Microtech Knife Collection 2018 (and some random topics)

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I wonder how many people will know where we're at from this view right here I think a lot of people do if they travel at every single day yeah but that path gets traveled back and forth a lot every day yeah anyway Frankie nice calm day out in the woods here yes it is nice cloud cover right now not really the woods I guess but we're surrounded by trees yeah it's in the park yeah Microtech how did I know you were gonna say it like that because you just did I didn't say like you said it you said Mac perfect anyways this was our first it was our first it was not our last no no well scar in there I remember this scar right here I have a tendency to do this you guys this scar was like within a - yeah exactly - and here it is I tend to do that like permanently scar a knife the first couple of days that I get it you notice this one I did not let me see all right there well here and then right here okay what just kidding okay it's not like we're gonna sell this one I use it yeah well let's get to that one better this was our first Microtech and we got it as you can see I think I got it in I think I got it that month mm-hm in October yeah I just still I love this purple stuff I love the color I do not love this knife why don't you love it alright I love ultratech it and then retract it deploying is not so bad right check out the button there it's the old button Oh true this one's got that ting mm-hmm go ahead retract it okay very cool color combo though right the black and the blue you guys heard the grunt go ahead one-handed loser ya know practice my hand strength on a daily basis like some people ooh okay burn this one I love ultratex but I do not love this knife and I've learned a couple of things from this one okay the ultratex have definitely improved since this yeah but one thing I will say the bayonet blade is my least favorite it works it's good it's okay it's stabby it's very sad yeah but it's my least favorite play have you stabbed multiple people with this knife Frankie strength is coming up what else this is the old this is the old body style as in not chant not chamfered very much glass breaker the glass breaker on that will shred your arm if you go to reach dead like if you're sitting down and you go to reach down for something you can shred your arm with this thing yeah what are you doing shredding my hand showing people what you meant but I don't think I'm gonna sell it no this one I still does it Jamie I don't it does yeah look at both sides yeah but anyway that was not our only Microtech we've had other scents that we've sold huh I want to say the next one in line that mmm no it would have been that one that's the one that you showed that you uh know you bought before this not this one no no he bought aut x79 oh but we don't have it here I know but we bought it and then we returned it okay let me tell me this is the next one okay all right this is aut x85 and this is right when they came out with that new body style mm-hmm see that this router these are much nicer yeah I love the 85 Oh actually the button two let's show that oh yeah this x style is so much easier to grip grip it and rip it or just full of it today okay but this one yeah this was the second one that we still have that we still have yeah 316 we got at that month I think we got it from Brad mm-hmm yeah we did and and check this out I can't really demonstrate it to you guys watching but it's so much easier to explain it here let me show them yeah because I can do it this one is a pleasure to use and this one how many videos are we done on the UTX 85 now at least three or four yeah sure this is one of my favorite all-time carry knives like it's great for EDC the UTX 85 so good for so many people all right yes I would we get next oh I do want to say something about this no because this list knife inevitably inevitably gets into thank you inevitably gets into knife laws all right let's just remind everybody out there knife laws are ridiculous they're based on I don't know Hollywood perception I'm not sure this one is very stabby if somebody stabs someone in a crime frenzy show show them what they use everybody knows this but show everybody what they use when somebody of course right no movies being sarcastic guys I want to be real clear about this everybody has one of these everybody has access to one of these right a kitchen knife just a basic kitchen fixed blade right these should be illegal I don't yeah this should be illegal I did want to mention this though so about three years ago we had a couple of friends over and they're not knife people right but we for whatever reason gotten into showing him a couple of knives and I showed him this one and I of course deployed it and the first thing this is a couple guy in a girl the first thing that she said very first thing when I completely illegal that should be illegal is what she said that was her reaction they were also from Australia true but that was just her natural reaction to something like this like this should not be legal and it's just that you know I of course I didn't get into an argument because I'm not gonna I think you should it's just one of those things I did you know I wanted to just be polite and skip the skip the debate but why is that perception out there that this should be illegal oh we one of the things we do have to show here I use this knife this was probably the next one that we still have yeah I think so blade show 2016 that oil stain will come right off it will rub right off yeah that's what we were told huh I try to get a new one right there anyway here's what happens when you go to deploy actually yeah I shouldn't use that no I don't want to use the table because I want to hurt that plate see it James yeah it you cannot I think there's this there's this thinking that if you hold it straight to something Street through your heart Pierce straight through there yeah no it will jam it will it will get off-track if you've ever we've taken this one apart specifically we've got a video on that so we can show you but yeah it'll Jam now once it's once it's locked it's like any other night you can oh my gosh you're just hurting him there you go well no you could stab with it I wanna stab too hard but you could stab with it once it's locked but it's it's no different than any other knife essentially in the Grand Slam no I won't damage much it will Jam rent into somebody's heart Frankie YouTube doesn't like stuff like I'm sorry I meant a steak okay right into a steak so this one that's got a canny edge that's got a