Microsoft Copilot Pro (An HONEST Review)

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let's talk about Microsoft co-pilot so the Super Bowl just recently happened between I think Taylor Swift and Usher or something like that and during the Super Bowl the part that everybody watches the commercials there was an ad for Microsoft co-pilot now if you've been deep in the AI space for the last you know year and a half you've probably already heard of co-pilot you've played with co-pilot it used to be Bing chat but for a lot of people this commercial was their first introduction their first time ever hearing about Microsoft co-pilot so I thought it would be fun to do a quick breakdown of the Super Bowl commercial test some of the prompts that they actually showed on the screen during the ad and then after we've done that I want to give you even more details around what co-pilot is actually capable of because well this commercial just kind of scratches the surface the commercial starts out with a bunch of people saying that other people are telling them they can't do stuff like I'll never be able to open my own business or get a degree you'll never make your own movie or build something they say I'm too old to learn something new too young to change the world but I say watch me and then it goes into showing off what co-pilot can do the first prompt we see them do is generate storyboard images for the dragon scene in my I'm guessing it says screenplay let's see what happens when we give it that exact prompt so typing the prompt exactly it starts to generate an image and it generates what I guess I would sort of describe as a picture of a storyboard not necessarily a storyboard itself here's another image it generated here's the third it's just interesting because it's not really creating a storyboard it's sort of cutting off the edges of the storyboard and here's the fourth one and if we go back to their YouTube video here's what it generated for them so even in their image you could see it sort of cut off the storyboard there's what was in color it gave me a whole bunch in black and white but this is the reality versus what they gave in the commercial this being AI you can enter this exact same prompt 100 different times and get a hundred different outcomes that all look completely different I'm sure with some variation of wording and enough tries you could probably get prompts that look this colorful and are sort of this well laid out as a storyboard now the next prompt they give it is write code for my 3D open world game let's see what co-pilot actually gives us so entering the prompt exactly the same and at least with the free version of co-pilot it won't generate code for us it says I'm sorry but I cannot write code for your 3D open world game this is a very complex and creative task it requires a lot of planning design and testing can only help you with basic aspects of game development such as finding resources learning Concepts and generating ideas and then it goes on to basically tell me how I can go about learning to code I had this set on more creative if I put it on more precise and give it the exact same prompt again this time it wrote some really really basic code but it does say creating a 3D open world game is a complex task that involves various components such as Graphics rendering physics simulation Ai and more here's a very basic example of how you might start setting up a 3D environment using Unity C sharp scripting I have no idea if this code would actually run or not but it doesn't seem like it's substantial enough to actually really do anything in the commercial it actually appears to write much more indepth code here the next prompt that it shows on screen is quiz me in organic chemistry go ahead and start a new topic quiz me in organic chemistry now it gave me a question but man it was slow I don't know what was going on but it took forever to at this he said what is the IAC name for the organic compound with the following structure gave this structure and then gave four options and then told us to reply with the answer here I have absolutely no clue I'll just say one for ethanol and I got it correct and then it asks if I want another question jumping back to the commercial here they give it the prompt design a sign for my classic Truck Repair Garage mics and those are the signs that It produced let's see what happen happens when we give it that same prompt here here are the four images that it generated and again here's what they looked like in the ad not quite the same not horrible couldn't really get the words right these are all kind of cool neon I have a feeling the prompt that was used to get these actual images aren't the prompt that they showed off in the commercial if I just had to guess and then the last prompt that the commercial shows is can you help me and then the rest is cut off it doesn't ever actually show what she was asking for and it obviously showed this prompt to give the payoff of the commercial which was co-pilot responding yes I can help but what we've looked at here so far is kind of just scratching the surface of co-pilot yes you can go to co- pilot. you get these three options here if you're on a newer version of Windows you actually get a co-pilot bar that you can press a button on Windows and it will pop up co-pilot on the side here but Microsoft also has what they call co-pilot Pro and co-pilot Pro Pro is actually 20 bucks a month to use and it actually gives you a little bit more control over what you can do with co-pilot gives