Michael Todd: Allow God to Use You for His Glory | TBN

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i'm so sorry that you want me to be politically correct but i will be biblically correct because i will not stand with you and instagram followers before god they missed it it will be me and jesus and he said what did you do with the influence i gave you is anybody ready for the word all right today i want you to get out your smartphones your dumb phones your notepads i need you to get out everything cause today god has given me a specific word i was working on a message the entire week and last night god switched it up and this morning he refined it and i am ready to preach to you because we are in week five of a series we're calling help me anchor somebody say it one more time we're gonna be hey that is the word for this year how many people been seeing anchors different places how many people have been seeing it it's been everywhere because i believe that god is sending confirmation to you that this year he wants us to be tied to something that will not be able to move in the midst of the storm and i'm telling you so clearly god is continuing to i'm literally just continuing to reveal himself with revelation through the series and so i'm grateful for everybody who is here today if this is your first time watching if somebody told you that you had to watch to date them that's a good person you need to probably line your life up and marry him but but whatever the reason that you're here it is a divine appointment god has been working in your life to make this moment happen and today through transparency and god's word what we're going to try to do is present to you a better way of living so that you can be able to be everything that god intended for you to be and i don't know who i'm talking to right now but somebody is at the end of their rope and they're sick and tired of what has been going on and you're sick and tired of staying in the same place and today what god is saying and he's been saying to us for the past four weeks is that he wants to be your anchor he wants to be the thing that you tie your life to he wants to be the thing that is stable not money not success not even your relationship his name is jesus and he's the rock of ages he is the one that can take your past and he can use it for your future if you would give it to him and allow him to be your anchor and so today i want us to to to be able to take a little further journey because last week we decided that we were going to be in the deep and we told everybody you know what the shallow is not safer we are going to go to the place that god has called us to and whatever that means because we won't have control that's how i'm standing here right now do y'all think that i planned this do you think that i knew what god was going to do with my life no at six years ago i decided to push off the shore and go to the deep and in the deep god does things that only can be described as miracles so today i want to walk with you with the disciples in luke chapter 5 verse 3. i want you to get that in your bible oh this about to be good and this is jesus it says jesus stepping into one of the boats jesus asked simon its owner to push it out into the water so he sat in the boat and taught the crowds from there verse four when he had finished speaking the day's over he said to simon like he's saying to me and you now go out where it's deeper so so it's not enough for me just to have jesus around me i need to go out where it say it one more time deeper and then he gives them a different instruction he says and let down your nets to catch some fish now i need to give you context to what we're talking about right now these are professional fishermen these are people who catch fish all the time these are people that according to society and culture would have some level of success okay and they are in a space watch this where god is asking them to deny what they know to follow his instructions if you're going to go to the deep what you know doesn't matter as much because some of you are in a place where you think that your education and your pedigree and the family you came from and the college you i went to a hbcu or i went to a a a ivy league school or i went to a christian car it don't matter there is a level in the deep where whatever you know don't matter so many of us are trying to allow our qualifications to be able to anchor us huh but your qualifications i don't care how much money you have in the bank you can't heal cancer [Music] i don't care how many people have your cell phone number there are certain doors that only god can unlock and so many of us have been trying to position ourselves when god is saying hold on you need me to be with you in the deep he's asking professionals to go and do something they know how to do has god ever asked you to do something that you thought you could do without him i'm just trying to help you because many of us are about to walk into another space where you need to be able to position yourself mentally and emotionally to be out of control i'm not saying doing wild things i'm saying you're not the one that's going to be making the decisions and the reason why god wants us to go to the deep right down this point god does the dynamic in the deep there are dynamic miracles he wants to do that he cannot do with you at the low level of christianity that you're at right now there are dynamic things that god wants to do in your marriage but you still have pride he says you need to launch out deeper into humility oh you thought this was something that wasn't practical what god is asking you to do is become more like him to be not like culture but be more like christ so when they mess you over god's saying come out in the deep bless them anyway all i'm challenging you right now is that god wants you to come to the deep because there's dynamic things do you know why the church seems so powerless right now is because we stop doing the dynamic things in the house of god we stop maximizing the things the signs the miracles the wonders prophecy i really feel this i got to say this i feel like the spirit of prophecy is coming back so strong to this church and i don't know how else to describe it and i know some of y'all like prophecy what is he talking about is this psychic no no no this is divine inspiration and intelligence from god to be able to speak things into the future for encouragement to let you know god's ready to do some dynamic things and he's so good that if we would be open to being in the deep that he would send somebody to tell us what's going to happen before it happens he will send you places and things and voice notes and people in his word to give you a foreshadowing i'm talking about the dynamics they don't want to hear about this travis they want to hear about the cool they want to hear about the cool don't get nobody saved it's miracles it's the signs it's the wonder it's your marriage being on the brink of divorce but god's stepping into that thing and allowing you to experience a miracle god wants to do the dynamic but the dynamic only happens in the d can i be transparent with them there is this tension because people and culture can accept my message to start pandering to people and culture from this platform i'ma say something that most people won't like i will never do what's politically correct from this platform i will only do what is biblically correct from this platform so if you don't like it when i say something about the silhouette challenge and being modest and all that other stuff click it off but as for me and my house i'm so sorry i'm so sorry that you want me to be politically correct but i will be biblically correct because i will not stand with you and instagram followers before god they missed it it will be me and jesus and he'd say what did you do with the influence i gave you and i'm telling you i want the dynamic in my life i want to be able to speak to stuff that's dying and it comes back to life i want to be able to tell situations that are trying to wither away to stand up and live i want to be able to talk to your marriage i want to be able to write it in book form i want to be able to put it to music i want the dynamic but the only thing that happens with dynamic is it has to happen in the d yeah somebody say signs say miracles wonders this is what's going to get the world safe the millennial generation's like how do i instagram that this is the stuff you don't have to say nothing about friends with your faithful partnership tbn is reaching over 175 nations that's why for your gift of support any amount this month we are excited to offer you michael w smith's heartwarming book the way of the father take a moment to visit tbn.org the father thank you
Channel: TBN
Views: 44,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: transformation church, transformation church forgiveness, transformation church crazy faith, transformation church marked, mike todd, mike todd anchored, mike todd fu, mike todd music, Michael Todd, Transformation Church Worship, Sunday Service, Holy Spirit, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, representtv, mark my words, vision, vision sunday, prayer, pray, tbn, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn
Id: yCXtrINY9d8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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