Microsoft Word Tutorial

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hi everyone my name is Kevin today I want to show you how you can use Microsoft Word and is full disclosure I work at Microsoft as a full time employee my goal with this video is for you to become proficient in Word if you've never used word before even if you've used word before I want to show you the features and functionality that'll make you an expert and make you very proficient in using word let's say you're going for a job and they want you to demonstrate that you know how to use Word by watching this video you'll be able to do that all right well what are we waiting for let's jump into it and also just as kind of a housekeeping item if there's a section that you're more interested in feel free to look at the descriptions description I've included the high level areas that I go through so feel for feel free to skip forward if you'd rather watch one section verse another or if you watch the whole thing you'll be proficient in Word overall okay enough top talk let's jump into the desktop Here I am on my desktop and what we're gonna do first is I'm going to show you how you can even get Microsoft Word the first way you can do it is most pcs these days come with word installed so you could just search for word and you'll see the app on your computer if you don't have it though and you want to pick it up you can go to the website office comm and then click on get office and when you do that you'll be able to buy office for your computer this allows you to use an offline you have a few different options you could these two are subscription offerings one of them allows you to use it with up to six people the other one allows you to use it with one person or you can just pay one time and you get word if you're not interested in paying forward you could also get it for free online simply click on sign-in type in your username if you don't have one you could create one and then once you log in you'll also be able to use word online entirely for free and it's it's also pretty good offering a word on the web and then also word on the desktop they're both pretty good so once you have word what you can do is I'm going to today for this tutorial I'm going to use the desktop software so I'm gonna go ahead and open word and when you first open word you'll land on the home screen so you see on the left hand side this one's referred to as home from home you can create a new blank came in you also have templates that you could start from and you also have recent documents down below with the templates section up here if you want to see more templates you simply click on more templates and you could create from all types of pre-existing content they also have different categories or you could search for templates so you could start just from something existing verse trying to start it from scratch here I'm going to go back with your recent documents you could search for a recent document so here if I want to look for my travel list I could type it in and here it shows up and there's also an option for more documents where I can click on open they go to the same place and when I click there I could look across my whole file system I can see files that have been shared with me or I could look at my onedrive to see if I could find the file that I'm looking for today for the tutorial what I'm gonna do is we're just gonna start with a blank document so let's jump into a blank document and what I want to do first is I want to save this document and I'm gonna save it to onedrive by saving it to onedrive I'm able to access this document from anywhere so I'll just go to save as and I'm gonna put it in my personal onedrive account and we'll call this word tutorial and I'm gonna put this in my in my videos folder under tutorials ok so I've saved my document it's now available in the cloud so I can now go on any other device and I could access the same document so it's available anywhere I could get it on my phone I could get it in a web browser or I could open it from word elsewhere so I could get it from anywhere so I'd recommend doing that as the first step by putting it in onedrive not only is it available anywhere but then you could also collaborate with others you could share the document with others some other nice stuff that you get is you could look at the version history so as you make changes it'll save each step along the way as you're working on the document so let's say you make a whole bunch of changes but maybe they didn't really like the changes that much you could go back in time to a previous version so that's some of the benefits of saving to onedrive so here I am on the home pivot this is the default one that you land on and so what we can do is I'm in a document now so I can just start typing hello my name is Kevon Stratford's how is everyone doing today so I'm just typing in some just general text what I can also do is along with typing text I could also dictate so I have this dictate option here and let's click on that hi my name is Kevin Stratford how are you doing today question mark okay so of course my name is a little more difficult to spell so the dictation didn't get that quite right but that's easy to update and it did pretty well so whether I feel like typing whether I feel like dictating a word can work with me to get my thoughts and text into Word now that I've entered some text into Word what I can also do is I could format my text so what I can do is let's say hello or let's say my name here what I want to do is I could apply bolding I could italicize I could underline I can also change the font so maybe I don't like Calibri instead maybe I want to go with us ago so let me go with one of these Segoe semi bold and then I could also adjust the font color I have lots of different colors I could also click on more colors and I can basically get an infinite number of colors to choose from so I'm going to go ahead and select that color now what's nice is let's say I spend a whole bunch of time working on this coloring of my name and I want to apply it to this other kemon well I don't want to have to go through select the font bold italicize and do that all that again that's what can