing or excuse me as a narcissist or not what narcissists like to do is they like to uh to show themselves to be pleasant and friendly and the nicest person you ever met and so in romantic relationships we refer to it as love-bombing and it doesn't even have to be a romantic it can be you know your mother-in-law is treating you in a really nice kind of way it's love bombing or you know something like that um but um one of the things narcissists would like to do is they they like to uh to just be super nice and helpful so it can then set them up to say see if there's a problem between you and me look how nice i am and it's a form of gaslighting and so this person asked the question well if a person says i love you on the second date uh is that is that love bombing and the answer oh yeah i mean you can be a loving person okay and in the first five minutes you can be loving towards someone and in that context we're talking about uh having a kindness and a willingness to be encouraging and and uplifting so yeah you can do that right away but to say i love you in the sense that that phrase means you know the implication is i want to uh have a deep commitment with you i want to be your soul mate perhaps is where they're going it's like you can't possibly know that within two meetings okay uh now you can have a hunch that that might be the case i knew what when i met jennifer years ago within about the first six weeks i'm thinking oh boy she's marriage material and i thought to myself you know let's let's give it time uh to confirm and so we dated for two years before we got married um a quick little aside uh let time show you what's going on now going back to that question about um how do i know if this person is a narcissist or not um over time differences and complexities and unusual circumstances can come along conflicts can show up and it's only after those kinds of experiences uh will occur can you really know then if this person is a narcissist or not but don't just assume that because they're nice up front that all is clear and everything's going to be wonderful because it tends not to work that way in fact i'll even go so far as to say when somebody's working really really hard to be a super insider with you right away uh that's not a that's a red flag that's that has a real controlling angle with a smile on it so be very wary of that okay um all right this next question and um see if you pick up on in the same way i do this person is concerned about public opinion this person asks my question is how do you just let yourself physically and mentally rest without the feeling that people think that you're lazy so this person is is more or less implying you know there are times when i just need to pull back i have all sorts of things going on in my life i try to be responsible i try to be tuned in to whatever life is throwing at me but sometimes i just need to take a break i think we call that being human now wouldn't you agree with me on that we all need to take a break from time to time and so let's suppose that you're in the middle of taking that break and then someone comes along and says what are you doing sitting in that comfortable chair you lazy or something okay so they put an interpretation on you how do you let yourself physically and mentally rest without the feeling that people think that you're lazy and the answer is you don't if somebody is going to make a snap judgment about you based on a single small picture of who you are it's like well i've seen that person they're sitting over there in that nice comfortable chair must be a lazy person then as far as i'm concerned their opinion is so shallow or so ill-informed that i'm thinking why would i concern myself with someone who is inclined towards such superficiality as that would you like to follow me around and get to know me on a fuller basis oh i didn't think so and so what you do is you live your cleanest life that you can knowing that some people are predisposed to interpret you through their lens through their grid uh so that it makes them feel well and it's gas lighting when they do that and let it be we're going back to to this notion about how you can find peace even as narcissists are trying to pull you into chaos narcissists want you to feel uncertain about the legitimacy of you being you and when you're thinking did i do the right thing did i come across correctly did i say that right or do they understand the context with respect to this and the other when you find yourself camping out on those kind of doubts and dreads and worries then the narcissist is thinking i win and and so what you do is let's say is being you enough and and if somebody really wants to get to know you i'm going to make the assumption that they'll see that one snapshot of you as being one of many that they can eventually gauge who you are by let's do that and we're not going to just keep looking over our shoulder how did that come across did you think well of me there or you seem to be frowning what was that all about uh let's let go of that now i'm not going to filter my sense of worth and well-being and my self-respect through superficial judgments that people can have and there are many people that are more than willing to do that okay okay keeping with our theme of you having a lack of peace because the narcissist wants to keep you in a chaotic mindset this next question the person asked my narcissistic partner asked me why is it you who always has a problem with me but i never have one with you so something's going on you're feeling frustrated with that narcissistic person and uh they can pick up on it you're agitated you're frustrated you've kind of withdrawn you're sullen and by the way it's not wrong for you to have emotion when you're dealing with somebody and the uh the narcissist comes up with that that that classic question what's the deal with you which is basically what this is all about what's going on with you you got a problem with me i don't have a problem with you at first that is absolute classic gaslighting uh i don't want you to feel like your emotions are legitimate but when they ask the question why do i why do you have a problem with me and i don't have a problem with you it may be that the answer is because you're so uninsightful you're so shallow you're so manipulative you're so uh stubborn you're so oblivious can i keep going on there are lots of answers to that question you you have a problem with me but i don't have a problem with you uh you're you're not being honest and so uh when somebody asks you a question like that my immediate response is let's consider the source uh when somebody uh loves to see you frustrated and tense and then they pull this