Microsoft Loop vs OneNote

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so here I am editing an awesome thing called a loop component in both OneNote and the loop app itself so these things can be edited in multiple places as long as you're in the same organization so I'm going to be comparing this video The Loop application itself to one note which has been around since 2003 because a lot of people are saying that Loop app is going to replace one note I'm going to show you the things I love about both my name is Dave and I'm went have tons of videos on Excel PowerPoint but also random applications like canva or Loop or OneNote and I love talking about the new stuff and this just got released Loop so let's get started so on the left I have Microsoft Loop and on the right I have OneNote as you can see they can even have the same object so this is called a loop component so as I edit one it edits it in the other one this is really really awesome this is a thing that got released with Loop that can exist in Microsoft Loop but also in OneNote or in word online or in Microsoft whiteboard or in teams or in Outlook emails as well so these are absolutely awesome and you can create them in either one note or Loop so for example here in loop on the left I can press Tab and I can write for example a bullet list and I can say item more here and then if I select these I can create Loop component and this Loop component can then be moved elsewhere if I copy component I can go back in here and anywhere in one note I can paste and eventually will show up now at the moment at the time of making this video These Loop components are available in one note only if you're in The Insider version on desktop but in one online everywhere so I'm going to talk about it as if it was available in all of one note because it will be soon but even if you don't have it on desktop now you can get it on online as you can see I can edit it on one and then the other loop components are awesome in the insert tab you have Loop components here and you can get a list of things here I do note that the list is slightly different so these are the ones for on Loop that you can make you have stuff like voting tables progress trackers but these are just kind of fancy versions of other things that exist that you can have in Loop and one note so Loop components I think are really going to revolutionize the workplace in general but at the moment they're still being developed you can exist them as tables and as tables you can even switch the view to a board view which is a little bit like Microsoft planner if you like where you can move something between each thing and then switch it back to a table you can also export to excel but it won't stay live in Excel which is a shame hopefully that will come soon you can hide columns and you can filter if you need to as well equally here you have the same thing so I can filter it is quite long-winded how to filter I think so winner is and then you would say one of them it's a lot of clicks to filter compared to what you do in Excel not that it filters here and that flows through to the other side yeah if you use this you can look up the Shar locations and you can copy the location like I showed you into other things like Outlook emails or teams things as well and see you has access to them they do they also do save on your personal one drive rather than on SharePoint and if you create it in one note it will save in a one note place if you create it in whiteboard it will save in a whiteboard folder that's created in your one drive not ideal to be honest it would be nice if it was more in SharePoint or matching where the underlying document is saved but that's how that is for now but for the most part of this video I'm going to compare Loop and OneNote and I'm going to compare the loop app rather than Loop components which can feature in both here I have Loop the navigation and you have here something that's called workspaces that you can navigate between and underneath each workspace you have different pages and underneath each page you can have a subpage or a Sub sub page and keep going with new subpage underneath them and you can do all of this kind of stuff there you can also share an entire page of a loop component whereas with one note you have a very very similar navigation with one note you have something called notebooks so these are my notebooks underneath here and underneath each notebook you have sections and then underneath each section you have Pages you also have section groups and sub Pages as well so you have up to five levels whereas it seems to be unlimited how many levels you can have in Loop but essentially it doesn't really matter that much because you have as much as you would need to I guess so I'm going to create a new page here and also I'm going to create a new page in Loop but then what I love about one not is you can really type anywhere on the page into these things called containers and then you can drag them around as you want to you can even hold down shift and then merge them as well I really really love that whereas with Loop you can just kind of write things and it needs to be progressing as you go along it can't just be anywhere in the page it's a little bit like word in that regard but I think that it's much better if you can type anywhere on the page the other thing you'll notice from the interface is that there is no ribbon in Loop so Loop just has this up here and the way to do things is from this typing in that character as you say or type in at to find which I think is not that intuitive personally you can add all of these things a lot of which you would find in the insert tab in one note but in one note you have the ribbon that all of us Microsoft Office users are very very very used to the loop application is