Sunday, October 17, 2021 | I Shall Be Released

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welcome to sunday school lesson at a glance a ministry of the sunday school publishing board where we focus on teaching engaging application and learning for teachers and students [Music] i will be sharing highlights and key points from the adult faith pathway bible study sunday school book and the townsend press sunday school commentary based on the international lesson series we are in the fall quarter of sunday school lessons the title of this quarter study is celebrating god this quarter focuses on acts of worship and praise that celebrate who god is and what god has done for his people we are in unit 2 entitled called to praise god the five lessons in this unit explore psalms calling god's people to celebrate what god has done what is the most incredible experience you have ever had with god has god spared your life healed you delivered you or saved you from trouble the psalmist in this week's lesson tells us that we should give thanks to god for his deliverance get your sunday school book bible notepad pen or device and follow along as we take a glimpse into this week's sunday school lesson now let's get started with this powerful lesson the lesson title for this week october the 17th is i shall be released and this is the title in the adult book the title in the sunday school commentary is give thanks for deliverance the background scripture is psalm 107 and the print passage is psalm 107 verse 9 verses 1 through 9 and verses 39-43 the key verse in this week's lesson is they cried out to the lord in their trouble and he delivered them from their distress and that psalm 107 verse 6 in the new international version here are three questions to consider and reflect on as we go through this week's lesson question number one who are the redeemed and what are they to declare to others question number two why should we praise and celebrate god question number three what does david say about god blessing his people in times of oppression and affliction let's take a brief look at the lesson biblical context this week's lesson and all the lessons in this unit are in the book of psalms the psalms is a collection of ancient hebrew worship and poetic writings that contain songs laments words of praise adoration historical recollections and prayers psalms express the heart and soul of humanity and have been a source of help hope inspiration and comfort in times of trial and distress this week's lesson is in the 107th number of psalms the theme for psalms 107 is thankfulness to god should constantly be on the lips of those whom he has saved this psalm was written to celebrate the jews returned from their exile in babylon it is noted that the setting of this psalm may well be the end of the babylonian exile but it is phrased to deal with general troubles of going through deserted territory enduring prison and captivity surviving sickness and making it through dangerous sea travel this communal hymn celebrates the community's joy in being restored to their ancestors homeland in jerusalem psalms 107 praises god's mighty deliverance of the lost the captive the sick and the endangered the psalm is a hymn of thanksgiving to the lord for the purpose of making the lord's works known to humankind so that they too can join in the praise of the lord the psalm is referred to as the song of the redeemed and is a call for the redeemed to gather together and worship the lord the lesson aims for this week are explore the importance of having a relationship with god the deliverer the next aim is place value on the role of giving thanks to god and the third lesson aim is pray for those who need god's deliverance as we continue our glimpse into this week's sunday school lesson i'm going to share two key points from each outline in the lesson text and expound some on each one there are three outlines presented in the adult faith pathway sunday school book in this week's lesson the first outline is thank god for his deliverance and that psalm 107 verses one through six the second lesson outline is thank god for his feeling and that psalm 107 verses 7 through 9 and the third lesson outline is thank god for his love and that psalm 107 verses 39-43 let's begin our analysis of the biblical text the first outline is thank god for his deliverance verse 1 reads o give thanks unto the lord for he is good for his mercy endureth forever and i'm reading from the king james version the psalmist begins with oh oh gift thanks a call for gratitude a call of thankfulness and gratefulness to the lord god deserves our gratitude because of his goodness and his everlasting mercy key point number one god deserves our abundant praise and worship for who he is and what he has done we can't thank him enough for all he has done for us every day should be a day of thanksgiving verse 1 also says the lord is good and he is merciful his mercy endureth forever his mercy never ends we often repeat god is good all the time and all the time god is good this is more than just a cliche saying to repeat it is true that we serve a good god who is good all the time his mercies are brand new every day verse 2 reads let the redeemed of the lord say so whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy in verse 3 and gathered them out of the lands from the east and from the west from the north and from the south and verse 4 they wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way they found