Michael teaches Karin IFR Lesson #3 (Intercepting Airways & VOR Radials)

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[Music] i'm michael gulian and i first soloed an airplane before i could drive a car i've been lucky enough to fly air shows all around north america and i've raced in the red bull air race world championship around the globe my wife and i also own and operate mike gulian aviation a cirrus training center based in plymouth massachusetts near beautiful cape cod so subscribe to our channel and come along for a journey of passion dedication and excellence as i bring you behind the scenes and inside the cockpit of some of the most amazing airplanes and air shows in the world you can also follow my wife karen's journey to get her instrument rating in our beautiful cirrus sr 22. so as is typical uh getting the airplane ready for the boss in there it's uh where her instrument training is coming along really pretty well tonight's going to be tough as you can feel it's windy outside we're going to do two things we're going to introduce her to reading getting and receiving a clearance and reading it back to air traffic control i'll act as the controller it'll be nice and slow for her but it'll be a pretty complex route and then we're going to go out and fly the same route that she's given a clearance on which is just a bunch of victor airways and tonight we're going to do victor airways navigated by vor radials and if you're a g1000 aficionado you know that means the dreaded green needles so full transparency i had to do a little practice too to make sure that i remembered how to use green needles because we're always flying the magenta line these days so it'll be fun for both karen and me a little bit of a learning experience for both but uh hopefully there won't be too many of those why is it doing that moments in the plane tonight so let's see how it goes clear clear [Music] power back go back it's hot today all right so i'm going to lean until i see a little increase in the a big increase rpm like 40 rpm that's at 10.60 10.70 1060. keep going 70 1080 1090 and feel it get nice and smooth right here we go keep going it already went up a whole bunch okay that's great okay nice very good very good very good all right so you're gonna ask me for the ifr you would say boston approach cirrus 199 mike golf on the ground at plymouth like the ifr clearance back to plymouth boston boston approach boston approach cirrus 199 my golf on the ground at plymouth would like the ifr clearance back to plymouth to plymouth i'm not going too far i'm just coming back which is fine it's around robin and you can do that for practice okay okay okay serious 199 mike golf boston approach it's a full route clearance are you ready to copy awesome approach 199 might go off ready serious 199 my golf you're clear to plymouth by radar vectors to intercept victor 151 to intercept victor 268 to the birdie intersection that's spelled bravo uniform romeo delta yankee to intercept the providence 072 degree radio to the dunk intersection that's spelled delta uniform november kilo kilo the intercept victor 141 to gales intersection that's spelled gulf alpha india lima sierra direct to the airport on departure climate maintain 2000 expect 3500 feet 10 minutes after departure the departure frequency is 118.2 squawk one two zero zero and hold for release boston approach 199 my golf cleared to plymouth via radar vectors victor 151 to intersect victor 268 to birdie intersect providence 072 radial to dunk to intercept the victor 141 radio to gales to plymouth uh expect 2 000. uh no climb to 2000 expect 3510 118.2 squawk one two zero zero and we're holding four for release release great hey everybody welcome aboard 199 mike golf again another one of karen's awesome instrument lessons coming up here uh tonight as we talked about before we're gonna do some sort of intercepting of airways and radials with the green needles vor's only not really using the gps very much at all but one of the things i wanted to do tonight is work and show you the cirrus perspective plus or nxi as garmin would call it and we're going to use this in the g6 cirrus and then i'm going to show you how the flight director works during this flight with karen operating it and then we'll integrate the autopilot into it because i think a lot of people don't really understand the difference between how the flight director works and how the pilot operates the flight director and flies it manually by hand as opposed to when the autopilot is actually engaged so we're going to have some fun with that tonight as well and we'll we'll use heading mode and navigation mode and we'll use the the green needles and also we'll do probably a little bit of gps tracking as well boston approach serious 199 my golf uh we're holding short of 2-4 at plymouth and we're ready to go and we're ready to go okay cirrus 199 my golf boston approach you are released for departure upon entering controlled airspace fly a heading of two one zero degrees climb and maintain two thousand your release for departure uh 199 mic off we will uh departure will fly a heading of two one zero up to two thousand feet and we are releasing it we are released for departure okay i might