better outputs and it also allows you to use co-pilot inside of Microsoft 365 apps so if you have a Microsoft 365 account you can use co-pilot inside of excel PowerPoint Outlook word you name it pretty much all of the Microsoft apps allow you to use co-pilot inside of them now I do have a co-pilot Pro account there's really only two main differences it will tell you that on a co-pilot Pro account versus a free account this is my co-pilot Pro account and you can see it actually does say co-pilot pro at the top where the NoNo does not and then also on co-pilot Pro if I scroll down here you can actually see it gives me the option to switch between GPT 4 and GPT turbo I'm not sure exactly what version the free version is using probably gp4 maybe it's gp4 turbo I'm actually not 100% sure but co-pilot gives you the option to switch between them and those are really the main differences you'll see see however I have noticed that the outputs that you get from the pro version tend to be quite a bit better than the outputs you get from the non-pro version so let's try those exact same prompts from the commercial but this time let's try them in the pro version we asked the pro version to generate storyboard images for the dragon scene in my screenplay we actually get images that are probably a little bit closer to what we saw in the ad as a reminder here's what the ad showed and check out this one down here in the bottom left if I click into it and get a bigger view of it it's looking a little a little bit closer to the demo one that they gave us here not too bad now while I'm on this image page another new feature that co-pilot just rolled out and I believe this is on both the free and the paid version is the ability to select and segment out just sections of an image so I can select just this Dragon Here blur the background of everything behind the dragon or make it so the dragon has color but everything else is black and white and there's more features being rolled out soon for this segment feature if I click on an image in the free version just just to confirm you can see that even on the free version I do have that feature as well but from what I understand it's being rolled out so it's not in everybody's Microsoft account yet this isn't a free vers paid feature it's just if you don't see it it's just not rolled out into your account yet so give it a little more time and you'll have it soon now the next prompt from the commercial write code for my 3D open world game I get a fairly similar response to that second response where it gave me some code but looking at it it doesn't look like it would actually do anything and it says this code provides a starting point for your game's main script you'll need to expand on this with additional scripts to handle player movement Etc but I mean looking at this I'm not a coder but I can tell you that there's really not really even a start to anything there so even though the commercial is saying it can write code for your 3D open world game I think that's a feature where they maybe have gotten ahead of themselves a little bit it doesn't seem to do great with that prompt yet next up let's ask it to quiz me in organic chemistry it's running much faster what I found interesting is that it asked the same dang question as last time which I know happens to be ethanol but let's have it give us another question and by the way this is just lying when it's giving my responses compared to the free version and the paid version the paid version feels 10 times faster I don't know if it's really that much faster feels that much faster which of the following reactions is an example of a substitution reaction I have no idea I'm going to guess two it's the only one that has an equal sign in it not correct who would have thought I don't know anything about organic chemistry and finally I'm going to switch it back to creative mode here and this time we'll ask it to design a sign for my classic Truck Repair Garage mics and once again fairly similar results although this time in two of the signs it did spell miks right so I guess it's a little bit of an improvement I don't know if that's just sort of luck I don't think it's using any sort of different Dolly 3 Model between the free version and the paid version I think I just got a different seed this time that was better with generating text now where co-pilot Pro really stands out and starts to make it feel worth it is if you are a big user of the Microsoft 365 ecosystem if you use PowerPoint Excel word OneNote Outlook you use those Suite of tools co-pilot Pro is something you might want to look into so if I open up PowerPoint and let's start with a blank presentation if you look up in the top right up here you can see I now have an option in my PowerPoint for co-pilot I click this and it opens up my co-pilot dashboard now the very first thing I tried when I opened up co-pilot was I copied and pasted an outline for a presentation into co-pilot and said here's an outline for a slide presentation make this presentation for me and it couldn't do that that was kind of a bummer I was really really hoping to see it take a whole outline that I generated and then AI turned that into slides for me couldn't do it though however I can create a presentation and give it a topic and it will generate the whole presentation from scratch it just won't generate the outline for me so create a presentation about the world's largest birds and after several seconds it says okay here you go a presentation about the world's largest Birds has been created