Create Coloring Pages To Sell Online Using Midjourney V5

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what I'm going to do is give you this prompt just here now what this prompt is going to do is generate you coloring book page prompts for mid-journey V5 now all that you have to do is input a little bit of data you want to put who it's for then a description of the coloring page that you want along with the style of the coloring page as well now before I go ahead and give you that prompt what I first want to do is show you what's now possible with mid-journey V5 and with creating coloring pages now what I've gone ahead and done is just created a bunch of examples so you can see the different type of coloring pages that you can now create now these coloring pages just here these ones are more like simple line art coloring pages with two lips in the front garden and as you can see they look pretty good then we have some pandas just here these pandas are more aimed at coloring pages for adults as you can see with the gray scale within the coloring page as well then we have a bit more of a simple coloring page for kids then these turned out really well as well which is more line art style and their coloring pages of bedrooms but then these poor traits these came out amazing so as you can see these top ones look really good now it's practically at the point that you can't distinguish coloring pages generated by AI oh which are drawn by illustrators now let's keep going through these because I have a few that I really want to show you these turned out really well as well and these are princesses and these are obviously for kids then these Cowboy women I thought these looked amazing along with these so these were more light gray scale coloring pages and again as you can see they turned out pretty well then we have some line art coloring pages of vehicles just here so the top ones are trains which look pretty good but my favorite out of all of these which I am showing you are these monster trucks just here now look how detailed and awesome that they actually look and again everything looks in proportion if we look at the wheels we can see they look good the whole car in general looks good as well and again you wouldn't be able to distinguish whether these were created by AI or they were created by a human now the great thing about mid-journey V5 is that vehicles and things like that have had a massive massive Improvement now let's keep scrolling through these I have some little rabbits just here some bunnies these two are practically the same but you get the idea they look pretty good then I thought these looked even better so these were foxes and for adults then we have some Landscapes just here with the gray scale on these don't look that great this one at the end looks the best but they are a huge step up from mid Journey four then we have some real simple house coloring pages just here out of all of these this one looks the best just there that's this one then we have more Landscapes and then some unicorn stuff as well this one I really like so as you can see mid Journey V5 is a huge step up for creating coloring pages using mid-journey so that's what I wanted to share with you and show you just some examples of what's now possible with V5 because as you can see they look really good now what I'm going to go ahead and do is share with you this prompt just here now with this prompt you're going to find it down in the description below so you can come through and try it out ideally this is best suited for chat gpt4 you can still use this with the older version but you're just going to get much better results with V4 nope with chat gpt4 now how this is actually a simplified version of what I have for my own personal use now over the past few days I've been putting together a set of prompts and I've been training chap gpt4 on lots of information to give me highly detailed coloring pages now I've inputted lots of data about coloring pages all the terminology Styles and things like that and with my set of prompts I'm able to get highly detailed coloring page prompts for mid-journey V5 now if we come over to here I highly suggest coming through and having a watch of this video this video is going to share with you a set of prompts step-by-step guide on how to craft kids short stories now I've used the same principles of this video but again I've been putting together a set of prompts training chat GPT pt4 to give me highly detailed coloring pages now how I am thinking of selling the set of prompts because it does so much cool stuff I haven't completely finished it yet it is a work in progress but it's going to be called the ultimate coloring page prompt generator now if that's something that you're interested in then drop a comment down below letting me know now I feel like I've waffled on a bit so let's get on with this this is the prompt just here it says act as a stable diffusion teens coloring page prompt generator that accepts a visual description and outputs a detailed paragraph that I can copy into my diffusion model include a variety of coloring page related terminology and now write me a clear and concise natural language visual description of the following and then this is where you're going to put some data so right here where it says teens we can change that for teens kids or adults then right here is where we change out the description of the coloring page or what we actually want the coloring page to be and then we can use some descriptive words to describe what coloring page that we want now if we go over to just here you can even ask chat GPT to come up with the ideas for your coloring pages and then use that in the prompt so you can use this with chat GPT 3.5 but then ideally you want to use the prompt generator with version 4. so all I put was I'm going to create a beautiful floral coloring book for adults can you give me 30 ideas for each coloring page and then we have a bunch of ideas just here so let's take one of these