Midjourney AI Prompt Crafting Guide For Coloring Pages

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so once you get good at prompt crafting you can literally create so many different types of styles and lots of different types of coloring pages here in mid Journey that's why in today's video I'm going to share with you mid-journey prompt crafting for creating coloring pages and this should hopefully be the only video that you need to watch now like I said once you get good at prompt crafting you can literally create so many different types of styles of coloring pages you can create them around anything that you want people animals kids adults intricate simple you can do patterns like these now recently I made a video all about creating patterned coloring pages here in mid journey and if you want to see that video I'll link it down in the description but as you can see you can create so many different types of coloring pages now let's just go past that for a second they were patterns as I did a while back but if we come back down to here we can see like Kawaii style realistic cute and adorable some weird coloring pages just here coloring pages around animals people you can do really weird coloring pages you can do coloring pages for kids for adults you can do line art there's an endless amount of styles and coloring pages that you can create once you get good at crafting your own prompts so that's what this video is all about I'm going to share with you lots of tips and how you can get better at crafting your own prompts now quick plug I do want to quickly plug my own course the LCB Vault there will be a link down in the description if you want to come through and check this out but I'm plugging it because today's video ties in to a video that I created yesterday within the LCB Vault now within that video I shared a a set of prompts which I've recently created that helps me create unique coloring book ideas these are niches that actually haven't been done before then the set of prompts also helped me come up with each coloring page idea for the book or the niche that it created it also creates me the titles and subtitles for the book along with color schemes for the cover and a fully formatted description of the book for Amazon as well now right here a fully formatted description of the book I actually created a video around that here on YouTube same with creating titles and subtitles all by using chat GPT now what I'll do in case you want to watch those videos is link them down in the description below and if you want to have a quick read of this you can do that now but how does this tie into today's video well with this set of prompts it comes up with some really unique ideas for the book and then it also gives me ideas for each individual coloring page I can then take those individual coloring page ideas craft a prompt around it and then I can use mid-journey to create meet those coloring pages so if you get good at mastering prompt crafting you can literally create so many different types of coloring pages from the ideas that these prompts in chat GPT gives us so that's how it ties into today's video and if this does sound like something that you're interested in again there will be a link down in the description below now what I'm going to do is share with you how to craft your prompts and I'm going to give you a lot of tips on how to create better coloring pages now first of all if you don't know what a prompt is a prompt is a short text phrase that the mid-journey bot interprets to produce an image the mid-journey bot breaks down the words and phrases in a prompt into smaller pieces called tokens that can be compared to its training data are then used to generate an image a well-crafted prompt can help make unique and exciting images so once you fully understand this you can create some really nice coloring pages now basic prompt is just this a description of the image now I don't suggest doing that for multiple reasons the main one being if you're going to do what everyone else is doing then you're going to get similar results as everyone else that's why learning to master or mastering craft prompting is the best thing that you can do if you want to create coloring pages and sell them online now an advanced prompt you can do some pretty cool stuff now the first one is you can use an image URL in your prompt as a reference image now this video is not about that this one's more all about crafting your own prompts but then the second part is the description of the image and then you can use perimeters so right here you could do like two by three so that you can get the right size for an 8.5 times 11 coloring page and there's lots of other parameters that you can also use but this is what we're going to focus on the description of the image and I'm going to share with you how you can structure your prompts to create coloring pages now if we come down here prompting notes there's prompt length grammar and focus on what you want so it is better to describe what you want instead of what you don't want if you ask for a party with no cake your image will probably include a cake now all this right here is great information as well and I'll link this down in the description as well another thing which I am going to link is this website just here this is an amazing resource if you want to start to understand different types of styles and mediums and things like that right here they have different types of drawing in Fine Art now everything here you can actually use this in combination with your prompts to create better coloring pages then they have types of drawing based on medium then they have different types of drawing Styles so this is great for crafting your prompts as well so there's line drawing stippling Contour hatching scrambling all these you can just play around with in your prompts to see what you can create but I actually have a lot of information just here which I'm about to share with you the you can craft your prompts around now all this which I am about to share I have mentioned in previous videos before but I wanted a video just all about prompt crafting so I can refer people to this video now first thing to understand is drawing Styles because there's quite a few different ones and with these drawing Styles in combination with your prompts you can create some really nice styled coloring pages so the first one is modern cartoon style then realistic cartoon style this is a great prompt or a great keyword to use in your prompt for realistic coloring pages then there's modern anime classic manga Kawaii style chibi drawing style so chibi is actually very closely related to Kawaii but you can get different results and then old cartoon drawing style as well I spelled drawing wrong there but old cartoon drawing style will get you some really nice images so there's some drawing styles that you can use within your prompts and you also want to use descriptive words so right here all these keywords on the left hand side are perfect for creating patterned coloring pages so again I actually made a video about pattern coloring pages a few days back and I'll link that in the