How to make a Coloring Book FAST with AI - Amazon KDP Tutorial with ChatGPT, Midjourney AI and Canva

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[Music] hi everyone welcome back to my Channel today I'm going to show you step by step one of the quickest and easiest ways to create your own custom coloring book and that is by using the power of AI with just a few clicks you'll be able to transform any image idea into a fun and engaging coloring page which you can then put together into a coloring book and publish it on Amazon KDP however if this is the first time you'll be creating a book to publish on Amazon KDP then I highly recommend you start out by watching my other video on low content Journal publishing first as that video will show you all the foundational knowledge you will need in order to get started and for the rest of you let's get started on creating our first AI generated coloring book make sure you watch until the end as you wouldn't want to miss out on any of the tips and tricks I'm about to show you and if you enjoy the video please don't forget to give me a big Thumbs Up And subscribe to my channel for more if you already have a specific coloring book idea in mind then you can probably skip this step otherwise if you're looking to generate some ideas in terms of unique coloring book that you could create chat GPT is actually a great source to at least help simulate some ideas so what I'm going to ask chat GPT is let's say I know I want to create a coloring book relating to hamsters but I just don't know how do I make it unique so I'm going to ask chat GPT please give me yes yes okay so very quickly starting to generate some ideas so let's see what it's got hamster Adventures hamster fashion hamster habitat hamster breeds hamster holidays hamster Foodies that's cute hamster professions hamster Sports hamster Garden hamster dreams hamster dreams is pretty cute actually and coloring book that depicts hamsters and different dream scenarios such as flying in a hot air balloon swimming with dolphins or visiting space okay so for purpose of illustration let's say I decide to pick hamster dreams okay so as the next step I'm going to ask trap gpt2 give me let's say 25 coloring page ideas relating to number 10 above and I put number 10 because that was the 10th idea that they generated in the last query removed so let's see what they come up with a hamster flying a hot air balloon over a cityscape a hamster sailing on a pirate ship in the ocean a hamster astronaut exploring a planet hamster riding a unicorn in a magical forest a hamster swimming with dolphins in the ocean a hamster exploring mysterious Ancient Temple a hamster traveling through time the time machine and a whole lot more hamster discovering Kinston hamster exploring a haunted mansion with ghosts and clothes okay so you can definitely generate more than 25 but first start I'm gonna just ask it to generate 25 and I'm gonna now hop on over to mid-journey to show you how to translate these ideas into an actual coloring page so now that we have our listing of 25 coloring page ideas generated from chat GPT what we can do is then hop on over to mid-journey and start creating the coloring pages using those ideas but what I'm going to do is first hop back over here and we can either start in the top and continue to move down assuming you like all of these ideas or you can start with the ones that you like best and so let's just say I want to start with this one a hamster surfing on a giant wave I'm going to come back to mid-journey and I'm going to put in a prompt and this part's going to be important because we want to make sure our prompt will allow the mid-journey bot to help us create an actual coloring page relating to that idea so I'm going to put imagine and then I'm going to paste in what I had just copied from chat GPT which is a hamster surfing on a child wave and I'm going to add actually cute because I want it to look cute a cute hamster surfing on a giant wave and what we want to add here is for color ring book with crisp lines and white background and in addition to that I'm going to add in the aspect ratio as well so I'm going to put in a r 17 colon 22 and what that does is it will create the illustrations for us in a proportion that would be sort of like an A4 size because most coloring books are usually around A4 size so this will help us make sure that the illustration that's generated by mid-journey will be proportionate to that size so I'm going to hit enter and let's see what happens all right I think from a coloring book perspective just because of how thick the lines are this one is probably the best one so let's say if I want to go ahead and choose this one out of the four that have been provided to me as an example then I'm gonna upscale this one so one two three four this is the third picture so I'm going to click on u3 which will upscale it to the max quality that mid-journey is able to provide to us okay so what we want to do now is to download this upscaled version of the coloring sheet so I'm gonna save image as and put it in our downloads and save it all right so now that we have the upscaled version of the coloring page downloaded from mid-journey to our laptop what we're going to do is head on over to an image and larger tool um and you can really use any image and larger tool that you might already be familiar with the one that we're going to be using today is AI dot image enlarger and the link for this tool has been included in the description of my video below so all you need to do is to sign up for an account with your email address and then you can start to enlarge your images the one thing I should point out is that the free account really just gives you eight credits meaning that you can enlarge eight images for free after which if you want to enlarge more images than that then you actually need to sign up for a paid account nine dollar a month account will give you a hundred credits a month and then 19 a month will be 500 credits a month and like I mentioned if there's another image and larger tool that you've always been familiar with you can use that one as well so I'm going to head back over here and start enlarging the image that we had just downloaded from mid-journey so I'm going to come here I'm going to select it from my laptop open it and so you'll have the option to either enlarge it by two times or four times for purposes of our coloring book two times with the sufficient so I'm going to do that and I'm going to hit on start so you might be wondering like I've already upscaled it as part of mid-journey why do I still have to enlarge it using this additional tool here the reason is because the mid-journey image that you had downloaded even though proportionately it's in the right size for an A4 coloring book it's not actually at that full size and so you definitely want to enlarge it before you use it because otherwise when you print it out in a coloring book the lines might end up being blurry and we definitely don't want that okay so looks like we're done so I'm going to hit on download and there we have it so I'm going to save this as well can I put in my downloads maybe I'll put a hamster pull one save it and we're done all right so now that we have let's say completed all of the coloring pages and we've now enlarged the coloring pages following the steps that I had just mentioned previously then we're going to hop on into canva to start creating our actual coloring