no city to dwell in the word redeemed means to rescue or save from some perilous situation the psalmist calls the redeemed as witnesses of god's goodness let the redeemed say so let them speak up testify to tell their stories of god's redemption and deliverance from every land and we read this in verse 3. in verse 2 the reference is to the lord's bringing judah back from exile most likely from babylon as mentioned earlier key point two the redeemed of the lord are not to remain silent they must declare the lord's gracious act of kindness god has done so much for us and we have so much for which to thank him he wants us to tell everyone everybody all that he has done we have been redeemed by the blood of the lamb if god has done great things for us we can't keep it to ourselves we have to tell it let the redeemed of the lord say so no one can tell your story like you can the lyrics to a song that says i am redeemed bought with a price jesus changed my whole life if anybody asks you just who i am tell them i am redeemed verse 5 reads hungry and thirsty they're so fainted in them this represents anyone who has not found the satisfaction that comes from knowing god those who are lost and alienated from god verse 6 reads then they cried unto the lord in their trouble and he delivered them out of their distresses those who are lost in sin and alienated from god are like the travelers depicted in this song they hunger and thirst and cannot be satisfied only when we cry out to the lord repent and confess our sin do we find safety if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and that's first john chapter one verse nine the second outline thank god for his feeling verse seven and he led them forth by the right way that they might go to a city of habitation and i'm reading from the king james version god gives guidance to those who seek him leading them to a place of peace and safety as we just read in verse seven key point number one praise god for his mighty acts of deliverance psalm 46 verse 1 says god is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble verse 8 oh that men would praise the lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men in verse 9 for he satisfied the longing soul and fillet the hungry soul with goodness verse 8 is a call for all humanity to praise the lord we should praise him for his many blessings towards us we should praise him for his goodness and wondrous works we should praise him for his many many blessings key point number two god satisfies and fills those who are longing for him those who seek god will find him and be filled for this we should give god praise as we just read in verse 9. the third outline thank god for his love key point number one praise celebrate god's loving kindness and deliverance verse 39 reads again they are diminished and brought low through a oppression affliction and sorrow verse 40 reads he poureth contempt upon princes and causes them to wonder in the wilderness where there is no way verse 41 yet setteth he the poor on high from affliction and maketh him families like a flock and verse 42 the righteous shall see it and rejoice and all iniquity shall stop her mouth first 43 whoso is wise and will observe these things even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the lord key point number two god judges our enemies verse 39 notes that god's hand brings burden and tribulation to the oppressors by decreasing their numbers and humbling or shaming and embarrassing them with affliction and sorrow as noted in verse 40 god judges and pours out contempt on our enemies making them a laughing stop and causing them to wander in waste lands on the other hand however god looks upon those who have been unjustly oppressed and afflicted and lifts them out of their circumstances and we read this in verse 41 god does his work in the sight of everyone he blesses his people openly those who trust god faithfully will witness god's deliverance and rejoice while the wicked remains silent god is greater than any enemy we will ever confront in summary throughout psalms there is a clarion call for the people of god to be thankful and bless his name god deserves every expression of gratitude one can render on the basis of what he has already done god is a deliverer we must thank god even when we cannot see or understand a clear path for deliverance when you feel overwhelmed and mistreated know that god sees you and cares about you god will bring justice in his own timing as believers we have hope and assurance that even during the toughest times of our lives god is capable and in his loving kindness will help his people in times of distress and trouble thank you for tuning in to sunday school lesson at a glance i hope this glimpse of this week's sunday school lesson is helpful to you as you prepare to teach and study god's word for additional information and resources contact the sunday school publishing board don't forget to click the like share and subscribe button sunday school students and teachers check out the sunday school publishing board's online friendly sunday school lesson and study tools subscription bundle blessings to you until the next sunday school lesson at a glance we invite your teachers each week as we take a glimpse into the sunday school lesson subscribe now
Channel: Sunday School Lesson at-A-Glance
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Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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