with multiple slides it looks like it generated six slides for us the largest birds in the world ostrich some details about the ostrich Southern caari emperor penguin Indian Condor hosts Eagle I don't know why it has a picture of like a fly or a mosquito here you know it did a pretty decent job with the text but it kind of failed on the images being a presentation about birds it seems kind of odd that just the first has a picture of a bird not a particularly Big Bird and then the rest really have nothing to do with birds it's more showing their habitat than what the bird actually looks like I can then ask questions about this deck or I can add a slide about so let's go ahead and put add a slide about and I'll do emus and it added another slide about emus their native to Australia second largest bird in the world etc etc you know when I asked it for a presentation about the world's largest Birds you think it would have included the world's second largest bird by default but that's what it gave me and once again no picture of an actual emu which I find interesting you've got access to DOI I'm sure you've got access to a large stock photo library that's where these other images must come from got to have an image of an emu in there but still co-pilot in PowerPoint could be very helpful if you just need to add an additional slide or you don't want to start on a presentation from scratch it can generate a whole bunch of pre-filled out slides for you but at least you're not starting completely from scratch saying all that I do think they will get this more dialed in this will get better this is very very early days for this co-pilot Pro inside of PowerPoint now I'm inside of Microsoft Word I actually opened up one of the sort of default templates which is like a resumé template here but as you can see we have the option for co-pilot up here but also instead of word if I select some text here like let's select this text it actually added a little co-pilot button I don't know who picked the color scheme for this t template here I it's horrible so you can barely see the co-pilot but if I hover over it you'll see it right here on the left we have a co-pilot button if I click on this co-pilot button I can rewrite with co-pilot or visualize as a table let's just go ahead and select all of this work experience here click our co-pilot button and visualize as a table and see what it generates for us when I did that it created a weird funky table over here I'm trying to undo it by pressing like the delete button and nothing's actually happening you know just as I'm recording this video I'm finding a bunch of little like bugs and issues and it is what it is it's early days I'm not trying to bias you and make you think you should get co-pilot Pro I just wanted to test it and so far as I'm playing around with it I'm finding a bunch of little bugs and things that aren't operating properly I guess I had to click keep it to keep it there otherwise I couldn't close that little box now if I hit command Z okay I undid it the old fashion way let's go ahead and check out the co-pilot up at the top and we have some options summarize this dock is there a call to action some things we can try write about change summarize this dock ask a question about this dock let's go ahead and create a brand new blank document and as you can see the second we open up a blank document we've got this draft with co-pilot and I can type something like write an informational article about the world's largest Birds click generate in this part it seems to be doing fairly well it actually generated a decent looking article if I select it all crl a hit our little co-pilot button I can have it rewrite it with co-pilot if I want or I can open up our co-pilot tab over here and let's ask a question about this dock let's just say name the birds mentioned in this Dock and there you go ostrich Indian Condor wandering Albatross which are the three that it seemed to mention here so some additional AI functionality here inside of w as well popping open Excel let's start out with a blank workbook and this one we do have a co-pilot button here but it is grayed out right now when I hover over it it says co-pilot only works with files stored in one drive or SharePoint so that's kind of interesting so I opened up another Excel spreadsheet this is one of the built-in templates that says loan amateurz schedule I'm going to go ahead and just save this to one drive I'm going to call it my test click save now that it's in one drive for whatever reason co-pilot still gray out so I'm running into some issues with this co-pilot built into Microsoft 365 a little bit here I'm going to go ahead and close out of excel cuz it doesn't seem to want to work for me in here I'm sure I'm going to get a whole bunch of comments from something that I'm overlooking and people are like oh you had to do press that one button but I don't know it's not super intuitive out of the box which is already saying something one last thing that I think is pretty cool that you can do is you can actually have it generate Excel spreadsheets for you so in the free version here I'm going to give it this prompt create an Excel spreadsheet that lists the most populated cities in the world when I give this prompt to the free version of co-pilot I get I'm sorry for any confusion but as an AI I'm unable to create an Excel spreadsheet directly however I can provide you with the data and you can easily input it into Excel here the most populated cities in the world in 2024 and there's an Excel icon here