book and we're going to be using canva to do both of our cover as well as the interior for the coloring book and so I already have a page set up for our interior with the correct margins and Page sizes so in terms of the page size we're going to use 8.5 by 11 inches which is the most common size for coloring books that I've seen on Amazon KDP and if you're not sure how to determine like the page sizes bleed versus no bleed or setting up the margins please watch my other video linked over here relating to low content book publishing which will show you all the foundational steps you need in order to set up your pages sizes margins and all of that good stuff so let's get started and what we're going to do is okay I'm going to go to upload and I'm going to upload the image that we had just created and enlarge and I'm going to put it right here and you can see that if you go a little closer you can see that there's a bit of a gray tint compared to the actual white background so we don't really want that so the trick around that is select the image click on edit image and click on background remover so now you'll see the gray tint is gone and the background is pure white which is exactly what we want it out a little bit and what we also want to do is so we zoom in just to make sure we're still good yep so there are no blurry lines which is perfect and so what we're going to do is also add a black border around it just to make it look a little more professional and prettier so I'm going to go ahead and do that so I'm going to come here go to lines and shapes and click on the Square I'm going to turn it into black make sure you don't exceed any of the margins actually I should probably change this first so I'm going to make sure that we have a line and Border weight let's put five for now and I'm gonna get rid of the color inside because all I want is the border so I'm going to put no color inside so now you can see we have a border now we just want to stretch this out to right before the margins and there we go so that's one coloring page and what you would do is basically repeat the same process with the rest of your pages and the other tip that I have is we don't want a coloring page on every single page I would basically skip one page and have one bit blank page and then have my next coloring page on alternating Pages basically because you want the back of each coloring page to be blank just in case any of the colors sort of go through just for a better customer experience and you basically just repeat the steps that I've just shown you until you have the desired number of pages and keep in mind that in order to publish on Amazon KDP you'll need at least 24 pages all right so now that we have completed the interior part of our coloring book we're going to go work on the cover and for the cover we're also going to be leveraging a combination of canva and mid-journey to help us so within canva I've already set up the template for our cover and I've also downloaded the Amazon KDP cover template into this file here if you're not familiar with how to get to this step I would highly recommend you to watch the video that I've linked on top which is the step-by-step tutorial on low content book publishing for Amazon KDP which will show you all of these steps and foundational knowledge you'll need to know in order to properly set up your pages margins for both interior and the cover now hopping back into this file I'm going to lower the transparency a little bit because this is really just a reference file for us to see where the margins are where the barcode is where the spine is so that we make sure we don't have any font or text or any critical images that will be overlapping in any of the these areas okay so now I'm gonna head over to mid-journey and actually get it to help us design a cover so given the theme of our coloring book is related to hamster dreams I'm going to put imagine and maybe I'll put cute hamsters streaming illustration and I'm gonna put in an aspect ratio of 17 by 22 again just to align with the size of the book pages that we have so these are all pretty cute we can pick one of these that we like best I think I actually like the third one okay so I'm gonna download This One upscale it all right so now that we have the upscaled version of our cover image we're going to download it and once we download it I won't show it again but what you would want to do is um what you would want to do is to take it back to the AI image and larger tool and up size It Again by two times just to make sure that we have a good quality image to work with so once you've done that we're going to hop back over here to canva and we're going to upload the cover image that we have okay now we're going to use this and it's okay if these ones go over the margin a little bit as long as it's not any of the critical images you just don't want like a hamster's ear to be cut off or something like that but aside from that a little bit of the background being cut off is not a big deal so now we're going to create the rest of the cover and it's really up to you how you want to do it I'm just going to quickly demonstrate the way that I usually do it so you want to find whatever background color you think matches you can even use um the eyedropper tool to get something very similar here or if you don't like that part you can use this part it's really up to you I think I'm going to use this color okay and then I'm also going to add a little section here and actually got to do the transparency a little just so I can see the backgrounds make sure this doesn't oops make sure it doesn't go onto the margins or the spines I'm going to make this a little bit more transparent as well and then once we're done we can change it back uh so I'm gonna have a little title section here with the name of the book I'm gonna see if I like this color in a bit but for now I'm just going to put in some text hamsters do something that fits a little bit better a bit cuter see what we can find this one's not bad so I'm going to try to use this one so now in the back cover I want to add a little description so I already have one that I have created previously and so I've pasted that in here this is just a short little description to describe what the coloring book is all about okay so then now what we're gonna do is also put in some sample pages in the back just so people know what they could expect to find inside the book so I'm going to go back to my upload section where I previously uploaded all my coloring pages and I'm going to pick a couple that I feel like best represents my book to put it in the back cover I'm just going to make them a little smaller just as sample Pages I'm going to put a few more in there and just make sure they're consistent in sizes okay I'm gonna go add another one here share the sizes are the same and there we go all right cover is complete with the front and back cover and it's ready to be downloaded as a PDF and upload it into Amazon KDP along with the previous interior that we had created and that's it if you enjoyed this video please don't forget to give me a big Thumbs Up And subscribe to my channel for more and I'll see you next time
Channel: Ivy Hang
Views: 67,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coloring book, amazon kdp, AI, artificial intelligence, chatgpt, midjourney, canva
Id: q6Z8e3KLX-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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