Using AI as a Design Tool in My Architecture Practice

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I think there's this misconception that architecture comes into being as this kind of singular Act of the architect where we have this Grand Vision And it sort of falls out of us onto the page this is a process and it's a pretty long process it always starts with an idea and a sketch and then we start taking that idea and those sketches and testing it in different ways one of the new tools that I've been experimenting with lately has been mid-journey so I want to show you what I've been doing in some of those experiments mid-journey can be really addicting it's this strange mix between gambling and watching those old Polaroids develop you know we're used to shake the photo and it would appear in front of your eyes that's exactly what this is like and you can spend a lot of time kind of spinning your wheels and just generating building after building after building the way I'm thinking about this is to kind of zoom out and think about it more in the abstract as if you were say Michael Heiser you're sculpting giant Landscapes you're Richard Sarah you're using materials in a very specific way the moment you use this to start trying to create some sort of building type like for example Asana this is just an averaging of all the data that's fed into it so all it's doing is kind of slicing and dicing all of those sauna images and you end up getting saunas that look very familiar I really want to come up with something that is driven by a strong idea I'm using mid-journey to solve a problem that I had before I went to mid-journey so this is the recipe that I have for doing that so I start the prompt with an important modifier and that's because words is closer to the front of the prompt are going to have more influence on the final result I typically use either the type of shot so an aerial view or a turn that sets the general direction like modern or industrial then I'm going to call out the subject of the image and I like to think in terms of Elemental forms rather than say a cabin and the more strange and specific you can make this the more interesting your result will be and I've had really good luck using odd historic building terms adding material references is helpful to steer the final images so for example a glass green Silo and then I want to reference any highly specific details that I want shown in the image followed by the setting or environment and the more detail you give it here the more control over the final output you're going to have I specifically like referencing color tones that are going to match the mood that I'm going for now character modifiers they can be anything from a specific magazine style an architect or one of my favorites is to reference other photographers or artists so if you say by Richard Sarah you're going to get a lot of core 10 Steel in your image and you can actually play with this to great effect the end of the prompt you can preset to autofill mine is set to an aspect ratio of 16x9 which is a wide format image if you use a vertical aspect you'll get a different result if you're going for a detailed shot you might use something like 4x5 the last thing I'll add is a style modifier of 1000 and that's just telling mid-journey to be wildly creative so I'll remix and I'll reprompt until I have a set of Base images that I'm happy with and then I'll use those to start blending which is a key part of the process blending takes two and up to four images and combines them and in amongst all of the Dead ends you're going to uncover something really unexpected and then you're going to use those images to work a similar process none of these are a first output they're the result of blending remixing and essentially guiding mid-journey to select for certain traits in each iteration and hopefully you'll end up with a final result which you can upscale and use in the next part of your process and in a way I'm kind of finding this is like sketching where there's a weird artifact that's serving as this kind of crack it's exposing this entirely new opportunity that I hadn't previously considered so I have these images here in procreate and I want to start pushing the design forward and I'm looking at some of these things which look like anomalies in these images we have this heavy Stone base and this lighter wood shroud that's going over the top of it and I like how this image relates to this image in that there is this kind of light screen element and thinking about this in the context of the live work project I wonder if there's a way that we can not only separate these pieces horizontally which you know initially I was thinking it was a kind of an L-shaped Arrangement but I wonder if there's a way that this shroud can provide this sort of unifying element on the exterior and this work element here which is naturally smaller the footprint of this is smaller this could actually move in and out so there could be a unifying point you know maybe this is the boundary between work and life right and this piece could move in and out on these tracks and be actually exposed to have an entirely different aspect in the landscape could be even this kind of remote structure could be a guest house it you know could be this kind of multifunctional space that is changeable and then it moves in and out of these kind of screen wall elements and in this way you have this visual separation so until you are viewing it actually you know dead on like this you don't sense that it's even there and so that in itself is nice you have this kind of Parallax effect if you create these exterior wood screens where you're seeing a solid element from this Zone and as you get closer to it and you have this orthogonal relationship you actually see the volume that's behind it and that's where you know images like this I mean this is perfect for that this is almost like all those old tobacco barns where they have these slats that kind of open up it really changes the exterior face of this so as you're standing here can't see a thing as you come here you can see all the way through real simple exterior volume and a very complex relationship between inside and out using mid Journey allows me to explore many more options than I could previously nothing is precious and equally nothing is exactly correct or good enough to appropriate as finished architecture it's another tool to use and another Waypoint in the design process foreign [Music]
Channel: 30X40 Design Workshop
Views: 137,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: architect, architecture, architecture tutorial, architecture school, architecture students, 30x40, 30x40 design workshop
Id: zhKb9l6LBSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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