Looping into the Future - OneNote's BIG Upgrade!

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since its launch back in 2003 Microsoft OneNote has been the go-to for millions of people for their digital note taking what if I was to say it's going to receive the biggest update that we've seen in years those updates will give it superpowers when it comes to collaborating with your team but you're going to wonder how on Earth is it going to get those superpowers well it's going to do that using Microsoft Loop yes Microsoft Loop is now coming into Microsoft OneNote and it's going to mean we can do so much more inside of one note we can now take a piece of content and share it with your colleagues in place that they can keep up to date and sync straight back into your OneNote notebook not only that when it comes to task planning we've always been fairly Limited in one note the ability to create Outlook tasks and flags you can keep an eye on but how can we assign them to others and also have notification sent to them to chase them up well we can now do that using Microsoft planner and to-do those capabilities will now be available in OneNote using the power of loop so your OneNote notebook is going to be transformed from something that just taken all of your minutes into something much more powerful so in today's tutorial I'm going to talk you through all of those additional capabilities that are going to be arriving in OneNote very soon you're going to see how we can take content from OneNote easily transform it into content shared in teams and Outlook and more and also how we can transform the way that we take meeting notes and also importantly how we can even manage your tasks inside of one note but before we dive in I'd love it if hit that like button and let me know if this content has helped you not only that if you want to transform the way that you work or go ahead and hit that subscribe button it's just one of many tutorials that we've created to help you get transformed into a productivity Superstar saving time to do the things that matter most in life otherwise let's dive in to to one note in Loop and find out how your notebook is going to be totally transformed very soon so here we are inside of one note and as you can see I've already created a project that I've been working on called greens space and here we have some project scope information and I need to share it with my colleagues and what ways could I do that before in one note well I might choose to share the entire notebook with one of my colleagues via the share option or I could email a copy of this page so I get feedback from one of my colleagues but as you can see this is a copy of the content any feedback it needs to be received and then worked on by myself and it also needs to then update the one note page and that can take a lot of time out of your day so how could we make this process easier while using the new Loop capabilities we can create a piece of content that we can share with others in place and keep synchronized as you or your colleague make changes and to do this in one note it's really easy here I am at the bottom of my OneNote page and under the insert ribbon we can see a new option for Loop components and have the ability to insert a dynamic Loop component inside of Microsoft OneNote I'm going to go ahead and select paragraph here it's going to create me a new paragraph component inside of loop I'm going to add a title and also adding some content in relation to some information on our project with that now done well we can take that content and share it elsewhere there's no need to email the page here I'll select on copy component and we can also go into Microsoft teams we have a dedicated team set up for this project and I want to go and get feedback from my colleagues in the team let's go down and start a post in the team's Channel and all I need to do is paste in the loop component and then click on post to share it with my colleagues you can now see the component is live inside of teams and the benefit of using Loop or we can go in and make live changes to the content I'm going to go ahead and delete this line here and then click away which is the same that you or your colleagues could do in your own Loop components but if we now return back into OneNote instead of that email copy needing to be updated you can see it's now updated straight in place but you're probably wondering well does it do the same in Outlook and absolutely does inside of loop we can create a newa mail message and again paste in our component so you can take a single piece of content from one note and share it in Outlook and teams with your colleagues make changes and sync them all straight back into one note but I know what you're thinking that's great for new content but what happens you've already created content in apps like Microsoft Loop can we bring that then into your OneNote you absolutely can here is a loop page I've created with some content on one of our projects includes all of the potential project locations so let's go ahead and highlight the content here and I'm going to go ahead and create a new Loop component of this content and go ahead and copy the component and much like we did inside of teams and Outlook well I can go into OneNote and I can then also add a page or add it to an existing page and I could then copy and paste that component in place and as we can see one note will then treat the content just as we did when we created that loot component allowing you then to make changes for example let's remove the words bullet list of and update that content you can now see it's updated in place and if it go back into the loop app well the same changes applied so you can take existing Loop content across all those different apps and bring it straight into one note and paste it and also keep it up to date so let's just take a short pause I just wanted to let you know that if you're enjoying today's tutorial and want to find out more about what Microsoft 365 can do for you why not go and download our free Microsoft 365 ebook in the link below and also in the video description you'll be able to find different ways you can use all the apps to become even more of a productivity Superstar otherwise let's dive back in to Microsoft OneNote and loop and continue to see how these superpowers will change the way that you use OneNote moving forward now I know one thing we all use one note for that's taking meeting minutes and could that be easier when we're using Loop and it absolutely can now as you may know from other videos on our Channel what you can do inside the Microsoft teams is we can go ahead and schedule a new meeting and have the ability to use Loop meeting notes by adding an agenda that others can edit and inside of your meeting you can add an agenda meeting notes and also begin to allocate Tas to people inside of that meeting but what does that then mean well it means that once your meeting is finished you can also insert all of those meeting notes straight into one note using the power of loop let's go and check that out all we need to do is go back into OneNote and then click on the meeting details button at the top you'll then see on the right hand side all of the meetings I've been part of and one of these catch-ups on Green Space included the ability to use my Loop collaborative notes experience so we can actually see inside of here who joined the meeting and so forth an option for Loop collaborative notes and by expanding that we now see all of the