Microsoft Loop, OneNote and Microsoft Teams walk into a bar...

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there are two things that I want to show you that are coming to Microsoft Loop that might make a solution to a current problem first thing when we go into a Microsoft team we can now add a loop component to a conversation in a team's channel here we are in the general channel of a Microsoft team project radio let's add a new post add a title let's just say uh video script which we're going to work on put a bit of words in there and we can add the component to the conversation so let's just start off with the paragraph okay we've seen this before um it's been announced at Microsoft tonight it's now available here uh if we give this a title again we'll just call it video script and we'll post that so that allows us to have a loop component that we can share and collaborate with people in the team everyone in the team can get access to this where is this stored it's up here in files and uh there it is videos script. loop in files accessible to the whole team now one of the challenges that we have is that this full Rich experience of Microsoft Loop workspaces sits out in its own space in uh what's called uh SharePoint and bed uh and that's a new type of SharePoint but it doesn't connect nicely to a Microsoft 365 team or Microsoft 365 group for that matter it presents challenges for people uh and organizations who want to make membership really easy and content to be discoverable now I've faced this very challenge at work and I've been thinking it through here is the exciting thing I've been thinking about what else has arrived the ability to have Loop components inside one note and that's currently available for insiders but it is going to be available later around about I think it's April this year 2024 so how am I going to use this well I have to piece through a few things because they're not quite ready yet but what I have done here now is I've created a conversation uh and it is in a Microsoft team and a channel and with every one of these components we can copy a link to that component and put it somewhere we can put it in places that support Microsoft Loop components so what am I going to do well uh I just want to show you a few that I've already um started on earlier with many of my projects that I've been using workspaces for I create pages and sub pages I lay these workspaces out so that the content is there and it's easy for people to pick up from where any of us leth off uh and I want to be able to make the same contact accessible so um with the structure I've got a project brief I've got a section for meeting notes I've got uh the project kickoff I've got an area for the deliverables that we're working on how might I create this so that it is available in a Microsoft team available to the whole team well I'm going to com I'm going to combine loop with one note and uh well these are called workspaces and loop I'm going to call these one spaces check it out here is uh the new one note it is uh installed as an Insider build so I can uh insert and put in uh loop components into a page and what I have done is I've I've actually taken copy of the link to the project brief and inserted it in the page if I just collapse this uh notebook here we're looking at project radio The Notebook behind this team uh and where do we find those notebooks we find them um in behind the team but also they are now by default the note experience within a channel I'll go into that uh shortly and show you how and what it might look like once this is fully available able but I've taken a link to this project brief which I've shared with my team it is in the conversation in the channel and it means that we can have conversations around this Loop component and talk about the content in that Loop component about the project brief I can copy a link to that component and uh as I have done earlier I have pasted that link onto the page let's just do that again and show you how easy it is all right now as I'm doing that it is telling me that I I need to make sure that the permissions are available and it's just warning me that it's going to make it available to anyone who can access this notebook uh and this team so as I insert and share then it embeds it here in in one note now that's cool what am I doing I am taking uh the component that is stored in the team and I'm using the one note notebook to bring it together much like our workspace again let's go back over here and have a look at the structure project brief meeting notes uh there's a meeting um from August 29th uh and this was you much much earlier late last year but we're using the same uh principle if I go over to my notebook we've got meeting notes and here it is um I have taken those meeting notes from the collaborative notes experience in Microsoft teams and I've put them here in the notebook for every run to see now it is easy enough to find those meeting notes they're attached to the meeting invite but now that I've brought them into my one space the one note notebook that is my workspace it's available for the whole team uh so where else what else can I do with this well um one of these other fantastic things we can do with one note and loop uh is we go into let's say an Untitled page and something we've been able to do for a while around meeting notes is that we can insert uh meeting details from meetings that we have in our calendar if I go up to the meeting details button in one note uh and I'm going to go back to yesterday because it's got a good example of a meeting that I attached or rather I attached a loop component or collaborative notes to a meeting and uh as I click on that meeting to bring in those details uh it has something new here uh we have been used to seeing the invitation message okay got we've got participants great we can see that and we can even take those boxes to show yes Laura and Matt had attended but this is the new part the collaborative notes is now let's just close this panel is now uh part of what is inserted along with the meeting details so get that beautiful picture I can uh insert those meeting details and the collaborative notes that have been attached to the meet and invite and they are now part of my one space that's going to stick I'm sure it will uh so that's your example there of how we can bring our meeting notes together into that one space that notebook uh that we can all see um let's have another look a bit further down at some examples we've got some change management so there's a comm's plan now that change management section if we go back over to our Microsoft team is the same section within the notebook that has been added to this tab now what about done same pattern I've started a conversation with my team I've said hey CH change management we're drafting a Communications plan I need your help um how about you uh pitch in and help me out with this and I have added that uh loop component again the same way I've gone into uh the post and I've added it as that little component to the conversation um and this is just a table table with the message the the channel That I planed to to send this communication in the the dates the initial the the intended audience but this is a loop component it is there and it's available once again to uh the members of my team the file is there in the team that's the beautiful part everyone has access to it and I hope you're getting this now everyone also has the access to the notebook so let's just go back into where else we see that notebook we've seen it over here with the application on the desktop but within Microsoft teams it is the notes Tab in a channel now today because I'm using The Insider build of the OneNote application I'm getting to see this Loop component experience early it's not yet delivered into one note online and therefore it's not available yet in a Microsoft team in a tab but look at that look at the potential that this is a way for me to bring those Loop components and that that um I don't know the The Amazing Power of being able to collaborate using Loop components and share them around has been brought together by a one note notebook my one space for Loop so change management um again let's go through we can see the general channel that we were looking at earlier the meeting notes uh and of course you're not going to see the loop comp it there but you hopefully you're getting the picture it is it is all coming together uh as we flick on through you can see all kinds of examples there so that is one way that we can combine the examples or the power of Loop and loop components into a uh a one note notebook and bring it all together much like a loop workspace now it would be great and I'm going to keep knocking on the the store Microsoft we really do want to have the full power of a um a loop workspace with all of these other additional capabilities available to a Microsoft team and the members of that team we want to be able to bring this into a team but for today for now I know the workaround um when it's available april-ish then you could use a one note notebook to bring your Loop components together into a one space I'm always thinking about ways of making things happen uh putting tools together like this trying to be creative with the the pieces of the puzzle and the materials that we have the technology available to us and if you're Keen to continue that Journey with me summertime here in New Zealand there's flies all over the place then um yeah do give me a subscribe a like if you found this video helpful and we'll see you again in the next one bye for now
Channel: Modern Work Mentor
Views: 11,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft 365
Id: YfjnHPktrF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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