inspired by a non-microsoft application called notion which uses a lot of this same lingo and also is a little bit more visual with icons and things like that rather than OneNote OneNote is something that has been around within Microsoft since 2003 but I think that there are lots and lots of benefits that OneNote has that Loop doesn't so here we are back in this and I'm going to actually add a column so I'm going to click on here and ins column to the right and I'm going to say this is going to be done and I'm going to say yes where they are done so these three are done all right so searching one note does this so much better so if you search for one note for example it will search all the text in the titles and also anywhere on the page and you can click to go directly to it it will even search for text that is in pictures which is really really awesome and it will also search for text that's in an audio which is great but the fact that they can search for anything anywhere on the page is awesome the search that's in Loop is pretty awful so here I've got Sunset so this is the name of sunset it's a thing but if I search Sunset it will tell me I have to search on being or on which is so stupid it should know that that is going to be part of the word so that is a really really big limitation and for me searching is so so important in my notes that is a huge huge limitation templates are definitely better than so if I was to add a new page then it immediately gives me some templates and I can go to the template gallery and see loads of these uh personally there are more and nicer and more modern ones but would I actually use them I'm not sure that I would I'm not really a template use kind of guy apart from for graphic design uh OneNote does have some templates in the insert Tab and Page templates I would say that they are are pretty out of trend and kind of education based a lot of them but there are some business ones so meeting notes usually and it will look like that so it's a little bit not very modern uh with these tags and things it doesn't really react anywhere whereas the loop ones does create these sort of loop components that can be shared in elsewhere so I'd say Loop wins on that but for me it's not really that important the templates links to files so with Loop you can actually at any point you can type in this slash and include certain aspects as we saw you can also type in at and search for files so I can say like some Excel document like that and it will create a link for it like that so it's easy to create that link and the other thing that you can do is you can also create a link like this one so that's actually the same file if I go to plus I can choose a new link and it will allow me to paste in the URL you do have to paste in the URL you can't search for it in this context but once you paste in it'll put it there inside your workspace wonder you can't have a non- one Note file in this list but you can kind of include lists and things quite easily if you go to the insert and files you can insert a file attachment and then that will be similar to this or you can also do this thing called a file printout and a file printout will be the actual file so here I inserted a PowerPoint called Loop stuff and it actually shows me all of the slides that are inside my PowerPoint which is really awesome it is static it won't necessarily update but it's really good if you want to kind of annotate it and think of it as you go along so it is kind of nice like that both of them can embed videos from YouTube so that is pretty useful as well well one note can take loads of different types of recordings so for example you can record your voice can even transcribe your voice you can even upload an audio file you already taken and one note can transcribe it I won't show right now I have another video about that you can also record a video and of course you can type in or use drawings like this as well so with Loop you can record a video as well you can also obviously type and do all the things that we see in here but this list is constantly changing by the way to format things in Loop the way to do it is to select it and do the pop up like that there is a limited thing that you can do with it you can make things headers and that can lead to a table of contents change the colors like this change it to code indent and yeah then create a loop component from anything that you have like that so yeah it is a little bit more limited what you can do than with your full text editor with one node there's basically similar to what you get with words so yeah I think the one node definitely wins for that tags so tags are a way that you can in one note you can type in a list of items like that here and then you can select your text and you can go here and give it some tags you can give it a to-do tag and then check it off that list or you can also give it another type of tag like something like that or you can even make it an Outlook task and if it's an Outlook task then it syns to your Microsoft Outlook it also syns to your Microsoft Todo so that is kind of nice but Loop definitely does have the upper hand with these things in the sense that you can create a loop component which has more tasks or more other things like that as well so if you insert a loop component and you can choose a checklist get new phone install apps call Mom by cover things like that and then you can cross them off as you go along and since this is a loop component you can copy it and paste it back into anywhere in Loop this is a bit cheating because I would say that Loop does definitely have more of these but you can insert a loop component in any of these apps so it's not really fair to say that this doesn't exist in one note even though it's the loop technology that does it you can also comment