No More Learning Excel: How Microsoft 365 Copilot Changes Everything

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on March 16 2023 Microsoft announced the newest the most advanced AI power feature Microsoft 365 co-pilot if you have seen what could probably do with an Excel I wonder do you still believe you need to learn Excel do you still believe you need to have the skill to use Excel yourself it seems like anything we need to do with Excel they can be done by co-pilot and we just need to tell compare it with lateral language what we need to do and Cooper will do that within a fraction of time before I tell you what I think about this let me first show you what co-pilot can do with Excel here we have this table of sales records we know the customer's name which country they are located the products will sell to them and the number of units being sold manufacturing price and sale price the gross dollars the discounts given and the sales dollar and the cost of goods sold and we'll have lots of Records over here giving this data we want to analyze that trying to find some trends and we don't need to go to the ribbon to click on any commands over here we just need to go to the top right corner over here to click on co-pilot which will open the co-pilot task pane for us to communicate directly in natural language to tell the copilot what we wish to accomplish now you will click on this co-pilot button at top right corner and then it will open the code pass pin for you on the right side and it will ask you the question what can I do for you you will notice it even suggests you those common tasks for you like to sort by sell price or maybe to some data or you can type any request into this box now you can type the question in this box Analyze This quarter's business results and summarize three key trends and then you will click on this button to post your question and you see co-pilot is analyzing the data and very quickly it'll give you three key trends first one cells are trending up for all customers except Pros well which is down this quarter second one manufacturing costs are down this quarter after increasing quarter three number three low discount products made up nearly half of total sales last month pretty neat right in such short time and give you three key trends now you can type your follow-up question and you can also use that suggested task to filter this command to load or add a column to catch the margin so the question is to show me a breakdown or process growth once you post a question it's analyzing the data and it's going to generate a new sheet for you and here it says here is a new sheet with a breakdown or process over time remember to check for accuracy notice over here co-pilot is not responsible you are the one being responsible you have to make sure the results are correct and accurate and if you don't like that you can click on undo button to undo that so it gave us a chart to show the growth percentage over quarters we can see in color one is going down to only one percent and then we have a table to show for the pros well sales growth by product here we have each individual product the growth of the quarters we can see clearly for the reusable containers in quarter one of the Year 23 will have a negative nine percent that's driving the total overall growth down to only one percent we also have a table to show the growth by country for postware and you notice over here it gives us two more suggestions you can change the chart from quarters to month so you don't have shoes by quarter you can shoot them by month or you can add a chart of sales by this command so in different grouping if you like now you can ask questions to copilot what is contributing to the decline so help me visualize what contribute to the decline in sales growth and then you clickens button to post this question and it's going to analyze data and then it's going to recommend by applying color coding to the table to make it easier to see the trends so you click on apply and also apply any color and you will see in your table it has the conditional formatting basically the color scales and those green color are positive big number and this pink number is negative so you can see very easily which is the one is contributing to the decline and also you see copy gave you a suggestion you can add a table of a unit sold by product you can change the chart to shoot reusable containers to show only this problem products which is reusable containers and you can even ask copilot to perform what if analysis for you so you type the question what would have happened if reusable containers had maintained the prior quarters go through it and then you post this question co-pilot start to add the data and very quickly it gives you the result which says total growth for pros were encoder one would have been nine percent instead of one percent now this is just a one sentence statement produced by Copilot are you convinced to trust that maybe not so you can actually click this button explain to ask coupon to further explain the case and by the way you can also use those suggested tasks over here to ask copilot to project growth rate in quarter two of the Year 23 rather than only give you the quarter one you can also ask coupon to change the total growth to average growth so in order to get the growth of all the together how to get the average growth then you click on the explain button and Coolpad tells you I can create a model for the growth for reusable containers with quarter one year 2023 growth rate equal to quarter four year 2022 so basically to maintain the same growth rate as prior quarter so you click on create model and then copilot start creating model for you and it will generate this table in the sheet and notice you can keep it you can adjust it you can regenerate that you can delete that and it tells you I have added a model for the growth of the usable containers you notice now in quarter one of the Year 2023 the growth rate is six percent it was before it was negative nine percent now given this six percent which is same as previous quarter and then the overall total growth become nine percent versus before it was one percent so that's the impact that would have and you can take on those suggested tasks by copilot to change the growth rate to three percent rather than being six percent or you can model the growth of reusable water bottles we use water bottles for quarter one of the Year 223 the growth rate is 17 much higher so you can use seventy percent or six percent or three percent now if you are happy with six percent then you can keep this and you can also ask your pilot to further explain to you how this has been done then you're click on this explain button then copilot start to summarize what it has done and very quickly give you this text tells you this is how I produce the result first I copied the prosword sales growth by product table next I located the quarter one year 23 growth rate for reusable containers which was originally negative nine percent I'll replace that negative nine