Word Processing and Microsoft Word Training - Part 1

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when you are creating an examination report it has to look like an exam report and it will look this way when you format right if you are creating a data report it has to look that way formatting [Music] all right good morning class how are you all doing all right so this morning we are going to begin our training on microsoft's web so we are going to learn how to use microsoft word we use excel the last time and i think we made some progress so today we are going to start microsoft word and of all the microsoft productivity programs word is one of the most used programs everywhere in the world yes so it is one of the programs you are expected to know how to use very well and word is under the general topic called word processing can i use your book let me check something here all right so word processing so we are going to look at what word processing is about and then we focus on microsoft word now sometimes people sometimes people only know about microsoft weight and do not have any idea about word processing when you talk about word processing people look at you some way like the way you people are looking at me now when i talk about weight processing people don't understand it very much so we want to look at web processing in general i think in other parts of the world people understand word processing very well and we need to take it from there so we look at what word processing is what a word processor is then we will pick one of the word processes which is microsoft's weight which is one of the word so lesson is on word processing let me check if i have a clip here on word processing and i will play that clip for you to see all right so before i start i want to ask a simple question i want to ask what a word processor is who can tell me what a web processor is what is a word processor what is a word process i'm sure some of you have read if you've referred what web processing is so who can tell me what a word processor is okay so you've tried you said it is what a software program that helps you toward create or print a document okay so we have word processing and the program we want to learn is a word processor so when you hear that microsoft weight is a web processor you have to understand it that way all right i'm going to play one or two clips to explain wet processing then we will delve into it so um kindly turn off the light for me uh joel i said your events don't worry about that one this one when you come to think of it an ordinary typewriter is a pretty limited device you type in some words and all it does is give you a paper copy if you want to follow words you will need a second device you want to send the words to someone else you need another device okay please i following please pay attention when you come to think of it an ordinary typewriter is a pretty limited device you type in some words and all it does is give you a paper copy if you want to follow the words you need a second device a filing cabinet if you want to send the words to someone else you need another device mailbox and if you want to rearrange the words you need yet more devices such as a pair of scissors and some glue for cutting and pasting now consider the word processor which is really just a computer plus a word processing program you use the computer's keyboard to send your words into the computer's message and you use the computer's screen there's a window on these words so that you can see what you're doing as you use the word processing program to cut and paste the words to your satisfaction and then there are several things that you can do you can file the words on one or more storage disks you can print them on a projector and you can pass them onto a modem to be sent to some other computer this means that once you have a word processing system you really have a self-contained little office with its own built-in typewriter filing cabinet mailbox and scissors and blue all rolled into one all right so before so before computers came we had several ways of creating documents and one of the ways we created documents was through the typewriter machine last time you saw how the typewriter was right we used it here now the typewriter was a good machine but it had a lot of limitations it had a lot of problems for example if you want to edit with a typewriter you cannot change what you what you have printed on the paper because as you type it prints directly on the paper if you want to edit it's not possible sometimes you can go back and hit on the weather game but but most of the time it doesn't appear well and so the typewriter had several limitations another problem with the typewriter was that if you needed more copies you couldn't get more copies from the typewriter let's see we want to print exam papers for all the students here and we are we only have a typewriter we cannot print more copies for everyone who knows what we have to do we have to type and type and type and type and that will waste a lot of time right imagine you are printing for a school that has 900 students you that i piss you you are in trouble so it's going to be a lot of problems apart from that you can't even save your weight you can type with a typewriter and save it so that next time you use it again it's not possible so there are a lot of limitations with a typewriter and that is what word processing came to solve and so we invented first of all some machines called web processors that had some of these features to help us solve problems then later we created word processes as computer programs so our first one word processors came they were machines like what this picture is having here you will see that it's a machine that can do some typing so we had word processing machines and after some time word processes became [Music] computer programs so today we have computer programs that are called wet processes so when you hear microsoft word microsoft word is just one of the word processes it's very very important to understand this machine here is also a web processor this machine here is a web processor today web processors are not machines they are programs all right so let's go back and check how word processes came to be so i want to play this next clip to explain what word processes are so um let's watch this one [Music] here are a few commonly used applications microsoft word upload work pages korean word perfect lotus word pro google docs do you know what is common among them they are all word