meeting notes the agenda and follow-up tasks there was no need for me to re-input those meeting minutes and notes and tasks they are synchronized straight from your meetting invitation added into your OneNote and can once again be shared wider or edited in place to begin making important changes but keeping everyone with that sync copy but it's not limited just to paragraphs and lines of text no using the power of loop we can also have additional components for example in this page here in my OneNote I could go and add a table into my page all relating to roles and responsibilities and using the loop capabilities to create a new table like can go ahead and add in all of the roles and responsibilities and additional information straight into this table and as if by Magic we now got a stakeholder map inside of our Loop components and we can also do more with these tables because of using additional capability of loop well I could do sort orders I could add a sort based upon different stakeholder groups and so forth I could also do filters based on particular columns so we're not limited to just basic table capability but much like anything else in Loop well this could actually remain in place or it could be copied Elsewhere for us to work on so let's go ahead and copy this component and inside of teams what we're going to need to add the stakeholder map the team need to know who they're working with so once again we can go to start a post and paste in our loot component and we'll then see our table has now appeared inside of teams and can be shared with the wider group they can also click into there make changes and they can also even add additional Columns of data to include other information such as their address and so forth and begin popular in it which will syn straight all back into your OneNote as you can see I've already begin planning some of my activities on this project but I'm using simple follow-up task using Outlook flags as you can see they'll synchronize straight over into Microsoft Outlook but it's very difficult when it comes to assignment reminders and more and that's how Microsoft planner and to do offer big advantages over using flag tasks inside a one note but until today it's never really been possible to easily synchronize your task Lisk or create anything in planner from within one note but not anymore now with that Loop capability well we can now create a plan and a task board straight in your OneNote page all we now need to do is go down here to a blank section in our OneNote page we're going to go to the insert under the ribbon bar we're then going to click on loot components and select task Lisk and within here we're now going to generate ourself a new task Lisk and this uses Microsoft planner and to-do capabilities so instead of using Outlook Flags we can begin to add some tasks assign them due dates and find out how this works inside a planner and to-do so with our tasks now adding into our task board we've given two tasks to Miriam and also Megan now the great news is this is not limited to using Outlook Flags no this has created a new Microsoft planner for us we can see that by clicking under the dropdown for task apps and then selecting opening planner and inside the planner while here are our tasks you can see it's been synchronized directly from our Loop task board straight into Microsoft planner which will also then appear in Microsoft too and the great news is well you can begin adding buckets and more tasks here they'll also synchronize back let's go and add a new booket in here and also a new task with that now done let's head back into OneNote and see if that synchronized back into our original plan in one note and as if by Magic there it is there's our new task but not only that the booket inside the planner has also been synchronized across we now have a new bucket for financials and with those changes well I can also update some of the other tasks here I'll update the arranged purchase order into our financial bucket which will move it directly in Microsoft planner ensuring it's in the right bucket and as I mentioned earlier while all of these apply Microsoft to to do as well and also for the planner experience in teams and on the web so you can now begin task planning using planner and to-do directly from one note using the power of Microsoft loop as you may have noticed under the insert option in Loop components well it's fairly limited and you may be aware that Loop offers Q&A capability and I don't see that here on the list so does one support those additional capabilities while you can apply them and here's how what I could do is add a paragraph component into OneNote now in here I could then use the forward slash key to open the action menu inside of Loop and as we scroll down this list here you'll see we're no longer limited to just the options I saw in one note now I can scroll down and I can find the Q&A session if I left click into that I can begin populating my Q&A and still having it appear inside of Microsoft OneNote and we can even do that for additional capabilities such as code blocks as well so as you can see there are many other options outside of the insert menu just by clicking on the forward slash icon inside of one of your loot components brings up all of the options that you can begin working with and bring them into OneNote and there you have it we've now checked out those new changes coming into Microsoft OneNote they're going to change the way that you and your team collaborate when it comes to using one note and Loop in combination now there are potentially some questions you may have that may be when you're looking at one note you can't see this button yet that's because these changes are rolling out yes it's available in the inside of Builder office today but you can also take advantage when it rolls out in the early part of 2024 and use the same great capabilities that you've seen today there are also some limitations of course Microsoft Loop requires a stable internet connection it's also today only available in one note for Windows and also the sharing links that get created from your loot components are organizational wide now I'll put more information in the video description to find out and potentially of course we'll see those areas change as these changes roll out in the future but otherwise I hope I'm able to show you new ways to use OneNote and to transform the way that you work whether that's the new task management capability or alternative sharing content with your colleagues in place keeping it all in sync whatever you've seen today if it's helped I'd love it hit that like button but not only that follow us and subscribe to this channel to find more great content like this to turn you into a productivity Superstar otherwise I look forward to seeing you on the next [Applause] [Music] one [Music]
Channel: Scott Brant
Views: 29,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft loop, microsoft 365, onenote, onenote loop, how to use loop in onenote, how to use onenote in loop, loop onenote, loop onenote tutorial, tutorial, how to use onenote, how to use loop, microsoft, Your365Coach, microsoft to do, planner in onenote, onenote tasks, onenote todo, 2024, loop tutorial, project management, personal productivity, microsoft loop tasks, microsoft loop project, microsoft loop tips, microsoft loop meeting agenda, onenote minutes, onenote planning
Id: tb1QOvue9uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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