percent value with six percent which was a growth rate for that product in quarter four of the Year 2022 and the formula in the total growth row updated to reflect the new growth rate of 10 percent so if you're happy with that tax you can also copy the text and paste to whatever you want it to be now after this change you may want to see the impact on the trend so you ask show me the impact this would have had on the growth sales trends for proswell and then copilot start to add the data and tells you this is what the projected Trend would look like and you can choose to add that chart into the grid so you click on add to grid now copilot is taking your command and adding that chart to the grid now you have the chart over here you can keep it you can adjust it you can regenerate that you can do that if you don't like that so we have the new chart and old chart in Old Chart record one group three is one percent and now in the new chart it's nine percent so if we can somehow to make the reusable containers called one of the Year 23 the go through to be six percent which is same as quarter four of last year being six percent and then we can mix the overall growth rate to be nine percent so now you have seen what Microsoft 365 Coolpad can do in Excel and remember what you see here is only a tiny fraction of what they can do co-pilot is a a tool it's running on GPT if you have recently played with chat GPT then you know with check GPT you can do lots of things within Excel you can do some sorting filtering and formatting creating pivot table creating charts writing formulas and writing a little given non-nesty formulas and also write the VBA code and to automate many different tasks it feels like that whatever you need to do you simply need to ask copilot to do that for you even for someone who has no experience no skills of using Excel they can still talk to co-pilot ask coupon to do that for her or him so do you still believe you need to learn Excel or for that matter anyway do you think any person needs to learn excel in order to perform in a professional and management position I have seen many different views on this from different people some people insist we still have to learn Excel even when Microsoft 365 Coolpad is here and this is the argument why learn math now that we have calculators even though we have calculators we'll still have to learn math and a lot of the argument could be what good is knowing how to drive since Tesla Tesla car can drive by itself but we still have to learn how to drive and some other people think we might be missing the pawn completely because it's not about the tool being Excel or being co-pilot it's about your critical thinking you're not your thinking they say co-pilot will not help if you have no idea what it is you need in the first place and this person said I have been in I.T for over 40 years including some significant time working with users to Define requirements I'm also a moderator on an Excel forum and have answered thousands of excel questions about half the time the person asks the question doesn't even understand what they want to do much less understand how Excel can be used to do it users have no idea what they want and when they do have an idea they cannot articulate it actually I wasn't with this one very much why do excel Consulting work for different companies I found myself often spend majority of the time to help them to clarify the problem clarify the process enjoy the flowchart and spend at your small amount of time working on exam this is what I believe I believe it is inevitable inevitable that we will have no need to learn Excel when Microsoft 365 co-pilot slash AI matures and this will not be one big bang overnight event this is a gradual process in the beginning we may feel comfortable to allow co-pilot to do some simple tasks with Excel for us copilot slash AI further develop or feel more content and more comfortable to allow co-pilot to do some of those more complicated tasks with Excel for us eventually when co-pilot slash AI matures we will feel very confident very comfortable to allow co-pilot to do everything with Excel for us we as human we don't need to use Excel ourselves we will ask compiler to use Excel for us you may feel odd why I am so confident about this transformation let me walk you through the evolution of the human computer interface to show you where we have been and where we're moving towards then you might agree with me a little bit more I consider we have gone through or about to go through four stages of human computer interface evolution in the very first stage which I call pre-pc stage the interface to communicate between human computer is the programming language we have to know the programming language to write the code to communicate with computer so that means most people at that time couldn't communicate with computers because we didn't know how to write a code and nothing Microsoft and windows and office Came Upon that dramatically load the bar for human to communicate with computer and this stage I call PC stage and the interface between human computer is not the programming language anymore instead it is a graphic user interface and with Excel you may also write function too and in this stage we don't need to learn any program language we just need to know which button to click like when you click on this filter button that will filter the records when click on this button that will sort the data in descending order when you write a x lookup function that will perform the lookup find the match and then give you corresponding results now I want to think about this before the PC stage the only way to communicate with computer is to write the program language and when Windows Office came along we don't need to write the code anymore we click button or write a function now for the program at that time in the beginning of the office software they may think how do you know that that button will do that work until that 100 correct 100 time how do you know that function will do the lookup give it right result and they may not be 100 confident or 100 comfortable with using those buttons but now in the year 2023 we all feel comfortable with Windows and office applications with Excel when you that filter button were content that would filter the records when you use that button to sort we know it was sort in the right order we write that X lookup function we know that I will perform the search find the match and give us the results in a correct way and we trust that 100 correct 100 of the time so we have no issue about the ability of the Excel software to communicate with the computer even though we don't know the program language because those buttons or the functions they are the one using the program language in the background to communicate with the computer to do the work for us so is this something I'm going to refer back to when I get to next stage now we are entering the third stage which I call the AI stage in this stage the interface between human and the computer is not program language it's not