processors this eye following so these are even some examples of some wet processes from today keep wet processing don't worry keep wet processing and wet processes in your mind the programs we see here which one is the first one here microsoft's weight next one if you remember when we're learning about excel we talked about apple highway quotes numbers i don't know if you remember apple eyeworking numbers so apple i work it's like microsoft office the way microsoft who has word excel powerpoint apple also has apple i work numbers pages presentation they also have their set of office programs all right so we also have another program here called what coral white and then we have this one here called lotus wedge pro do you remember lotus one two three yes okay that was a spreadsheet program that is discontinued then we have another popular web processor here called now this word processor is quite popular by google okay it's quite popular and word is also very popular but some of these word processes some of you have not seen them before but all these programs are called they are called words so when they ask you what type of software is microsoft word you say oh microsoft wear this word it's a word processor give an example of a word processor or a web processing program your example is simple microsoft word there are some other examples you do not know this is a number two when it comes to word processor ranking where it is number one the whole world this number two from google called codewords google does so let's continue with this video and see what's let's listen to what we will get from this video but what is a web processor what is it used for let's find out a word processor is a software program that enables you to create a document edit it store it electronically and also print the document please i following yes when they ask you what is your word processor it says that a web processor is a software program to what used to create a document used to edit a document use the words store documents electronically and then words can microsoft will do all of these things so microsoft weight is a word processor any program that can do all these things is a web processor we'll look at the features of a web processor it is so much easier to use a word processor as compared to a typewriter [Music] that is because a word processor is much faster than a typewriter it is easy to correct errors and make changes in the document spellings are checked automatically in these softwares pictures can be inserted in the documents documents can be saved and worked on in filter documents can be printed exactly like they occur on the computer screen in the future lessons we will learn how to use microsoft word which is a commonly used word processor all right so i like this video because it throws more light on what i want to talk about so let's look at what word processing is all right so word processing refers to number one the creation editing formatting storage and printing of electronic words now i want to ask you in general what is word processing here we are not talking about what is a word processor what is word processing it says our word processing refers to the creation editing formatting storage and printing of electronic documents it was the replacement to the old-fashioned way of creating documents who can tell me the old-fashioned way of creating documents in the past we use typewriters so where processes were created to replace the old way of creating documents with the typewriter machine an ordinary typewriter is a limited device when you type into it all it does is to give you a paper copy it does not provide the ability to what to what to edit so white pro typewriters do not provide the ability to save and it proofread or print multiple copies at once i like proofread we're gonna explain proofread what is proofread yes okay so after you type your document before printing we call something proofreading or proofing proofreading simply refers to reading through your work to check for errors when you use a chiropractor you don't read through before you print please as you type it is works it is printed already so you will not go back and do any proof reading so these are all these were limitations we had for the typewriter machine and so we knew that we had to come up with another machine so white processing was the solution to this major problem in office productivity in the 80s and in the 90s so in the 80s and 90s if you were a business person or a career person at that time all you wanted was to get your own word processor today we have modding technology that people are aspiring to get in the 80s and 90s every world to do person was looking for his own weight processor because that was a new technology at a time i following that was something that will help you work faster and be more productive so word processing came at that time so white processing was one of the earliest breakthroughs with the introduction of the personal computer and quickly became widely used around the world when the pc came one of the problems pc solved was wet processing now before the 80s we didn't have personal or before the 70s we didn't have personal computers it was around the 80s that pc started coming well and spreading to individuals and one of the solutions that made pc spread was because pieces were word processors or pcs could do web processing so if you had a pc you didn't need a typewriter and you could use a web processor to do all the amazing things typewriters couldn't do at the time and so most people bought pieces just because of word processing most people bought pieces because they wanted to do word processing all right so my question here is what then is a web processor please i want you to focus are you following a word processor is a computer software program a web processor is what okay so first of all a web processor is a software program it's a computer program it's an application i told you that before work processes came out as standalone machines so you could buy the machine as a web processor today such a machine will not be that useful because a computer can do it and so web processors today are software programs so today when you are asked what a web processor is you don't say it's an electronic machine it is a software computer software program now what does it do a web processor is a computer software program that enables you to create a document edit it save and also print it this is a word processor it is so much easier to use a word processor as compared