Microsoft Copilot Studio - Build Your Own Copilot to Assist You #microsoftcopilot #copilot

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hey guys welcome back to my channel in today's video we will talk about Microsoft co-pilot we will learn what is Microsoft co-pilot is all about I will show you how you can access Microsoft co-pilot how you can create your first copilot we have couple of very interesting use cases that I'm going to show so stay [Music] tuned [Music] so in this video we will learn all about Microsoft co-pilot Studio the first question is what is Microsoft co-pilot studio so if you don't know Microsoft co-pilot Studio allow you to create your own co-pilot what does that mean that means that you can create your own co-pilot that can talk to any of the document that you have that they can talk to any public website or you can extend Microsoft 365 co-pilot capabilities if you have work on the power virtual agent before the copilot has all the capabilities that PBA used to have on top of that it is also having all the leading conversational AI capabilities so you can think about copil Studio giving you all these different generative AI power virtual agent and other AI capability into the single tool or single platform now the second question is how you can access Microsoft co-pilot studio so co-pilot studio is a license tool and if you go to and if you go to copilot Studio page you can see there are two option that you can do you can try it for free so if you are doing PC and if you try to learn and understand what are the capabilities are you can always try free you still need to have M365 login to access it or if you go to the pricing section you can look at the licensing detail and how you can use it so currently it is showing $200 for 25,000 messages per month this is for the tenant okay so good about pricing we not going to go too deep into the pricing maybe another video the second question that comes to in mind where to access it so to access copilot Studio you need to go to copilot studio. once you go to copilot studio. it will take you to the page if you are trying this first time it may ask you to start a free trial if you have the license or if your tenent already has purchased the license it will straight go to the co-pilot Studio homepage if not you can select the detail and start the free trial once you do that you will end up on this page this is the co-pilot Studio page so this is the place where you can start creating your co-pilot okay now how you can create your co-pilot so first thing that you will see see on the left hand side you can see co-pilots if you click on that you will see the co-pilot that has been created so I have created some of these but we're going to start as a FR so you have two options here you can create a new co-pilot or you can import a co-pilot we not going to talk about importing in this video so creating a new co-pilot what you will do you will click on the new copilot provide the name of your co-pilot okay select the language and then we have the section these are the things that's going to enable this particular co-pilot that we are creating to talk to any public website and create more generative answer so for example so let me pause for a minute and let's talk let's think about where these co-pilots can be useful for the real word example so one example that I always think of when we are working the Power Platform with customer or for PC we always have so many questions about licensing that okay if I have this particular license can I do that or I'm trying to do something what kind of license I need now generally if we have those kind of questions we go to we go to Microsoft documents the licensing detail and start reading through the documents now sometime it take time to finding the exact match where I can find the detail that I need so instead of V working on finding those answers from Microsoft licensing guide what I'm going to do I'm going to create a co-pilot that will do that heavy work for me and I will ask question to this co-pilot and I expect the copilot will give me all the answers whether it can go to the Microsoft documentations licensing guide or I'm going to also throw YouTube here so it can go to the YouTube also and find me the detail that I need okay so we're going to build a co-pilot that can help us to find any licensing detail around Power Platform okay so first thing that we need to understand in this generative AI what I'm going to do I'm going to add two website here I'll start with one and I will show you how you can update so I'll start with YouTube okay so what I'm saying the Scope Pilot will go to the YouTube and find me the detail depending on the question that I'm asking and give me the generative answer using the Gen the logic is simple you just need to find the url and paste it here click create this will take some time to create the co-pilot for us and then we can to start making update or changes to it okay so once it's created you will end up on this screen on the left hand side you have the test co-pilot that will allow you to test the co-pilot as you can see here we already have our website that has been added you will talk about files as well okay now on the left hand side now you will see some more links enabled we have generative AI that is the Gen AI this is where you can add add a different websites or documents from where you want to extract the information using gen so you are not going through the through the documentations or YouTube to finding the particular information the co-pilot by using the Genai will find the information and give you the answer that is more applicable so we have added this YouTube here that is already listed now what we're going to do we're going to add one more here for Microsoft documentations the Microsoft website where we have where we can find all the information about licensing and