really help me here is the format painter if you've ever wondered about what this does is you simply click on the text that you want to copy the format of then you click on format painter and then you simply highlight the piece where you want to copy that format over to so I'll do that and there you see the formatting is exactly the same so very easy way to copy formatting what I could also do is let's say you know I make a whole bunch of changes here maybe I change the color here what I can do is I could also just clear the format so here I highlight it and I'll click on this clear formatting option and that gets rid of all of the formatting on my text what I can also do is if I highlight text you'll see this kind of quick formatting tool up here so especially if let's say I'm going to type in a few city names let's say I type in a lot of text and you know I'm kind of lower down on the document you know I could go up here to get to the formatting or I could simply highlight the text in there I have quick access to the formatting so kind of a very quick way to apply your formatting without always needing to go up what I can also do is here I've entered a list of a few cities let's put in a few other city names in here so I have four cities what I could do is I could put this into a bulleted list I could do a numbered list so many different options here in terms of bulleting and another thing I could do is well is with this list that's not currently in alphabetical order so I could click on this sort option and you know maybe I want to do it in alphabetical order so I'll click paragraphs but you can also sort things based on numbers or dates but I'm gonna go ahead and alphabetical order and so there it's adjusted it now so it's an alphabetical order so some of the nice controls I have here what I want to talk about next is this section over here called styles and I'll tell you what that's good for so let's say that I have different headers so maybe vacation destinations favorite vacations and then maybe we have dream vacation so I have different categories and then you know maybe I have some text under these headers so what I can do is with styles I could say hey this is a header so let me let me apply a style there and I'll say this is a header apply a style and then let me highlight this and this is a style so let's say that oh actually I don't want this header to be blue I'd rather have it be red now if you don't use styles what I'd have to do is I'd have to go through each and in each individual one and then change it to red but I don't want to do that I'd rather do it all at once and so what I can do is if I click into Styles here I'm gonna right-click on the style and I'm gonna go to modify and when I'm in this modify screen I can now define what I want this style to look like so now I'm gonna say hey let's go with a red color for the header and so I'll click apply and now it applied it to all of the different items that use that style and so this is really powerful especially when you get a very long document you could simply apply a style and it'll update every single point where you use that style and so they have styles for just about everything you can do it for headers you can do it for just your text paragraph so you could do it for titles and anything and that way it's very easy to update without needing to go through header by header by header or paragraph by paragraph by paragraph and update it so styles are very powerful another thing that I love on this home screen is the ability to find and then also replace and so I'll click on advanced find and then click on replace so let's say that I made a bunch of references to New York and actually what I meant to do is I wanted to make reference to another city so let's say Detroit what I could do is I can simply click on replace all and then it'll go through my whole document and replace all instances where I say in New York with Detroit so it makes it really easy to kind of quickly make updates throughout your document and so those are the those are the key things on the Home tab let's jump into the insert tab next on the insert tab some of what you can do is we're gonna start over here you could insert a cover page and the nice thing is word has a whole bunch of pre formatted cover pages that you can insert you could go through and pick whichever one you think looks nice there's also this concept of page break and what you could do there is let's say I'm typing and then I want to jump to the next page I could simply hit enter all the way down until I make it to the next page but an easier way to do that is to simply click on page break you'll see this line is inserted and this just starts me on the next page now so I don't have to keep entering down until I reach the next page I could also insert things like tables pictures I could also drop shapes into my into my word document there's something called smart art which is kind of neat and you have all these different things like if you want to insert a list or a process or a cycle here I'll go and insert a list and what you could do is it inserts the shapes and you just go in and modify the text to your heart's content so very easy and you could go ahead and change the colors on it you could change the the style or the bevel or the 3d look to it but there's a lot you could do to it we're gonna go ahead I'm going to insert a picture in here and I'm just gonna go ahead on my machine and find a photo of myself and so here's a here's a picture of me on a boat and what you'll notice is anytime you insert an item it'll bring in another pivot which has formatting for that item and so here then you could go in and you could correct the photo or you could apply different colors or artistic effects and so you could go through you could rotate you could crop the photo so there are lots of different controls for being able to modify that photo that shows up when you highlight the item so there you see that the picture format disappears if I select the photo again the picture format reappears some of the other things that I could insert I could insert a chart the nice thing there is it has all the same charts that you get in Microsoft Excel so here I can insert a column