to a typewriter because number one a web processor is much faster than a typewriter is that true yes who can tell me how how is a web processor faster because the typewriter you can also type fast so what we mean by web processor is faster okay so like the example i gave if you want to print for 900 people if you're the type right time to take you nine months but with the word processor to take you less than if you have a good printer you can even use nine minutes that is speed all right number two it is easy to correct errors and make changes in the document with a white process site it's easy to correct arrows and make changes number three spellings are checked automatically in web processor this is one of the features of web processors if you develop a web processor and it cannot do this it is not a word processor every word processor is able to do what we call spell checking spellings are checked automatically when we say spellings are checked automatically doesn't make sense to you how do we mean it's correct no this is not auto correction we are talking about spell checking auto correction is different spell checking is also different so yes so someone said it will do what so this is the best web processor in the world microsoft has won it microsoft is a is a number one word processor you see so today keep microsoft word under white processing in your mind don't just know that there's a program called microsoft word web is a web processor and there are other word processors today we'll be looking at some of them so let me type something right here for us to see um how it can correct the mistakes so i'm going here to type a word for example i want to type pattern productivity productivity now this is a correct word right now let's say i forget to bring my c here and i i tried moving forward you see that the word has been worked underlined so productivity has been underlined this is called spell checking we have auto corrections but this is spell checking so um this is one of the features of a web processor so when you have it when you have an entire document a web processor should be able to scan through the entire document and underline any word that is felt wrongly that is one of the features of weight processes so this spell checking we'll continue let me continue reading we'll come back here now with number four it says that pictures can be words pictures can be inserted in the document i've never seen someone using a typewriter and being a baby has been able to insert a picture maybe i've never seen some before i don't know if you have seen some before but for me i've never seen someone using a typewriter and has been able to insert a photograph all right if you are very creative you can use symbols to create some shapes if you are very creative you can use symbols to create some shapes but that is all you can do with a typewriter you can't insert photos okay number five it says documents can be worked saved and worked on in the future documents can be saved typewriters do not save documents there are some typewriters that evolved that were built electronically and some of them have some memory chips and with those ones they tried to do some recording and living it is difficult so the typewriter we know cannot save anything all right number six here says that documents can be printed exactly as they appear and multiple copies can be printed from word processes so with word processors you see what you want to print before you print is that okay okay so let's look at the key tags of word processing what are the key tasks of word processing now this key tax let me read it says that every word processor has five key tags that is able to perform if you have a program that cannot perform these five tags then it is not a white processor what are the five tasks that a web processor can perform they are number one create a web processor should be able to create a document number two is edit make changes to an existing document so a web processor should be able to make changes to an existing document number three is format apply various styles to enhance the appearance of a document number four save store a document in the computer for future use print have your documents copied on a piece of paper as output so a word processor can do these five things and i want you to keep them in your mind i'm going to ask you to tell me these five things because this is what defines a word processor it can create it can edit it can format it can save and print these are the features of a web processor please are you here okay later i'm going to focus when we get to word i'm going to focus a lot on formatting because formatting is is like the major skill you need when it comes to word processing formatting so as you learn to use a computer put more effort into learning how to format documents professionally it is your formatting that will make your documents appear well appear professional presentable so formatting is very very important all right i'm going to do a quick read through this and we'll continue it says that brief history of word processing in the 60s web processors were standalone office machines that combined the keyboard text entry and printing functions of an electric of an electric typewriter with a recording unit either tip or floppy days and a sample a simple dedicated computer processor for the editing of text so this is what i talked about it says that in the 60s word processes came out as machines so these machines people were buying them can you see one here and it says that they were standalone office machines and they combined the keyboard with printing functions and a recording unit they use tips or floppy disks so this machine here has a slot for floppy disks if you remember the floppy disk this is where we inserted the floppy days okay although features and designs varied among manufacturers and models and new features were added as technology advanced web processors typically featured a monochrome display and the ability to save documents on memory cards and disks so these web processors they were electronic machines they were not manual like the typewriter these were machines and they had some memory in them and they had a monochrome display that means one color display if the screen is black your text is going to be a one color text later models introduced innovations such as spell checking and improved formatting options so as these type web processes evolved later models brought in new features such as checking spellings in the 60s 70s and 80s well in