call roger so now have a great flight thank you you would switch over to the number one radio which we're now on yeah right so now they said try fly to a heading at 210. so folks we're gonna now start using the flight director so if you see i can reach down below the throttle and i hit what's called the toga button or take off and go around and if you look it says tio we go to in a cirrus a pitch attitude of seven degrees wings level altitude selected of 2000 feet now a neat thing that you can do with a g6 perspective plus airplane is you can hit heading mode and if you see now we have heading in white which means that it's armed so as we take off you'll notice after karen raises the flaps at 200 feet above ground level the yaw damper will come on you see a green y d displayed on the scoreboard and then through 400 feet agl you will see that the heading armed will turn to a green heading and you will see the command bars here turn and and direct karen to fly to a heading of two one zero okay we're ready to go heading into one zero and you're clear on the right plymouth traffic cirrus one nine nine mike golf taking off runway 2-4 uh okay boost bump mixture flaps and switches and again you guys might hear me say that boost pump on mixture rich flaps set at 50 lights meaning landing lights and then switches meaning pitot heat or tks if we would need it and in a cirrus those are the critical items boost pump mixture flaps lights and switches if you do that everything else is secondary okay ready to go yep okay go and roll [Music] [Music] [Music] flaps are coming up okay and so now you'll see going through 200 feet the yaw damper will come on and the next thing you'll see is at 400 feet agl you will see the heading turn from white to green oh it is bumpy out here and it turns to green and you'll see the flight director will command karen to turn to a heading at two one zero 600 caps available caps is available okay now you would call departure and what would you tell them i would say boston approach cirrus 199 my golf just off of plymouth at 1 000 feet climbing to 2000 feet at uh 2-1-0 okay that sounds perfect and cirrus 199 my golf your radar identified climb and maintain 3 000 500 feet and intercept victor 1 5 1. up to three uh serious one night i might go off up to 3 500 feet and intercept victor 151 okay so now you're seeing your vor needle is starting to become active right yeah and we want to actually intercept that bor and turn inbound so press your nav and watch as you press your nav it already sees it doesn't it it turned green and it's starting to turn to intercept you which is perfect clear on the right you are clear on the right nicely done now why don't you flight level change and climb at 120. perfect bring this down a bit it's really bright okay okay almost at 35 wow a thousand to go almost okay here's your 2.5 for 3.5 altitude selectus armed i've switched you over to boston it's no problem just so we can hear them okay so now you're gonna fly and intercept the vor right they're almost there yep so again folks on a g6 airplane executive 426 contact providence approach you can press the heading bug and you'll see that it will sync with carrots airplane so now once we get to the point where we can intercept which is about now see the zero four six yeah right yeah so why don't you turn your airplane to enter to turn to zero four six put it back beautiful okay everybody so if you look at karen she just selected heading she's gonna turn to zero four six down here uh am i doing this right yep beautifully remember you're using the number two vor which is bearing number two right now aren't you yeah i feel like i'm doing this wrong nope you're doing it perfectly right hurry up though because i want to ask you to do something different okay now what i want you to do is go up to your number one nav and make senile the active okay have okay now go to your course and put in the zero four sorry say that again okay so you need to put in the zero four six radial so go to course zero four six hurry up it's gonna lose you're gonna lose it right here zero four six ah-ha we're on it you're darn right you are so now go back to nav and we're navigating okay see what we just yep pretty awesome but what we did is we found the zero four six on the number two we used the heading bug to get on to get going on the course then we switched back to number one so we could use it as training right so now we are navigating on the victor this sandy point zero four six degree radio outbound which happens to be victor 268. yeah okay yep so now our next point is birdie right and where is birdie dead ahead yup i know that but you're cheating what i'd like you to tell me is where birdie is here well from india it was 13 miles so but you where's in where is indy on here it's not anywhere is it no so where is it no it's giving you the answer right here it's how many miles to birdie 55 miles 55 miles where do you see the dme yeah tmr no we're fine where do you see 50 where do you see the the dme for the sandy point vor here here okay or here really right here we're using this right yeah so when that's at 55 we're at bird so now what's the next clearance to intercept the providence 072 degree radio okay