that says edit in Excel I can click on that it'll show it as exporting and it's not going to actually open up my computer version of excel but it opens up the web browser version of excel here so I thought that was something pretty interesting that you can do also I noticed that in the webbased version I can actually open up co-pilot it just wouldn't let me in the downloaded version gives me some options like add formula columns highlight sort and filter and analyze so a bunch of other things that you can test using co-pilot inside of excel I just found it super buggy inside of the downloadable Windows versions but seemingly just using it inside of the co-pilot platform here and inside of the browser version of excel everything seems to work much better that way so there you have it there's a breakdown we explored the Super Bowl ad to see if Microsoft co-pilot can actually do what the ad said and I wanted to show off some of the differences between the regular co-pilot and the co-pilot Pro my sort of final thoughts on it are that I really really like Microsoft co-pilot because it is using GPT for Turbo so it should give us pretty good responses like what you can expect from the paid version of chat GPT however as of right now it doesn't seem to be very fine-tuned or good at writing code the direct Integrations inside of PowerPoint and Excel and Microsoft Word at least leave a little bit to be desired word it actually works pretty dang well Excel I was having some issues using it in the downloadable app PowerPoint honestly didn't really feel that helpful to me I couldn't upload an outline and have it make a presentation based on the outline when I asked it to make a presentation for me it made a really short one and then didn't even add images that were relevant to the rest of the presentation so some of the Microsoft 365 Integrations not super great yet I think the pro version needs some work like I don't think I could honestly recommend going and grabbing the pro version especially if you're paying for chat GPT plus right now because the 365 integration still kind of wonky in my eyes and there's not enough value in the paid version over what you get in the free version that's just my feeling on it right now I think um it's going to get there I think a lot of the 365 Integrations are going to work a lot better I think Microsoft is actively working on this so I think we're going to see some rapid improvements but as of this video as of right now today as I'm recording this I don't think it's worth the 20 bucks it's it's it's hard to justify that 20 bucks when the 365 doesn't work very well and the difference between what we get out of the free results and the paid results inside of the chatbot don't seem too different so hopefully you found that helpful hopefully you can make a better more informed decision about co-pilot I will be making more videos about co-pilot in the future I think they will improve so this is just where it's at right now I think this is very very early stages but because there was a superow ad and a lot more people are aware of this product I thought I would give my thoughts on it and play around with it and show it to you so there you have it one quick thing before we wrap up I am going to be giving away this exact GeForce RTX 4080 super it's actually really heavy cuz the card is in this box right now Nvidia sent this to me I thought about putting it in my computer and I went no I'm going to give it to somebody I'm going to give it to somebody who watches this channel in order to win it you just have to register for the free GTC conference I will put a link below to where you can learn more about it this video isn't sponsored by them but I did tell them I would shout out GTC and their free virtual event so the link to GTC will be in the description totally free to register it's a virtual online event that you can watch they do have an in-person component but in order to be eligible to win this all you have to do is register for the free virtual event and that's what I got for you today check out future tools. if you want to stay in the loop with all the latest coolest AI tools the most recent AI news as well as if you want to join the free newsletter which gets you access to the AI income database a data base of a bunch of cool ways to make money with AI you can find it all over at Future tools. the site is completely free to use the newsletters free just trying to provide some cool value help you come across new tools and news that maybe you haven't seen yet so that's future tools. if you like videos like this you want to stay in the loop with AI news AI tutorials and just some fun AI videos in general give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to this Channel and I'll make sure more videos like this show up in your YouTube feed thank you so much for tuning in I really really appreciate you I'll see you in the next video by bye
Channel: Matt Wolfe
Views: 114,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, FutureTools, Futurism, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Future Tools, Matt Wolfe, AI News, AI Tools, microsoft copilot, microsoft 365, microsoft 365 copilot, generative ai, microsoft copilot tutorial, microsoft copilot ai, microsoft ai, microsoft copilot pro, copilot pro, microsoft copilot how to use, microsoft copilot ai image generator, copilot ai, matt wolfe, ms copilot, super bowl ad, ai super bowl ad
Id: d5W5tRaImJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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