the 60s and 70s when you talk about wedge processes you're actually referring to machines you are referring to what machines so for example when we talk about a fridge what comes to mind is a machine right it's an electronic machine so in those days when you talk about web processors they were machines so those in the business field they knew where processes as machines today where processes are not machines today when i talk about web processes what are they they are software programs okay good now as the more versatile combination of personal computers and printers became commonplace and computer software applications for word processing became popular most business machines machine companies stop manufacturing dedicated web processor machines as of 2009 there were only two us companies called classic and alpha smart we still made them web processors machines many other machines however remain in use so when computers started coming they stopped manufacturing those machines modern web processors are web processor programs running on general purpose computers they take advantage of a graphical user interface providing some form of wysiwyg what you see is what you get editing typical features of a modding process white processor include multiple phone sets spell checking grammar checking a built-in tesoros automatic test correction web integration html conversion pre-formatted publication projects such as new newsletters and to-do lists and much more so today these are some of the features of wet modern web processors they can do these things all right so this is an example of as a cute word processor machine that someone has kept till today all right so over here we are going to look at some of the examples of wet processes remember microsoft word is under the umbrella of wet processes are you following so keep that in mind and understand that what microsoft word is not the only word processor out there at least you are supposed to remember five word processes at least now check this icon here and tell me which program it is what is this this is microsoft word so here i'm talking about examples of word processors i'm going to show you the examples but let me show you some of these pictures first this icon here you have to recognize it you have to what is this google docs now if you know microsoft word you have to know google docs google docs is another very popular web processor then we talked about the iweb pages if you're a mac user like me on mac they call it pages they just call it pages their spreadsheet program they just call it numbers but the full name is apple iwork pages the expression is apple iwork numbers the same way microsoft's word when you check on your machine you'll find it as let me check on my machine and show you how they received it if you check on your machine this is how they've saved weight what do you see here it's just called weight but we know that it was made by microsoft and it's under microsoft office so we call it microsoft office weight but you can simply refer to it as weight all right let's let's let's continue so let's look at the examples now there are hundreds of word processing software programs below are the top 10 word processes which are commonly used today listen it says there are hundreds of word processing programs below are the top words top 10 which are commonly used when today so if you don't know about any of them it means you do not know but people are using them so let's look at some of them the first one here is microsoft word so microsoft word is undoubtedly the leading word processor in the whole wide world i follow in yeah we also have google what google docs is another word processor in your examination we actually list about five word processes so keep that in mind we have apple iwatch pages so here i'm supposed to add pages to it it's apple i work pages if i say apple i work i have not said anything it's apple i work what pages then we have coral wet perfect and we have a program from apache apache is also um okay fine now apache is a brand and apache if you are into it you do a lot of apache you understand apache because we have apache servers for web web design we have apache servers for programming we have a lot of apache stuff so don't let the name sound strange to you by the way we have linux and araco the first time i talked about oracle some people said it's a nigerian movie please in it we don't see it that way so we have apache apache it's a common name in it so we have apache openofficewriter then we have libra office writer last time we looked at a libra office right okay so libra office is also another popular um productivity suite and they have their writer they have their writer so the award processor is called libra office writer if you're a linux user your web processor is libra office writer the apache openoffice writer is very common look at the icon let me show you the icon it's very very common sorry sorry sorry it's very very common and it is a free program office world is not free apache openoffice writer is very free it's free it's free you just download it and use it to get everything for free so open office so most people have this on their pro on their computers okay so we also have wps writer we have wet pad wet pad is very common every windows computer has a second web processor called wet pad so even if you have not installed office on your machine you have this one wet pad please have you seen this before and wordpad looks quite similar to microsoft word it looks like microsoft wait let me open it here let me look for it wordpad okay have you have you seen it here this is white pad when you open wet part it looks like microsoft word have you seen it this is very similar to microsoft weight wet pad so the modern white part the older ones do not look much like this but the modern ones look so much like weight please can you see this yes this is like microsoft word this is called white part white part and this white part is on every windows computer you don't have to install it to have it it comes with operating system so if you have your windows or computer you have wordpad is that okay okay good all right so i'll be asking i'll be going around very soon i'm going to ask everyone who turn on the light and capture everyone who ask you to give one example of a word processor okay we have scrivener and a by weight a by weight okay so after we talk about the after you give me the examples we are going to look at the features of web processors and we look at the advantages of using a web