cameo as Frankie how come I never gave you a case I don't know I thought you loved me this is a turning point in relation okay what's next I think the teal was well we had utx 70s yes should we talk about that real quick yeah let's play utx 70s we're waiting on them the new micro tech for 2018 hopefully it'll be 2018 well and when we were trying the utx 70s the first time I don't know if they were just having an issue or maybe we're just overly sensitive to them jamming but they kept jamming in 2014 we're talking but we've handled a lot since then that have been really nice that we would love to have and we just don't homeland yeah and we are in line to get one as soon as they come out hopefully okay but what came next yeah those three there L max is that l max yes for that m390 oh yeah all three of those are telling okay then let Ely Julie Julie oh you know what blade till 2017 we don't have any of those we sold it we were there we sold it yeah it was a it was a bad yeah this one is really cool this one being it it was super boring it was boring yeah this one we got last year love this combo mm-hmm I love the teal it's so pretty now this is the new body style right I'm very comfortable the new price structure under our old price structure so that's got the new glass breaker very comfortable more Bali it's grounded got more balls this is yeah the new button everything about it is the new style and and you hardware new screws yeah you know it's all proprietary right so here's there's that one there we've got we've got this we've got this tool today again yes you just tapped it rocker but did you rip it open - oh wow you didn't sorry it's just sensitive subject proprietary tool we've got this tool this is also a proprietary we don't have this one but you can buy these okay if you ever want to take them apart but anyway you're not supposed to but they're fairly basic basic check this out this is my favorite blade yeah he's awesome the color combo the tanto the profile I love it mm-hmm love this one we got this one really really good deal really good it was a trade and it's a movie for a bro silent soldier yeah which was probably made in China that browse was probably made in China looking back but yeah this makes awesome okay certainly but what else have we had though along the way we got rid of a do see Lipper do see I regret getting rid of that one that's right we got rid of the sigil I don't regret getting it that one what about no and then the Lu DT oh yeah the pushpot utility I am NOT the biggest detriment lu d t demolition team yes yeah wasn't yeah yeah the underwater demolition team yes maybe seals no you dt yeah yeah the the push button autos i used to kind of like him I don't like him as much anymore I don't know I don't like appealed to me as much but yeah those are some of the ones we've had in the past that we've sold um we had an at an 85 that we sold we had at an 85 we did yes yes but then we bought another one this is well we're talking blade show yeah this was our blade show 2018 we got this guy's this one particularly this is an 85 wanted your double edged dagger yes this is the new body style it's an 85 it's got the the rounded a glass breaker when was this for me he's pretty new for 18 new button double edged the cool two-tone m390 oh and guess what it's actually m390 I trusted them yes micro tech that is but yeah this is this is a really cool for me I always thought the ultra tech was gonna be my micro tech of choice more and more these days I probably prefer the 85 yeah they are awesome ultratex here 85 here what else did we get I got this 85 also now this is Frankie's here I love this knife so it's carbon fiber with the bronze let me show the attachments attachments abducts - touches Jays at - chase at JJ's that's from like the old resident evil Frankie and I used to step very early into the morning playing Resident Evil I would play it and she would say do this do that on my little TV that was like 13 inches we're talking back in like 1998 yeah 99 yeah we used to play that in the dark late at night and like I would play it and she would she would say do this do that and you would basically watch like it's a movie remember - that was before really like the Internet became a thing it wasn't widespread and we had the books that we did the play by play with Oh yo guides yes you had to buy the guides to go with the game the playthrough guide yeah now you can just Google anything up game yeah but yeah we used to have the book the the cheat book with it uh-huh yeah it was fun how do we get off on that how did that relate to this at Pesce anybody played Resident Evil the old ones will know what that is when was this one born um he's last year last August of last year we got these two knives here you want to move that green one a little bit you got these two knives right here at probably close to three o'clock on Sunday after blade show closed blade show closes at two o'clock right we got these we stayed late for Kaiser but then on the way out there was probably the biggest Microtech dealer we've ever seen and we really hadn't bought anything yet no and we ended up like you saw this one first I was like oh I gotta get this one so I got me yeah I really like this one yeah with the bronze love that color combo it's super cool you can't go wrong with him yeah and that's more and more and this is the standard edge too this is the most let's just say everyday everyday carry favorite this right here in any one of these in any color finish you choose or like this one here I would recommend this for the masses these usually go for what 250 maybe a little less this was three yeah you can get a basic one like this yeah those are like 220 I think I'd like that yeah yeah okay and then we got our blade show on yep which we're gonna keep it quiet we've been telling too many people cuz I swear that line gets bigger every year every year that line gets bigger it's not like were the only wants to tell them though I know but if you're keep going keep it on the DL tell people that micro techs in a different spot I think that other like that's gonna fool him though I don't know anyway this was this year's ultratech or blade show special cool new color right I like that they did a color I really do like all of the new features new price structure right but the only thing it's a bayonet yeah it's just my least favorite blade but it is very stabbing mm-hmm this one is m390 this one we had lemon juice on for probably close to five days there was a small little dot on it yeah a rub drained off yeah and the tiniest little bit of sign of corrosion after five days but it did