description but these right here are the type of keywords you can use in that so there's pattern full page with no border symmetrical mandala geometric abstract pattern bold black lines simple line art thin lines and crisp lines if you play around with these ones just here in your prompts when creating patterns coloring pages you're going to get some really great results now all these keywords just here are better for creating other types of coloring pages so there's thin lines intricate details crisp lines highly detailed illustration digital art Vector clipart grayscale that's a good one hand drawn pencil sketch black and white lion art coloring page for adults color and page for kids printable outlined art and digital stamp so these drawing Styles in combination of a description of what you want the coloring page to be along with these descriptive words you can create some truly unique coloring pages now one thing to note as well these Styles just here with modern cartoon style realistic modern anime classic manga and all of the rest you can even combine these together to get some truly amazing results now here's an example prompt so right off the bat we we have modern realistic cartoon drawing style gray scale coloring page so again this is a mixture of the Styles and then we have the description so it's a coloring page of a happy beautiful woman with long blonde hair surrounded by daisies and then we have the descriptive words so there's a few different ones in here as well close up headshot Dynamic pose upper body portrait so you can use these if you're doing portrait style coloring pages then we have grayscale illustration and adult coloring page so as you can see let's break this down again we have the style at the beginning then we have a description of the coloring page and then we have some descriptive words now the description can be anything you want and on any topic Landscapes people animals Pets foods just get really descriptive on the coloring page that you want that's why the video that I released yesterday was in the vault was such a cool video because that set of prompts which I shared with everyone in the vault truly comes up with some unique niches that no one's actually created books around and it then gives you 30 coloring page ideas for that color in book so you can then use those ideas that it gives you in combination in your own prompt to create some truly unique coloring pages now one thing I do want to say and I mentioned this as well already is that you shouldn't do this adult coloring page of a woman that's a very simple prompt now why do you not want to do this well if you do what everyone else is doing you're going to get very similar Styles and very similar results the more you learn to master prompt crafting the better your coloring pages will be so again let's pull this up we have the style which is modern realistic cartoon drawing style grayscale coloring page then we have the description so this is very descriptive happy beautiful woman with long hair surrounded by daisies so that's the description then we have some descriptive words which is close up headshot Dynamic pose upper body portrait and grayscale illustration along with an out coloring page now you are going to see as well in a second what this prompt actually created but again the better you can get at crafting your own prompts the better results you're going to get if you just use a simple prompt everyone can do that so you're going to get very similar results so remember your drawing Styles which are all of these just here in combination with the description of the coloring page that you're going to create along with some descriptive words then you're truly going to start creating some really nice coloring pages now again here's that example prompt just here and we're going to go ahead and take a look to see what this gave us so here we are in mid-journey I've already gone ahead and plugged this into mid journey and I upscaled one of the images but this is what we got and we can see that it actually looks pretty good remember it's for a modern realistic cartoon drawing style grayscale coloring page so it does look like that it is a modern realistic cartoon drawing style and it is slightly grayscale and it's a coloring page of a happy beautiful woman with long hair surrounded by daises we can see that just here it's also a close-up headshot with kind of a dynamic pose and an upper body portrait again this is just being very very specific and then we have the gray style grayscale illustration again with an adult coloring page so again as you can see the more specific you are and the better you get at crafting your prompts the better results you're going to get so this actually looks really really good and if I wanted to I could use this along with a bunch of other coloring pages on this style within a coloring book now there is something else which I quickly want to touch upon and that's prompt crafting best practices this really only applies if you're going to try and sell your coloring pages online so the first thing is do not use anything that is an obvious copyright or when you know you're infringing on someone else's IP so some examples of this would be Disney Pixar any type of TV show any movies celebrities and things like that these are keywords that you know will have a copyright and that you should not use so again do not use anything that is an obvious copyright or that you know you're infringing on someone else's IP in your prompts so stay away from Disney Pixar TV shows movies celebrities and things like that again you just want to stick to drawing Styles which are all of these just here along with your descriptive words and then craft your prompts around that so again you really want to learn to craft your own prompts because the better you get at crafting your own prompts the better results that you're going to get now that's everything which I wanted to share learn to master your own prompts and just get better prompt crafting you can use these drawing Styles just here along with these descriptive of words remember you can even combine these different drawing Styles together so you could use modern cartoon style with Kawaii style as well and then have your description of your coloring page along with some descriptive keywords then you're going to be able to craft some really nice prompts and create some really nice coloring pages now I hope you enjoyed the video if you did don't forget to give me a thumbs up also go hit subscribe and hit that little bell icon so you can be notified for any further videos and if you want to check out my other AI videos then click right here and watch this playlist
Channel: StackinProfit
Views: 32,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, midjourney, create coloring pages using ai, create coloring pages with ai, midjourney coloring pages, midjourney coloring book, prompt crafting, low content book publishing, kdp, kindle direct publishing, sell coloring pages online, sell coloring pages on etsy, stackin profit
Id: 8FyHEFy3nmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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