processor this is very important in any word processing examination you'll be asked to less features of a web processor and you'll be actually given advantages of web processes so remember examples of word processes the features of word processes advantages of word processes and the key tags of a word processor hello i gave you five key tags of a word processor i want someone to tell me what they are if you want to just raise your hand i'll call you from if you want to say to raise your hand i call you okay so i see okay some bits it's used to create okay it's used to do what create a document okay edit format and then because i can write on you i forgot [Music] all right so i'm going to go around and i'm going to ask everyone to give me one example of a wet processor so let me start from our classroom all right so madam comfort give us an example of a word processor apple eyework apple live work is like saying microsoft office you say microsoft office you have mentioned a collection of programs so when i say i work you have to be specific libra office writer excellent yes wps writer wps writer good good yes right google docs okay wet fat yes what koran what perfect okay i think he's coming closer that the audio can be captured well because if he doesn't come close won't get it or do you well good um leslie you're doing a great job okay so um harry i'll be wait okay happy word or bye wedding center microsoft microsoft white okay and wet pad wet fat okay all right so i want us to try and exhaust them before we start repeating so i don't want to be here in westpac right but like that mother milly sense i like pages okay that's good okay please remember five and remember five at least yes libra office writer excellent samson wps writer that's good events google docs i like that i like that that is very classic no one mentioned google docs here that's very classic imagine google docs right yes oh okay right you're also classic all right um it's craving now wow that's great yes apache open a fish writer okay okay and um wps writer okay perfect horror word perfect just like your name okay that's good and um i work pages all right all right so you've all done very well and these are examples of word processes and i'm asking you to give us examples of word processes do you know why because most people do not know that we have other white processes most people only know of microsoft word they don't know what word processing is they don't know where it processes they only know where microsoft worked yes so i just want to emphasize that we have other weight processes is that okay all right now we'll be looking at some of the common features of web processes all right so we are continuing we want to look at common features of microsoft word i want you to open your book and look at the common features of microsoft word so that i can keep the lights on for some time so common features of microsoft word who can tell me the first one what is the first you know features common features not advantages okay common features of micro of word processors what's the first one okay so you see gui gui or genui stands for graphical user interface so today web processors are having graphical user interfaces with a word processor machines that came in the past they were only text based you didn't have a graphical user interface so you could only type on a computer but only text and that was advanced at the time today we need the genui which is graphical user interface so that we can change colors we can underline we can move our amounts to click on things insert pictures and all that so this is one of the features so remember there's a features of word processes number two advanced formatting options web processors should be able to format documents professionally advanced formatting advanced formatting so this is what i'm going to focus on when we start using microsoft word formatting formatting professionally when you are creating an examination report it has to look like an exam report and it will look this way when you format right if you are creating a data report it has to look that way formatting if you don't know how to format you can present or create a professional looking work so formatting is what you should focus on so we'll be using the formatting features in microsoft word all right number three we have what page settings so number one is genui graphical user interface number two is advanced formatting options number three is page settings number four is what we see whizzy wig wheezy wig wheezy wig what does it stand for okay so wizzy wig is a system where editing software allows content to be edited in a form that resembles its appearance when printed or displayed as a finished product such as a printed document web page or slide presentation so what you see is what you get wizard wig so wizzy wig is common in word processing all right the number five is what as a web processor you should be able to cut copy and do words and paste number six is what grammar spelling and grammar checking wow spelling and grammar checking spelling and grammar checking so a web processor should be able to do spell checking and grammar checking please are you here spell checking and grammar checking what do we mean by grammar what is grammar what is grammar pardon correct use of english language okay so it's more like the construction of sentences it's more like the construction of what sentences so knowing how to use the right ways to construct the rights or to construct your sentences correctly yes in english every word belongs to a part of speech so to construct a sentence you need to use the right ways to make the sentence sound correct in the english language so for your sentence to sound correct you need to know the right words to use so when you make a mistake in your grammar if your grammar is not right microsoft will check your grammar for you or a web processor will check your grammar for you and tell you that madam you've made some mistakes here so it's supposed to be this way or that way so these are some of the features of web processes number seven says what ready made what template so there are templates in word processes templates are already designed documents that you have to edit or customize for yourself so if you want to create let's say a cv we already have cvs built into the program let me show you so when i open to microsoft word when i open to microsoft word you can let me click on file and new when i come to file a new you can see over here that we have some documents down here please