chart and what's nice about this is you know insert the chart and then it brings up a little dialog similar to Excel where I can then modify the values directly in line and that'll update my chart in Microsoft Word so some nice functionality there what I can also do some other things that are worthwhile knowing about you can insert headers you can insert footers and I could also insert a page number on every single page within my document that's something that you have to do in school very often where you need to put down the number of pages so I'm just gonna go with plain number one and so here you see now I have a page number and that'll be on every single page so I go down to my second page and you see page two hey well now that we've looked at the insert tab there's lots of different types of content that you can insert the next thing that I want to show you is the design tab so I'm going to click on design and you're when you click on design the first thing you'll notice is you have this thing that's referred to as themes now we previously looked at styles and you could insert headers you can insert different paragraphs what you could do with themes is it takes all of your inserted content so I'm gonna go dip back down to my headers and I could apply a different theme and so as I click on the theme what it'll do is it'll take all my styles that I've inserted and it'll update them based on that theme so there you can see very quickly so instead of you going through and trying to figure out well hey you know let me insert a header and let me figure out what looks the best instead you could use these built-in themes and there are all sorts of themes that you could choose from you have many different options you could also adjust the coloring you could adjust the font so you could adjust the paragraph spacing there's all sorts of functionality on modifying the look and feel with themes but the nice thing about themes is once you apply your different styles selecting a theme applies that theme to your entire document so it makes updating the look and feel of your document very easy the other thing I want to touch on on the design pivot is watermark so what you could do with watermark is let's say that you're working on a draft or maybe we're working on a confidential document here I can click on confidential and what that I'll do now is every single page in my document will contain that watermark in the background so in kind of a nice way especially if you want to say it's confidential or draft you can insert text behind there are a few other things you could adjust the background color the page borders so some other functionality under the design the next thing we're gonna look out look at is layout within the layout pivot some of the things you could do is you could adjust margins so let's say you're working on a paper and you have to keep it to one page you could adjust the margins make them a little more narrow so you could fit a little bit more content on your document you can also adjust the orientation so it's a landscape and instead of portrait and that's the key functionality here that I wanted to show on layouts the next thing we're gonna look at is references and this is something that's very helpful if you're putting together let's say a big document with lots of content the first thing we're gonna look at is the table of contents and so I'm just gonna go ahead and insert the automatic table of contents what this does is once again here this looks at the different headers that I apply to my document and that's how it forms the table of contents so here you'll see I put in three headers in my document earlier and it forms the table of contents from that so here I have my vacation destinations favorite vacations end dream vacations what I can also do is if you're working on a paper you might need to add footnotes for different content so here hello my name is Kevin Stratford maybe I need to backup that that is in fact my name and maybe I'll show my birth certificate so what I could do is I'll click on insert footnote and then I could say Kevin was born on 8:11 and maybe I provide additional detail but what you'll see happened is is here inserted the the footnote here and the footnote appears at the bottom of the first page so that's how you insert footnotes the next thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna look at the review pivot if you're interested in the mailings one this alone is a pretty big topic I have other videos on mail merge you could take a look at those if you're interested in learning about this functionality just a quick description of what you could do with mailings is let's say that you want to send out an email or a letter and you want to customize information within that that's called mail merge and like I said I have videos on that if you're interested in learning more about that but that's beyond a basic tutorial of Microsoft Word so the next thing we're gonna do is we're going to click on the review tab and once you've typed your document this is where you check to make sure what you typed actually makes sense so hi my name are Kevin how you is doing today and then maybe I'll misspelled day and so some of the things you'll see is as you're typing you get these different squiggly lines that means it's spelled incorrectly and so here if I right click on it I could see what the suggestions are so I'll change that to today how is you be doing today so the grammar is pretty bad there and so I can click on check document and so here you'll see the grammar check that pops up and here it says my name are Kevin and here it suggests is and then how you and then here it suggests are how are you doing today and so what it'll do is as you're typing it'll underline things if it's spelled incorrectly but you could also go ahead and click here one of the things you can also do is instead of saying doing I could click on the thesaurus and you could see other variations that you could insert instead and especially if you're in school and you're constrained to a certain word count there's a word count capability here where you can see how many words are in your document or if let's say you're a journalist and you're paid by the word maybe