Michael Todd: It Doesn't Matter What Other People Think (Part 2) | TBN

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the anchor is positioned not to impress anybody it's positioned to hold you in the midst of a storm this is a prophetic picture of the rest of 2021 your friends can't save you out here people that don't hear from god don't stay in the deep yes what are you saying pastor mike if you're committing to the deep in 2021 you're going to have to make sure you have and what anchor oh so we can't just be deep we have to be prepared for the deep why would god give us the word to be anchored in 2021 call us to the deep and then we're supposed to just drift out here god said no no no no no i need you to come to the deep but i'm going to anchor you myself and i i i don't like just saying these things and making analogies i want to find everything in the word of god so go to mark chapter 4 verse 35 and this is a situation that the disciples find themselves in um like many of us find ourselves in is that god's calling us to go to the deep but then some unexpected things happen on the way and i just want to walk through this biblical story and see if we can find out some things that will help people who will dwell in the deep somebody say i will dwell in the deep now what i'm asking you right now is to make the decision that you're going to go deeper this year even before you know any of the obstacles that are in the deep i need you to make a decision before you detour and that's what god i believe is asking us on the first week or the first month or the first series of 2021 is decide before you detour do you know most of the dumb things that i did were because i had decided and then i detoured when an obstacle came up and god is telling somebody right now that your decision is stronger than the detour if you would stay committed to your decision the detours can come but you will keep going forward and in this moment the disciples are going to be faced with a decision in the midst of a detour let me just read it it says as evening came jesus said to the disciples let's cross to the other side of the lake so they took jesus in the boat and started out today i'm talking to people who are deep dwellers and i want to give you some points if you're going to dwell in the deep if you're going to dwell in the deep don't ever forget your anchor now i want you to see this we learned last week that jesus is our anchor somebody just say jesus is my anchor [Music] okay so if jesus is my anchor and we're the disciples and jesus said let's cross to the other side it then says something that trips me out i thought verse 36 would say so they went to the other side but look at the first four words it says so they took jesus what that makes me understand is even if god gives an instruction and he's the one that told you start that job he's the one that told you take your kids to that school he's the one that told you to get into that relationship you still have a decision if you're gonna take him to the place he instructed you to go i need you to see it said and jesus said let's set out and go to the other side so the disciples then said they took jesus and the question that i have for you is did jesus give you an instruction that was taking you to the deep but you forgot your anchor at the shore what i'm telling is you take jesus with you take them to school take them to work take them to the basketball court take them to the board room all i'm telling you is do not go anywhere and forget your anchor and the problem is there are many people in the deep with no anchor you're screaming i'm gonna dwell in the deep but you forgot jesus at 21 days of prayer and fasting as soon as the 22nd day came you were back to everything that you used to do and worse before [Music] [Applause] i just got to be honest with you that you went 21 steps forward and you took 31 steps back in three days why is because you went without the anchor and the thing that you got to understand is your anchor or jesus is not for attraction your anchor is always for action jesus does not want to be the impressive part of your life he wants to be the impactful part of your life he doesn't care that everybody's impressed that you know scripture that's what sadducees and pharisees were there are people who knew the law and knew what the right thing were doing but it didn't show up in their life and what i'm telling you today is god's saying let me be the anchor that actually makes a difference in your life let me be the anchor that actually changes the way that you forgive people let me be the anchor that actually allows you to be generous when your nature is to be selfish jesus doesn't want to be impressive he wants to be impactful and if that's jesus stance that might need to be yours some of y'all are trying to be so impressive ain't doing nothing and god said i'd rather you be impressive to nobody and impactful to everybody we've made a decision as a church that's like why you already came back yet why you ain't done this you need to start doing this and you need to start doing that and do you know all the opportunities that are out here and what the church could be doing baby we're not listening to you i'm sorry if anybody needs to leave the church because we're not open yet god bless you i will send a letter of recommendation to the next church that you go to and tell them you have very strong opinions but what i'm telling you right now is that i'm not moving because i'm not trying to impress you i'm anchored on what god has told me and he knows how to get my attention and tell me something different and so until he tells me to do something different i don't care if you're not impressed but i promise you you can't stop me from being impactful you can't stop there's thousands of people right now in their home getting delivered the word of god so that they can transform [Music] what would the world look like if we stopped caring about being impressive [Applause] and double down on being impactful [Music] like i gotta move god doesn't want to be the anchor in your life for just attraction can i show it to you i saw this picture of a yacht can you put it up for me real quick now this is a yacht that costs more than all of our houses put together let's be very clear all of our houses were together in this room and probably some of y'all's online this yacht costs more than that now when you look at this yacht millions of dollars there are very sexy parts of this yacht like the sexy part is the glass and that little nose and and the upper decks and the lower decks and they got even another little boat off to the side but do you know the most impactful part of this boat is the anchor now i want you to look and see where the anchor actually is at this current moment look look at it the anchor is positioned not to impress anybody it's positioned to hold you in the midst of a storm i'm asking you to be a husband that is not trying to impress his college buddies but be a anchor for your family that may not be as impressive on the ground but you're impacting the next generation to love and lead their families i'm about to preach this thing right now i'm asking you young lady not to do the silhouette challenge and be impressive with your body they don't even want to know what's in your mind no more because you've shown them everything that's under your clothes but what i'm telling you right now is that you could be more impactful than impressive and it's time for the church i'm about to preach right now it's time for the church to make a decision that it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if anybody thinks what we're doing is good or not it matters that we actually do what god's told us to do somebody say impact [Applause] that's what 2021 is going to be prophetically for many of you and i really need to move on but i just found out that jesus was more intentional about impacting the disciples in this moment than he was about impressing the crowds he had just left the crowds and now he's about to take the disciples everybody say deeper yeah yeah mark 36 part b it says leaving the crowds behind see when you're going to not be impressive that means you're going to have to divorce your identity from the crowd at tbn our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing gospel of jesus christ thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world without you we couldn't do it god bless you
Channel: TBN
Views: 179,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: transformation church, transformation church forgiveness, transformation church crazy faith, transformation church marked, mike todd, mike todd anchored, mike todd fu, mike todd music, Michael Todd, Transformation Church Worship, Sunday Service, Holy Spirit, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, representtv, mark my words, vision, vision sunday, prayer, pray, tbn, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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