graphic user interface or functions within sub rather it's the natural language in this stage if we want to do some work within Excel we don't click a button we don't write a function we simply type the sentence which products were the most profitable in this quarter and then the co-pilot slash AI will use the right function click the right button in the background to do the work and deliver the results for us I understand that at this time we may not have this 100 confidence with the copilot or AI because AI is only at its infancy stage but I truly believe eventually AI won't mature and we will have this hundred percent confidence that the co-pilot and AI by giving a natural language command it will do the work 100 correct and 100 of the time and away just you type the sentence over here with the natural language we don't need to know which of the button we need to click which are function when it's right because the co-pilot the AI is clicking the button writing the function run any commands necessary in the background to deliver the results just as when we now use Excel we don't need to know the program language behind those button behind the function but those button the function they will use the right program language to do the work 100 correct 100 of the time so it's same thing it's just now they take a note has all Advance first enough we don't have to use a programming language we don't have to use the graphic user interface or function we use the natural language as interface so that's the third stage we are getting into now in the year 2023 now I also beneath we are starting or very soon enter into the stage which I called neural link you might have heard this term this is the name of the company founded by Elon Musk in the year 2016. in this stage the interface between human and computer definitely is not programming language it's not graphic user interface a button or a function it's not even the natural language or the language you still have to master that language be able to speak and write that language now in the new learning stage the interface between human and computer is the mind we can just use the mind to communicate with the computer directly Elon Musk company neural link has developed this device that can be impacted into the brain and allow the mind to communicate directly with the computer now I'm going to show you a video about a monkey this happened in the year 21 in Elon Musk lab this monkey was implanted with that device and this monkey is able to play video game on computer without any physical connection between the monkey and the computer as you can see pager is amazingly good at mind Palm he's focused and he's playing entirely of his own volition so this is a why I believe we no longer need to learn Excel when Microsoft 365 copilot slash AI matures few days ago on March 21st 2023 in an interview Bill Gates he talked about the human computer interface let's have a listen what he has to say most of these corporate learning things whether it's a query or a report the description in English will be the program and when you want it to do something extra you'll just pull up that English or whatever your languages then and type that in so the question is how soon do you think Microsoft 365 copilot slash AI or mature do you think that would be five years ten years 20 years 30 years 50 years or 100 years to help us to answer a question let's look at the history we know the four stages of a human computer interface evolution from previous stage to PC stage to AI stage to neural link stage the first computer was invented in the 1820s which was 200 years ago and personal computer enter the life of the general public in the 1980s so it took 160 years to go from the pre-pc stage to PC stage and now in the year 2023 we have entered the AI stage it took 40 years to go from PC stage to AI stage now how long do you think it would take for us to reach the new opening stage if you look at the history I would say in less than 20 years we'll be entering new learning stage that means in the year 2043 at that time Microsoft 365 co-pilot slash AI will be very very mature even to the point it will be outdated by the Mind interface remember that monkey was playing video game on computer with only his mind and that was two years ago so with that I would say in the year 2033 most of us will be very competent and very comfortable to use Microsoft copilot to do most of our Excel work so in the year 2033 we will see quite a different landscape in terms of how Excel has been used by human or by Microsoft 365 co-pilot now I'm not done yet I want to mention one more thing regarding the human computer interface evolution I do not believe the new running stage is a final stage that is just one stop I do believe there is a large stage beyond that so after the new learning stage there is one more stage in this stage the interface between human and computer is our consciousness Now by that I don't mean to have an implant embedded into our brain to communicate with computer no I mean by pure Consciousness as a natural born human we are able to communicate with computer now you may think this a little bit stretch let's first talk about the communication between two human when you were a little kid and love your parents so much or when you are a young adult you fall in love with your boyfriend or girlfriend or you have a kid now and you love him so much you might have experiences sometime without seeing a single word you know exactly what he or she is thinking when she or he says something you may feel he or she is literally pulling words from your mouth we as human we are able to communicate with that person just by pure Consciousness that's possible now in terms communicating with computer which matter how would that be possible you ask now to me everything in the universe is consciousness computer matter they are Consciousness too they are just vibrating at a different level if we raise our vibration to a level of unconditional love pure love we are able to communicate with anyone anything including human animal plants and immunos so I call this stage as a stage of love pure love unconditional love love is the ultimate interface to interact with the universe thank you for taking the time to watch this video I hope you find this video informative and don't forget to like this video subscribe to my channel and hit the notification Bell so when Microsoft 365 copilot becomes available to the general public I will update you on how to use copilot effectively to do the Excel work for you and I also want to know when are you going to stop learning excel in three months six months one year three years five years 10 or 20 years please write a comment to let me know thank you
Channel: Super Excel & AI
Views: 28,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Excel, Microsoft 365 Copilot, Microsoft 365 Copilot Review, AI, ChatGPT, Chat GPT, Microsoft Copilot, Microsoft 365 Copilot Demo
Id: kKUXgmjyyu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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