I don't know you could use that as well to see how much money you're going to get so now that we've looked at how to review a word document the next thing I want to talk about is how you can collaborate on a doc you know it's no fun just working on a document by yourself and today more and more in school and in workplace you're expected to work with others on a document so how do you do that well what we could do is first off there's a share button in the top right hand corner if we click on share that will bring up a share dialog and earlier I saved this document on onedrive so it's already cloud file you could type in names here or you could simply copy a link so I'll just go ahead and copy a link and you could send this link to anyone and they'll then have access to this document what's nice too is once you share your document you could work in real time with other people so as you're typing in the document they can also type in the document when you can also do is once you share your document you can leave comments for each other so here I could click on new comment and I could type in a little message that says please review this paragraph and then I could go ahead and I could leave that comment in the document and when my co-workers or money classmates go in they'll see those and what I could also do is if I'm worried about making a bunch of changes and other people not knowing what I've changed I can track the changes that I'm making to the document and then if I click on all markup it'll show the changes that I've made so I'm going to turn that off for now one of the other things I've showed a whole bunch of functionality within word what you can also do is sometimes it's a little difficult to remember what pivot wasn't it was it in how can I get back to that let's say I'm on home and I want to know word count well I could click on this search box at the top and then I'll type in word count and there it shows me the action right there so I'll click on that and that'll do a word count so if you don't remember where things are but you know what you want to do simply search for it it's an easier way to navigate the interface now a few other advanced things that I wanted to highlight that's all kind of the core basic functionality of word if you're able to follow along with all of that you're pretty proficient in Word already but I want to show you a few advanced things I'll really wow people if you know how to do it some of the things you could do is clicking on the file menu there's an option called transform with transform what you could do is you could transform your word document into a wet page an interactive web page it actually does a really nice job of doing that it's responsive so if you're on a mobile device on a or on a desktop it looks really nice that's a really nice advanced capability another thing you can do is if you have text here what I'm gonna click on is we're gonna go to the review pivot and then I'm gonna click on translate and so I can translate this selection this is bringing up a translator and here I have it translate to German hello my name is Kevin V get as hi to so it's a little translations not perfect but you get the idea does it does a I guess a decent job of getting a translation and if you're working on a resume there's something called resume assistant if I click on that it brings up the resume assistant let's go ahead and get started and I could type in my role or the job that I have so I'm a senior program manager and then I can click on that and industry is technology and then I could see examples from other resumes so that's kind of a nice feature within word some of the other things that I could do is when I'm in a document let's say I have a long document and I want to refer to different spots within the document I could click on view there's something called split screen and then I could let's say scroll down and one window to my picture maybe and then I could scroll up to my table of contents so you could look at two areas of your document at the same time and then the last thing is if I click on file and go to info what's nice is because I saved this on onedrive there's something called version history and so here I can see as I've been working on this document I can now go back to different versions of that document so like I said before if I made a bunch of changes and I'm unhappy with them I could simply jump back to a previous version well that's all the core functionality of word that I wanted to show you not only did this cover the basics of word and how to just kind of get a basic command of this application I also showed you some of the more advanced things that many people probably haven't seen before haven't heard of the nice thing about having word that comes with office 365 is anytime new features and functionality is added into this application you get it first since you have a subscription to it you could also use it on the web and there too you also get the lead and greatest functionality and that won't cost you anything so hopefully if you feel like you have a better command of word now and you feel more confident using word please give this video a thumbs up if you want to see more videos like this in the future please hit that subscribe button that way you'll get a notification anytime new content like this comes out and lastly if there's anything else that you want to learn about anything else you want me to cover in the future on this channel leave a comment down below I read them all and I'll add it to my list of videos to create in the future and hey that's all I have for you today I hope you enjoyed it I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 256,294
Rating: 4.9358187 out of 5
Keywords: word, microsoft word, intro, introduction, tutorial, beginner, beginners, step by step, guide, how to, how to use, how to use microsoft word, microsoft word tutorial, word tutorial, ms word tutorial, word 2019, learn word, learn, what is microsoft word, office, office 365, 2019, word 365, basics, word microsoft, tips, styles,, blank document, document, doc, docx, onedrive, share
Id: Cw6a3b5QoAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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