Midjourney promts - 1000+ AI artwork styles in just 1 keyword - Biggest hack

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Hello and welcome to wisefus!!  My fellow creatives! Are you tired of  creating AI art that looks just okay?   What if I told you that I have a game-changing  technique that can turn your average AI art   into absolute masterpieces? That's right, buckle  up because we're about to explore the insanely   powerful AI art generator, Midjourney, and  the secret to getting stunning results. Now, I'm not kidding when I say this.  This is one of the most powerful yet   simple techniques that I've come across  while using Midjourney. Don't believe me?   Just take a look at some of these before  and after results. The keyword that I'm   about to reveal is the game-changer that you  need to take your AI art to the next level. Are you ready for it? The secret is adding an  artist. Yes, you heard that right. By simply   adding an artist's name, you can elevate your  artwork to the level of the masterpieces that   artists have produced. And in this video, I'm  going to share an incredible resource with you,   where you can browse over 1,000 artists and  pick the style that fits your creative vision. But wait, let me be clear. This resource was not  curated by me. It was created by an amazing person   that goes by the name 'Randolin#4785' on Discord.  So, all the props go to him. Before we dive right   in and show you some tips and tricks on how to  get the most out of this excellent document,   let me quickly address how to implement  this technique in your AI generation,   whether you're a beginner or an advanced user. As you may already know, the longer your prompts,   the more specific the output will be. But adding  an artist's style takes it to a whole new level.   It's like a template that you commit to, which  is fantastic because some of these styles are   well-defined and incredible. And the best  part is, you can switch them up at any time.  But wait, there's more! If you're having trouble  with the images not loading, there's a link   to a copy sheet that might work better. So, what  are you waiting for? Let's put this technique   to work right away and see your AI art transform  into breathtaking masterpieces. Get ready to take   your creativity to new heights with the power  of adding an artist's style to your AI art.
Channel: Wise Fuss
Views: 10,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai art, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney ai, how to, artist styles, midjourney, ai art generator, ai artwork, como usar o midjourney, como usar midjourney, midjourney como usar, midjourney prompts, midjourney tutorial, midjourney version 5, how to use midjourney, prompt engineering, midjourney v5, how to use midjourney discord, ai art controversy, deep learning, mid journey
Id: 6VR62w6ljJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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