others okay so this is the Microsoft Power Platform documentations right now you may wondering that why we are picking up this particular URL instead of going directly to the licensing URL so if you see here product licensing if I go to this URL this particular link start providing me all the information about the licensing in other details right now if I select this URL and go back to my co-pilot and enter the URL it will give me an error that website can't be more than two label deep so you need to remember this if you are trying to add any public website you can only have two lbel deep website that means I need to remove this part okay so this one label two label now it depend on the different URL and how URLs are being constructed you can select what we need but even if I provide this it still going to try to find me the information that we need so I'm going to click add okay you can add up to four website here so I have already added two if you have two more definitely you can add it but this is not only thing you can do what you can also do you can also upload a particular document currently this feature in preview so if you are creating the co-pilot for the production environment I would highly recommend to review this and if it is okay for you to use it then only use it because there may be some changes that Microsoft May applied in the future so here what we're going to do we're going to upload a document that is again we're going to get it from Microsoft website okay so if you go to the Microsoft documentation there is a document that says Microsoft Power Platform licensing guide and this is the long document as you can see here but it talk about all the different licensing combinations that you can have what capabilities each license is going to bring so I'm going to use this as a document that I'm going to feed into my co-pilot and let co-pilot find the information from this document okay and this document that you going to upload is going to get saved to the data Wars depending on how much space you have in the data Wars you can upload that many document so it's directly in relationship with how much space you have in your data now there are the type of document that you can upload here you can upload word excel PowerPoint PDF text HTML CSV XML any open document Rich text format Json yaml and few more okay it doesn't support the image audio and video and executable at this point of time okay maybe in the future we never know so I'm going to drag and drop the document that licensing guide that we downloaded it's going to upload and it will be available for us to find questions against it okay as you can see the document is already uploaded now there is a copilot content moderation this is this particular setting allow us to dictate how precise we want the response to be or how many responses we want if we say high that means it's going to give you fewer answer but it's going to be more relevant if we go low that means it's going to provide most of the answers but the accuracy of uh relevancy will be little lower okay and if we want to just middle we can select the medium we're going to keep it high we want less answer but more accurate okay so we added to website we added a document in our co-pilot okay and then we're going to go here and start communicating with it okay so let me start asking the question straightforward okay so my question is very plain need information on Power app license click Send now what happening behind the scene as you know we have not created anything else we just added two website and one document and as you can see here the co-pilot magic is already working so what it does it went through the document it extracts the information from the document for us listed down on top of that it also have giving us the sections from where it's finding the information and other details so it's providing me all the information right and if you click on that it is even opening the particular section from that PDF document okay now let's try to ask some more complex question okay so I'm going to ask some complex question so what I'm asking now can I use AI Builder with power apps free license let's see if I can get any answer for this one now if I have this question and if I don't have the co-pilot I need to read through the document and find it here within the seconds I have the answer this air Builder is not available for free with a power apps license AI Builder is licensed on a capacity basis and require either power premium or power app power app license very useful information and more more complex questions like for example I'm saying can I create a flow that connect to SQL I only have power apps per app license okay let me send this question and see what answer I get as you can see here saying yes with the power apps user license you can create now let's take few more examples so I'm going to now I'm going to ask more broader questions so so just the power automate license details right and see what it's going to bring up so now as you can see here it bring back all the information from the documents and this time it also went ahead and actually go to the Microsoft website that we have and actually provide us the information from there so now as you can see here it is trying to get information from all the different data sources that we have given so we have given this website and also from the document okay so now we going to try some more questions let's say we will say power apps Gallery I need to know about power app galery I send this question to it and now hopefully it's going to bring back some of the YouTube example for me so that I can learn about power F gallery and as you can see here I got three example where I can find more information about the power apps Gallery so this is how useful it can be and what it is doing or what you can do with it you can combine multiple data sources