Michael Todd: God Won't Leave You in the Same Place He Found You | TBN

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most of us would take success over his hand [Music] the only reason that i'm able to impact anybody because i've stayed obedient to make sure i had his hand his approval his anointing my question to you is what are you doing without his hand [Music] it is our ultimate goal to be disciples of jesus christ so let me help you understand the progression of going into the deep this is going to help somebody real quick first when it comes to your relationship with god you will be distant you will be distant first and many of you are acting like you actually are close to god but you really are distant and god is fine with you being distant as long as you listen cause he will draw you in close and some people that are watching me right now you you did some crazy stuff this weekend like the truth of the matter is you don't even know how you up right now watching this after the beds you snuck out of last night and it's okay you're distant i don't expect people who do not know god to act like they know god and christians y'all should really be more um aware like why are you expecting these people to do what the bible says to do it's all good and the truth is i was there too i was just worse because i was a lukewarm christian and i claimed to actually be in relationship with god and i was still distance check yourself but the progression is distance but then like he asked simon peter can i step into your boat all he asked him is maybe your dissonance but now can we move and go to another progression can i dwell in your boat see that's the progression that is supposed to i'm supposed to go from distance and then jesus asked me that's why salvation is not a forced thing it is something that he asked you do you want this the same way that he asked simon peter he says can i get on your boat simon could have said no what you talking about bro it's my boat i fish in this boat but something in him say yeah come on to my boat the same way that god is calling and asking you can i get on your boat can i dwell here and after he dwells there and he finishes teaching all of the people that are around this is the thing about god i'm gonna give you a secret come here let me help you god doesn't dwell in silence when god gets in your life he wants to direct watch it these people were distant then they let jesus onto the boat so he could dwell then his automatic thing after he finished teaching look at the scriptures it says hey why don't we go why don't we go a little deeper god will never leave you in the same place he found you he always wants to direct you and guess where he wants to direct you to the deep it goes from distance to dwelling to directing you and some of you i feel this so strong god has been directing you this whole year stop doing that start doing that give a little more shut up oh did you know that your opinion can keep you from obedience did you know that because you get so much self um love from telling everybody what you think and it's just your opinion and god your prophetic word for you coming from pastor mike shut up because this is the time he wants to develop in something from you there'll be a time that he'll ask for something from you but right now he wants to develop it in you and that's why god says yeah you were distant but now i want to dwell and i want to direct you and i'm always going to direct you into the dave and when he directs you into the deep these disciples go to the deep i'm just trying to give you a progression and then something happens he gives them a decision and this is where i want to camp out today because i've gone through every one of these phases and some of you are right here i want you to identify where are you right now are you distant from god has god stepped onto your boat does he dwell but are you still in control and he can't direct yet i just need you to ask cause some of y'all are sitting here go ahead pass the mic but god has told you to go ahead and you still right there has he been able to direct you and the truth is god only directs to the deep and now you have a decision that's that's what happened here y'all didn't see it he literally tells them that they're going to have to decide to do something they've already done remember their fishermen jesus tells them to go out deeper and then he tells them to cast their nets on the other side can i help you real quick because you need to know this the decision is going to lead to you being a disciple but this is where people mess up right here you have to make the decision every day to obey god let me say it like this every decision in the deep has to be anchored in obedience it has to be anchored in obedience and i know this sucks for everybody because some of you about to tune off right now because you want the water and the lights but god wants you to obey and i came to tell you that the success people think i have came from always obeying what god said i'm standing here right now and i can just think of time after time that god asked me to do something that was not sexy that was not fun that i did not want to do and i had made a decision before i even came to that decision that i'm anchored in obedience i need you to understand how powerful this decision is that you would be anchored in obedience let me give you just a few instances where i was anchored in obedience there was a music um um company that came to me that asked me to produce for one year this is my passion this is what i was professional at like these disciples this is what i knew that i was called to do and they said we'll pay you a hundred thousand dollars i was 23 years old i'll pay you a hundred thousand dollars to come produce for one year one year a hundred thousand dollars when that's all in my cupboard it's raining noodles chicken and beef mcdoubles and mcchickens are y'all gonna act like y'all there was a few years of my life that a mcdouble a mcchicken and a fry sustain me you sustain and if somebody offers me 100k that for most of you would have not even been a thought and i prayed and god said you got a decision to make this was his ultimatum to me watch this i'm trying to give you practical i want the word to come alive he said you'll go listen and you'll be successful but i'll take my hand off of what you're doing most of us would take success over his hand the only reason that i'm able to impact anybody because i've stayed obedient to make sure i had his hand his approval his anointing my question to you is what are you doing without his hand it's prospering it's successful it looks good on the ground i'm out here in the deep no you're out there by yourself [Music] and god is saying i need you to choose to obey be anchored in obedience the hardest thing now is now that we have some level of success and impact it doesn't get easier to obey you think once you get it the building's here the people are here the cameras are here and now when the super bowl calls hey we heard that you did there's real examples we heard that you had the new song revelation relationship goals we want you to come perform this on the gospel super bowl situation my answer to my assistant immediately was yes what are we talking about we get to perform this song that i made in my bedroom on the bet gospel celebration with the super bowl and the song watson and the dead what yes and the holy spirit said you didn't even ask me oh you thought cause it was a bigger platform that you didn't have to go through me as your filter and i prayed about it and i text them back i said no can't do it they called back four times with better offers we'll fly this guy here we'll do the production this and we'll talk time oh my god i mean is it okay if we at least no why no i want to let you know in the deep god doesn't have to give reasons he sees something you don't see he knows something you don't know and it didn't mean it was bad it just wasn't for me at the time no i was anchored to obedience at tbn our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing gospel of jesus christ thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world without you we couldn't do it god bless you
Channel: TBN
Views: 121,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: transformation church, transformation church forgiveness, transformation church crazy faith, transformation church marked, mike todd, mike todd anchored, mike todd fu, mike todd music, Michael Todd, Transformation Church Worship, Sunday Service, Holy Spirit, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, representtv, mark my words, vision, vision sunday, prayer, pray, tbn, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn
Id: 7XJr3MWpEQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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