there's a bouquet of wild flowers a sunflower field at Sunset so we could take this one or this one a vase of roses so let's take that one instead now let's go back to this prompt what we're going to do is just click here so again this prompt is going to be down in the description go ahead take it and start playing around with it but once you've inputted it just here you can click there and this is where you can change a few things so this can be 14s we could change that to adults or kids now depending on what demographic that you're creating your coloring books for or your coloring pages will determine what you put just here so let's go and put ahead and put that in we want a vase of roses then we can do simple line art full page coloring page so now if we click save and submit it's going to give us a prompt which we can now take over to V5 now with mid Journey V5 because of the new upgrade it's now completely different in the way that you craft your prompts so now it's more of a natural language prompt building structure just like you were trying to describe your coloring page to a real person now if you start doing it this way like this and using this prompt you're going to get much better results with V5 so here's the prompt that it's generated now again this is just a simplified version of the whole set of prompts which I have for my own personal use with my set of prompts I've also inputted all of the data about the parameters so with my set of prompts that I have my personal use and the ones which I'm thinking of selling it will also put them at the end so that could be Q2 for quality stylize and things like that again the prompts which I've been putting together are absolutely awesome but saves this prompt just here so now if we take this in fact let's have a quick read generate a full page simple line art coloring page featuring An Elegant vase of roses the composition should consist of a variety of Rose blossoms in different stages of growth some fully opened and others still budding so again you can see that this is a highly detailed description of what we want now if we come over to here let's go to imagine let's click that in now one of the aspect ratios I have been playing around with a lot is 17 by 22. before I was doing two by threes and then just adjusting the page when I format them but with this format or the aspect ratio you just get much better results so let's go ahead and click enter on that let's just leave that for a second and let's come back over to here let's change this again so now in fact let's keep that the same but what we're going to do is just change out some terminology so again we can change this teens kids adults let's do adults now right here we're going to keep the vase of roses but now let's change this out simple line art full page coloring page let's put something at the beginning light light gray scale simple line art and then let's click enter on that now again right here is where you want to put a description of what type of coloring page so instead of it being light gray scale simple line art you could just have simple line art detailed line art or you could just have gray scale again this is where you want to be descriptive on what type of coloring page that you want now if you were going to create this for kids then nine times out of ten is going to be simple line art and that's it but again just come through and play around with it and see what you can create now let's go ahead and take this one this says generate a full page light grayscale simple line art adult coloring page featuring a beautiful designed vase of roses the image should showcase a variety of Rose blooms in different stages now let's go ahead and take this let's plug this into here as well look at that there we go let's plug this one in as well let's click enter let's do a r 17 by 22 let's leave that for a second and let's take a look at this so these actually look really good now let's upscale one of these like so let's just leave that for a second and let's just go back over to here but again this is a pretty great prompt it's a simplified one of what I have but as you can see you can still get great results so change out adults kids teens and then put a description of what type of coloring page you want a vase of roses a puppy Labrador in the garden you know there's so many different ways you can also use chat GPT 3.5 to get all of your ideas plug that in and then have light grayscale simple line art of things like that now let's go back over to here this looks really good as you can see and it's a huge huge step up from the coloring pages from the four now we just used light grayscale simple line art so let's just see what we now get with this prompt just here just so we can have a quick look I'm really liking this this actually looks really good but let's just give it a second and there we go so as you can see using the different terminology of color and Pages you're going to get different results I really like this first one just here but that's it that's everything that I wanted to share come through try it out I am going to leave this prompt down in the description so you can just copy and paste it and then come through to Mid Journey make sure you have a V5 and give it a go now if you liked this video don't forget to give me a thumbs up also don't forget to hit subscribe if you haven't already and if you want to check out the rest of my AI videos then click right here and watch this playlist
Channel: StackinProfit
Views: 37,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai art, create coloring book, create coloring book kdp, create your own coloring book, how to make coloring books for kdp, low content publishing, making coloring books to sell on amazon, midjourney, midjourney coloing book, stackin profit, ai coloring pages, ai coloring book, midjourney V5, midjourney V5 coloring pages
Id: lN3Grcp8Jg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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