How to Remove Background from Picture

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hi everyone kevin here today i want to show you how you can completely remove the background in a photo using an app that comes for free and pre-installed with windows 10 so you can do something that looks like this [Music] yeah i just completely removed the background from my photo and now i could do whatever i want with that picture i could insert it into a word document an email a powerpoint presentation or i could even just save it as a png and use it wherever i want all right well why don't we jump on the pc and i'll show you step by step how you can do it here i am on my windows 10 pc if you don't have windows 10 but you'd like to be on windows 10 did you know if you're on windows 7 or on windows 8 you can upgrade to windows 10 entirely for free i have a link in the description if you're interested in doing that i have a photo up on my desktop and i'd like to get rid of this background i just want to cut out this picture of myself how do we do that well luckily an app that comes with windows 10 will allow us to do this go down to your taskbar and within the search box let's type in paint 3d we're going to use the paint 3d app to remove the background you'll see paint 3d show up as one of the best match options let's click on that this will open up the paint 3d app once the app is open let's click on new this will start a new project and let's take the photo that you want to remove the background from and then simply drag and drop it into paint 3d here's my photo now in paint 3d and i still have the background showing up in here how do we remove the background it turns out it's extremely easy to remove the background to remove the background we're going to use something called magic select and there are two ways to get to magic select you can either click on magic select up on the top bar or when you have the photo selected you can click on magic select over on the right hand side i'm going to click on magic select over here next i see a rectangle appear around my photo and i need to drag the corners around the object that i want to remove from the photo so i'm going to go down here and i'm going to select just myself from the photo once i've selected myself let's click on next over on the right hand side check that out so paint 3d has identified me from the background although it really hasn't done a perfect job but it's pretty close you'll see in the photo that my hair is missing and i definitely want hair to be included i don't want to go bald so i'm going to click on add over on the right hand side and i'm going to zoom in on my photo and then i'm simply going to drag a line over my hair what this does is this helps paint 3d realize that my hair should be part of the selection you'll notice that it's still missing my sunglasses on my head so once again i'm going to drag a line over the sunglasses and that's now included both my hair and my sunglasses now i'm going to zoom out and see if it captured everything else properly i'm looking down at my fitness tracker and it looks like here too it missed a little bit of it it's pretty close to the background so here too i'm simply going to drag an ad line over this and now it'll include that as part of the selection as well if i zoom out overall this looks pretty good now along with being able to add things that maybe paint 3d missed if for whatever reason paint 3d selected something that shouldn't be included you can click on remove and then just like we did with add draw a line over it and that'll remove it from the selection overall though i'm pretty satisfied with the selection and everything that's currently selected is what i want to pull out from this photo once you're done adding and removing down below there's a check box that says auto autofill background what this means is once we finish here it'll fill in the background where i was standing it's pretty impressive how it does it however if i uncheck this it would simply leave a cut out or a white background in back of where i'm standing i want to auto fill the background that sounds neat so let's now click on done i clicked on done and it still looks pretty similar what's the difference well now if i click on myself look at that i can remove myself from that position on the photo and i could place myself anywhere else in fact i could expand myself i could reduce the size of myself and here you'll notice the very nice job at filling in the background now with my image here i can now use this anywhere i could press ctrl c to copy or i could press ctrl x if i want to cut similarly i could right click and then i could select either of those commands whether i want to cut copy i'm going to copy for now and let's see where else we can use this photo i'm now in a microsoft powerpoint presentation and i'm going to press ctrl v to paste and there you see my image from paint 3d now shows up in powerpoint and i can adjust the size of this i'm now in microsoft word and just like in powerpoint i could press ctrl v and here i pasted myself into my word document i think you probably get the idea but here i am in microsoft outlook and here too i can paste my photo into an email and just like i could in the other applications here i could adjust the size if i want to include myself in an email so you can paste this photo wherever you want to use it let's say though that you want to save the photo how do you go about doing that well let's jump back into paint 3d i'm back in paint 3d and how do i save just myself without the background well let me copy myself again i'm going to go up to menu in the top left hand corner and click on new it asks me if i want to save my work i'm going to click on don't save i now have a blank canvas and here i'm going to paste my photo by pressing ctrl v i'm going to adjust the size so i just fill up the canvas now that i'm placed within the canvas i could go up to menu i could click on save as and i can now save it as an image when i go to save it as an image i could select the type of file i want to save it as whether it's a png a jpeg a gif or whatever i want to save it as and one thing that's very nice is i can even set it so it has a transparent background so if i want to use this somewhere else this background will be transparent now i can click on save this opens up the file save dialog i'm going to give it a name and save it kevin transparent background sounds good now i'm going to click on save here now you'll see on my desktop i have a new file for kevin transparent background if i double click on that you'll see my image with the transparent background now one of the problems is there's a lot of space on the left of me and a lot of space on the right of me that's one of the downsides of saving the image in paint 3d you'll get that so how do we do better well we're going to use an app called and i'll show you in a moment how you can get that is by far one of my favorite image editing apps it's completely free to download and to install and to use and it works very well think of it as photoshop light it gives you most of the tools you need to use to edit images you have things like layers so it even has some more advanced functionality on the or the website click on the download link for and go through the install process once you finish installing you'll see an application that looks like this i'm going to click up in the top left hand corner on the file menu and go to new this opens up the new dialog and for the width and height of the new image i'm going to leave these default settings these match the dimensions of the image that's on the clipboard or my image i'm going to click on ok next this creates an image in and now i'm going to press ctrl v to paste my image this now pastes my image and the checkered background indicates that this is a transparent background now i could go up to the left hand corner click on file save as this also opens up the save as dialog and now i could choose what format i want to save this as i'm going to stick with png for this image i'm going to call it kevin transparent background second and now i'm going to click on save next this opens up the save configuration wizard and all of the settings look good to me i'm going to click on ok the advantage of saving an image this way is you won't have any unnecessary space on the left and on the right of the image i'm back here on the desktop and you can see the difference between these two images over on the left is the image that i saved in and over on the right is the version that i saved in paint 3d now with paint 3d if you just want to very quickly save an image and you don't care about the extra space on the sides you could just save it through there and you won't have to get an additional app however if you want to save it in the best possible way i'd recommend getting an app like remember it's free and then you can save just the image itself isn't that cool and that's with an app that's free with windows 10. it's amazing what you could do with all those pre-installed apps on windows 10. if this video helped show you how you can remove a background from an image please give this video a thumbs up if you want to see future videos like this hit that subscribe button that way you'll get a notification anytime new content like this comes out and lastly if you want to see me cover any other topics in the future leave a comment down below and i'll add it to my list of videos to create alright well that's all i had for you today i hope you enjoyed and i hope to see you next time bye you
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 863,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin stratvert, paint 3d, 3d, paint, windows 10, paint3d, microsoft, photo, picture, remove background, remove background from photo, remove background from picture, back ground, delete, cut, how to, tutorial, help, support
Id: Ti2Xoyk5FUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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