rub right off it's legit this is this is m390 we trust them yeah these are good if you're in the know already you know that these costs reasonable yeah yeah and we got two of them that's what's in here yes actually this one's still for sale yeah Frank yeah did I tell you I tried to auction it it was really annoying I tried to auction this on Instagram you know for a fair price you know nothing much more than any one of these would cost you know regular price is like a specialty one the auction was going and going and going and you know got up to a decent price and uh yeah the auction ended and I said okay you're the winner oh I wasn't serious I didn't know that was real oh that's what I was just bidding random numbers sorry okay so then I go to the next person I can't get all of them so then I could get so I put a message in the the thread on Instagram for this so it's still available the last bid was 290 but yeah depending on when you're watching a Mary not be available oh it includes this patch yes we got some patches at blade show too so we got that it'll include a Fred sticker as well and he's a big fan of OTF guys this is the Fred not a mikrotik this is the Fred sticker that's available on our site did not combine these two knives to make that nice drawing seriously no I do not oh yeah anyway that's what we have right now I say it's kind of a it's a meager but a little bit sad collection because we need more okay what we need we need you TX 70s that's what's absolutely next unless something else comes up that's just like well you know okay we got to get that in one so those ones that you've always wanted McCory so a McCory is a it's an ultra tech body yeah lengthened that's right I do know what you have and they've got different blades that but probably the coolest one though is the dagger yeah if you're like a huge OTF you might as well go dagger yeah bull this how we roll yeah yeah that's what we have right now I guess it's just all oh tf's what else did we want to say OTF legality oh I did want to ask the audience out there so these are illegal in a lot of places because those should be illegal right that's funny it kind of came on camera like I know I just met Laura did it today or if I filmed like this it looks like some giant beets just walking in here because I can't see what's above it your eyes true yes his big feet that actually works I'm so weird so they're illegal it's stupid we won't get off on that too much but what I wanted to ask the audience out there is do you live someplace where these are illegal specifically American states do you live in one of the states or cities where these are illegal and does it keep you from buying them they're aggressive switch blades right switch blades yeah does it does it keep you from buying them out there because I'm telling I'm not telling you what you should do but me personally if I lived in a state where these were illegal I wouldn't care I would not care you're such a rebel without a cause I know I knew you were gonna say that we know each other way too much no I just I don't really uh I don't foresee getting in trouble with this knife I don't get in trouble with knives anyway I don't I've never had to show a police officer a knife I've never I barely even been pulled over but it's easy enough to not commit a crime yeah I guess I don't know for me I I I don't care I know that some of the retailers won't ship to states where these are illegal but I know that just as many other retailers do you it's crazy what I just realized hmm the carbon fiber one doesn't have the claw to claw it's got the claw yeah they're all a little different that way nobody I like it but that's what we got so thinking to you while we were sitting here mm-hmm I know it's not what you do but it would actually be kind of fun to take these two apart hold on which ones least you yeah are these two oh you're talking part swaps yes what blade for blade on here and put the base on here and then do it look very military mmm-hmm or you could put the bronze on here and that would look cool and this one would be all murdered out yeah could look pretty good right wouldn't it look cool yeah that's what we got Plus this one now the box is scarred just a touch but if you're interested let us know love Microtech they're out of North Carolina we were so we were in line to get to get these knives we were in line to get these knives and we were you know passing along and Tony Murphy own was working behind the counter there at microwave the larger workers - what do you mean the McCoys are there oh we love them McCoys yeah yeah yeah Anthony my fault I'm not being me I think it's just more fuel I've gone back and forth I know I know because he's Italian no but we walked past in line and he's just standing there you know selling none blade show stuff and I overhear him are we over here him say they've got just over a hundred employees now yeah that's cool as of 2018 and I said is that correct over 100 ploys and he said yeah unless somebody got fired over the weekend and they're out of North Carolina yep good stuff love Microtech I've been a huge fan for a long time it didn't take much to get Frankie into them as well I like that they do the birthdays on them because it really gives them like their own little character tality it's true it and their birthday and it makes it so you can celebrate there but they're so unique from one to the next they're gonna have different blade combos colors hardware finishes everything well yeah and it seems like it's hard to find like an duplicate of the exact same loafer you know what I mean like that's what's kind of cool about I miss it yeah it might be a different blade shape or different color combo it's kind of in if you if you see one you like you got to get it for instance we'll put links into blade HQ they've they've typically got a very good selection of microtext right now on Architects and UTX 85s they're completely sold out right now so it's just a matter of when you look but we'll put links into beta HQ we can go ask for a Frankie bird drawing yeah I give it to you they might have some still but anyway I think that's everything it's sad we need more I know I need a McCory guys any UTX 75 for joining us
Channel: BirdShot IV
Views: 33,901
Rating: 4.6704121 out of 5
Keywords: microtech knife collection, microtech ultratech, microtech knives, microtech stitch, microtech halo, microtech utx 85, microtech utx, microtech ultratech otf, microtech utx 85 review, microtech utx 70 review
Id: TyH-oNpkwLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 15 2018
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