gaslighting stunt like what's the deal with you then all that tells me is this is not someone who's interested in getting to know you now what's one of the primary ingredients of narcissism a lack of empathy uh the empathetic person if you're feeling frustrated or annoyed will say something to the effect of hey we've got something going on here do you need some time to process this is this something you want to talk with me about is there something that you want me to know that i that i'm not grasping let's talk and they can mean that sincerely there's no hidden agenda there's no manipulative ploy there's just an acknowledgement sometimes you put two imperfect people together into a relationship and you're gonna have certain imperfect moments let's talk about that let's make sure that we have a good game plan we have a good habit that's in place so that we can maneuver through that with uh with cleanness and we can actually know each other better and grow because of it now does that sound like anything that a narcissist is going to do on to the next question okay you're being gaslit all right all right this next question and and this is one that uh it has certain implications this person says why is it that outsiders can easily spot a narcissist but it's not immediately apparent to the significant other so here you are you have a narcissist who's your significant other and uh someone else comes along and over time they say something about do you realize how inappropriate this person is or i've noticed that this person keeps interrupting you or they just don't seem to give much consideration to your feelings or your priorities uh we you seem to have a problem there and you're thinking i don't know i just it's just my norm one of the things that narcissists want to make sure that they do is they want them to be so into your head that when someone else comes along with a different perspective it's like i i ceased a long time ago considering the perspectives that others have to offer and the narcissist is thinking yeah what i want to do is i want to keep you filtering your thoughts and and beliefs and interpretations through me to the extent that sometimes you don't even know which end is up or you don't trust your own judgment and so you have a very different kind of angle that you're seeing the uh i mean it's the classic i can't see the forest because i have all the trees surrounding me and then when someone else comes along and says well i'm just kind of kind of big picturing this then sometimes it uh it's good to hear what they have to say now this uh this brings another thought that i want to strongly encourage when you're with somebody who has that controlling and insensitive and non-empathetic and manipulative agenda with you it is so essential to have other people in your world that can talk common sense to you uh you know this person is saying well somebody else apparently approached her uh saying that i noticed that there's a problem here i need to hear from other individuals and so make sure that you avail yourself to other people narcissists actually like to keep you isolated when it comes to things like that they don't want you to go to therapy or if they if you do then they want to go in there and set that therapist straight they don't want you to go to support groups or you know have that best friend that you can find in it's like that they're stupid they don't know what they're talking about and so part of them creating this inner strain this lack of peace in you is to keep you isolated from other sources of input make sure that you that you stay connected i'll give you a really simple illustration my wife today is going to lunch with a girlfriend of hers and she's a really nice person i like her a lot i like her husband a lot and my thinking is oh good tell me how it when when you come back and she'll have all sorts of nice things to say and uh if they talk about me or her husband or whatever might be going on in their world that's okay just talk you seem i'm i'm thinking i don't want to be my my wife's one and only obviously i want to have a nice position in her life uh of course that's why we got married but i want i want you to spread out and i want you to have other resources and i want you to have other support systems around you because it's uh that's just what it is the narcissist is like nope filter it through me if you have all these other people that are whispering in your ear that's not a good thing and so they they uh inhibit your ability to have that consistent peace because um they want to be the final word and it's going to go in there in their favor not yours just keep that part of it in mind too um right this next one how conscious is the narcissist of their own behavior and how calculating uh is their behavior when we talk about narcissists robbing your peace by keeping you in chaos one of the things we're basically saying is narcissists are schemers so do they know that they're being calculating and they're that they're being inappropriate with you now on one level we can say that they're so deeply habituated in their impropriety in their they've so rationalized their need to be in control they've so convinced themselves that they really are better that it's it's kind of on automatic pilot and so uh automatic pilot is a colloquial way of saying it's their subconscious mind that's just taken over but then on the other hand it's like they can turn it on and they can turn it off depending on who's in front of them for example when they are rude to you or when they're speaking words of discount toward you and then all of a sudden someone shows up on the scene that they want to have a good impression with oh they can clean their act up right away and it's so good to see you and uh you see my friend here and they can be real nice to you and then when that person goes away okay back to the same old stuff they know what they're doing as evidenced by the how they pick and choose the times and the the people in which they're going to do all of this and so there's a part of it that's that's uh on automatic pilot but then there's a part of it it's like okay i'm gaming you i just don't want everybody else to see it i'm gaining you and and i want you to think that i'm not and it's it's one big mess and so again we're going to go back to our term gaslighting you're being gas lit when uh when you see it and others don't and then they point to you saying i i think you have a perception problem no you don't listen to what your gut is trying to tell you okay um now the this next question uh and this kind of goes back to one of the earlier ones that i uh already answered here today but this one as this person