can you see the ones here these are templates these are templates so what you want to whatever i want to create you can find it here as a template and you can edit it so templates are there for editing if you have a template so this is a resume let me click on this resume and do you see what happened really i click on resume they've given me a sample resume so all i'll do is to edit so they will give you the format how it's supposed to be and all i will do is to edit it and print it so if you don't want to design from scratch you can use a template so a template is not a document that you designed yourself but it's a it's a document designed by the program itself and stored in the program so that if you want to create something similar you'll get a format look at something professional as this if you're supposed to create this and you don't know how to design all these things you can download this template and all you do is edit the text when you edit that tag it becomes yours and you print and it looks very professional already so they've done the formatting and everything for you all you do is to put in your text or change the text they have to yours and you are done is that okay all right so this is called templates these are called templates now we also have web compatibility so modern web processors should be compatible with the web so with microsoft word we have a web interface where you can use word to view a web page or even create a web page okay now let's talk about the advantages of a web processor and will bring the part one of our lecture to an end and the part two will be microsoft weight itself so advantages of using a word processor advantages of using a web processor number one is the ability to insert pictures tables lists and other objects advantages of web processor the ability to insert pictures tables lists and other objects now we talk about the advantages because we remember the odin way of creating documents and those od methods were not advantageous to us so today having these web processes we can see what we can do now that we couldn't do before okay number two it says the ability to combine documents or incorporate text from one document into another without having to rate type so if you have two documents that you want to combine you don't have to retype you can just copy and paste put them together and there you go so to talk about the advantages you can just think of the limitations of the typewriter and talk about what a web processor can do now my phrase ability to move selections of text to another part of the document wow so if i have text i can highlight and drag to another part of the document or cut and paste to another part of the document number four the ability to add headers and footers that appear on every single page in the document not age every single page in the document please i following number five the ability to emphasize particular ways of phrases by underlining making bold changing the font style and size so with a web processor you are able to emphasize certain ways and phrases by underlining making bold or making italics changing font style the font size and these are all features all right number six the ability to correct mistakes before the final document is printed is an advantage so when i talk about advantages just think about for the typewriter coding do and what word processors can do number seven the ability to store typed documents in the computer for future use or amendments or reprinting so these are some of the advantages of using a word processor and on that note i'm going to summarize my the first part of my lecture and i'm going to put this video together and see how to come so i want to end it and we'll see what to do next time so um i'm going to ask one or two questions and we'll close what are the key tags of a web processor and i'll call you and you tell me so right what are the key tags of a web processor able to create edit format save and print excellent excellent splendid all right so i'm going to call someone else to give me i think i'll go here um facility facility give me three examples of of of of word processes microsoft word i work pages now usually when you are asked to give examples don't forget google docs okay so when i think about microsoft word google docs then you mention some of the rest apache open office writer is very common libra office writer is very common i want you to mention the ones that are very common so when you look in the book the ones i have listed on top they are the most common ones so where is the first second is google docs then we have the apply web pages and so on all right so i need one more one more um okay some people have run away from the class they want me to call them okay okay kelly are you there okay kelly give me two advantages of using a word processor if you use a word processor what are some of the advantages okay are the objects okay that is exceptional let's clarify kelly all right so that is fine you want to say something you've read it how do you on the screen oh no i don't think she looked on the screen i don't think she looked on the screen all right so this is our first online class i'm going to put it online and i want all of you to watch it and other students will also watch it so let's see how to go so by this evening go to professor fadham's youtube channel and you can watch it and watch some of my other old videos old lectures especially there's a video i posted like two days ago called how to grow your business with social media so if you want to know how to use social media to grow your business go and watch that video so go online go and watch it and if you have not subscribed to the channel make sure you subscribe all right so thank you very much i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Professor Faddams
Views: 5,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Word, Microsoft Word, Word Processing, Google Docs, Apple iWork Pages, Libre Office Writer, Apache OpenOffice Writer, Scrivener, Lotus Word Pro, Corel Word Perfect, WordPad, WPS Writer, AbiWord, word tutorial, word 2016 tutorial, word 2016 tutorial for beginners, microsoft word basics, microsoft office tutorial, word tutorial for beginners, microsoft word 2016, microsoft word tutorial, how to use microsoft word, ms word tutorial, microsoft word 2019 for beginners, word 2019
Id: 21AE26Rp0s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 19sec (3679 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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