How to use Microsoft Loop in Microsoft Teams (2024)

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Microsoft Loop is changing the way that we work but of course how does it best work in apps on Microsoft teams yes if you want to share content with one of your colleagues using teams chat Loop can help you do that even better we can now share content in teams channels and we're going to dive into that and see how it all works not only that if you have meetings and need to keep up to date with a meeting notes well once again Luke can help and we're going to check out how that works using teams and before we dive in just to share an interesting stat again we had over 88% of people who watched our last video who were not subscribed to this Channel and we would love it if you're part of the 88% to click on that subscribe button and be part of our exciting journey to turn you into a productivity Superstar and allow us to create more great content like this every week be able to help you further so let's dive into Microsoft teams and check out all of those powerful Loop capabilities so the first area we'll take a look at in Microsoft teams is the ability to use Loop inside the Microsoft teams chat now let's use an example of us planning an upcoming Business Development conference I've got some content I've created I need to share with Megan who works in the marketing team I need Megan to make changes to make sure the copy works so we can then put it into some Publications now I might have done that before in Outlook and I may then have received copies back having to updated at the source and it all loses sync but now we can use Microsoft Loop and we can use it inside a chat to simplify that whole experience so let's go ahead and create a loop component what we're going to do is open a message to Megan here inside a team's chat now instead of just pasting the content into the chat message like this what we're going to do is go down and select the loop button under Loop components and here I'm going to select a paragraph This will create a paragraph inside of loop therefore can be updated by Megan and kept all in sync so select paragraph and here we can add a title and our content as we can see Loop and teens provides the ability to do spell checks and also check the actual wording of this content so I can actually make a small change to it directly inside my Loop component but of course what we need to do is share it with Megan to understand her thoughts on this so let's go ahead and add a message above this content and ask Megan to R View and also make any changes that are required and we could also change the security as we can see in this Loop paragraph we actually have the security set as anyone in the organization now if I just wanted to only share with Megan to ensure that no one else could accidentally see this I can change it to people currently in this chat of course I'll leave Megan to have edit rights to make the appropriate changes and then click on apply they'll update the security of our component ensuring that only Megan and anyone else who may be in the chat can also have access to this content but let's go ahead and click on send that's now sent through to Megan she received a teens's message in chat in exactly the same way but the big difference here is we can now click into this message and we can make live changes to the content even me as the author who sent it to Megan maybe there's a mistake in here well I could simply go into the content and I could remove this sentence clicking backspace or the delete key removes it from the paragraph those changes are synced in real time I don't have to click file save anywhere and it also ensures when Megan picks it up that change will also been made so how does that look on Megan's computer well here is Megan's computer here's a message that Alex was sent across to Megan and as we can see Megan can also make those live changes to the content particularly boarding some content just to note that's an area of significance or once again going in and removing some content or keeping it in sync and if you wondered what this red cursor was here well that's where Alex is also working on the content yes any changes will be also synchronized in real time into the loot message here ensuring that we exactly see all of the most recent content of any changes made by others and once the review is done while a simple thumbs up and a simple message back to Alex to let him know the change has been made and it's all been updated so let's not forget that also we need to collaborate as a team and yes looping teams chat is very powerful but if you're dealing with a team of people it can be really difficult to go and create a new teams message now especially considering our scenario we're also planning a new business development conference we need to know a location I'm unlikely to create a teams chat to every single person who belongs to one of my teams that could be quite difficult to do so in instead we can use new capability in Loop to post a loop component inside of one of my team's channels where the business development team currently reside and we can even create a live voting table to decide on a location so to do that we're going to Open start a post inside of my team's Channel as we can see we see the traditional message box appear what we can do is click on the loop icon this can for create a loop component inside of our team's Channel and I'm to select a voting table and inside of this table we're going to go add some content on the potential locations of our