together and be interacted with your co-pilot rather you typing in somewhere and searching for those detail you can just talk to your co-pilot and co-pilot will do all that search and Analysis for you and give you the best result that you need Okay so this was all about the licensing and finding what you need now let's take another example if you are creating the an app or doing some other coding for example python or C if you work on that sometime we need an code example a code sample that we can use in our app or in our code okay and what we do we we search our question go to the different website and get those code samples and start using them so instead of we finding the information rather we will create our co-pilot let co-pilot know that which all website that we generally go to find those code samples and let co-pilot go there find the code sample for us and give it to us so we can use it again saving a lot of time and giving us more time to do some more productive work so for that uh the the process is very similar we could go to the new co-pilot provide the detail and I already have that co-pilot created so I'm going to go there and talk about it okay so here if you see once you create the co-pilot you can Define the different website where you want your co-pilot to go and find those code samples here I have four as you know you can only have four website so I have stack Overflow code project code pen and power user whether these are the best website or not these are the example you can pick your own website where you generally go those website can be anything that you prefer depending on the technology that you are using okay rest of the information I kept it same now I'm going to say simple right so what I'm saying give me the sample code that I can use to collect data from a SharePoint list to a collection let's say here you go it gave me the code example it also give me some other detail and on top of that it is also giving me that from where this is getting this information right okay so I said that give me an HTML code sample to create a slider control and I have it I don't need to go to the search and search for this information it find out and give it to me now remember it's going to restrict to the website that you have provided so this is very important where you wanted to search or find the detail that you looking for very useful and and uh it's going to save a lot of time now we talk about what it is how you can create it now let's talk about how you can deploy it so you can use it or you can let your colleague and your team use it as well so we'll go to the publish click on the publish button say publish what it is going to do is going to start collecting all the detail and start publishing once it's done it's going to say it's good to go then we can go to this channel so go to the channel now I as you can see here there are many channels are available depending on the type of authentication that you have selected for your co-pilot you will see these enabled or disabled if I go to the settings on the left hand side you have the security here click on that then you have the authentication if you select no authentication most of the tab is going to be enabled if you select only for teams and power apps and now if you go to publish go to channel all these things are going to disabled because now it's required authentications and that Au authentication is only going to work with thems or power apps if I go to security again go authentication and here I can Define the manual security okay I have different service provider so I can say Ad ad V2 gen o i can Define the authentication for my co-pilot okay for this simple example we're going to keep it no authentications close go back to the publish channels and what I'm going to do I'm going to add this particular co-pilot to my teams so that whenever I need it I can use it or I can share with my colleagues okay once you go to the team click on the open bot it's going to redirect you to the teams you can use the app or you can use the web okay and once you reach to the team it's going to give you the popup it will give you the name of the co-pilot that you have given and other detail that you can see click cck add okay now as you can see here the co-pilot is in the teams here as you can see I can pin it so I can use it whenever I want okay and here you go so now my co-pilot is sitting inside my teams so whenever I have any questions regarding license I can directly ask my co-pilot so I don't need to go to the browser search for it I have all the information with me and I can keep enhancing this information by updating the website that I'm using all the documents that I have there so I can make it more and more powerful as I want it to be okay yeah that's it for this video now there are some other information that you might be looking for like for example we talk about making more advanced uh settings in copilot like sending an HTTP request or using more creating more complex topics leave the comment if you like to see that in the video I will definitely create the video for that for now thank you very much if you have not yet subscribed make sure you click on the Subscribe button thank you very much
Channel: Deepak Shrivastava
Views: 1,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft copilot ai, microsoft 365 copilot, power virtual agents, copilot, copilot studio, microsoft copilot, how to, how to create a chatbot, generative ai, power virtual agents copilot, power virtual agents tutorial, copilot tutorial, copilot for beginners, get started with copilot studio, build your own chatbot, build your first copilot, microsoft copilot studio introduction, use ai features in your copilot, generative answers power virtual agents, chatbot tutorial
Id: Xm6udiAmn0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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