okay so we're gonna do the same thing again go to your number two nav source you have to hit nav go to your nav two source put in providence all right nav 115.6 is the vor frequency isn't it yep okay and make it you're active now look what it's doing it's going to find nav 2 and it's going to point to the station isn't it right it's a bearing yes okay and it just identified providence because it gave you the identifier so where what what is it it is the zero seven two degree radial isn't it uh how do you know that because we i gave you the clearance that says the providence oh it says it right zero seven degree zero seven two degree radial right okay so if you look what's happening we're flying here's the needle and as we fly towards it the station's gonna go this way right and you're going to see the tail come up to 072 which it is right now already getting very darn close is it 53 miles at 55 we're on the 072 degree radial aren't we then i hit then i go back to heading and i and then i go to zero seven two so now really nice so heading zero seven two or about zero seven zero zero six five because there's a win it's going to push us this way isn't we we have to think about the wind okay so now let's be smart about it again let's go back to the number one vor hit nav go to the number one change back to providence go to your course scroll to zero seven [Music] two perfect see how that's working back to nav do you see how you're intercepting all these radials i see it's hard work right confusing yep yep i'll need to do that a few more times absolutely this is just your introduction yep we're going to do it in the simulator right yes all right so now we're going towards gales yep and then we'll go back to put it and it will do it because the command bars will tell me because they're on now and we've told it to go back to plymouth [Music] it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood be very quiet very very quiet okay looking good 120 down 500. looking good ready look there's the airport right there [Music] from the traffic stairs 109 i might go for about a yeah two mile final runway two four plymouth post up okay what should your speed be here so let's bring the power back and slow down where's the wind from uh i didn't actually hear that it doesn't matter tell me from what the airplane is doing with the winds minimums k-caps is unavailable now it's almost directly ahead it's a little bit of a right crosstalk because you see yourself drifting slightly to the left of the center line yeah okay so it's a little bit from the right so our airplane should be slower than this right yeah 500. okay we have 500 feet boost pumps on mixtures rich flaps are at 50 they're staying at 50 the lights are on and we are landing do you see where your donut is and you see where the aoa is it's almost it's almost perfect you're lit just a hair fast but it's nice how's your trip slowing down fast though okay how's your trip let go uh so trim it that's why you're gonna make a bad landing okay the airplane's not trimmed how can you make a good landing perfect hold what you have all the way to the runway right you got a 15 you're right on the donut you're right at uh top of the yellow on the aoa everything looks beautiful make sure you can trim the plane i can feel that it's heavy again okay beautiful now here start bringing the power back power all the way to idle now you got to flare it in here flare right here again hold it hold it relax relax relax relax watch this oh my god oh beautiful beautiful hold it hold it let the nose come down on its own hold it off hold it off [Music] hoorah now that is a landing so gently on the brakes easy brakes easy brakes right butter please right rudder please easy easy [Music] so on that landing yeah did you see how i asked you to start your level off in your round out or i wish i should say on that landing did you see how i asked you to start your round out and then your level off was much more delayed and then i just gently had you raise the nose up yeah then finally that's the way it should work every time but you you oftentimes make a very aggressive pitch at the bottom did you notice how that wasn't aggressive at all so that's the difference that's how you make those beautiful smooth transitions to level and then the airplane can go and then touch down like that okay that was like a super cool landing it was just weird coming into the pattern not being able to see i guess that's what happens i could see all right here we go nice we did it again so we had a great flight tonight and uh so what was hard about tonight was definitely reading back to the clearances and understanding how to do that which hopefully will come in time and then we were intercepting radials with two different vors and i haven't done that a long time so that was difficult and i hope we do that again a few times and then we practice a bunch of basic attitude flying and i think if you do that a little more i'll understand exactly what i need to do there and other than that i haven't killed my instructor yet so i guess it's a good day [Music] 10
Channel: mikegoulian
Views: 7,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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