asked how do i not let a narcissist's emotions bother me okay okay we're talking today about how narcissists create a general sense of dis-ease within you they they create a lack of peace in you and and that's not wrong that it happens um and so of course you're going to have your emotions and so when you ask the question how do i make it not bother me you can't at least not in total uh at some point it's uh you you say you know if i'm with that person and i think i've got a pretty good handle on my emotional well-being but if that person says something that triggers me then am i a bad person because inwardly i'm i'm struggling i'm backing my anxiety or my defensiveness or uh whatever it might be give yourself permission to have the emotion that you have because that's part of your your humanity now the rest of it is you can still do something about your behavior and you want to ask yourself when my emotions are triggered what behavior do i want to go to in those moments and so sometimes you have to rehearse in advance some of the the more common scenarios as an example let's suppose that you're in with a family member and that family member is very opinionated and they're very inclined to say something that's uh that's very insulting and condescending toward you and you're thinking well i'm gonna be in in the presence of that person pretty soon here okay before you go there you might want to begin asking i know that they tend to trigger my emotions behaviorally because i'm going to give myself permission to have the emotion behaviorally and in my history with that person what works and what does not work and you rehearse in advance when that person i don't know what the topic might be but when that person predictably is grouchy or irritable or condescending or invalidating what what what do i need to remind myself that i'm going to be committed to um and so i i again speaking on a very personal level i've gotten to the point where i'm i'm pretty good at what i refer to as delicate detachment i just don't require people to give me a whole lot uh in terms of the affirmation i i like it i'm an extrovert i enjoy being you know patted it on the back and i enjoy it when people can share funny stories and things like that but if you don't it's like i'm gonna be okay and you you want to learn how to monitor your own neediness and your own expectations so that when you don't get what you're hoping that the emotion in the moment is not going to just run away from you so part of this is rehearsing in advance what your response could be and by the way if you find that your emotional dysregulation is too persistent or it just you have a hard time with that self monitoring that's when you hear me talk about seek out therapy as the need is there sometimes it's good to have somebody to help you walk through that and kind of go through a planning style with you or sometimes you want to have a confidant that you can share with a good friend or family member but just just know that it can be done don't discount your emotion do focus on behaviorally how you're going to get through it so that you can get back and just kind of settle down emotionally there okay all right one last question and this again this illustrates how we're talking about how narcissists like to to rob you of your peace this person says after years of being gas lit and walking on eggshells i finally left my narcissist i find now that i'm actually afraid of him am i unusual and i'm just thinking no you're not unusual when you look at who a narcissist is and you realize that they actually have a goal inside themselves to diminish you sometimes to even destroy you to isolate you to to run the smear can campaign against you sometimes you need to have a healthy fear of that person and in fact having a healthy fear can be the beginning point of being committed to your assertions and boundaries and so are you unusual for feeling the way that you feel and look back thinking how in the world did i get through that and whenever i see that person coming oh here they come again no uh instead rather than saying i'm i'm a terrible person it's like i was involved in a relationship that was not good for me and as much as is possible i'm going to keep my any contact with that person to to the lowest minimum as i can and if people want to come to me and say hey let me talk to you about what what i find out going on with your ex you know at some point it's like i i don't think i need to be the receptor of that kind of information thanks i've been there about done that bought the t-shirt and i'm not going to keep going back but you're not abnormal for feeling the fear in retrospect it is good then that being the case to establish your new normalcy and i hope that you can be with people that you can trust and you can certainly learn to trust yourself and you can recoup your belief about who you are realizing that narcissistic person they wanted to have the final say so about who you are but it's like no i'm taking that back within myself so we have all these questions here today that talk about how narcissists want to rob you of your inner peace they love seeing you in a chaotic dysregulated position that's their game and they're going to keep playing it but i'm hoping you can decide you know i can do a whole lot better and i'm going to do a whole lot better and as you do then i'm hoping that you can find yourself committed to the things that are um most necessary within yourself i want to treat my own self with self-respect and i want to uh learn to trust my intuitions and my beliefs and i and i'm going to stand firm on my uh my values and if the narcissist says you can't do that it's like okay you can say that but i'm gonna be me anyway that's your best revenge be it be a healthy you that's what we're doing here on team healthy okay now for those of you who are new uh just know that if you have questions go ahead and put them underneath in the comments section i know that those of you who are alive yeah yeah you know you can put the questions over in the live chat section um but uh go ahead and place your questions uh underneath i pick up on them and then next week i'm going to be zeroing in on more questions that you bring in and again i want to let you know i i so appreciate you letting me be a part of your journey i love our team healthy here i love the fact that you're committed to the growth that that represents and so we're just going to keep this going and we're going to encourage each other i wish you the best between now and next time we meet
Channel: Surviving Narcissism
Views: 22,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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