about these things so uh and give it an emoji as well and boost it these are this is an aspect of loop components I personally find the loop components are really really useful but the loop app I don't see myself using especially for note taking having said that is definitely better for sharing so one note you can only share at the notebook level which is really really the high level of everything you can't share individually as a page or as a thing unless you share as this Loop component as I keep saying however with Microsoft Loop you have a lot more sharing you can share the entire page as a loop component you can share just access to this page you can share your workspace or you can share individual bits within it which are the loop components so there's a lot more when it comes to sharing in Loop than there is in one note but for me when I think of one note I think of a physical notebook I would never share that with anyone that's always for me so yeah I'm totally okay with that meeting notes so one of the things I love doing with one note is if you press a plus you can go to the Home tab and you have meeting details and it will look through your calendar about different meetings that you have that day I don't got much today but let's do yesterday and there you go I have a billing meeting and it shows key information if there was a message who is going to that and then you can write your notes here which is really good you could also use one of the meeting notes templates in the insert templates tab now if you are in Microsoft teams this is pretty cool so this is a teams meeting where the meeting notes are automatically a loop item so like this you can have your agenda and then you have your meeting notes as bullet points here and then you have your follow-up task table as well so this is pretty nice and what you can do is you can also open this in Loop so after you've done this you can sort of see the shed location so once you click on that you can add to a loop workspace and now there you go now it's added to your Loop workspace you can choose which one you want to do so I can do this one versus Loop and here I am in one versus Loop and here is the one that I added the meeting agenda so you can add that note that I'm in loop on the browser here rather than on the app I'll show you how to get all of those how to open up Loop in one note in at the end of this video into some other things so if I were to take screenshot of this and then if I was to paste it there I can right click and I can choose copy text from picture and I can paste and it will give me the text it's tried to make these into bullet points it doesn't quite do that perfectly and this it doesn't know what to do with track but does a decent job you can also do with one note you can also do math so you can also do 97 plus whatever number that is equals enter and it will give you that quick arithmetic and do 78 multipli by that equals and if you do X for times that works as well so it can be a really good way to get some quick maths out there with Loop some of the cool things that you can do that I haven't covered yet are if if you press that you can choose something like a table of contents and you can do a can band board as well which is a brand new thing that just got released and you can drag things from one thing into the other one you can add details and you can expand this or look at the card options and view details and then it will show you more things that you can edit my experience this crashes it for you so I'm going to have to close it and come back for this video last thing I love doing with one note is in the view tab you can go to Dr desktop this is really really great because it will always put this as a sidebar allowing you to expand whatever else you want right until there and yeah and it's great to have as a sidebar as you work as you're doing different things as you're going through it and I really love that and it will even detect if you have an app like word or PowerPoint open and Link it to that document so here for example I have a PowerPoint file open and if I start typing in it knows that I'm in this PowerPoint document called Loop stuff and therefore if I were to even close this save and close I double click on there it will tell me that it's going to reopen that document so that's really really cool it takes you directly to the sheet you were talking about how do you open these I'm going to go back to my full screen view so in the view tab you can go to just the normal view or you could have also done that as well to take you there so one node comes pre-installed with your Microsoft Office so you should be able to open it just from your start menu you do have to install the loop Windows application if you want that from the Microsoft store so if you're in the Microsoft schore you can search for Loop and then it can give you Microsoft Loop and you can install that and if you want to get to it from a web browser you can click on this waffle icon and then you have Loop or one note you can get to them from that and if you don't see insert Loop components in your onot desktop you can get to the loop components from onot online at the moment which is great here is loop as well awesome well there is a Whistle Stop Tour on Loop versus one note because some people are saying that Loop is replacing one note I personally disagree and I will continue to use OneNote because of a lot of the awesome stuff that I've shown you in this video so I hope you've enjoyed it if so give this video a like thanks for watching
Channel: David Benaim
Views: 5,285
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Id: 75mL2gGn3BA
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Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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