STUNNING Vector Logos with Midjourney Version 5.2 | AI Logo Design Tutorial

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mid-journey just released version 5.2 and in today's video we're going to be exploring how to create some awesome Vector logos with this new version of mid-journey to get started we're first going to go to our settings and we're going to make sure that we're in version 5.2 and we are so we can go ahead and start with our first prompt so for our first prompt we have a modern line art logo design with a tent and mountains in the background minimalist black and white so our first set of results is looking really really solid here is those first four and here are two of my favorites upscaled and this is a really great starting point we can just easily add some text here which I'll show you guys how to do in just a little bit so really good start for version 5.2 I'm really really liking the detail and also just the clean crisp nature of these logos I'm not really seeing any of the abnormalities or errors that were a little bit more apparent in past versions so let's try out another prompt so for our second prompt we have a minimalist illustration logo design for Yellowstone National Park Buffalo and mountains so here are our results for that second prompt and these look really really incredible I love the colors and here it is upscaled here's one version that I thought turned out pretty good and here's another that I think turned out even a little bit better so really really good start let's try another prompt and for this prompt I just wanted to keep it really simple and try a logo design for a zoo and we're going to let mid-journey do a lot of the interpretation and I just want to see what it'll come up with okay so here's what it came up for for the zoo logo design um truthfully I'm not loving these I actually did run this prompt one other time and this is how it turned out I like these a lot better so this one was a little bit Hit or Miss but let's go ahead and try one more prompt and then we're gonna move into the vector conversion so for our last prompt we have a colorful logo design of a bird perched on a branch shapes minimalist and modern and here are our results for that last prompt and once again I think these all turned out pretty nice so now what we're gonna do is work on converting these logos into a vector so first what we're going to do is switch over to canva I've created a blank 1024 by 1024 pixel canvas and we're just going to want to click upload and we're going to to upload one of our favorite logo designs from that set that we just made so here I've got my favorite of the logos we're just going to click on it and place it on our canvas awesome so we've got our logo design on here now and now it's just time to add some text that's really all this design needs so here all I'm going to do is Click add a heading I'm going to change the size to around 65. we're going to slide this down just a little bit and here we can look for a more suitable font based on the style design that we have so I think this lavello is going to work really nicely and we're just going to put in a little sample name there we're going to say Pinnacle camping I think that works pretty good and we'll Center that and then I'm just going to duplicate that same one put it directly under it we'll make this a little bit smaller so let's say 35 and we can just say something like established 2023 and if you want to change the font on the second one you could I think I will probably leave it as is and maybe we can add something simple like a little line on either side of this text here so we've made our line we're just going to duplicate it put it on the other side and I think this looks pretty nice I don't think those are quite lined up there we go should be good and this is really all there is to this part of it so now all we're going to do is Click Share and we're going to download this image as a PNG so here we have PNG selected and we're just going to click download so next we need to turn this image into a vector and so that's where comes in so just visit and all you have to do is drag your image on here and it's going to convert it into a vector for us so you can see here it's going through the upload process and this is all in real time this literally took like 10 15 seconds Max and if you zoom in you can see now on the left oh sorry on the left we have our non-vector image and on the right we have our Vector so you can see here on the left it has the pixelation it gets a little blurrier on the right it is crystal clear and you can see that even zoomed in a little bit further and now it's as simple as just clicking download and so we've downloaded it it gives us a couple of different options and I'm just going to click download because I think that's good to go and now you have your SVG which is a vector logo and that means as big as you make it as small as you make it you're never going to see those pixels it's all um based on curvature and shapes and that's really all there is to it guys so that's how you can create some really really cool Vector logos with mid Journey version 5.2 thank you so much for watching today's video I really hope that you enjoyed it and if you did please make sure to hit the like button and also subscribe to the channel for more AI content coming soon thanks for watching
Channel: AI Artistry
Views: 6,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, midjourney 5.2, version 5.2, 5.2, logo design, ai logo design, midjourney logo design, midjourney logos, midjourney logo, ai, artificial intelligence, ai art, vector logo
Id: 5nXpRI5Kxww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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