next conference and now I've added a simple instruction we have ideas pros and cons that doesn't work too well for what we're trying to achieve let's go ahead and over type the idea to the location so all we need to do is Click into it and change it to location I'm not interested in pros and cons what I can do is therefore select that column and delete it from our table and once again do the the same and now in our locations what all we need to do is add in each location to allow people to vote for that so with the locations added we're ready to go let's go ahead and select post as we can see that loot component is now available in our team's Channel we can scroll down for the instructions and see all of the locations but hey there's some bad news I've missed out one of our locations is that going to cause us a problem while remembering that Loop is live it can be updated in place and everyone can see those changes if this was done on other apps while it would be pretty difficult to go and change it after all we need to do is therefore click into it we can update the location let's also put in a location of Manchester and therefore that is now available for a new location and we can now begin voting for example I might have an interest in going to New York hey it's pretty good at this time of the year let's go ahead and Mark it as a vote you can actually see here it's voted and by hovering over Alex has voted for that location equally others can do exactly the same and those votes will be shown live inside of that Loop component and of course if you want to go and share it wider all we then need to do is you can move over to copy component we can copy and paste it elsewhere maybe into Outlook email or into a teams chat message and share it wider but using a new teams capability or Loop Channel components means it's a lot easier to create that type of content share it with colleagues and keep it all in sync so before we get looped out I thought it' be a great opportunity to take a short break and let you know more about your 365 coach because if you're struggling in Microsoft 365 then why not check out our website we have a range of learning courses to help you become a productivity Superstar and also onetoone coaching sessions to help you focus on the things that are important to you not only that we've even got a free Microsoft ebook that you can take and gain access to immediately so I'd love to find out more about how we can help you on your journey of Microsoft 365 otherwise let's dive back in to the world of teams and loop and find out how it can save you even more time so now we've selected our location in New York we now need to begin building out the agenda for the location and what we can do is using the team's calendar we can go in and create a new meeting and this air for allows us to create a new type of loop content which meeting notes they can also be updated directly in the meeting and get synced later and be shared wider so here we have our meeting description as we can see we can also see an options add an agenda others can edit let's left click into there and we now see we have a Microsoft Loop components being created with this content and I can now add the points to be covered in our agenda now with that done and I've added all of those agenda points we're ready to go ahead and send this over to Megan let's go and click on on send this will now apply just like any other meeting we can join from Outlook or in teams but once we join the meeting we'll see a difference so here I am inside my team's meeting I've just kicked it off and we can see immediately on the right hand side the loop content added as part of our meeting notes is now showing the agenda and also additional fields of meeting notes and follow-up tasks all we then need to Simply do is update the meeting notes and follow-up tasks and not only that any tasks that we note here to individuals will also be synchronized into Microsoft Ado ensuring that allocated tasks and maybe are not even in the meeting you can pick up with them a little bit later on and with all of that done all we need to do is go ahead and leave the meeting and that will all sink back into Loop and as I mentioned here is my Microsoft too we can now see the task to arrange a meeting mkot is now appearing straight in Microsoft to do which generated from those meeting notes and not only that if we go into Loop we can also see the same same content meaning we can share it wider as Loop components with other individuals who may want to have a reference point to the notes or even update them later to keep them all in sync now if you like this video please don't be part of the 88% hit the Subscribe button and be able to check out more great content like this to help turn you into a productivity Superstar and not only that check out our website to find more about how we can help you and even download our free Microsoft 365 ebook otherwise I look forward to seeing you on the next [Applause] [Music] one
Channel: Scott Brant
Views: 48,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft 365, microsoft loop, microsoft teams, how to use microsoft loop, loop components, microsoft planner, project management, microsoft teams loop, loop in teams channels, loop components in teams, how to use loop in teams, microsoft loop in microsoft teams, tutorial, how to, 2024, Your 365 Coach, Your365Coach, office 365, loop components in chat, microsoft loop vs teams
Id: wkqD7ywmGug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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